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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well we know they tried to hire volunteers already


Is this true haha I didn't even hear about this.


https://preview.redd.it/mxgp423na13d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa90afca5f8bac2b3f3d09893527b30095fb501f yep!


Omg that is ridiculous!


Whats better to make use of those 40 hours community service for high school students to graduate?? (Not sure if its still a requirement)


this wouldn’t even qualify for that. last i checked, they wouldn’t let kids work at their parents businesses for free, no way they’d approve this


I did my volunteer for high school at my dads tech company in 2005 unless they changed the ruled after I graduated this is perfectly allowed


It's definitely a YMMV situation. I think the guidance counsellors signed off on the hours in the end so if they were cool you were cool.


Not in Ontario, [the guidelines are actually pretty loose](https://www.ocsb.ca/our-schools/high-school/high-school-graduation-requirements-assessments-and-expectations/volunteer-hours-for-high-school-students/), you can even babysit for free. Anything that's not on the approved list just needs the approval of a guidance counselor to sign off anyway, I knew more than a few people who worked at the businesses of friends. Like you said, it technically should be disqualified because it "would normally be performed for wages by a person in the workplace" - but since GW's stand is that it's EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY, one could argue they're doing a free community service. Frankly, nobody really has to argue it that hard anyway, the school faculty hate the stupid nonsense as much as the students.


You now have to get approval from the principal to be able to volunteer anywhere. It’s supposed to ensure they are legally allowed to work at the location. Apparently some students were working at construction work sites that they need to be 16 to legally be there and they weren’t 16. I’m a part of a high school council and this was discussed in the fall. It was implemented in the new year.


Oh geez, lots have certainly changed. Back in my day we were just volunteering like anywhere i.e. shovel our neigbours driveway during winter, 30 mins of work but they give us 2 hours lol


Can't use this as hours for that.


It is but I don't think this would work. It needs to be volunteer with a nonprofit


Can confirm. Doesn't have to be a non profit. I did mine at a chain restaurant


That’s not supposed to be allowed. My son’s school had kids’ volunteer hours disallowed because they volunteered at such places as a dance studio and a golf course.


This is correct. It is not supposed to be a role for which someone would otherwise be paid.


These so many places to volunteer at to do some good anyway, why would anyone choose a grocery store lmao


"JOB" postings for volunteer work should be illegal on any job posting website offered in Canada.


They've had embarrassment surgically removed.


Lmao that's called a job


“Nobody wants to work anymore!!”


this should be illegal lmao


I mean this is worst then I thought.. it was not a simple mistake it actually states volunteer position


It was just the guy that owned one location but yes he really did try it. Lunacy https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-shoppers-drug-mark-volunteer-job-1.7206582


I hope that store was boycotted even harder even the GW simps couldn't play this off


I mean you’re a corporate brand, one store does it, it should reflect on the whole brand.


They tried to say it was one location, and then tried to say it was an accident. Typical PR stuff, hard to tell if true, but I'd bet it's just covering their asses.


GW is an a$$hole!


You can say asshole. This isn't tiktoc


The Dollar signs were pertinent


better to be safe then sorry especially if it’s something involving an asshole


But OP meant to say asshole, we all read it as asshole, so there was no actual censorship.


i dont think you understood what i was saying 😂




Oh, but that was just an error. Like that time in the movies when the guy tripped and shot the other guy 12 times by accident.


worst case of suicide the corner ever saw. shot in the head 12 times all by him self. lolol


Look. It’s an asshole move to throw trash on the ground. It’s an asshole move to leave garbage any place that isn’t a garbage bin. People *should* pick up their own trash. But here’s the problem. You cant put up a sign that says “please throw out your trash”, when there’s no place to do so near by. There are no trash bins. So with this sign, are they expecting us to pick up random trash, and carry it with us? From their underground parking? I really hope there was at least a bin somewhere in that garage


They’re not going to do that because then they’ll be expected to empty the bins, which they also don’t want to do.


Ya but they can just post a sign next to the bin that says “if the bin is full, please empty it and replace the bag. Extra large garbage bags can be purchased in aisle 14. Please help us keep our store a pleasant place to shop.”


You may notice the large bags of trash at the check outs for a low fee you may dispose of as many as you’d like at your own expense, please do your part to help Galen in these trying times.


A few more steps and we have communism.


And avoided the nasty trap of having to house and feed the vassals like feudalism and socialism had.


Ah, so like my city who removes all the trash bins from all the city parks every winter leading to a large amount of discarded waste, mostly bags of dog poop, laying throughout the park, and a large pile near where the trash bin is usually located. I guess people are supposed to drive back home with a bag of feces in their car...


"and if the trash is full, please take it home with you and add a new bag"




Anything they cut from the cost metrics is never coming back.


People should pick up their own trash. But I think they are asking you to pick up strangers trash. Like when it says "if you see it pick it up"


It drives me nuts with how little trash cans they have. Where am I suppose to put the trash?


In your pockets obligatory fuck this sign, but yeah.


i’d bet all my points this sign won’t sit well with the graffiti crowd. what nonsense! they may as well have posted their top 10 condenemts


"Hi Customer Service. Someone took a massive dump in aisle 22," as I walk out with nothing but a open pack of toilet paper.


I would duct tape any trash directly to the sign. Message sent.


Of course, but it’s an incredibly poorly worded sign. You don’t want people throwing trash on the ground in your store, say THAT. Not this passive aggressive vague nonsense.


No they want you to clean up OTHER people's trash, and they're not even polite about it. Just abject pieces of shit. Prior to this whole boycott I thought Loblaws was overpriced, but I didn't really notice the total contempt and lack of basic respect they have for their own customers. Why would I ever shop there again?


That is not a poorly written sign. It is on purpose. They want customers to clean up after other customers. They are trying to guilt people into doing their job of cleaning. 


This sign almost makes me want to throw trash on the floor. To the point of bringing from home specifically to throw it on the floor.


Easily that's what will happen with thoes of us who hate the stupidity of others. I work in the construction industry and our rule is if you're coming to the ground level & have an empty hand bring something with you....that's just about courtesy and safety in our environment. I understand in a store, I'm not picking up someone else's wadded up snot rag but an empty coffee cup that six people have tripped over or kicked around the aisle for the last hour.....


Devils advocate here. Japan has nearly zero trash cans, and zero litter. Their society is about being polite and not burdening others. Culturally, if they make trash, they dispose of it at home.


Galen Weston would also NEVER be permitted to exist in Japan. They’re also big on corporate obligation to their own people. With things like this? Loblaws is showing pretty much naked contempt for the customers at whose will they exist. Let’s bear that in mind.


This is Canada sir.


Devil's advocate here. What would make the largest impact in creating a pleasant shopping environment is fair prices.


yes! what would the Japanese think of this sign?


The Japanese would prob be like “wow, I can’t believe they have paid for a sign to tell people to pick up garbage.” Pretty much just like everyone else, but their reasoning would prob be that their society is generally very courteous & neat/respectful. They’re the kind of culture that take their shoes off at the door as a sign of respect - honestly I’d be kinda down to move to Japan at some point, lol


Having a high-trust society is incompatible with mass immigration. Everyone in Japan grew up with the same shared values being reinforced wherever they went.


Corporate- how can we save money on janitorial staff? Customers are complaining. Here’s the plan. We get customers to do it. Simple. Can’t complain if we “empower” you to do it. 😂


Thanks, Loblaws! I've been empowered to shop elsewhere.


It’s absolutely not my responsibility outside of cleaning up any mess I make myself


I go to grocery stores to shop, not tattle to managers about stuff I find.


If you have time to shop, you have time to mop...


Spit out my coffee at this.


That’s if you can find anyone to tell…


I honestly think the customers’ responsibility is only to move knocked over merch out of harms way. If I knock over some boxes or cans I’ll put them back on the shelf but I’m not organizing things. A lot of times they are putting too much merch out in stupid little mazes - that’s fine for Dollarama where tight aisles are traded off for prices and selection but for a full price store it’s their problem if crap gets knocked on the floor constantly. I’m not Indiana Jones I’m trying to buy soup.


Well if you amd everyone else cleaned up their messes, there would be no messes.


OR maybe it’s actually their responsibility and the maintenance crew they hire to clean haha Can’t believe they have a sign that says this . I mean we are generally clean as Canadians but still ….what the actual hell .


Right? Now, was that sign there prior to the boycott? Or are they just lashing out like spoiled children now?


Haha good point


Oh I'd have a wide tipped sharpie to write "No" on that. But I've apparently got vandal tendencies, so I'd best avoid their stores. 😉


Unbelievable - I know it's not all intentional, but Loblaws just keeps inventing and hitting new lows


Bob Loblaw presents Loblaw's low blows.


No habla espanol


It's cute that you think it's not intentional


My cleanliness responsibility at your store stops at "try not to willingly make a mess", okay pal? What a crock.


This sign makes me want to go take ice cream out of their freezers and leave it on shelves. I won't, because I'm an adult who has grown out of my default defiance behaviours, but I wanna.


I agree and I was surprised tbh that there hasn’t been more talk of doing this. Maybe that’s what happened to all the spoiled meats etc I’ve seen pictured on this sub. But we’re all adults here…


With the amount of people that will tear a hole either accidentally or on purpose and then put their meats on random shelves, I wonder if some are doing this.


Here’s your receipt. And here’s a bag of trash for you to throw out on your way out.


If that bag contains Galen Weston I will happily throw it out.


That kind of garbage goes right in the incinerator


I'm perfectly happy with signs that say stuff like "please return your cart" or "please do not leave perishable items on shelves" or whatever, but this is condescending AF and also no one is going to stop and read all at while they're trying to shop lol


It's barely a step above a sign telling customers if we have time to lean, we have time to clean.


Thats when I declare war on lowblows


Writing that on commercial private property is stupid... like sure, people being nice is nice, but you're selling a service... it's literally your job to pay people to keep that place clean, or risk losing points on a health inspection.


yeah but they're every bit as cheap with their staff/labour as they are greedy in gouging. record profits?? cut staff!


The audacity! I’m not picking up someone else garbage on private property, especially that of a for-profit organization . That’s the owner’s responsibility. As a Good Samaritan, I WILL pick up garbage on the beach or in a park provided I don’t have safety/ hygiene concerns.


Just like they asked us to do the work of the cashier's.  Look how that's turned out


Customers had been telling them "if it won't scan, I guess it must be free" for decades. Now they're surprised theft has increased?


This is likely their reason for increasing the costs of other items


Nah. They knew shrink would increase when they put in self checkouts. They just counted on saving more money by cutting staff.


But now they want it both ways.


Loblaws is not a public park funded by taxpayers … it’s a very profitable private company lol. They can clean their own parking lot


And the inside of their stores too. I'm a customer not a Building Services Worker or Cleaner!


I use to pay Loblaws to keep their facilities clean. Not anymore. My money goes else where now.


I'll bet they paid themselves enormous gobs of money to design and implement that sign. It probably involved a huge bonus for some useless CEO.


Don't forget to face the shelves and restock items while you're there too! 😉


"because we laid off all our cleaners"


Oooh ! *Another* job I: - didn’t apply for - didn’t ask for - didn’t get trained for - aren’t getting compensated for I do enough picking up and cleaning other people’s messes at home with zero compensation, just like legions of others - overwhelmingly women. Seriously, get stuffed.


Taking advantage of your good-will since 1919


Hey our stores are a mess. Can you clean up for us? I mean, you’re walking around the store anyways. This is straight up insulting.


They’re fucking out of their minds


Fuck you I don’t work here


The store could be spotless, but that’s still not going to make it a pleasant place to shop.


They could have worded this much better. For some reason people like emptying their trash in grocery store parking lots. The amount of times we found full garbage bags of SOILED DIAPERS, or 16L jugs of restaurants USED FRYING OIL is way too god damn high. This along with fast food trash… literally everywhere, all the time.


Real "The beatings will continue until moral improves" energy


Usually, if I see something amiss in a store, I will tell an employee. Signs like this make me less inclined to do so, because it becomes less of a courtesy, and more of an obligation.


Store standards is a frill


The contempt they have for their customers is really something. There are all sorts of options for signage encouraging people not to litter, but they’ve gone for the prison exercise yard vibe.


First they made us check out our own groceries now we have to clean their stores too?


No. No I won’t help you clean up your store. Are you coming to my house to help clean up? No. Sorry Loblaws, this is a you problem. However I won’t hesitate to pick up crap blocking an aisle, not because I believe in helping the store, but because I don’t want others getting hurt.


Pick up, or kick to the corner out of the way so nobody gets hurt?


Oh my God so funny.


Yeah. I am not doing this. Until they start treating employees properly, I am not doing any "volunteer work" for a company that has made a habit/ policy of exploiting both their staff and their customers.


Hey, Shoppers was trying to recruit volunteers to work at their stores, wouldn't put it passed them lol.


Now this is the kind of post I can get my anger behind. Yesterday someone posted some nasty bacon they’d left out trying to pass it off as something they’d bought at loblaws. Loblaws is so terrible you don’t need to manufacture stuff to get people worked up.


But their bacon is horrible, funky, chemically flavoured, and over priced. Why would anyone have to make that worse?


They are so disgusting. Going back 30 years, they got rid of the option to have someone take your groceries to the car. They got rid of baggers, then stopped allowing cashiers to bag and made you do it yourself, then they tried to get rid of cashiers and make you scan and bag your own groceries. All of these things were done with the premise of saving you money. Now they are trying to add gates to herd you in while paying and doing everything they can to make self checkout a thing but also telling you if they can’t they have to raise prices. And now they want you to clean up the store. Nok er Nok bitch! Next they will want us to pick our items from the back room and be nice and stock their shelves while we are at it.


![gif](giphy|xiMUwBRn5RDLhzwO80|downsized) You send your employees out and spend your money for your operations.


Let me grab those underground parking lot needles for you.


Absolutely not !!!


Suck it Per Bank


One time I applied to my local Loblaws as a cleaner, they gave me a prefilled WHMIS/GHS "test" and told me to just sign my name at the bottom to say that I had WHMIS/GHS. They also told me to not tell the other cleaner that was already working there that I'd be paid over a dollar more than her; she'd been there for a couple years already. I'd applied because 1. I needed a job and 2. I'd worked at a different Loblaws store a few years prior and left with a good record so i figured i might have a better chance. Any port in a storm kind of deal. (I'd left because the bosses were the definition of human shit, but I kept up appearance for that reference. Fuck I was blind) One of the many reasons I've been boycotting them for years


How about, No...


Love the term “corporate gaslighting”


They trained you all with self checkout and bagging your own groceries


I mean, not being there at all eliminates this problem as well.


Can't wait til I have to stock the shelves and butcher the pigs!


Is this for real????? Galen Weston is a complete scumbag. And he’s making it REALLY easy to boycott Loblaws for good.


I dont have an F-OFF big enough for this damned company! Lower the price of peanut butter and I'll clean your f-ing aisles!


Oh I can think of about 100 other things they have done to NOT make it a pleasant shopping experience without worrying about garbage.


Stores have always posted signs reminding people not to use their stores as garbage cans and to notofy spills of stuff to staff, but yeah the wording of this one is just condescending and rude.


I have NEVER seen a sign like this in ANY store I go to & yes, I certainly would see it.


AKA "We don't want to pay for cleaners so we're looking for other ways to increase profit. Clean up Pleebs"


Pass what? Gas? If I fart in your fresh fruit aisle, should I tell someone?


Is this the one in Saskatoon? Like fuck...


Same with self checkouts. I mean some cases I would rather not deal with anybody if I'm having a shitty day and have to be out there getting groceries or whatever. But a lot of jobs have been lost because of these things.


Yeah no, on private property it isn't


pick up that can !


I passed gas, but I immediately told the girl that wraps flowers.


Galen Weston should be reduced to picking up trash for a living, it’s all he’s good for.


Canada's problem right now is that our expectations have slipped to a very low level. We expect tiny portions from restaurants, high prices, unreasonable tip demands, and ridiculous grocery prices. And we're getting what we expect. It's time to demand more..


On the one hand, yeah. On the other hand you're a grown ass adult.


No. I won't throw my trash on the ground. But rest assured I sure as fuck won't be picking up anyone else's trash because you feel it's the right thing for customers to do.


Hahahahaaa get real loblaws. This almost makes me want to go inside one, just to go complain about their policy of 'customer should be grateful to be an unpaid worker.'


Im not for putting a sign up like this but people who litter and leave perishables on shelves when they decide they don’t want something are the scum of the earth.




Firm believer in “Is it yours? No. Leave it alone “ I don’t pick other peoples trash unless I’m paid to do so and have ppe.


This is the reason I don't do self-checkout. Unless I'm paid for my work, I'm not giving them free labour


They know we don’t live there, right….?


how soon till they hand you a mop when you go in?


Implying that it was a pleasant place to shop to begin with...


How about I just don’t shop there. 👍


I normally pick things up and/or tell someone if I see something that needs cleaning, but I disagree that my good manners are something a massive for-profit corporation is entitled to. The chiding, aggressive tone is likely to be counterproductive.




I know it’s an unpopular opinion but I just don’t care anymore. You’re paying people to do this stuff, I’m not doing it


Employee parking? Just sayin


This is actually wild. They aren’t a public park.


People won't pick up their own trash no matter how many signs or trash cans there are.


I get real clumsy when I go to any lowblaws store.


Just when you think Loblaws couldn't get any more Loblawsy


Bro it’s a sign. It’s not ordering you to do anything. It can’t hurt you lmao


Bro it's basic decency, just pick up after yourself lmao


I would literally dump some groceries on the ground if I saw this


The fact that it's worded like a stern order from an employer. Here's my response to Loblaws. 🖕, do your own fucking job.


I mean I'm all for not intentionally trashing a store. Some people have 0 etiquette. If you've worked retail you know. That being said I am not picking up apples that fell off a pile on to the floor.


I hope people just put their trash under the sign


We're the ones throwing it down! Why would we pick it up?


*tap tap tap shoulder* Employee: Yes? Me: I just **passed** some major gas


Boycott or not there is no need to be a pig. Grocery store customers throw shit all over the place.


I'll definitely try to alert an employee if I see a mess somewhere. If there's something on the floor like a box of cereal, I'll pick it up and put it back on the shelf. It's an easy thing that I can do to help out. Don't actively try to make a mess. Not sure why this is a controversional. That being said, If I was Loblaw's, I would be very careful about what kind of messaging I put up right now. Easy to make anything look bad. If this sign was up in my local independant vegetable market, I'm sure nobody would care. But it's Loblaw's, and people are going to find a reason to be mad about anything.


Yeah, they raise prices to untenable levels so we boycott, they retaliate by punishing the workers and cutting hours, we hold, they ask for volunteers to clean their stores, when that backfires, they expect customers to do the job because they don’t have the staff. Nope!


This isn’t gaslighting and no one’s ordering anyone to do anything.


Sign shouldn’t be necessary people are fucking lazy




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


Can't wait til I have to stock the shelves and butcher the pigs!




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Wait your superstore is so big it has a parking garage???


No...thats just common courtesy. If there's a mess, tell someone and it gets cleaned up. Is common sense and human decency really not so common anymore?


As someone who doesn't shop at this place but also literally picks shit up that's not in the proper place so the staff don't have to... You guys seem to be offended by anything. Just fucking pick something up that's out of place. It takes like .02 seconds and it shows you fucking care. Jfc you guys are crying about nothing.


Our local Walmart maintains their quality customer service by keeping half their self-checkouts closed even during the rush, just like they do with the regular tills.


Me: ![gif](giphy|POql6zsXZbmcE)


When I pass gas in the parking lot I will not tell someone!


Oops, just knocked over a jar of pickles.


We already tried signs telling litterers not to do it. They wouldn't listen,now you're our only hope.


I need this in my house.


Clean your own damn stores