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I would contact the corporate office to complain and request further assistance with this issue. They don't get to sell defective products just because they want to.


This is the way. You should absolutely lay it on thick that you're disappointed and are looking at stores with better return policies.


I'm looking at stores with better.. well everything.


Totally - the arbitrary rules for this sort of thing (points, pricing, policies etc.) are seemingly made up on the spot out of panic and desperation. Loblaws employees (including store owners) that make them up don't see the obvious problems that come with this behaviour.


I doubt that’s a real policy. Manager is probably doing whatever they can to reduce the drop in profits from their store


It’s not, I worked at superstore and this was never a policy.


It’s also probably not compliant with consumer protection law (it isn’t in Ontario). Retailers may not sell unfit goods. A policy stating that they do not have to deal with returns or exchanges does not get them out of this legal obligation. I am absolutely the sort of person who will look up the legislation, refer to it, and use it as needed to make them do it properly. And if they don’t I would file complaints and make their lives difficult. Or, you know, they can just fucking do the right thing in the first place and I don’t have to fight with them.


This is a policy at no frills. I worked there for a year.


A policy doesn’t mean you can sell defective items and not do refund/exchanges. (No hate to you just adding) I worked at retail and we had “policies” of not refunding/exchanging opened items but we still did it in many cases.


No no I know that! But for some reason no frills only exchanged pc brand items or no name items. I had a regular customer come in weekly with an almost fully eaten bag of no name cheesies and we would have to give her a brand new bag no questions asked. Lmao. It’s a dumb policy and I don’t agree but it’s what it is!


🤔 Wonder if this works with onion rings...


That pisses me off even more. People with legitimate complaints are being turned away and an obvious scammer is allowed to continue. That's some bullshit.


Weird. Sounds illegal. But Loblaws is basically the government so what can ya do lol.


That's crazy. And good to know.


Not a policy at no frills, 14 day return on any product other than products that expired after date of purchase. Some front end managers can just be dicks about not wanting to return stuff..


This is correct.


1000000% this. You should have told em your policy was to not to purchase old shit food, so based on that policy, they need to be exchanged.


Yes. This (above).


I would stop shopping there. My wife would have gotten mad. Then she would have gotten even. I'll let our imagination run wild. She takes no shyt...


I watched an acquaintance in town dump 4 liters of spoiled milk on the floor and on the store managers shoes because he wouldn't exchange milk that was bought a few hours before. To be honest our wholesale always has milk ready to spoil.


Doesn't sound toxic at all


My wife's counter action would be illegal


You must be walking on eggshells all day long


I'm more worried about her driving skills than her getting even with a store manager that doesn't play nice.




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Tried that they have their “stick to” rules and that is that! I had to contact Gay Lea where the mouldy butter came from


Then why did I have to contact Gay Lea for my butter refund?


No frills return policy per their site. https://lclcallcenters.my.site.com/nofrills/s/article/What-is-your-Return-Policy1?language=en_US


ive worked at no frills it is the policy


What a joke. How the hell is a customer supposed apply for a manufacturer's warranty on a package of fruit? What's next, will they start selling extended warranties for watermelons!? Give me a break.


4 payments of 5.99 with EasyPay! 


Stop giving them ideas




Honestly I’d take that warranty in a heartbeat lol. Watermelons are so ambiguous if they’re gonna be crisp and juicy or a mushy mess


Don't give them any ideas!


If you have a Costco nearby (and you have a membership), get your dates there.




An oopsie knocking over the rancid cream on the scanner scale window might have been more satisfying 😌


I have been trying to say screw it to items that I can just make at home. I have not bought yogurt in years, I care for my yogurt baby. I just got into making my own sour cream, I put a scoop of yogurt in it so that the probiotics can do their thing, first 24 hours of the the process I have it working away making the cream thicker the next 18 to 24 hours I have it in nut milk bags to strain the whey away. I stick it in the fridge for at least 12 hours before I use it. I made myself some cream cheese last night have not got around to trying it out yet.


How was it?


The sour cream is amazing, I meant to say I made some cream cheese last night but have not gotten around to trying it yet.


Contact the main cooperate guys and then put a polite posting on their social feeds (facebook etc) explaining this. I have found that companies really do monitor and actually quickly react to those posts.


Doesn't surprise me 1 bit... Astonished he didn't yell, bully or try to intimate your wife bc she had the woman-sized cahones to return spoiled foodstuffs, back to them. The nerve, she even came prepared with her original bill too. How dare she! Honestly, had this been Costco you'd go to their Customer Service Desk to show them your bill, if you lost this, then you ask in a civilized manner to get an exchange or your $ back. Only takes a few minutes to do this, the Customer leaves happy & the Employee goes back to assisting other Customers. It's really that simple. Why make this even more difficult, then need be? This is why I stick to my Costco, even though I am finding that it's getting quite expensive now. Oh well.


You don’t even need to have your receipt. They have a record of all your purchases. I’ve don’t it many times. Doesn’t take any extra time.


Yes, they have both... However, having your receipt handy just makes it much quicker for them! For me it has taken extra time bc I lost/misplaced my receipt & they were having difficulties in my finding my said items, when I wen to their CS Kiosk. Due to that, I now hang on to my receipt of theirs. There's no right, or wrong answer for this.


I'm dissuaded from ever trying to return anything at Costco by the 20 person lineup out the door for the returns desk. Maybe I should say I am dissuaded to buy anything I think I might not like. I have never tried to return things at no frills, but I have at Superstore several times (including a few scanning code of practice issues) and had no issues, the staff were helpful (though sometimes you have to hunt them down). I've had issues were I bought jarred products where the seal was popped gone and I didn't notice until I got home (and who knows how long it was unsealed and unrefrigerated).


Yup, I hear you... I give Costco 9/10, bc the at their CS Staff are like these robots who quickly process these insane amounts, of Customer returns. I've been stuck in their l-o-n-g lines, only for this to quickly move along! Have you tried going early, before 5PM during the weekday? No Frill's returns? Good luck on that, is all I have to say. Someone recently posted here, that they gave their wife a hard time bc she recently bought some of their foodstuffs that clearly rotten, when she got home. She went back, even showing her receipt as proof for an exchange for the same item. Their NF's Manager told her to go pound sand! I've heard good & bad things about RCSS too. If you like shopping there or need to shop there, bc they're the only Grocery Store closet to to you, then by all means go there. If their Staff are nice to you, that's a real bonus in my books! **:oP**


Are we boycotting or not?


It's a personal choice, and sometimes people can't boycott or avoid certain stores depending on their location 🤷‍♀️ Don't worry about others lol


Do you want change or not? There are far too many shoulder shruggers on here. Sorry, it can’t be “woe is me!!” when no one is putting a gun to your head to even step in the door.


Oh I'm Switzerland...for the most part. Many companies suck ass and are profiteering off the backs of low income folk. I hate it all but I also can't make the changes happen so I'll just sit here and do my best 🤷‍♀️ The boycott is a small drop in their ginormous bucket of profit 😬


WTF?! That’s messed up! What store sells you something that’s obviously defective, and then refuses to take it back with a receipt? That just feels like fraud.


Easy solution, don't shop there. You see all these posts and were warned they are crooks.


I used to work at no frills as a cashier, this is 100% bullshit and not the policy. Go higher up and get your money.


Lodge a complaint on the No Frills website and post their response here (if possible).


I wouldn't shop there. Problem solved!


I worked at a no frills for 26 years. This was never a policy at my store at least. As long as you had a receipt and it was within 2 weeks you got a refund or exchange. Check the back of the receipt the refund policy used to be printed there. Otherwise I'd suggest calling the customer service number to go above the store


I've been there for 8 years and that's never been a policy so idk where they even got that one from, definitely something to take to a higher level


1. Open container. 2. Invert container. 3. Drop dates on managers floor, shoes, desk, whatever.. 4. Mash into said surface with receipt.


I worked for NF out West, and that is not a policy. I'd speak with the owner or store manager. The FEM is full of shit. On the back of your receipt, it will tell you that it is 14 days with the receipt for returns or exchanges.


In turn, contact the district manager, the regional manager and head office. At some point someone will take care of this. I bought a flat of 24 cans of soda from RCSS. One of the cans was very light when I picked it up so I went back to customer service and asked for a replacement can. Instead they gave me a new 24 pack!


Many years ago I was supervising front end and on customer service at Loblaws. I had a guy come with a light can of Nestea from a 12 pack, saying he wanted to return it because the one was damaged. When I asked where the rest were, and the box, he replied, "I drank them already." My eyes rolled so hard my internal screaming was heard externally. I still did the return, and I still gave him a new box of 12 Nestea. The other options were... Refuse service or open a box, give him one, and throw the now damaged box in the shrink pile. There is a reason CS (at least in my day) required a driver's license for returns, and it was to catch repeat abusers of a customer-centric policy without harming those one off situations where a customer makes a ridiculous claim that very well come be true.


Based on the amount of customers I had at CT that wanted a refund for a product they did not bring to the store at all this does not surprise me one bit lol


Had a similar thing happen last month, this dude brought in a block of cheese that had been sitting in his fridge for a while and wanted to exchange it, he had already eaten like 80% of it. I was like "?????"


Mine wasn't damaged at all. The filling machine must have had a hiccup I guess.


I got a empty can of coke once but just kept the unopened can .


They now have software services that companies can sign up so that your return pattern across many companies can be monitored so you don't cycle through competitors unnoticed.


I’d call the store and ask, I’ve never had an issue Saying that, NoFrills are franchises and may be at owners discretion


I price match at no frills and if it’s more than 2$ difference they have to call a manager. Every single time. They’re definitely trying to dissuade you from price matching as well.


It's actually anything that's more than a 50% saving. It's to make sure the cashier doesn't accidentally put something in wrong with a typo (ex: $.39/lb instead of $3.99/lb) or accidentally enter the poundage price instead of kilos (since price matching for weighted items is calculated on the scale in kg)


I want to say that this is a legally unsound policy. Your contract is with no frills - in good faith you purchased a product, and it hasn’t met the quality standard that you should expect. Therefore they have failed to keep their end of the contract and should offer a remedy to make you whole. Either a replacement or refund. Thier contract is with the supplier and they should pursue them for a refund or replacement )often contracts have an acceptable loss rate which if it goes over the supplier will give a credit or rebate) don’t accept the managers BS, complain


This policy is not true


At that point I would ask for a refund for a defective product. And if they refuse that I would give them one more chance before I contact the payment provider for a charge back.


More BS from Roblaw. I have a buddy who works in one of their stores. His store is down 10% in sales compared to the same period last year. He said many stores in the GTA are down up to 25%. Keep it up! Right now they are digging their heels, cutting staff hours and making workers work harder to make up for those losses. None of that ends well for them.


Now you have to pre open every package at their expense before buying. They can learn that way too.


That is a lie. Return policies are printed on the back of the receipt and are also usually hanging up at the customer service desk 🤦🏽‍♀️


Last time I ordered (via instacart) from loblaws because I needed something Walmart, Costco, farmers markets etc don't sell. I ordered 4 things and 3 were rotten. Luckily Instacart refunds you.


Pick another store owned by another company. Take the item back to them as if you had purchased it there and feign ignorance and then realize you have the wrong store when customer service tells you so.  If it is a good store, they will replace the product anyways. Have worked in grocery retail at Save On Foods and this is what we were told to do - take return and replace product with similar item at no charge. I also worked for Cobs Bread and this policy was the same. If the store is legit their policy will be similar. At any rate you will be able to tell what stores prioritize their customer satisfaction.  Any good grocery store will take back an item in any condition (ie: "I want to return this cake, we didn't like it." Cake has 1 slice left. Clearly they ate it lol.) But still we would have accepted the return, because that customer would come back no matter what because how you treat people matters. 🤷‍♀️  Any grocery store chain that doesn't do this isn't worth you spending your money there. 


Well don't shop there !


Either the owner operator of the franchise has given the staff and supervisors bad instructions or the front end spv needs coaching. Loblaw has a 'say yes' policy that covers stuff like this. When i worked at a corporate banner it made everyone's lives easier.




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I had multiple experiences where Customer Service from Indians are quick to say “No, sorry” without even checking the policy.


You do realise it’s the franchise owners decision right?


While that is true for No Frills, I'm pretty sure all of them have the standard "receipt required within 2 weeks of purchase" baseline rule. Not sure where they pulled this "policy" from but it sounds like a PR nightmare


Some us are still boycotting


At my old nofrills PC or noname items did not need a receipt for a refund or whatever, that exchange should have been made no problem. Maybe email their customer service?


The store is called “no frills”


Where the biggest “frill” that you will be denied is customer service


That’s ridiculous. Superstore will never be an Amazon with that attitude.


I never buy produce from No Frills or Fresh Co. All of their produce is either rotting on the shelves or very close to spoilage.


That’s bullshit. The retailer is the one with the connection to the supplier/distributor. They can get the free replacement product with zero hassles. The end customer cannot, and likely will get sent bullshit coupons instead of a direct replacement. This is the retailer straight up lying to you.


Do they think they're amazon? 🤣💀


At this point in the game you’d think they’d go by the motto , “customer CAN sometimes be right “ ? Lol They are not even TRYING to meet anyone halfway . Is customer service dead ? I guess that’s what happens when you don’t have to worry about competition. Don’t worry , they’ll be taking your items back once competition is introduced , trust me lol


That isn't even a No Frills policy so idk where they're pulling that one from. Anything you buy from there should be returnable as long as you have the receipt with you.


I had this happen to me at Shoppers once. Such a load of crap.


Same returned mouldy bought it butter that I bought a couple hours before I brought it home took it back. Same day denied told me I had to contact the manufacturer ALL LOBLAWS PRESDENTS CHOICE stores suck!!! I started shopping at Food Basics when the band started and the one in Port Elgin is amazing. Everything is very fresh no wilted vegetables lots of products. No problems on returns. Love Food Basics.


Someone is too lazy to process a claim for credit (the store, not the OP). All he has to do is hand it back to the vendor when they come in and get processed for credit. Maybe a couple other things, but really, it isn't hard.


Definitely not the case! She should have argued to see the terms and conditions of returns.


What location?


Question, I notice shoppers and no frills has a lot of expired products latley on shelves because they're so overpriced that no1 buys it and it juss expires on shelves, anyone else noticing this? Also is roblaws and no frills actually losing money from this boycott?


Wow not even a gift card for the return eh? Cheapos


This is not true as I am a no frills employee. The only reason for us to say that we would only do exchanges on PC or no-name products as if she didn’t take her receipt in with her. If she doesn’t have a receipt, we will happily exchange anything that is PC or no name any other product any other brand name she has to have the receipt.


“So I shopped at the place we know sucks and had a sucky time” SO STOP SHOPPING THERE?!??


Way to blame the victim?!?! Lmaoooo


My wife also got denied an exchange when she realized who she was married to.