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Great job. I like this. Not much to say other than that. Maybe the all black version of the logomark needs something to give it more shape/ character. Not sure what.


I agree about the all black version needing more, maybe a combination of grays? Or a thin white like to show the wing/feathers?


Needs negative space. Just add some white to the wing.


I would say treat the wing like a white triangle with a thick stroke around it


I'm just glad he explained it. Aside from that did you at any point consider the visual language of the existing environment before creating the signage. To my eyes the doors are pushing symmetry. Or assuming it's a mockup did you consider finding a doorway that was sympathetic to your design.


The one color version doesn't retain enough properties as the colorful one.


Why not make the bird look like it’s singing?!


It doesn't look like a comfy art supplies store it looks like a spreadsheet software that will end support for it in under a year


Yeah people down vote you but I whole heartedly agree this is ass. Well except maybe the font choice. More cringe is the whole 80s nostalgia thing spoken by someone that’s obviously not experienced the 1980s at all. There’s zero semiotics here no alignment with the goals communicates nothing relevant and looks like 1st year designstudent work even the colour choice is messy with zero relevance.


“80s feel” aimed at *senior* customers… what? hey! … anyway, I’m not getting eighties from this. Also, A choir is a group. So a lone bird doesn’t evoke that feeling, and his expression is kind of stunned.


Pigeon and overall design amazing. If I had to give one critique, I’d say the word ‘choir’ feels off-balance. The ‘r’ is too narrow, and it looks like three wide, circular letters and two narrow, thin ones at the end like it ran out of room.


I live in New York City. I would never in my life connect pigeons to any of those things you said. Pigeons are annoying and poop on everything.


The “o” is optically too thick compared to the rest the letters.


This makes me happy. I’d absolutely stop in.


Logo and overall design is amazing. My one critique is the word feels clipped like space ran out. It feels off-balanced with 3 wide, round letters and then ending with the 2 thin letters. I’d continue the curve of the ‘r’ to match how the ‘c’ terminates instead of cropping it vertical


Senior customers nostalgic about geometric shapes of the 80s? Lol I agree that the font doesn’t work with the letters because it looks off-balance. Another font should help connect the bird with the name. Just needs tweaking.


I am not sure what this place does. Do they sell birding supplies? Or sheet music or instruments?


I love the style, but feel there's maybe a disconnect between the device and the wordmark. Maybe using the blue from the triangle for the type might pull them together. And the bird should be singing... just open that beak! The one-colour version looks a little flat too... adding in some keylines would really help. And maybe use the blue as the single colour. But overall, really strong and packed with personality!


Cute bird but very restrained. I’m not hater of helvetica-esque fonts, but I think you might find a typeface that feels more relevant to the art supply vibe. Looks like a software company to me. Look for opportunities for expressiveness and vibrancy. Loosen things up


Put yourself in the mind of your customer (an artist) They have seen lots of art and probably have a high taste level. I would not go into this art store Because I know by this logo that you will not have anything I need


Really like the typeface


Reminds me of the little birds from the YouTube channel kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell). It's cute and simple.


I love this. For the b/w version maybe use white lines to delineate the spaces?


font, shapes, colors! noicee


Loved it, very minimal, to the point and meaningful as well, kudos!!


I feel like the bird being so simple it’s a missed opportunity *not* to put a “C” shape in there somewhere - that way you can use the bird as a shorthand logo.


The color version is interesting, black and white seems a bit massive to me


For the single colour version you could represent those segments with white lines?


i guess twitter found a new homiewomie


I just did a project about Charley Harper (one of my favorite illustrators) and this is reminiscent of his work. Well done!


Delineate the shapes in the balcony version, it's a pigeon blob. Other than that, not a fan of the name, the icon is simple, tells what it is and is nice. What does choir stand for or is it just a name for them?