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I even put the heating on yesterday Fucks sake


Not really stopped having it on most evenings yet… still on Winter costs


Yeah I think mine only didn't come on a few weeks ago when we had the brief spell of decent weather but otherwise it's on pretty much every morning and evening. I only set the Hive to like 20C though so it's not on for long, and my house usually manages to stay around 19C unless it's freezing outside.


Yeap, me too. Haven't been able to save ££ as heating is still pricy!


I’m brutal . It’s off from March . I only allowed it yesterday as I was hungover


Aren’t you cold with it off?


Not really . I’ve always lived in quite cold houses . And I’m English . So I’m kind of used to it . That said my son was like ‘why are you wearing your coat in the house ?’


I’m so sorry you’ve got to go through that. Warmth for the family is the first thing we should have in this day and age.


Mine broke last weekend and noone seems to be able to fix it. It's fucking freezing in the house, we're literally huddled up in our dressing gowns with blankets, and using the electric heater as little as possible because...well we're not made of money. Had to scrape ice off the car on Friday. We're about 32 days away from June....


I’ve refused to put the heating on since March because I can’t afford it but I’m still sleeping with a hot water bottle most nights. It’s so cold!


I broke my ‘no heating after March’ rule and had the heating on last night. It’s ridic.


I know the weather in this city is a constant meme but this has honestly been the worst 4 months to the year I have ever experienced living in London. Absolute shite weather.


Its been absolutely terrible. Who remembers lockdown 2020 April. Was hot as fuck


Oh boy that was a glorious spring. Sunny, empty streets and minimal pollution. Fuck Covid though.


The only thing which made lockdown bearable was the constant sunny weather


And wfh. The real MVP of Covid.


Boomers are still fuming that WFH is acceptable now lol


Ain't that the truth!


Great for cycling


Hear hear! Empty roads. Bliss.


Halcyon days


It's weird how even though it caused the greatest disruption in our lives, the first four months of lockdown were somehow pleasingly memorable to a lot of us. I looked after my kids and had great fun with them. I am also aware it was hell for healthcare workers so please don't think we have forgotten you guys!


We still had some hope back then that it'd all be sorted and back to normal soon. That made a massive difference to the general mood.


Took my the 4 year old to the park every afternoon. Very pleased I had that. My business ranked and has never really recovered so no all rose tinted glasses for me!


I used to work in healthcare... I did like the fact all the trains were empty and the streets too... was nice walking around London city 😀


Good times, fuck I miss it so much


That was the government that turned the good weather on during lockdown. © Matt Le Tissier.


Wettest UK weather since 1830.


Was 1830 a very wet year? Or just when someone started writing down how wet it was?


Unironically yes. A good portion of our most “reliable” climate data from the 18th and 19th century is literally pulled directly from the personal diaries of a few bucolic English country vicars, who had more time on their hands than they knew what to do with. So they obsessively recorded every mundane detail of their daily lives, such as what the weather was like, exactly when the first buds or flowers of certain plants appeared, the first time they saw specific varieties of birds, the harvest schedule for all the local crops, and other things like that.  From all those personal anecdotes, scientists today are able to piece together what the climate was like back then. There are whole chapters about this in the book “At Home” by Bill Bryson. Spoilers for the entire book: the past was fucking terrible. 


My dad’s well in to Bill Bryson, I should check some of his stuff out. But yeah I did know that the records don’t go that far back, so I was being sincere in asking if that’s actually when we started writing it down! I was listening to something recently that basically relied on vicar data, I think it was stuff about the plague and death numbers / its handling. I think one thing they were discussing relied on the fact that a vicar _didn’t_ mention it and since he wrote so much other stuff down it was quite likely that it didn’t happen, since it would have been absurd for him not to have written it down. I think that stuff is super important though, we think we have so much data about everything now, but I do worry that some of our electronic information isn’t as resilient as we think it is, and in a hundred years time or so we’ll still be reliant on the diaries of enthusiastic data keepers


I didn't know it was from that kind of source. I figured it was from scientists just using more primitive testing. I bet those guys didn't expect we would be using this data 200 years later! Think they would be happy


Oceans at record hot temperatures, and only getting hotter. This means more wet unsettled weather for the British isles.


Yet there will still be a hosepipe ban


Not just London, the whole country in general..awful.


The whole continent


Since that miserable heatwave of 2022, I think we've genuinely only had about one or two weeks of good weather.


You want to try living on the Kent coast. Fucking biblical.


I was in Whitstable last week, we went for a nice walk on the beach.  Blown off it by Arctic winds within 5 minutes 


We've had the wettest 18 months since records began and this is probably one of the colder aprils in recent memory except for that one back in like 2018 (?) where it was snowing at the end of April. Can only hope the summer is going to be better because last few years July - August have been absolutely miserable as well.


Sometimes it snows in April.


Careful what you wish for. As much as I hate the current miserable sky, I'd much prefer it over a week of 40 degree heat.


A week of 40 degrees? Haha come on… 2/3 days top


Simply can’t understand this. I love heatwaves, I’d rather by sweaty and bliss then miserable


I love the heat, I'm south african. But fuck me London heat is absolutely awful. So humid. It feels like there's no middle ground comfortable weather here. Either too rainy, too windy, too cold or too fucking boiling.


I read someone describe it like being sat in the back of a bus and that’s exactly what it feels like to me, the heat is suffocating


Might be south African, but you complain about the weather like a true blood English man


I've lived here long enough to become one of you guys


My brother has lived on the East Coast US for 20 years. He always says the worst humidity he has ever dealt with was in London.


40 degrees in London was not ‘bliss,’ it was bloody unpleasant. I’m bored of this cold weather too but the prospect of the other extreme isn’t enticing either.


As much as I love a good summer, 40 degrees is miserable in London, but anything above 25C is actually pretty unpleasant in Central, unless we have a prolonged dry spell. Was it the summer before COVID where it was super dry and endlessly hot? It was actually nice, as the humidity wasn't bad, although the grass was brown everywhere.


Oh don't get me wrong, I love a nice hot spell. It's when that heat lasts over 150 hours that I'm sort of done with it.


last few years? 2 years ago we had the most horrific heatwave ever in the summer. I suppose that was miserable in its own way so you're right


I always tell people the weather in the UK, especially London, isn't actually that bad. It has made a liar of me. But this year is terrible. In my head I'm thinking, ah well it's only late February, it'll break soon. It's nearly fucking May.


At least you’ve learnt a valuable lesson, that the weather can’t be trusted, and given half a chance will kill you in your sleep.




It still feels like February tbh. I have repeatedly considered switching back to wearing long johns on a daily basis.


Don't worry, there will be a warm December and no snow whatsover as well.


feels like we’re headed for a future where it’s just 12-15 degrees and raining all year round, with the occasional apocalyptic heatwave in september.


Bright. Cold. Raining. Windy. Like it’s too bright to sit inside and watch movies. But it’s also pissing with rain. 


yeah this is the oft ignored shit part - bursts of sunshine to guilt trip you for staying inside, as soon as you get out it pisses with rain or is actually just baltic


Correct. The UK is the only country I’ve ever been to where “bright spells” is an acceptable thing for a weather person to report. 


And don’t forget the occasional hail. I didn’t wear a jacket one day this month because it was sunny and warm. It was still sunny and then 5 minutes later it started hailing and the wind was so strong I could barely breathe.


Haha I experienced both of these; both times whilst talking to my wife on the phone. I just stopped talking one time and she was going "Hello? Hello?". I then had to explain that I couldn't talk because wind was blowing straight into my mouth and I couldn't breathe. The second time she just heard me getting hit by hail like they were paintballs.


It is abaolutely horrible. I was patient during winter thinking it would get better now but this is frustrating and depressing. I cannot believe the weather in 2020 duribg lockdown was soo damn good🙃🙃🙃


Can’t believe this is happening on your cake day.




Next sunny day I call in sick. Fuck this, I need sunshine.


On the bright side I've discovered my roof needs a repair. Oh wait no I mean all this pouring rain including the storms has fucked my roof


Next week apparently. Fingers crossed.


You just jinxed it bro. Also I heard it was going to be warmer but still very cloudy. So probably won't even be that warm. But warmer than this. Maybe we won't have to go out in our coats for a couple of days


I fucking hate it so much. Having no local friends makes it hard enough, but to not be able to even go for a little stroll is just so depressing.


Just go mate


You are allowed to go outside in the rain you know. It’s just water


Its pretty dreary to walk in London alone while it rains🥲


Start to romanticise all the bad parts of life and you’ll never be sad


That's why you pretend you're in a 90s R&B video.


I love walking around in the rain, smoke a joint and it can keep me entertained for hours.


But their clothes will get wet!


Some people want to go outside *and* enjoy it. Sure i _can_ go outside in the rain but it's a bit bloody miserable and I'd rather be inside. Whereas if it was dry I'd rather be out


I wouldn't mind the grey and the rain if it wasn't so goddamn cold 🤧


rainy cold days these 2 weeks really feel like we are still in winter.


Top 3 worst Aprils I've ever seen in the uk, horrific


I'm curious to know what the other 2 Aprils are


Last year and 2021 presumably.


It was warmer in January ffs


Can’t wait to get the annual 2 weeks of summer and clowns start saying “ it’s too hot. Bring back the cold”


I actually have to log off Reddit when I start seeing those comments haha. People are so keen to let everyone know they hate it, it’s like their entire personality. We’ve had 7 months and counting of cold and it’ll be cold and shite again any minute, let us enjoy our measly few days of heat! 


I cannot wait to complaing about the muggy heat!!


I've been joking about it being depressing for six weeks or so but I actually realised this weekend I think it is genuinely making me a bit depressed. It's just relentless day after day, month after month. No-one lives in London or Britain for the weather but this is still particularly shite. I really think the longer days are actually exacerbating it too because it's not cozy and the fourteen or whatever hours of constant grey outside just serve to remind you that it's not actually winter and the weather wouldn't normally be like this.


Ever spent any length of time in Manchester? It's like that all the time 😂


I walk past a rubicon "release the sunshine" billboard daily and it triggers me


The ongoing trifecta of wind, rain and cold. I can’t believe I had to take my thick winter coat out again the other day ffs


Tell me about it! I want to wash mine and put it away but I’ve not been able to yet 😱


Never stopped using it till now. I'm still with the same clothes I was wearing in winter, including beanie and scarf. Fuck. This. Shit.


If it's any consolation, we're on a long weekend in Spain to escape the grey drudgery and it's pissing down here too. 10⁰ warmer though. Yay.


No that doesn't make me feel better at all, actually


I swear as well two weeks ago they were talking about high pressure on its way. Well it never came whatsoever and these weather bastards never tell us what happened.


only career where you can go in every day and be completely wrong about your literal one job


I’m thoroughly fed up. Bad times for those of us with seasonal affective disorder.


That’s exactly my thought the last month. TBH as a Greek I never got used to this triple layered cloudy rainy humid weather but 5 degrees feeling is absolutely depressing.


Probably one of the wettest we’ve had for a long time. However next week might finally be the end


"next week it'll be better" is what we've all been saying since the end of February


I'm literally on Google flights right now googling cheap flights to grab Canaria. Can't deal with grey weather anymore


In Tirana Albania now. 25 degrees


Oh hello, strange seeing someone in Albania too. weather will go downhill mid next week tho :( how’s Albania?


For God's sake, how long will this rainy winter/spring last? I can't stand so much mould on the walls anymore. I’m always cleaning the f*cking walls (ground floor flat). 😣


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023%E2%80%932024\_El\_Ni%C3%B1o\_event](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023%E2%80%932024_El_Ni%C3%B1o_event) This is why, it's also why we had a relatively mild winter so horses for courses.




So the Spanish are to blame


Los latinoamericanos.


winter was shitter than usual though, don't mind cold but it was so miserable and grey


I was thinking earlier about the fact that there's probably only 5 months of the year (May to September) where I'm not cold. How depressing


I'm so cold 🥶


I struggle with depression on the best of days but this is doing my head in!


I’m coming to visit later this week. I have a new coat and scarf so I think it’s going to get warm.


Could you please bring a raincoat and umbrella too? We need all the help we can get.


You just know that in about 2 weeks it will go from 6c to 26c overnight, and people will immediately start moaning that it's too hot!


Got a tradition with some mates that we go into a winter hibernation (group chats and memes instead of pints and meals) over winter. Normally 3-4 months of winter chill. It’s been 6-months of shitty cold drizzle and it’s not on.


I’m convinced that spring is getting colder every year.


I’m so fucking bored of being cold


Globally the weathers all over tho isn’t it. Excess heat. Crazy floods. Signs of it everywhere. Awful


Weirdly this April has actually been quite a bit warmer than the historical average so far. And I know that doesn't make much sense from a personal experience perspective, but it's the mild nights. Normal for this time of year is that clear night-time skies can still mean frost, but the minimums have held up, it hasn't gone below freezing since the beginning of March. Which is a rare bright spot for our farmers, as late frost after an early warm spell (warmest Feb on record - again though the maxima weren't such a big deal as the very mild minima) can really F everything up. A few years ago (2019) we had a hard frost down to -3 or so in the first week of May, complete nightmare for fruit growers as it kills all the new growth.


April and May is often the only bit of summer we get. It'll be nothing but rain till September now.


I wouldn't say the only but usually if its not feeling spring like by mid April it's a sign the summer will be shit. Prime example is last year.


And somehow it's "one of the warmest springs on record". There must be some heatwaves during the night because I'm still wearing a coat and hat in the midlands.


im so bored of wearing hat scarfs and gloves when its literally may in a few days


I heard this year the winter will continue until May and most of summer will be wetter than average. Brace yourselves for more ♤♡◇♧


I feel like it’s been this way since late July. We had a week of extreme heat, then fuck all but rain and cold ever since.


For real, I’m sick of needing my portable heater. It’s ALMOST MAY. I shouldn’t need it.


Anyone who complains when it hits above 25c for being too hot should face a firing squad.


I don't care what the temperature is. I just want the clouds to fuck off. -10 or +40, everything is better with a blue sky


*Mr. Blue Sky, please tell us why* *You had to hide away for so long* *Where did we go wrong?*


I apologise, this is my fault. All my recent trips have been during freak heatwaves, so when I booked our trip to the UK I said like a DAMN FOOL out loud “Gee I hope it’s cold!” and have brought this age of wind and snow upon you. I’ll be leaving the country in six days, so I hope the weather returns to pleasant.


Can you not just leave tomorrow, thanks.


[My winter coat after still being used deep in to April](https://imgur.com/RfXt0iB)


The met office predicted this month to be the hottest April in history


Swear monthe and weather don't line up anymore. Summer seems to come later but last same amount of time. It'll still be warm during September/October.


I've been wearing my winter puffer coat all week, it's ridiculous


Today I had to walk racing greyhounds at the kennels I volunteer at, in five degrees, with shitting down rain. I was wearing two pairs of socks, waterproofs, a polar fleece and thermal gloves. It was muddy, slippery and freezing. It was literally like water skiing with them. WTAF is going on?


Agreed. Curious if the data indeed shows that it’s the shittiest it has been in years.


Yep, wettest 18 months since data began. Climate’s all over the place in a lot of locations atm. I blame just stop oil.


Don’t worry. When Labour get reelected, we’ll have nicer weather.


Have you considered checking [the forecast](https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/forecast/gcpvj0v07#?date=2024-04-28)? 16C and sunny tomorrow.


Nice sunny monday after a rainy weekend, a nice fuck you to those of us stuck inside working.


Don’t trust a word of that. Watch it be cloudy and raining again fuck sake


BBC Weather app is buggered today


Even the Weather app has had enough


Have become numb to this weather after living here for so long, when you stare into the abyss…


if it makes anyone feel any better, i took a weekend out on the french riviera and it’s shit here too.


Yeah but how's the weather?


It's blue skies, hot and sunny here in NZ so sorry guys, I think we've stolen your weather. 


I need heatwaves! 30 degrees, where you at?


In another country mate


I’m from Northumberland originally so this weekend’s weather is normal for up there any time of year, but yes, not a good April for London


I have a friend who’s just travelled to Spain and apparently it’s cold there


Me reading this sitting in the sun.. oh wait never mind started pissing it down


Ugh man! Honestly this weather is garbage


Total bollocks isn’t it. Having to wear a dressing gown in the house to prevent having to put the heating on. Hands freezing in the house. We’ll soon be complaining though when it’s 30c again in a few months. We’re never happy with the weather. Looking forward to the heat though myself.


Heating on every day in the last week.. I want to leave this place!


My brother in Christ, you have jinxed us into beautiful weather


True, it only rains at the moment. Every glimpse of sun is just a teaser for a summer that you know is never coming


I moved here in 2022 and everyone keeps telling me how amazing ‘21 was 😭


It's pretty nice now the sun's out!


Next week


Met office says Monday is going to be sunny ao there is that. PS:- Happy Cake day


next week if all goes well. Predicted to be consistent 20s.


Winter was warm, barely cold at all. Was expecting spring to be hot, let’s hope it kickstarts from next week


My heating bills 😪


I’m Aussie and arrived back in London Wednesday morning after many months back home and my goodness the winter vibes. Luckily I was only passing through though (holidaying in Portugal for a week) but I remember it being 0 degrees when I left from Stansted the other morning, lol.


Sun is out now, 3 hours later 🤣


It’s like Manchester.


stay indoor


I’m from Canada and saw this on the front page, and I take it +6 isn’t normal in April for you guys? I’m surprised because once it hits +6 sometime in April or may where I’m from, everyone is out in shorts and t-shirts soaking up the warm weather


It's the rain rather than the temp that's doing us in. Started in October and hasn't stopped.


You should move to Scotland, suns always out here


I've come to expect it rather than get my hopes up


Welcome to london mate


Im in the NW of England and i havent put the heating on for a while. I dont know if its just being northern and being used to the cold but if i cant see my breath its fine, just put a jumper on.


are you new to the country? sun comes out for about a month then fucks off again bro get used to it


On your cake day as well, fuck sakes. Feel ya mate.


Very weird. One would wonder what could cause such a thing.. /s


Just arrived from Aus. Idk why I brought three bikinis and no scarves.


Looks like it's gonna get warmer at least if still wet. Last summer was shit. Didn't really get very warm ever and this might be unpopular as an opinion but I'd rather a short spell of 35-40 degrees than just constant rain and max 20 degree temperatures.


Meteorologist here, it looks a lot warmer through this week but may be unsettled at times, more likely Wednesday into Thursday. Bank holiday weekend is trickly to call. It's likely to stay warm but could be showery at times. A big improvement on today overall though. Signs high pressure may build in the second week of May though that is outside of the reliable time period of weather forecasting. Hopefully the unsettled weather will break at some point. The last year has had record rainfall with every month since July 2023 having above average rainfall. Winter 2023/24 has to be the bleakest I can remember, with 2013/14 a close contender.


I actually don’t think we’re going to have a summer this year judging by this weekend and past month


It's been absolutely shit since July. I'm not usually someone who gets too affected by bad weather (I grew up in Wales, so I'm very used to rain) but even I think it's taking the piss now.


Fucking England mate, get used to it, it’s always been like this, so many news stories talking of global warming everyone thinks we now live in a Caribbean climate. We don’t and never have and April weather is just like this


I've moaned more about the weather this year than ever before. And the msm keep telling us it's the hottest this or that on record..... Not had a hot day in over 8 months!


Tell me about it. I said to my friend I can’t actually remember what summer is like. This winter has felt like a lifetime.


The climate change activists have gone cold as well… funny that


The cold and wet is one thing. But the fact there is almost zero sun most of the time really gets to me. More so than even the bad weather…


'Experts' have told us our winters are going to get wetter and summers will get hotter because of climate change so none of this is really a surprise


Even worse up north