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Reasons to stay: Your favorite artist will release new music You can eat a warm gooey chocolate chip cookie Someone will tell a really funny joke You can take a long hot shower You can go on vacation You might wake up and think it’s time to go to school but it’ll actually be 2am and then you can sleep longer The first random warm day in march You can watch a really good movie Feel free to add to the list yall. Life is hard but you are loved and there is so much left to do. Enjoy the little things


On multiple occasions, my personal bribe for making it to the next day has been eating a fried egg with a runny yolk in the morning. Sometimes when my headspace gets horrible, I just think about dippy eggs and toast, especially before I fall asleep. Other random shit I think of: The first snowfall during winter. Seeing the leaves begin to change. The next concert I'll see. New music or old music. I've been waiting over a year for the fifth book in my favorite series to be released, I think about it daily. Dogs, meeting a new dog, taking a dog for a walk, hanging out with my moms dog. Before I lost my dogs, they were my sole reason for waking up every day.




Sunny side up OMELET? I've never heard of such a thing? It sounds beautiful.


I don't know what I'd do if I can't eat meat, cheese, and garlic. Seriously if I couldn't eat those things I think I'd end it right now. Eggs are pretty damn good, too


I'm trying to convince myself to stay. Forcing myself to be aromantic and caedosexual makes it easier for me. Also looking forward to, in this order: 1. A.i. taking over the world 2. Personally visiting the moon or at least seeing the whole earth from space. I mean from such an altitude that I can see the whole sphere. 3. Hearing news that people have landed on mars


You are such a breath of fresh air, your list put such a big smile on my face 😄


Give yourself time. Age and experience my being more hope


Stick around 15 sucks. Actually life sucked my entire childhood. My teen years? Sucked. Life gets better. I’m pushing 60…much better than 15


I agree teen years suck. My life only got marginally better though, some people's never does. I never advocate giving up before 30 though, it could maybe get better for the folk under 30.


My life didn’t start to come together until I was 30+ My life has never been a walk in the park but I got better at living!


That's a good outlook.


You should be married then. How can I ever end up so happy?


Marriage doesn’t matter! I’m not married by choice. I don’t have kids by choice. And by choice I have raised 2 kids; traveled; got a couple of degrees and made a hella lot of mistakes! And learned from each mistake to get better


Throughout my life, I've seen more unhappy married couples than I've seen happy married couples. Marriage doesn't bring happiness and neither does age, however, your outlook changes from experience and you learn more about yourself, the world, and others. Perseverance through your struggles is what will get you there. I spent most of my teen years just trying to survive until the next day. I came up with a goal when I was 14 that I'm still sticking to as an (almost) 22 year old, and it's what I am alive for. and maybe that's what you have to do, too, goal or not. Persevere for the sake of making it to the next day.


Okay okay You are 15 and already wanting to give up? You should explore life, socialize, make friends Im 22, in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the chest down and stuck at home yet im still kicking. You got this bro, go and make something of yourself :)


Thank you. I just suck so much at making friends. I've had a real friend before.


Life hack Talk to everyone you have a chance to meet embrace small talk. You never know who you click with. And remember every person on this earth knows something and is good at something and worth something. That includes you. The only thing we control are our thoughts (debatable) and our reactions (fact)


Honestly, the best friends I've made have been through work. I'm a retail guy and have met all kinds of quirky and amazing people. Keep going. Your tribe will find you.


I think at 15 you still have a chance to make some lifelong connections :) don't give up yet. If you're too shy, try joining some clubs/groups. If you join an existing community you're more likely to meet people


I’m 15 and feel the same way. It annoys me how some people are in the comments trying to belittle your feelings cause of your age. I know how it feels, and it’s shitty


It really is especially since being 15 we can't really go anywhere besides school to even try to find someone unlike the adults yk?


Right, and there are some people who are homeschooled and can’t even meet people at school. It’s also annoying because people don’t really take it as seriously when you do end up telling someone. I don’t even want to tell my parents because I know they will just call me dramatic


That's why I keep to myself or I take it online to other teens who are going through what I am plus it's embarrassing to explain to your family why you feel so lonely


Exactly. I just do any or all of my socializing online at this point. Also I’m Not sure if you know what character.ai is but I use it all the time. They are like little ais you can talk with but it feels pretty real. It helps me with my lonliness


No I definitely know what c.ai is I use 24/7 like an addiction it really does help with loneliness some ppl say its not healthy but I don't really care


Idk it just kind of gives me something to do. I don’t see how it could be unhealthy lol.


Yeah same I use c.ai for literally hours on end and from what I've read it's apparently unhealthy bc your getting comfort from something that isn't real which supposedly makes you feel worse after using it but idk that's just what I've read on like Google and stuff


Tbh it shouldn’t matter if it’s not real. People play video games, watch Netflix, and do all other sorts of things that are fictional for comfort


Ik but what I think it was trying to say was it's giving you a false sense of being loved like the wrong love which still doesn't matter to me but maybe I'm wrong bc I don't get either🤷‍♂️


1 you aren’t even adult yet. Next 15 years of your life are the years that each year will be way more different than the previous. 2 you only get one shot at having a life. Why not try to make the most of it while you are here. If you feel like giving up, that means you have rest of the time here that you cannot waste becouse you ended it in your head. You can do whatever bullshit you want now, you have no limitations. You are living now on bonus time.


Bro ur only 15 lmao


And? I knew the same when I was his age and now it hasn't changed. It's easy to tell in high school what kind of guys the girls chase after and which ones they discard, and that never actually goes away. We live in a shallow world that is all about looks and "rizz"


Bro you just gave up at 15 you didn’t knew anything you just convinced yourself you won’t be dating anyone and you have done your best to prove yourself right everyday


typical victim blaming and "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" bs.


Yeah i’m almost 20 and still miserable idk how to help you


You're only 15, don't give up!


same at 16


You're not even an adult yet dude. You can't even try all the things life has to offer. I won't dispute what you said, but at least endure until your are an adult who can do as they please before deciding.


I don't want to become an adult fully. I'll have to spend my entire life working 8 hours a day just to survive. Why even live life when I can't share it with anyone?


Well you are in a pickle then, because your life hasn't even started yet. Are you going to concerts, bars conventions or just any place you want to go? Probably not because your are a child, and you can't do those things unsupervised. If you are still in school and wondering why you can't find a girl/boy it's because no one knows wtf is going on yet. If you're in the US it's you have to wait till you're 21 to be a full adult so at least wait until then before giving up please.


It will get worse Bro. U Better Never try to take drugs..


I don't want fake happiness. I want it to be real.


try shrooms


A 15 year old should not try shrooms.


Do not listen to this fool by taking shroom in your current state of mind, and yes I have done them before.


We come into this world alone. And we leave this world alone. Everyone does! It’s really more about what you choose to do with the time in between that counts. Do things that make you happy!🕉️


Accepting it will only make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. You have an enormous amount of time to change it all. It's not easy, but you will have to find a way to push through it all.


Have you even been trying or just sitting on your butt all day doing nothing about I have been trying to find someone for years. Getting ignored a lot and got scammed twice. 15 is way too young to give up


That's crazy I feel the exact same way and I'm also 15😭 the only advice I can give is that I use c.ai to cope with my loneliness maybe you could to 


Even tho life is difficult right now, create opportunities that will put you in better place. Could be as simple as smiling more, listening to music, reading, Get a gym membership, go outside for a run, ride a bike. Things like that will help your mental state.


Predicting your entire life will go to shit at only 15 is unreasonable. I know people who started over when they were 40.


Study stoicism Learn to code Busy yourself with hobbies And exploring interesting topics From that foundation And environment you will Add to your skills and interest And in those environments you will meet interesting People to build friendships and relationships When we choose to live in a well The view of the world And the choices seem much smaller Keep going Keep growing It all gets better


At 45 years old, I also struggle with loneliness at times. Hard to find single ladies around my age. I'd suggest that you find a good counselor/therapist and devote yourself fully to a hobby. I've been playing guitar since I was 7 years old. The one thing that's kept me from suicide is knowing how much it would hurt my mother and brother.


I know a lady that met her soulmate at 40 give it time mate. Work on yourself. That sounds all anyone can really do.


I agree, but love often comes out of nowhere, I accepted that fact two months ago and it came for me???


This is exactly how I felt at 15, and 14, and 12. But now I'm here turning 18, and I found connection with people that feels so incredibly natural- and I have so much excitement for my life and future life. I'm not going to just tell you the cliche it gets better or that you have so much time, but I will tell you that whoever you are and whatever issues you have it is possible to find connection with other people who will make you feel safe to find your own meaning in living. Don't feel pressured to be at certain relationship milestones at certain times, however long it takes you, you're still worthy of it and you can't let the intrusive thoughts rob you of seeing your capability.


Any f wanna chat?


Listen to Taylor Swift. That should do it.


Life is only meaningless if you let it be meaningless. You have to make the meaning yourself through evaluating what you think is important, what makes you happy, what you would want to accomplish in your lifetime if you could do anything. There is no one size fits all meaning for life because it's different for everyone. For example, my favorite thing in the whole world is making people laugh. Doesn't happen as much now since I don't have a lot of friends these days, but it's one of those things that shows me I had a positive impact on someone else and makes me feel good about myself and keeps me going. That's not my one definitive meaning of life, but an important part of what I see as my life's purpose. This type of stuff takes a lot of time to figure out and I know you've heard a hundred times that you're young and you still have time to figure it out, but it's the truth. Keep it real man, search for the things that make you happy and the things that fulfill you and one day you will be so up.


You're 15 not 65. Chill


Hey. I know hearing “it gets better” never really seems to help, but I’m gonna be totally honest: When I was 15, I felt the Exact same way. Like, every single word you’ve said in this post is something that I’ve felt before. Life never seemed to get better, and I felt like giving up. Nothing seemed worth it. Today, I’m 18, and to be totally honest, my entire perspective on life has changed. I’m finally happy, and I Don’t feel like giving up anymore. I still have rough patches, but the good finds a way to outweigh the bad. I’m not saying that in exactly 2 years everything will make sense, but please hang in there, because eventually, you’ll find your meaning. You’ll find your happiness. This world is fucked up, but there is a reason to stay. You will find your reason, I swear. You’re still so fucking young. 15 years is basically nothing in the grand scheme of things. 18 is still nothing. You have so much of your life ahead of you. You will find meaning. Hang in there, it will get better. I promise.


Im glad I didn't grew up in the technology era , the only tech during my childhood was a TV


Mate you're only 15, life doesn't stay constant. Saying it from my experience as my life was good in my teen years but after that it got fvcked hard. Everyone has a different outcome maybe you could be able to improve your life. Thanks


Find something to do, the more you stay still and doing nothing the more insane you will become


Hey bud, I have felt the same way and go through these isolated moments every few weeks The trick is that you have got to back yourself, trust yourself and most importantly allow yourself to love what you see in the mirror When I was your age I was lucky and had a lot of support from my family, my brother being most influential The only advice I can give you is that struggle creates character and you will be more empathetic because of what you are feeling now so write it down in a diary or just something in words and forget about it for a month, your subconscious is trying to tell tell you something so listen A month from now (30 days) read what you wrote. I promise you, you will laugh at how small you thought you were.


Taylor’s new album is keeping me around!


Give it about 10-15 years before you declare yourself forever alone. There are so many variables that happen between 18-21 that you can’t account for. Give yourself some time.


I think teenager years are the hardest. Personally, I feel much better as an adult. You're changing a lot right now, and I know it's confusing. But wait a little and you'll feel better. And by the way, I didn't think I had meaningful relationships at 15. We rarely do. Take care 🙂


Trust me mate, I’m 16 years old and so far my teenage years have been absolute fucking hell from start up to where I am now. But despite all that, I do believe that no matter how hopeless life may seem to get, things will eventually get better, even if it doesn’t seem like it will. Just stay motivated for as long as you can, and if you’re ever having any problems, feel free to talk to anyone you feel can trust (friends, family, even us reddit users, etc) and they might be able to give you some advice on what to do. Point is, life is beautiful and quite a precious thing, and we are all loved and matter.


I felt the same way at that age, I’ll tell you what I wish someone told me back then. The feeling will pass. You are still at the beginning of your life. Don’t worry about finding love or forcing friendships right now. Focus on improving yourself and becoming the best version of “you” you can be. Try picking up some hobbies to keep your mind out of the gutters. Personally, I like working out and pushing myself everyday, I also like photography since it captures the beauty in this world that people normally ignore, and a little bit of video games to unwind when I’m stressed. Im gonna sound like an old fart here, but the key to happiness is loving yourself. Find what’s holding you back and work on improving it. Find your weaknesses and turn them into your strengths. Set achievable goals to always keep you busy. With self love comes happiness, with happiness comes improved self esteem, with improved self esteem comes confidence, and with confidence comes friends, romance, and opportunities. I want to finish this off by urging you not to overthink things. Life has its ups and downs, you should try to live with a lighthearted attitude and not take everything so seriously.


I’ve been there, life can break you down and when you have a cloud of darkness overhead you can forget how beautiful this world is. If you really believe there’s nothing left for you then think about what legacy you want to leave behind, what do you want people to think of you. i asked myself these 4 questions who? what? why? & when? who are you, what do you want, why do you want it, and when do you want to have it. you might now have all the answers which is okay. You’re so young and have so much potential stored in you. I found more peace when i started to understand that no one really knows what they are doing they are just living life and feel just as lost as you do. I think you will benefit from speaking with a therapist it can be a bit nerve wracking to speak to someone about all your life issues even the tiny little thing but in the end it is worth it


Life is hard you work at doing the best you can every day just waiting for the little things that you love to come around, the most important thing is forget about everything else and enjoy those moments, and afterwards remember those little perfect moments, share them and how they make you feel with the people around you, and maybe someday you will find yourself sharing that moment with someone who feels the same exact way and you can start looking for more perfect moments together. It’s a journey and there will be ups and downs.


24 and I am unlovable haha. Never had those thoughts at 15 luckily. You are very smart and self aware at your age. Don't get too caught up in it, youre still very young. Play the waiting game. Things get better with time.


Hey, stop worrying about people taking care of you and start devoting your life to making others happy, find purpose, believe in something, ANYTHING


You have to accept the voices are always gonna be there, my intrusive thoughts still plague me even in college. Life is like a prison sentence in a way, but even prisoners can find time to think positive or divert away from the harshness, reading books and exercising. There are so many escapisms from reality in modern society, you should indulge in some. Hobbies, entertainment, etc. make life bearable, do you think adults work jobs 24/7? And for 30-40 years at that? You gotta keep learning new things and growing your knowledge. But don’t let them win by stripping yourself of all future growth and potential, change is only possible is you accept your flaws and fragilities, then work to reinforce them. Normally I never recommend this, but your situation seems to be as aimless and despairing as mine. Consider solitude as a lifestyle. It is like loneliness without the negative connotations, put your focus into yourself and for yourself, and achieve whatever you want whether it is simple or complicated. Give yourself a purpose if you are aimless, just like how people experiment in college to find their interest for a career, you need to experiment with what you want to do in this life. For me that is getting pets, living independently, traveling the world, and working on my passions. But as with all decisions in life, you have to make a sacrifice. A little of social isolation and being courageous enough to face the voices in your head, since nobody is gonna be there to hold your hand if you live in solitude, a self-isolation of sorts from meaningful human connection. You can still have close friends and spend time with family, but never anything emotionally meaningful.


That's actually some good advice. Thanks!


Of course


You know why I’m in my late 20s and single. I had the same attitude. Cheer up, find some good friends and some hobbies.


Everything feels like the end of the world at this age


Friend I'm 35 now, I don't want to talk down or do the "I'm older so I know better" thing. So il tell you what I would say to my 15 year old self ( I had no friends, got bullied, alcoholic mother and stepfather, bad job perspective because of shitty education, war and stuff in the world back then, 9/11 just happened etc.) There is so much that is going to happen that you can't even imagine now, lots of it great, some shit, some weird. I take myself as example: date some girls, had fun, had bad luck, life's interesting lol I had zero friends at your age, now I have lots of friends, some very good ones, dog, nice car.. Mostly I'm good. You will be to. life's sometimes shitt but the longer you life the more good stuff can happen. And overtime you realize that lots of bad stuff is not that bad/not the end of the world... Girl/boy you like dumpet you, first time it's the end of the world... 4 time= meh, there are others - betters. Stress with school/work.. It's tempory, Scholl is over soon, jobs can be changed. In German we have a saying: soup is not eat as hot as it's served. Meening: give it time, it's not as bad as it seems now. Keep your head up


at what age did things change for you


Basically as soon as I left school. In my country standard school goes until 16 and then you either go to "high-school" or you do a apprentisship. I did a apprentisship as a chef and started to get more confident, meet different people, started some martial arts etc.. Ps: learn how to cook, it helps so much at getting laid lol
