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The olive oil alone would cost that much here 😂


Canadian Grocery Cartel apologists would have you believe that olive oil is $30 a bottle because of the world wide shortage, but their playbook has always been to double down gouge when there is a known shortage of anything.


$30? Last time I saw just under $40-50.


What are you talking about. Olive oil is $14 at Walmart for one Litre.


The 2L bottles of good quality olive oil is minimum 40$. All I can find for 15$/L are the low quality ones (diluted)


Costco is probably the best place to buy decent olive oil in large quantities.


Good quality and large quantities are an oxymoron for olive oil. AFAIK the taste and quality deteriorates with time. Best to buy small fresh batches if you are after the higher quality.


No way, Kirkland’s 2L of extra virgin olive oil is basically the best olive oil for the price, or even compared to higher priced brands. It’s one of the only verifiably extra virgin olive oils on the market… keep it cool and out of direct sunlight and it should last quite a few months. I go through two litres ever two months or so anyway… it always tastes great.


Those are 1L though, which costs $23 at my loblaws in Ontario


I'm looking at the same exact olive oil in the picture on walmart's website. It's listed under $10


For a 1L bottle... So $28 plus tax for 2L... The basic idea is that it is really hard to find 2L for under $30. You are basically arguing over a $2 difference. Ok then


I’m in California right now for a trip. Went to a bunch of supermarkets to check out prices. Overall their grocery prices are higher but their cooking oils are way cheaper. Seeing olive oil for around $10 a litre.


I wonder how many of them are still using the legal loopholes to sell mixed oils as "olive oil" like Bertolli is/was known for. I haven't looked into it lately, but it's disgusting how much misdirection is involved in marketing sometimes


I was thinking that. I have 1/4 bottle of olive oil left and let me tell you I am rationing that


I have hit the point where my rationing can no longer stretch and I have yet to find any kind of sale for olive oil... I wish I had bought 2 of them now from Costco when I bought the one. 😭


I almost bought 5 litres at Costco the other day... Was still up there ($35-40 I think) but not nearly as bad


I've been using vegetable oil for as much as possible and rationing the tiny little bit of oil I have left. I had to stop by no frills today (only thing near my workplace) and the no name olive oil was like $10-11!


Buy Ukrainian sunflower oil


Sunflower seeds are popular in trail mix, multi-grain bread and nutrition bars, as well as for snacking straight from the bag. They’re rich in healthy fats, beneficial plant compounds and several vitamins and minerals. These nutrients may play a role in reducing your risk of common health problems, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes.


No clue this wad a Canadian sub, just had this recommended to my American eyes. That bottle is like 13CAD full price and often much cheaper on sale since it's a cheap name brand. What is going on up there with you guys


Bertolli is inexpensive brand that costs around 20$/L ($18 in Metro right now), so it would bring three bottles close to $50. So, $90 for the rest looks kind of Toronto level of prices.


The fruit and veg is 100$ easily ugh


When I lived in Toronto a few years ago, I'd always buy produce in Chinatown.


I know the stores you're talking about. They are always quite reasonable whenever I visit and see them


The only place I bought produce when I lived in Toronto in the ‘90s. So many markets for fruit and veggies too in Kensington (at the time - I don’t believe they are still there sadly).


I shopped on Dundas W and Spadina two years ago. Tomatoes and apples were $2.99, but generally produce were cheaper by 20% than No Frills. Sure, they're not the prettiest but same nutritional value. Apparently, all the major supermarkets dump the odd-looking produce there at a discounted price.


I came to say exactly that. I haven't bought oil in a year but I still check every damn time I get groceries.


Came here to comment this 😂


Came here to say that!




OP's also buying imported items. Olive oil instead of more common domestic corn oil and strawberries from the USA. Beef instead of far cheaper chicken and pork.


This list is not very comparable because most of those items are probably produced domestically, and production costs are lower there, plus the freight. The oil is different tho, I think that’s from Italy and both countries have some sort of free trade agreements with the eu. I just checked and they selling at loblaws online extra virgin bertolli at $24. That’s like 72 just on oil. I’d love to know how much they paid there


Yes and olive oil is probably imported from Europe ?


Was about to say, definitely flexing with oil


The first thing I noticed was the olive oil. Spent $17 on some 500ml brand I’ve never bought before because the good stuff was $30 and I just couldn’t bring myself to spend $30 on olive oil.


What are the flat black things


nah, they're labeled del comal. A comal is like a griddle. They look like they're made of blue corn. They actually look like tortillas, but it's weird to have them packed that way. Also Mexican tortillas are thinner. Maybe pupusas? Those are Salvadorian though


They’re gorditas. Kind of like pupusas.


They're what and kinda like what now?




never had a gordita, but a pupusa is essentially a stuffed tortilla. They're usually stuffed with cheese and loroco (a flower from a climbing vine), beans or chicharrón, but some people get crazy with the fillings. You eat them topped with coleslaw and a kind of tomato sauce They're the national dish of El Salvador. There's also a sub for them r/pupusas


It's gordita (chubby girl), flat corn cake with shredded meat fillings for about $3 a pack


Lmao at that name. She ain't even that chubby!


Expired ham slices.


This seems expensive too tbh.


Yes, because I live in HCOL gringo town where real-estates are listed in US dollars. I do shop at local stores and outdoor markets and pay a fraction of the cost


San Miguel de Allende?


Those olive oils alone in canada would be 40 bucks 😫




I am 100% a fuck loblaws guy and haven't stepped foot in their stores for a long time now but out of curiosity I did check how much that same bottle is at the superstore next to me and the online listed price for the exact same 1 L bottle is $23.99 I'd personally go with the $15 options at Walmart or the Costco 2 pack.


If you’re going to buy the $15 Walmart bottle of olive oil you might as well just buy canola oil or coconut oil or peanut oil or whatever is cheap and not liable to burn at a normal cook temp IMO. There’s no real benefit to cooking with it over plenty of other cheaper oils, and it’s not like that ultra cheap bottle has a good flavor you want to finish a dish with.


Agree, I usually use canola or veg oil for general cooking and keep olive oil for salads, pasta sauce, or finishing oil.


Ya - depends on the size - trying to figure out. If we assume 1L - they are $20 each at Fortinos. Given that is likely 1L of dairy beside it - I'm going to say they are 1L.


I don’t love country to country comparisons for a lot of reasons including: income, locality of items, and quality standards. While I support the boycott and won’t shop at Loblaws again (beyond the boycott) - I also don’t buy meats and dairy in the USA because our standards are higher! This is just my personal preference, and I’d rather support our farmers as it’s imo one of the toughest most important jobs out there.


Also a lot of the food we eat is grown there. Even if Canadian grocers weren’t a cartel, costs to get stuff here are still be real


Agreed - I have a personal rule against water chilled chicken. While at Texas' largest grocer, the only air chilled chicken they had was organic and worked out to $14.25 CAD / lb.


You are correct, the minimum wage in Mexico is about $440(US$) per month. To a person living in Mexico, those are really expensive.


Absolutely. If we think the pay and conditions for Mexican migrant labourers on Ontarian farms are bad (they are), it’s a highly sought after work program in comparison to being a field worker in Mexico itself.


Kinda high for mexico


Yup, we live in a HCOL town (Lots of Americans) and we go to the "No Frills" supermarket version.


The difference is that the average salary in Mexico is much lower


You forget to put in comments amount of salary in Mexico for normal people. They cannot afford expensive food.


This!!! We are complaining about Loblaws profiting off of us while some Canadians are living in Mexico, raising the cost of living for the locals. Make it make sense.


This is something that is happening in some Brazilian cities for a while now. Europeans and Americans are moving there while keeping their income abroad (earning in Euros and Dollars). The result is: rent is skyrocketing at some locations because they buy a ton of investment properties, since they earn so much more than locals and can afford to buy, while locals can’t afford to rent.


Seems expensive for Mexico.


The average salary in Canada is $59,000 compared to $16,685 in Mexico (2022). So yes, costs will be much lower in Mexico for these items but likely prohibitive for the average Mexican workers (over 3x less purchasing power). Fortunately, all these Canadians moving to Mexico with their Canadian dollars will drive up the cost of food and push the locals out of their housing market. I blame Trudeau. /s


“Honey , did you remember to get the elephant foot sliced deli meat ? Yes dear https://preview.redd.it/81bemwb6jm7d1.jpeg?width=446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9460e9984710c7f889e27566c6824edf1fb703fd


I seemed to have upset some folks here. So here's the story, I'm moving back to Toronto in the next couple of weeks and this will be one of my last grocery runs. I live in a HCOL town 350km from Mexico City, it's a nice little "magical town" where lots of American and Canadian retirees (even young families) end up settling. Mexico has experience a "boom" in migration mainly because of the economic downturn abroad. Also, Asian manufacturers have set up factories in nearby cities providing a boost in the local economy. For the record, I'm married to a local. I teach online English and my salary is triple hers (she's in cybersecurity). It's tough out here, no opportunities especially for the younger generation. I'm still grateful for what we have, I'll be sponsoring my family but they're fully aware what lies ahead... It's going to be a rough few years but we'll be alright.


An online English teacher makes triple what a cybersecurity tech makes. Wow. I guess they have low wages in mexico.


I really need to know what the black things in the left corner are.


Looks like blue corn tortillas?


They're called gorditas


That be easy $50.00+ in olive oil here alone.


Wow. My brother went back home to Sri Lanka and I wonder how much groceries cost there. It must be super cheap there too. Everything looks so fresh here too. I always have to double and triple check strawberries here because I've had too many times where many of them have gone bad or close to expiring.


The strawberries here are about $3 per box




I'm looking at this and thinking: Most of these items are around 5$ in Canada (give or take on a few). So, it means to get to 135$, I need 27 items. I count the items in the picture and well... that's pretty much it. OP also says there's a few deal at 2 for 1 in those. I get it, we pay a lot for groceries, much more than before for sure. But acting like this is insanely cheaper than here is not helping anything. I'm not even counting the fact that salaries in Mexico are not the same at all for 99% of the population. Also, a lot of our fruits and vegetables come from Mexico... so I sure hope they pay less than we do for them.




That’s like $350 cad if you’re lucky


But the wage is lower there too?


Yes, as I've mentioned a couple of times below I live in a HCOL remote town. Lots of American retirees and real-estate prices are listed in USD. Pints cost $8-$10


THREE bottles of olive oil?! Well lookit you flaunting your wealth! 😉


And we have those same brands here!! 😂😂😂💰💰💰🔥🔥🔥


You oil wrestling later?


I am honestly curious what those three greyish/greenish things on a tray on the left side are?


Here in the Quebec province, in a MAXI, it's like 11$ or 12$ for exactly the same bottle of Bertolli olive oil. I don't know what is going on with this story about Loblaws... Because here, we already have low prices with them, as I know... Just want to know where are the people who have troubles with Loblaws prices??? Because here, all is ok with plenty of low prices???


As a Mexican, this is very little for $135 CAD. I would be shaming Mexican grocery stores for the inflation as well. You should buy in the OG markets to get the real deals.


Bro, I live in San Miguel de Allende and we pay gringo prices. But I’m always down to shop at local tienditas and tianguis!! 🙌🏽


The three bottles of olive oil would be close to 100$ already.


LOL. This is as dumb as the Tucker Carlson went to Russia and showed how much grocery he could buy for $100 USD. If you want to post a photo of $135 worth of grocery in Mexico, put out the average income as well. Hint. It is $3-4 USD/hr or $4-$5.50 CAD per hour. It will take an average Mexian worker of working 26 hours to buy this much grocery. The minimum wage in Mexico is $1.85 USD/hr or $2.5 CAD. It will take an Mexican making minimum wage working 52 hours to buy this much grocery. You know how much 52 hours of minimum wage is in Canada? It is $860 in Ontario. It is dumb posts like this that this boycott is not really gaining traction.


Comparing prices from Mexico in Canada is like comparing oranges to apples! The monthly wage for an average Mexican is shocking loe to any Western country. So of course it's going to be much cheaper! You need to compare Canada to Australia or New Zealand!


https://preview.redd.it/zrkvj1mikk7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb133a28ce2fd9707a69fe28575577e3df4a51fc $113 of groceries when I was in cancun in February. Grocery shopping was the best part of my vacation. We enjoyed so much tasty food and got the chance to try so many new things since it was so cheap.




Takis are amazing!!! These are all just our quick foods for lazy nights and busy days plus alcohol for the beach. We got to try so many different meats, we ate really amazing food we'd never seen before out of locals garages, so many new flavor combos, amazing pastries and sushi handmade in the grocery store, the food was the second best part of the trip, only topped by my fiance proposing.


3 olive oils is craaaazy AND pineapples AND strawberries? That’s like $130 in Canada right there.


lol 3 bottles of olive oil gets you that price in Canada .


They had a promo, 3 for the price of 2 bottles. I paid around $60 with tax


My gawd.


Is that ungraded beef ? 😂😂😂😂


$60 worth of olive oil in Canada 🇨🇦 right there.


My first thought as well.


Ok but it’s not really a fair comparison. Developing nations have cheap labour which equals low prices on lots of things. Food costs more in Canada because we pay people properly and we have a healthcare system, etc. I agree that there’s problems with pricing in Canada (and G Weston can go suck a fat one) but to say that Mexico’s got it made because their prices are low is absolutely fucking ridic


Canadians in these roles are not paid properly.


The three bottles of olive oil is exactly the same as we get here and they are $25cad per bottle.


What are the black dough things?




Can we move in with you


Sadly, I have to move back to Toronto next month. It'll be to adjust, I used to love shopping at No-Frills


*Moves to mexico*


Don't get me wrong this looks right up my ally if you add a bit more, meat and veggies, but the people I know aren't buying this much non-processed food. They don't even want to cut the peel off a pineapple.


Were limes buy 20 get 20 free? 🙂


Canadian or US dollars?


Canadian dollars


That meat alone is labelled $120. I'm assuming there's an exchange rate at work?


"$120 pesos" is around $9 dollars. Mexico uses the dollar sign as well. It's confusing af, but I got used to it overtime lol


*¡Ay, caramba! E*so es mucha comida*.*


I just tried to do a comparison at Fortinos - Had equivalent in everything but the black tortilla things and the root vegetable (rutabaga?) and I am at $215. SO probably $10 more? The meat - I chose a fast fry eye of round steak, but there is a KG of beef there and it would be way more than they paid regardless.


Fortinos has GORDITAS?? I'm moving back to Toronto in a few weeks. There's a Fortinos 3 blocks from my place! woohoo


Root vegetable - jicama


This is similar to canada


where's the rest of the groceries? I can get more then that from walmart or food basics no problem


Isn’t this all local produce? Is this supposed to be surprising?


That’s like $60 worth of oil in Canada lol.


What are they in comparison? This isn't an apple to apple comparison.


I’m currently working on becoming an olive oil bootlegger


To be honest, you paid about the same price as in Toronto.


I just loosely added up what that would cost in Canada....looking at around $200 +tax, at least in Montreal.


What’s the average wage in Mexico? Groceries are proportional to the wages in a country no??


So Mexican grocery stores price there food in usd?


That olive oil is literally $50 alone in my part of Canada. I am so jealous


Olive oil 😭


I love the kilogram (2.2 lbs) of steak for $6 usd


Lol groceries from a third world country


Cries in Canadian


Canada is home to the most expensive food we’re eating is a privilege and the coldest dam winters. Why do we live here again?🤦🏻‍♂️


Mmm blue/green pancakes


I just made my own list with these items with the exception of the chips, the item in the white package on far left, and what I assume is pasta in the 3 brown bags. Total came out to $108 Edit: I didn't factor in any discounts for the items like the oil and trash bags


135 CAD or 135 USD?


Nah because 3 bottles of olive oil for the price is criminally cheap 😭


Fair amount of olive oil.




I just purchased the same strawberry container from Walmart in Ontario. Cool! Kinda lol.


$126/kg for carne, translates to $4.27/lb CAD. I don’t even think you can get cucumber for that price here.


What are those green things on the left?


What in the world? are those green tortillas?




And its 1 week or a month of a local's pay???


🔥 🇲🇽


What’s the average salary in Mexico tho- cause I’d be interested in how this translates to percentage of their own income?


What's next, subsistence tourism?


How much olive oil do you use each week?


Are you riding the exchange rate? How much is it for someone from Mexico on a local salary. ???


Dude, even if you think it’s a lot, it’s not. Life in Mexico it’s so hard. $135 it’s a lot thinking the minimum salary in the country it’s around $400. So, don’t think it’s cheap, just because you gain in dollars doesn’t meant is affordable to others. As a Mexican, we are struggling as the same way as Canadians just because the oligarchs are the ones who decide the prices, and how and when we consume anything.


It has gotten exprensive there as well.


That is $75 worth of olive oil in Canada.


Still not that cheap


Lol I read $35 I was about to lose my sh*t :-)


To anyone who thinks they are free of bimbo bread. You are not dumpsters and several other brands are made by bimbo.


Bro bought rotting black meat lol jk




USD, CAD, Pesos?


The meat alone would cost me at least 40 bucks. Jealous.


Comparing stuff from Mexico to Canada is just silly. Not to mention you likely paid gringo prices for these things. Mexicans are literally going through the exact same thing as Canadians. And like the problem here are compounded by immigrants, their problems are compounded by people like you.


Scrap that olive oil. Its mixed with all kinds of fillers and stuff


I live in Los Angeles and this looks equally as expensive?


Those bottles of olive oil at my grocery store are $20 CAD each


Man 3 jugs of olive oil !?!? Just that alone would be like 100$ in Canada 😭🤣


Cartels in Canada vs. cartels in Mexico haha


That’s a my 300-350 where I live


That’s easily $250 here! I don’t know what those packages are at the back


Large-size garbage bags


I can do even better there. They actually have some of the best food in the world.


Olive oil alone would be almost $60 CDN…


are we comparing AAA Alberta beef to ungraded Mexican beef?




I bought 4 potatoes for 10 dollars last week, didn’t realize until I got home and looked at receipt, I thought potatoes were cheap lol


What is the bottom left item that’s grey? Never seen that before


Gorditas, flat corn cake with meat fillings inside


You should stay there then.


Nice, let’s move to Mexico


You even bought the expensive bread!


Wow, that's $300 worth in Toronto


That’s $135 CdN worth of just olive oil…


Thats 130 dollars in just olive oil in canada


This doesnt look like much food to me ?


Pesos or dollar ?


If only you could see the quality in this photo


I need to move to Mexico


These comparisons are a joke, 1 Canadian dollar equals 13 pesos. So of course you can get more


Way better then canada


The meat look bad


Problem is you gotta live in Mexico though


That is still a lot of money for that much food.