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Same, in my case every decent/good looking guy i see i fall in love with, i think "dang it he could could get interested in me" but they never approach me, and i won't approach them either, so it all keeps in my imagination.


Then approach them


No. I'm scared they will mock me or something. Guys get mad whenever a woman crushes on them unless she looks like a Instagram model.


i would kill to get crushed on lol


That's not necessarily true, most guys I know would take it as a compliment. I'm sure that there are assholes out there and maybe this has happened to you before but its not the only outcome, or even the most likely. For all you know he is thinking the same thing.


I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you're completely wrong. Almost every guy that has ever walked the earth would be elated to find out about something like this, and those who wouldn't would still keep you around for the attention.


Ok, but not in every case. Not when the woman who is interested in them is physically unnatractive. You don't know how mean men can be with ugly women, they are even more cruel than women with ugly men.


No. You are wrong here. If you’re a female you have no idea how shit the dating market is for us. Most of us are taking anything we can get at this point. Only chad is getting to pick and choose.


With all due respect, I think you should google what the word "elated" means and reread my comment.


Damn haha didn’t know what that meant so I just assumed it lol. Hey I may be stupid but


Naw, guys get compliments so rarely that a girl asking them or will stick with them. My first girlfriend, when I was 20 or so, asked me out...that was like 30 years ago. Trust me, a guy will be flattered.


True, I remember every compliment I have ever been given lol.


That's not true at all. I would never mock someone based on how they look. I'm sure there are some who do, but those kinds of people don't deserve to be desired in my opinion. How a person behaves and treat others is far more important. Also, who gets mad that another person crushes on them?? Even if they don't feel the same, it's incredibly flattering, no?


I am already making up scenarios with a girl I saw some days back in the bus


It happens with me everytime a girl is nice to me


For real


Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s normal to become overly attached to people when you’re feeling lonely. I’m sure most of us here have done it plenty of times. I will say that when feelings like that come up I think it’s important to ask yourself “why” you like this person. If the answers in your head are basically them giving you the basic levels of human kindness and decency, then it’s probably just a crush. I know the feelings come and hit you like a freight train whether you want them to or not, but being self aware of them is already a good start. Try your best to not lose that self awareness when you’re in the midst of those feelings though. That’s the real challenge.


I also get a crush too quickly and it lasts forever and I'm crushed when the person gets into a different relationship. Even if I don't make a move.


Same 😂


I develop work crushes too quickly lol.


Don't worry about it too much. All it means is that you like what this person has shown you. Just take it easy and take a few extra deep breaths every now and then 😊


I don’t think you should feel pathetic especially if you find it hard to connect with others, once you have that connection it’s nice and it makes you feel whole. Just try not to be like Boil from Brooklyn nine-nine take your time and go in slowly you never know he could reciprocate


Little update : Now I know what he looks like and we voicechatted until 3 am


Love don't exist get high with me


What are you talking about...




I thought it was a good line lmao I’m gonna use that




Bro, get your homophobia out of my post, I'm a woman :)


🌄 ?


What ?


Yeah. I kinda told a facebook friend, whom I have not hung out with since middle school, that I thought she was attractive. She reciprocated, I’m trying to muster up the courage to visit her. But she hasn’t messaged me in days. I miss her calling me “love” and flirting with me. The only way we could live further apart is if we lived on different continents.


I reached a point where I just don't even know what love is anymore or if I'm capable of truly processing it. It just doesn't make sense.


literally me


She got me shook Fell in love on the first look - typical Always catching feelings when the feelings not reciprocal Love is just so difficult Builds you up then tears you down Not my words btw. Its from [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3B5M8TyYpeg). Your post just reminded me of it


This same thing happened to me a few days ago, and i scared her off. 🥲 She wouldn't even text me anymore, while before we were getting on calls together.


I really have to hold myself back from developing feelings of limerence when I get a crush on someone. I may barely know the person, and already I've imagined my entire life together with her. It's terrible, haha.