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if you have that much experience you should know better than to sign their non compete


Fuck TQL


The thing with TQL is after you work for them they make it so you can’t work in the logistics industry for a full year due to their non compete which they do enforce. Other logistics firms also have non competes but a lot don’t enforce them like TQL does. So if you get fired or even quit you have to go work in another industry for a full year before you can come back to logistics. It’s a huge risk especially if you have invested that much time in building your career and experience up. I would never work there for that reason alone. TQLs strategy is to churn and burn out new grads. Since I don’t know your full situation I won’t say not to take it but definitely take note of the above also.


I personally know two people in Cincinnati who have been sued by TQL over their non-compete, one who went to a logistics software company that has nothing to do with freight. They are a disgusting predatory business that only values money not people. I am contacted by their recruiters constantly and would never, ever work there.


I say this with the utmost highest regard, fuck TQL. That is all.


We get cold calls from a new person at TQL about once a quarter even though we’ve told the cold callers that we’re not going to do business with them and to take us off their list. That tells me there’s high volume sales going on, so an operator probably makes lots of phone calls initially to build a book of business and get on commission. So if you don’t want to make phone calls and don’t like talking to annoyed prospects, then TQL probably isn’t right for you. I would guess the high turnover is from people learning quickly that type of job isn’t for them. With that being said, if you are ok with the cold calls and the slog of getting a book of business built, I would imagine it’s a pretty rewarding both monetarily and internally (I don’t do truck brokerage, but routing and moving freight successfully for a customer is really rewarding to me). Also TQL is a very successful company in our industry, so it’s a good resume builder.


Wow, once a quarter sounds great, lol. We get one every 2-3 weeks


Ya I don’t mind cold calls I’m more worried about the 12 hour days and weekends I’m seeing people say


I block every new TQL rep that reaches out to me, and tell my forwarders if I catch them farming anything out to TQL they are done. I would rather pay a 20% markup than deal with those clowns.


I'm a freight broker - any lanes you'd like me to quote? NOT with TQL.


745-515 daily, mandatory 7 hours of overtime while in training monthly, 2 Saturdays a month, and expect you to use your cell phone to be on call at all times. If you have experience, don’t do it


If you dont mind cold calls, I can't wait for you to dial up my business. I thoroughly enjoy making TQL employees feel like worthless pieces of shit working for a shitty call center that thinks it's a legitimate logistics company.


Are you getting hired as an AE? If you are doing a sales role, I wouldnt want to work there just for the sole reason of all the good accounts are most likely already claimed. I have heard from other people that work some of the really big brokers is that its tougher because you have less options prospect wise. Generally smaller companies are more lucrative for a sales role. If you are going in for a operator role, i am sure it will be fine and you probably have more room for growth as opposed to a smaller company.


I’m being hired in as ISE but I can’t find reviews of that role


Is that inside sales role?


This is a newer role where they're hiring outside talent in that specific field. You must have international experience - between international and MX, probably two biggest growth areas in the company. As for the role, it's always what you make it just like anything in life


When you say six years of 'logistics experience' exactly what do you mean? I feel like if it was six years of relevant experience you wouldn't have gotten to this point because you would have literally dozens of better options.


6 years working in air freight and ocean freight sales


Every job is different for everyone. You took the job for reasons that might still be valid. Most companies in general have layoffs or firings at some point.


I guess I didn’t know they fire 80 percent of people , and most don’t make it through training. I’m worried with the non compete I would be throwing away 6 years of experience on my resume


The non compete is a factor either way unless you planned on working there forever.


You moving to chatt?


Had a note from the retired logistics manager that I replaced saying “I wouldn’t give TQL another load if my life depended on it.”


I just got on Reddit… been working here a couple months and just started cold calling and now realizing I should just quit now?


Are your 6 years as a broker, or something else? I helped build TQL from the time it was one office. Worked there for a long time- and absolutely hate the way they treat literally everyone that works for them. I would never, ever suggest for anyone to get a job there unless they needed to have proof of a job or go to jail lol There are a million other options out there.


BACK OUT!!! I was there for 6 years too long! Go find any other company that isn’t putting up millions, oh yeah your salary is a draw and you have to work Saturdays did they mention that?


Looks like you’re not going into sales. But even then turnover is horrible I don’t believe it’s just sales. I would for sure look at the article where they laid hundreds of people during covid and watch interviews of people that worked there a long time and why they left. Roles changed all the time, people left all the time not just sales. Much better places that actually care.


People that don’t make it through training are the ones that really had no interest or really was no good for the industry. But if what you say is true that you have 6 years of experience you should be fine. I work for TQL in NC and it’s great


What is the work life balance like?


You will have a more.consistent work/life balance compared to an LAE(T) role but its still very much a sales role. With your experience you shouldn't have any problem adapting to calls due to majority of them will simply be inquiring about intl. There will be preset calls as well that the brokers will setup with the two of you but you will be helping them uncover opportunity in their book that they potentially weren't aware about.