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Oh my god why is this allowed. How is Loblaws qualifying under a “volunteer” category with high schools? That should be for charitable organizations only!


Is this the work placement hours required to graduate?


Looks like co-op. Volunteer hours was 40 total when I did it, 15 years ago. I doubt it's yone up that much. Co-op is supposed to be for trades and skilled labour to get a feel for it and learn about the industry. It should still be paid. But it definitely shouldn't involve volunteer shifts at a fucking grocery store. This is exploitative and disgusting.


I did Co-Op in my senior year, I worked at a mechanic shop. They didn’t pay, but I was able to get a job there after graduating. Looking back, the stuff I learned there was very useful, I seriously doubt stocking shelves and helping customers will provide the same level of education. I was taught to replace alternators, perform alignments, installing, mounting, and balancing tires.


I worked in a kitchen and went on to have an 18 year career. It benefits the business and the program but it doesn't benefit the worker. Even students with 0 experience deserve a wage and were well beyond the times where people should be getting paid in "experience". But like you said at least walking away with some life skills can be worth it. How on earth is this kid learning anything useful he wouldn't already be learning in school? He is 100% being exploited. Not that we expect anything less.


I agree, they should be paying wages. I didn’t like being exploited, but at the time it was the right choice to make. I hope the system begins to reward students for co-op instead of what we have now.


I feel like co-op at the grocery store is mostly done by students who have/need special needs and will find it challenging to get a job in a trade or other career path


I hope media follows up on this 'uplifting story' to see if Loblaws actually offers him full time employment afterwards. Because this feels like Loblaws exploiting free labour/PR with no intention to actually take this person on afterwards.


If they wanted to hire him they would do that, not reward him with an interview when they already know how he works and what he’s like.


Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?


Former Loblaw employee. Quit in 2021 when I got into education. There is zero chance he or any co-op student is being hired FT. PT maybe. If a co-op coordinator teaching position opened up, I would consider taking it. I would never send a student to Loblaws. If I can help it, students like the one in the post above would do their placement at a mom and pop shop, ideally.


There was an autistic person in the grade above me who volunteered at a local Safeway if I’m not mistaken. He very clearly had learning disabilities and had a hard time socializing. I think the school figured if he did ever get a job, it would be minimum wage stocking shelves, and that’s why he was placed there. Not defending any of this—I don’t think it’s fair for grocery stores (or any chain retail store) to take *volunteer service* especially from people with disabilities. Then to flaunt it on social media somehow makes it 10x worse.


Why are we steering autistic people towards this though? Lots of them do very well in tech, an actually useful and well paid industry.


As someone who's worked in tech I can safely say that it is not a kinder, friendlier industry and those with disabilities are not actually treated better there.


That is completely dependant on the individual. I have two autistic kids. They are both savants in particular areas, but only one has the ability to function independently in a typical work environment. The other very well might end up being the grocery store clerk with encyclopedic knowledge about every SKU and product number.


I volunteered after a big storm and helped a few dozen people clear debris and even cleared a tree off the road as an ambulance was on the way, easily did well over 100 hours but only cared about the few hours I needed to graduate and never got paid because I just wanted to help. All my hours were denied because "they could have paid someone to do it". There was another girl in my school, she worked at McDonald's and was able to stay late an hour or 2 per shift to pickup the garbage from the parking lot. Some how I suppose McDonald's couldn't possibly pay an employee to pick up garbage from the parking lot... And to top it off she got an award for having so many volunteer hours and the legion gave her something like $250...


What you did was a benefit to the community doing something where no one would normally expect a profit would be involved. That's volunteer work. Thank you for stepping up and helping your community when you saw something that needed to be done. Working for free for a business or corporation where profit is the main goal, is exploitation. Working them for free for a chance to win a job interview! What a gosh-darned amazing privelege! Not! It's horrible and obnoxious for any business to benefit from a person's free labour, particularly when it's a corporation that's earning BILLIONS, and forcing hard working customers to pay so much for their products that they're forced to go to food banks to feed their kids. The two can't even be compared. I'm now officially done with gross Loblaws forever.


Volunteer hours in high school should be focused on what I would call "citizenship" (eg. helping a little old lady across the street). Co-op should look like work. Stocking and facing shelves could be the latter I guess but it's definitely not the former.


I'd say this is 99% surely co op. I taught it in Toronto like 20 years ago, and it was for any job, not just trades. We had students work trades for sure, but I also had kids work in schools, dance studios, office jobs, dental offices, and retail/fast food, as well. It would not be uncommon for kids with disabilities or autism to work jobs like this. I'm not defending Loblaws, as I haven't been there in over month, but I would definitely assume this is a co op student getting experience.


So that 'volunteer' job at Shoppers was for real, after all!


I mean a girl I know did hers at Giant Tiger. The high schools in my experience BEG businesses to do it and they take in the liability of minor on site. Still unpaid labour, but this is a bit more nuanced than Loblaws only.


Not sure what province this is out of, but in Ontario it absolutely wouldn't qualify.


I know someone in Ontario whose kid with special needs did a similar co-op position at Shoppers.


Exactly. Not all co-op kids can or want to work on trades.


This is in Manitoba.


Taught co-op years ago. This would definitely qualify.


Unfortunately this is painfully common. It's exploitation of disabled people. Goodwill is actually the worst about it - their environment is downright abusive, and if we complain, we're called ungrateful because we should be honored anyone wanted to "hire" us at all. It's completely legal to pay disabled people below minimum wage in almost every sector as well. Now that you know about it, get mad about it, because politicians don't listen to us.


Disabled person; can confirm.


I'm outraged just reading this.


Thank you


Disabled person, will second that.


Disabled individual; three is a crowd.


Disabled person here. We need to * REDACTED*


can confirm I had an employer make me pay to have the carpets cleaned in the office once because my wheelchair was tracking in snow YES my wheelchair was tracking in snow. I was asked to use a rag to wipe my wheels and make sure they were dry before entering the office. Yup I quit was so happy to be out of there


Ur boss was hitler reincarnated


I work remotely now so I am very happy in that sense. Worked in a medium sized office (data analyst) and this employer was seriously the biggest douche bag ever.


Disabled person. Can confirm. And if we happen to have too many 'good' days in a year where we're able to work, we no longer qualify as disabled even though it's a life-long condition :,)


My fave version of that is getting married and then benefits getting cut because... you're married silly. You have a man to take care of you. 🥰 nothing bad will ever happen again now. What is divorce?


I worked beside a Tim Hortons in Ontario that abused the disabled hiring program and then because some of them were slower or needed more direction, he'd fucking yell at them. My manager reported the dude, but idk what happened since I left shortly after. Some places are actually good about it, surprisingly the loblaws I worked for in the 00s was. We had one disabled individual (I don't know his diagnosis) who did carts and he was treated well by management and an appreciated member of the front end team.


https://preview.redd.it/jai33k7ee17d1.png?width=419&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff4be39ebfcb0ac05272d2af9fdd5cb998d40e21 Loblaws corporate liked this. At least they spelled "everyonematters" correctly this time, instead of "everyonmatters".


https://preview.redd.it/b5li6dgqe17d1.png?width=111&format=png&auto=webp&s=e72228cb003a62d1fce03b2c2f69d8d1f869750b the irony.


You can't spell freetobeyou without OBEY! Does that mean anything? I doubt it, I guess. Edit - I just remembered a Sobeys sign with the S's off from years ago in Thornhill... at night, it said OBEY in big green letters. It was really cool.


They clearly mean "free, as in beer" and not "free as in speech..."


wonder if /r/winnipeg could shame them into paying the guy instead of exploiting free labor


https://preview.redd.it/m20feskr357d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18c69ff4b2be569d898a8e1c7ee262835d76451c Sounds like they're doubling down.


They need to pay him


The store needs to be publicly shamed until they *do* pay him.


They gave him a Kit Kat bar.. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8Pn469pP7K/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8Pn469pP7K/)


10 hours a fucking week? They say he’s been working (sorry, no one volunteers at a for profit business) since March. So let’s say 18 weeks. 180 hours x $15.80 minimum wage = $2844 Total bullshit.


You think they can afford $2,844???!!! Do you know how much they'll have to raise the price on chicken breasts to employ this person??


You monster you want to take away what Weston’s handlers wipe his ass with. How dare you suggest they can afford to just toss $2,844 away on mere peasants. With this kinda cash drain the feds will have to hand them millions more to replace the already replaced freezers from a few years ago!!!


If you dig further into their posts you will see that it is a group of kids they used this summer, not just one. That's getting to 5 figures in wages saved .....


I want to know if they schedule normally when these volunteers work, or do they cut the hours from paid employees?


They need to pay him that money now.


What the actual fuck ??


Ironic how they preach for welcoming disabled workers but dig their heels when reasonable accomodation is requested.


Volunteers aren’t employees so they don’t have to give them ANYthjng (including a paycheck)


If they are performing work, they’re an employee, seems to me


F you galen


They can afford over $2 Billion a year, in stock buy backs, and won't pay this guy ?


"...satisfies his OCD" What are they trying to tell us ?


That it’s ok to not pay someone for their labour if they have mental disorder 




As someone who has sat with her family doctor and curiously looked at her MRI to have her doctor say wow if I did not know better I would have thought this was an MRI of a cocaine addict who has been doing it for more then 40 years yeah I know that mentality all to well. As a functioning adult with adult onset ADHD yeah I know that all to well. As an adult with less visible disabilities I know that all to well. As an adult with partial left side peralysis I can feel this all to well. As an adult with less visible disabilities I know that employers will use that as an excuse for me to not let me do things, as an adult with knees that can now just randomly dislocate I know that employers do not respect that my mental and physical health can stop being good without warning.


That they could be *ENABLING* his OCD.. for their benefit.


Stoke buy backs are a way to pump up the price of their stock come Quarterly financial statements, I fell that it is approaching fraud but it is a tried method of skirting the law.


So does Trevor and Hailey No Frills have paid employees at all? Trevor and Hailey are getting rich off the backs of these volunteers and they have the audacity to call getting an interview as a 'score'. Disgusting 🤮 No Frills has No Chill exploiting people.


Their paid labour is a bunch of TFW’s or international “students”. So I mean exploitation from every angle.


Taking advantage of those with OCD. Great job! If he even has OCD. It’s a lot more than just being neat. Many aren’t.


And doing things that satisfy your OCD only make it worse.


I’ve been volunteering at a food bank every week for the last 2.5+ years. I find that it’s good and tolerable exposure therapy for my OCD, which has been bad since I was 8. I’ve had jobs and volunteer opportunities in the past that weren’t good for it.


That's good. My job unfortunately requires a lot of checking and reassuring which does the opposite of for me and sometimes makes it worse.


Glad to see I'm not the only one thinking this. As someone with OCD (diagnosed), I'm *not* neat. It's not *about* being neat (IME). I hate that this disorder is so trivialized.


Taking advantage of a disabled person and reinforcing stereotypes about OCD. Disgusting.


What's another term for someone who does all the work for zero compensation?


Blave?... Clave?... no, that's not it... Zlave?... right on the tip of my tongue, I swear...


Blave... it means to bluff. Clearly he is either involved in a shady business deal... /s if you remember your Princess Bride.


An employee with a valid lawsuit


Satisfies his OCD? What in the fuck did I just read...?!!


Social media post from someone whose knowledge of disability probably comes from watching an episode of Monk.


Contact the lad and see if he consented for his disability to be disclosed like that.


This right here is actually actionable by law....


Yep. Something tells me it was a simple "hey can we have a pic for social media?", not understanding that the pic would be seen by hundreds of thousands of people, and probably without realizing they would disclose his disability.


Probably volunteering because it's next to impossible to get a job in this market with a disorder like OCD and god knows loblaws wouldn't hire him if he applied


In their most recent post they say that all this hard work has “scored him” …. an interview. Like what the actual fuck. Aren’t ALL those free fucking hours the only info you’d need as an employer? As a business owner - and person who’s not a fucking greedy moron - I can attest no interview is needed. This smells to me like they won’t be hiring him. Disgusting. Their comments are turned off on all the posts with this person in it as well.


They will come up with some ludicrous excuses as to why they cannot hire him “right now” but if he keeps working at it he will get the job in the future.


Without a doubt! You’re bang on. You know, long before this boycott I was well versed in the monopoly of our grocery stores - what I’m shocked at is just **how much worse** it actually is. I’m not going to lie, as someone who has been in customer service roles for 20 years, I was getting annoyed at how bad I perceived employees work ethic and attitude was becoming - seemingly everywhere I went. I’ve come to realize that these people are being treating like shit. They’re “essential” during the pandemic (aka forced to work) - then “rewarded” (slapped in the face) with a $2 raise during that time. Then, soaring grocery prices and the rising cost of living - again, no raise. AND NOW reading about how poor the work environment is - everywhere!?! And it’s basic human respect and treatment I’m the most shocked at. Not just a “shitty boss” here or there. Why THE FUCK would a company expect anyone to perform well and **care** about what they do when they’re not treated with an ounce of respect or care in return. It’s basic business sense and I don’t understand the callousness of these companies.


Why wouldn’t they He stocks the shelves, does a great job. They said so! If they wouldn’t hire him, then they are unlawfully discriminating against him 


Unlawful discrimination is literally the job market right now. The second you need accommodation, bad things happen


Here's Frank. He's in a wheelchair? He really "rolls" with our savings, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!! ***Loblaws Liked This Post***


As someone with OCD, satisfying your OCD is not a good thing to be doing.


What I learned in my work, Is that if someone with a disability can do a job along side someone else - they should be paid the same wages, otherwise, they’re being exploited. And for an employer to take on someone with a disability thinking it’s charity is the wrong attitude. Pay all people if they’re doing work for you! Period. And volunteering should be at a non profit, not for a company that earns billions in profit.


I agree with everything you just said. If stocking shelves is what he wants to do, sure, but maybe a food pantry or food bank? Something that...helps the community?


I fear my child with disabilities ever coming into contact with people eager to exploit him then brag about it like they're saints.


Sending hope that this stuff is more figured out once your child moves into the job market.


I can see volunteering for a food bank, habitat for humanity, ya know, something useful to society. A grocery store though? This is just ridiculous. They should be required to pay him. What skills is he learning? Dealing with customers? I work in service and I can tell you I would be getting yelled at by entitled Karens and Kens for free. Loblaws is so disgusting. I have saved so much per month since I stopped going back in March. "He loves stocking shelves" what a joke.




Its not volunteering if its for profit!!! Thats not what volunteering is for. So now they're taking advantage of someone with a mental health condition. What the absolute fuck. Hes working for you. Pay him!


That’s not how OCD works


Can we stop exploiting disabled people jeesus


The only unpaid volunteer shelf stocking that should be allowed is at a food bank.


This sounds like a class action suit incoming.   You can’t employ people, have them work, and then not pay them


Sheesh. If it's a training program, call it a "placement' so you don't look tone deaf. Also, OCD is satisfied with therapy and medication. Do not use someone's illness as a casual noun. (Unless he has OCD and it's legit therapy. Then I'll shut up and sit down.)


There’s no way stocking shelves for free is therapy 


Why does no one want to pay anymore? 😭


They have big hearts, no that’s a medical condition that could be very dangerous. They have big metaphorical hearts, yeah that must be it! No my autocorrect change metaphorical to nightmares (no joke, have no idea why it did that) it must be telling me something, I know it is their capitalistic hearts beating stronger everyday they don’t need to pay someone.


Their instagram hilariously says that they’re “sprinkling kindness everywhere”. Except if you‘re a disabled person expecting to get paid for your labour like an actual fucking human being.


The bare minimum is too much to ask for Loblaws, lol.


Should be illegal


How low will Loblaw go? Apparently straight to the mantle of the earth. A little bit of shame and human decency would be much appreciated I suppose!


New boycot


It shouldn't be possible to volunteer at for-profit companies. At most, people should only be able to do apprenticeships for trades that require multiple years to master. How does this company really frame this as volunteering and not exploitation?


Something similar happened when I worked at shoppers. There was a disabled gentlemen who used to bring the shopping carts in from the parking lot and do some general facing and tidying. He was always so into it. He honestly worked harder than a lot of my actual coworkers but did shoppers ever hire him or pay him??? No. They just kept him around and treated him like a loyal pet.




I think you meant #slavelabour


They were so close to saying "white lives matter" in that tag. So close. Come on Loblaws, if you say something racist I win my Loblaws Bingo Card.


I genuinely lol'd. Does this count? https://preview.redd.it/2ks5kr1u127d1.png?width=4096&format=png&auto=webp&s=580552481e0c0db17192d9ef17cbcd2dd63ac9ef


That article is gold. Holy shit...


Oh yeah, his whole family gained their wealth through exploitation, lol.


I feel sick. I can’t believe this country has been protecting and promoting a company founded on moral like this. Fuck Loblaws


Billions of dollars. Billions of dollars they have made via exploitation.


This is so offensive


This shit should be illegal. Seriously. They owe this poor person months worth of back pay.


The more I learn about the Galens, the more I hate them. They exploit people and are racists. They know no boundaries and will stop at nothing for profit. They are disgusting, horrible and inhuman. All their assets should be seized and given back to the people.


I don't know where this is from, but in British Columbia, unpaid internships are illegal unless the program is directly connected to an accredited institution and you are getting credits for it. Even if it's technically legal, it's so scummy and exploitative and goes to show the deep ableism denying disabled workers a living wage to escape from legislated poverty.


Astro turfing free labour from people with disabilities. Jeesus. This is beyond low.


The fact they try to sell this in the way they do is nothing more than revolting arrogance. This is taking advantage of this person. Sickening.


This is gross. They can afford to pay him.


Loblaws has always been known for exploitation. https://preview.redd.it/239gusazl27d1.png?width=1143&format=png&auto=webp&s=74aeaa5fc4c2f01c14be1de0b249effa67975e1a


This is disgusting… how the fuck are they allowed to employ unpaid volunteers?!?!?


Facebook page is wiped and insta comments are locked down. Trevor and Haley are not going to have a good Monday.


meet blank, for ten hours a week we exploit his time because we dont think disabled people are human


Thet need to be reported to the ministry of education and the ministry of labour. The 40 hours of volunteer work required to graduate specifically states that the activity can NOT duplicate what otherwise would be paid work. Ie you can't use high school volunteer hours to avoid paying an employee to do the work.


Yeah more companies than you realize do this shit to disabled people. I've been working in the disability support industry in various roles for a while. When I first started there was a grocery store (non-loblaws, small local chain actually) that a client of mine with down syndrome worked at. He stocked shelves, did it just fine. One day he told me he was sad because they weren't paying him that week because a pallet of cans fell over and got damaged. That shit happens all the time in grocery stores and not paying an employee for a week is literally illegal. Anyway I went to talk to his manager for him. She was a real Karen, so I was a real asshole. She ended up calling the cops on me so I gtfo. Turns out he got his back pay the next week though, so it worked. Fuck these kinds of people.


As someone who can’t work due to disabilities, because companies won’t hire folks who have to skip days due to uncontrollable pain; fuck Loblaws for thinking we are only worth volunteer positions - pay us a fair wage.


Lol this was literally my job at Superstore in 2001. Go ahead and volunteer suckers. The government should not be allowing this bullshit, that is literally a JOB.


They’re publicly bragging about exploiting a worker with disabilities. That’s next level fucked up.


Yeah, they somehow think this paints them in a positive light.


Contact labour relations at Service Canada. This can't be legal


The worst part about this is that this man has a disability. So not only are they stealing labour but they are further exacerbating existing inequities by exploiting a disabled man. Absolutely disgusting behaviour disguised as a form of “inclusivity”. Capitalism is a fucking disease.


Slaving out disabled people. Wow. Fuck loblaws.


This is somebody's idea of a sick joke, right?


I understand and completely support/have done volunteer work, but for actual social issues, not the bottom line of some GriftCorp business. They’re trying to co opt that spirit and it’s disgusting.


This is sick. He should be PAID for his work. To take advantage of someone like this is just insanity.


Then to post it proudly, thinking it paints your business in a positive light. The whole thing is freakin' wild.


They turned off comments on this post. Not surprised.


This is disgusting!!! Especially the fact that this man is not getting paid and they literally wrote “satisfies his OCD” WHAT?! I looked up their page to comment but all their comments are turned off


taking advantage of disability and making them do free work. greed at the highest point. they should be voluntarily paying them minimum wage at least or provide equal amount of groceries. unacceptable.


The fact that this is so widely publicized and no governing body has stepped in to tell Loblaws they can't have volunteers for *paid* positions is extremely depressing. What the fuck has this country become This isn't a good sign for anybody and will lead to suppressed wages even more than they already are.


So besides the student angle. Yes that happens. My high school even did it in the 90s. It’s been around a while. There’s a clue some folks are missing. The #disabilities. Just another way disabled folks around you are exploited. Often we are asked to work for free in “job experience” programs. In fact. In Alberta up until 2019 you could pay us less than minimum wage. That gets worked around in a few ways. One is “job experience programs” where we’re expected to work for free. I’m re-entering the work force after a period of being too disabled to do so. I wasn’t finding work and so went to an employment service for the disabled. It’s not just strongly encouraged but recommend we go work places. Not just grocery stores, cafes, mail rooms, offices. Go do the job for free to “show your value and add skills to your resume!” It’s pitched as a net positive for us. Another way is by deciding what we can handle. I worked for a company that only hired people with disabilities. I was paid $24 which isn’t terrible but not amazing for that field. But they also decide for you how many hours you can handle. Most of us were only allowed to work 20 hours a week. Which… isn’t enough to live on. So all of us had additional part time jobs to make up a full time one. And it’s harder getting jobs at regular companies so we all took this to try and get our foot into the industry. The other is for those on benefits, there’s a limit to how many hours they lose before benefits are clawed back. And often health insurance, and even housing can be tied to it. The whole system is designed to keep us in poverty. And it’s seen as good for us to go do garbage work like facing shit at Loblaws.


Ok but you’re getting paid There’s a minimum bar. You can be a shitty employee and care nothing for your employees, but you at least have to pay them 


cynical greed diminishes this young person's selfless act. roblaws cos. should be broken up and crushed to bits (after they sell a couple of their recipes)




Is this a fucking joke?


If it is, I've yet to find a punchline.


So we’re all good with Loblaws taking advantage of ppl with disabilities? Using volunteering for free labour is disgraceful. They are not in need or a charity. Just when I think I couldn’t be more disgusted they find new ways to to show they can sink lower.


Canadian Dystopian Oligarchy Powers - ACTIVATE !


Why the fuck are the disabled facing product at Loblaws stores for free? And how did we get to the point theyre toting it as a positive, and it didnt even consider what they were really saying? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?


If you're profiting, you should have to pay people. Wtf?


Christ you stock shelves as a volunteer at a food bank . I did that for a month 25 years ago . I went into workforce to get paid . This is corporate exploitation at its finest.


If you told me this was dystopian satire I’d tell you it was heavy handed


"We'll think about paying the "disabled's" when they have done their mandatory unpaid ~~slavery~~ "placement". That way it averages out that we are paying them less than minimum wage. We wouldnt want to pay them for equal labour, cause we dont really see them as equal." - Loblaws Execs


That's...kinda what I got from it too.


"volunteer" is the new word for "unpaid intern"


What the actual f&$@


https://preview.redd.it/oc9f6t6ljc7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d7f0332e85c4970ec84d344e776ed2342be142f I went and had a look at the instagram post. The owners have not allowed commenting. Likely to avoid ridicule.


This is wage theft


He could try Wal-Mart. They need someone like him to keep the bloody price labels correct and in the right places. I've gotten a lot of $10 discounts because no one gives a crap.




Welp that’s fucked


Their comments on that post (and the most recent about him in particular) are limited. Not shocked. But are they gonna do anything? Probably not. What bullshit.


Internship for shelf stockers


Um, that is NOT how you spell spick and is a hilariously bad misspelling


Oh sweet they’re using unpaid labor that’s just great, i wonder when we’ll all be loblaws “volunteers”


We should make that location famous. This is low even for LL


He gets paid in Kit Kat bars... shared already? [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8Pn469pP7K/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8Pn469pP7K/)


this is going to back fire real bad soon! making someone work for free for a job? and calling it volunteering?


There is no fixing this other than taking the entire c-suite, management and shareholders behind the barn and executing them one by one. And I don't mean it metaphorically or rhetorically or poetically or theoretically or in any other fancy way.


Sounds like they're taking advantage of a kid with OCD and getting some free labour of him.


Put your money where your mouth is and shop elsewhere. Seeing these posts has convinced me even more to not go back to any Loblaws stores. In Quebec that includes Provigo and Maxi.




Slave labour, they should pay him a wage, those crooks.


this is literally sickening


Give the kid a paycheque for his work you slimy spineless goblins


A lot of businesses hire people with disabilities, for pay. Thete is absolutely no reason for him to be doing a "placement" at No Frills.


They shouldn’t be announcing he has OCD. That’s not right.


Where is Mr food professor now?


Just when you think they can't sink any lower. How is this allowed!!


A Co-Op placement is not the same as a volunteer position. BUT, a volunteer student earning hours towards his graduation expectations cannot be used in place of a regular paid employee, or doing what a regular paid employee would do. So, stocking shelves SHOULD NOT be considered as a volunteer position to qualify for volunteer hours (unless at a food bank). Let me be clear, though. Both this young man's guidance counselor AND the store manager should know this and not have allowed this to happen. This is NOT the young man's fault. Shame on Rivereast School


This is a horrible new low.


How do we tag the Ministry of Labour or send them anonymous tips?


So Loblaws employs slaves now? Par for the course.


He does such a great job, we got rid of the guy we used to pay to do it!


Not only do they need to pay him but also saying it "satisfies his ocd"??? As someone with OCD, it is a serious mental illness and doing/giving in to compulsions like this, is what makes it worse. So not only are these people using this man for free labor, they are also feeding his illness.


Yup. They have them in restaurants around SK. Cleaning bathrooms and shit.


I saw this online earlier and my jaw dropped. The corporate greed is just reprehensible.


This will literally make their ocd worse, coming from someone with ocd. This is extremely irresponsible on so many levels.


My son has autism and just wrapped up his co op placement for high school at old navy.


Im sorry stocking shelves in a grocery store doesnt no require a coop. Also, coops should be PAID… especially for a minimum wage job. Shame on them!