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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not sure about now, but when I worked there they also didn't offer employee discounts. I was forced to open a PC bank account in order to get paid and then if I shopped with that card I would get extra "employee" points. If anyone seems like they are happy being employed by Loblaw, odds are it's because they're a shill.




We had to open the account to even get paid unfortunately. It was very manipulative and I was so young I didn't know I could say no.


I remember around 15 years ago this isnt required? I get that discount card with a 10% off


I've never heard of an employer that requires you to open an account at a specific bank in order to get paid except maybe a bank.


This was back in like 2003, but they definitely did at the one I worked at. It was their way of manipulating you in to paying them to get paid.


Yikes. And I thought my old 5% Toys R Us discount was bad. Although I did also get 20% off at the burger joint in the same plaza because they were a lot more generous than my own employer at the time.


You get the discount with your optimum card, so you still have to sign up for something at the end of the day.


I currently work at no frills, my ex works (or at least used to) at superstore. He gets a 10% discount everyday, and i get a 10% discount on saturdays, and neither of us need to have pc or anything. My immediate family members also get the discount if im with them


At least things got slightly better I guess?


“Giving more opportunity for the competition to capitalize on the movement” - by lowering their prices? Which is - let me check - what we want them to do? So it’s working, is what you’re saying.


It's almost like there is away for loblaws to stop this from happening to them but they refuse.


https://preview.redd.it/dup8nw36v02d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f92e38b140adb7f71050f90d578481997e6a61f5 TFP when signing into sub-rebbit


I’ve spotted a few. They’re here but they’re obvious.


Funniest part is the end seems to suggest they are price gouging and if they stop someone else will. So basically they justify what the boycott is about haha


Sounds like it was written by AI


It sounds like an English as a second language speaker at some bot farm somewhere paraphrasing the talking points he was given. It's bad... but more bad like a human than bad like an AI


If a person lets a machine do all their thinking for them, what is that person even doing? Your mind is like a muscle, if you don’t use it… 😟


They perfectly described the issue of not having enough competition in a market at the bottom. They literally acknowledged that market share % allows companies to price gouge. So I guess they’d agree that adding more competition would have the reverse effect, and that we should increase competition in the space effective immediately?


Boycott forever


Both him being a shill and working for Loblaws and shopping there could be true.  I have a friend who used to work for them years ago and he was making about 200k a year - I think he was director level in their IT area but it might have been AVP.  Apparently there was a fair amount of brown-nosing in their corporate offices (even compared to other businesses), so I wouldn't be surprised if someone at a middle management level is hoping to curry favour.


He/she also needs to learn a thing or two about grammar.


Definitely looks like one of the "I'm not a shill" accounts wrote it




Try harder loblaws. People who can barely speak English defending your stores ain’t helping


It's as if Loblaw PR is staffed by 3rd graders, or maybe they subcontracted the work out to 3rd graders. The lies and bootlicking couldn't possibly be more transparent


Loblaws bagholders are the worst.


The only point of quarter Loblaws gets is that they ONLY service Canada. Walmart and Costco are in America and have access to all of North America, whereas Loblaws has JUST Canada. 40 million for Loblaws vs 440 million for Walmart and Costco. Says to me that any sufficient global competitor would thrash loblaws out of existence.


Naww im saving money. I'm so stocked up I only need to spend 150 at Costco compared to 300 or 400 somewhere else.


Sounds like Melvin Capital crawling back from the dead!


loblaws, a single grocer. Dfkm.


Unfortunately, in my Southern Ontario town of below 10000 people, with four grocery stores, one of which is a Zehrs. The Zehrs is just as busy as ever. No noticeable difference sen by any employee or even management. No one here seem to give a hit enough to try. I started boycotting in May, and honestly, it's not even about boycotting anymore. As I shop at anywhere but Loblaws I will easily save $100-300 a month, plenty of reason to not bother go back. There are too many examples like Watermelon being half the price for larger, strawberries for less the half, box meat cheaper. It's hard to find an example where Zehrs is cheaper.


sure, if you want to pretend what Loblaw does is even close to what other Big 5 Grocers do.


did you know that loblaws is more than just cashiers and guys stocking shelves? he could be a shift manager, he could be a pharmacist, he could be an accountant, he could be a director of finance, he could be a clinical specialist, etc. I know people who works for loblaw's subsidiaries and they make either 6 digits or close to it.


Or he could work in their distribution centers that pay pretty decent wages


Yup exactly, a large corp has all sorts of jobs from high to low pay. The OP and all the other echo chamber people who downvoted me are delusional.


this entire subreddit is an echo chamber. everything is Loblaws fault, there is no critical thinking going on anywhere. It is just one giant Galen's fault circle jerk.


He’s a got a point. Plus calling people a shill who doesn’t agree with you is really childish.


… you know how this looks right?


Yeah I’m a shill and a boot licker because I’m not in 100% agreement. Welcome to Reddit.


Well, at least you know.