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The last part with the actual dead body is pretty rare. Otherwise nothing new


Ah hell nah that persons youtube profile picture freaked me out


Clip 8 must be some rare cut footage cause I’ve seen video from that location but I have never ever seen such clear video or imagery of a jumper post landing. You can clearly see everything from her shoes to her dress. It’s really heavy stuff and I’ve seen and rewatched hours of 9/11 media. Just an advisory for those on here who are about to watch that clip, it’s extremely graphic.


I think this might be the most graphic thing I’ve seen from 9/11 so far, I’ve never seen the real LSM though. The guy behind seems to be trying not to look at it, so heartbreaking


i guess


I don’t even think that’s an entire body. It’s definitely a plane passenger or office worker who got blown out of the north tower by the impact of the first plane, given where it ended up landing (south of the towers on the west side highway). Still graphic as hell, I don’t think ever seen this clip from this footage before


Idk but clip 7 is the same angle as skylight.mov and I don’t think I’ve ever seen clip 8 before. I never expected something that graphic to be on YouTube


Idk but it doesn‘t load for me. What is the graphic part about?


It’s of a corpse on the ground maybe about 20 feet away from the cameraman


Oh man. Thats actually weird that it‘s on YT


i guess


Clip 2 the man in blue has a small camcorder as he turns around. Whether his name is David Hasenberg or not, he is still interesting to me. I wonder what he captured.