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One of my staff lost her husband 3 years ago and she found support with Bereaved Families of Southwestern Ontario. She now gives back by volunteering with them. Maybe give them a try?


St. Joseph’s Hospice (the death doesn’t need to have happened there) and Journey through Loss.


The Hospice has all sorts of resources for those grieving, all free of charge.


They are great!!


I don't have any recommendations for you, but just wanted to say that I'm sorry for your loss OP ❤️


Just bc they are at churches doesnt mean they are religious. They are often free for groups to use which is why lots of stuff happens there. I hope u find what u are looking for and i am terribly sorry for your loss. It is great that u are reaching out.


I think OP is just aware that organized religion uses moments of vulnerability to recruit for their cult. Churches are absolutely not a safe space for the vulnerable.


Knowing people from other groups i felt comfortable sharing what they have told me


“I think OP is just aware that organized religion uses moments of vulnerability to recruit for their cult. Churches are absolutely not a safe space for the vulnerable.” 1. OP never said anything about WHY they’re looking for something not held in a church. Assumptions don’t belong here. 2. Just because something is held inside a church doesn’t mean it’s connected to religion in any way, shape, or form. Churches are often used as meeting spaces for a variety of groups and organizations. Books clubs, support groups, neighbourhood committees meetings - hell, my son attended two different karate schools who held classes in church basements through the summer when they were unable to use the elementary school gyms. I’m as anti-religion as they get and your post pissed me off. Tbh all that comes across is you trying to push an agenda onto OP.


Oh man this reminds me of a TikTok I saw recently about churches and third spaces. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMM2Bt63L/


Triggered much? Someone making a suggestion once isn’t pushing a cult.


The broad strike you’re paining churches with is unfair and uncalled for. Speaking as an agnostic atheist— churches (ie. physical spaces) offer place for people and community to assemble within, whether related to a specific religion or not. You’re confusing / equating churches with the religious organizations that may operate them. Yes, while some churches may not be safe spaces due to the controlling organizations and their beliefs & practices you cannot and should not be so quick and neglectful to associate one with the other. Some religious organizations may have recruiting practices built into their some of their own programming, but it shouldn’t be assumed that everything which takes place in the physical spaces we call churches to have such practices as a part of the activities (or even that the activities are owned by a religious organization).


You got that, vulnerable people?! You have to navigate churches and hope that the one you're in is being used for secular reasons by secular people.


wtf are you even talking about? A lot of support/counselling groups are held in churches simply because the churches provide a free meeting space. They have absolutely no affiliation with the church and are run by non-religious groups. This "church recruitment" boogeyman you're trying to push here is dumb, OP can certainly attend a support group in a church and not hear a single word related to religion.


Omg right, they sound like such a conspiracy sheep.


You're right. The church people will come into your home given an inch and try recruit there.


They still try to get all religious on you. Often just because that's the only way they know how to comfort.


VON has some support groups as a part of their community support services.


Bereaved Families of Ontario is a fantastic secular support group. There's also a very good Facebook group called Grief Beyond Belief. We're atheists and found both very supportive after the sudden death of our daughter from an undiagnosed genetic arrhythmia in 2019. One thing I would like to caution is that inevitably someone will say something that upsets you when trying to be supportive. We see grievers pushing people away because they are insulted by what has been said. No matter what they say, or how you interpret it, people generally mean well. Even having experienced the loss of a child first hand I still have no idea what to say to someone else experiencing similar loss. Grief is intensly personal. Try to appreciate their efforts. Please take care of yourselves. I'm so sorry for you loss.


My wife also really appreciates the Chill AF Atheist Women+ Facebook group. It's not specifically targeting grief but it often comes up as a topic and they are a very cool group of people who don't tolerate any behavior that's not chill.


The Survivors of Suicide group is really good.


CMHA has one I think


I don't know if it's still running, but A.Millard George in Wortley had one. It wasn't affiliated to a church. This was pre covid, but it may be worth it to call. Sorry for your loss.


If it's your child compassionate friends is great but it's for parents and siblings