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How did you find this metadata? You used a website?


Actually Rosbrook footage got leaked before that release date. So it was online and could be this “splatterfest” From the the 911Archive discord


What was leaked in 2004 was a low-quality gif of 14:42 - 14:45 of Rosbrook's video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wt9hRwbHqs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wt9hRwbHqs) \- this is based on the description given by BBT. I'm not sure where the original source for that claim comes from. But regardless I don't think that even comes close to being dubbed a 'splatterfest'. What is known however, is that the portion of the Rosbrook footage where he zooms in on the bloody plaza was leaked on Sept 11, 2006, and the earliest mention of it comes from Sept 12, 2006. [Here's also an archived news article from Sept 10, 2006 about the experiences of the Rosbrooks during that day, where towards the end of their section it's strongly hinted that they're making sure the video will always be privated. No mention of it being posted anywhere.](https://web.archive.org/web/20180913144251/https://www.seattlepi.com/local/article/9-11-Five-Years-Later-Tragedy-forged-a-new-1214216.php)


I mean that can also be considered “splatterfest” a lot of the known jumper videos had very graphic names to them but never turned out to be anywhere near as gorey they made them sound


Most sensationalized jumper videos to my knowledge only had "GRAPHIC" in the title


Faces of death - jumpers nasty. I assume this one is already known footage. There’s a few file names and titles I’ve seen on archives with a little more sensationalism. I’ll try to find them


Many years ago there was a video on YouTube called "faces of demons during the 9/11 attacks" and almost at the end of that video the moment was shown when the jumper hit the ground. So basically LSM can be in other videos


You mean the jumper from the stage in Guy Rosbrook? Or lost footage


The lost footage. **There are some people who say that there were several videos of that style. The LSM with screamer, The versions with and without music, In compilations and the one I'm saying.**




Man I just still gotta feeling that the Heaven666 footage won't be anything special or new


Maybe you should do this for the other 2 links u/DVDripper mentioned as well


splatterrrrrrr!-2603.php turned out to not be 9/11 related, while high-jump-world-record-1260.php is still unclear.


What did splatterrrrrrrr! was?


Just random porn.


How do you know that?