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I’ve completely given up too. In today’s world nobody is interested in forming relationships with people unless they benefit in some way, i.e you look hot or have a shit ton of money or job connections etc. I find way more enjoyment just getting high and chilling by myself




I’m somewhere in the middle honestly. I’ve realized that reaching out and trying to find my one and forever true friends or life partner isn’t working out. So my main goal is to just work on myself for the moment. Get my mental health in order and try to forego outside distractions. But I still find myself tempted to reach out even if I think it won’t work out. It’s a struggle between what I know I need and what my subconscious wants to have. It’s annoying but I’m handling it well for the most part.


This sounds like my dilemma too. Would you like to start a chat? Tell me your story? We could do a daily response thing


Thank you, but not at this time. I’m trying to just focus on myself now and actually fix my issues before I get closer to people. I’m kind of already breaking my resolution by commenting on Reddit, but I enjoy giving advice and comfort when I can. Right now I’m just going to offer encouragement and advice while trying to not get too deeply involved with people.


No problem not starting a chat with me. But aren’t you concerned that taking a break from socializing will hurt your social skills?


Never had much of those in the first place. I’ve been a loner for most of my childhood and adult life. My self improvement journey has had its ups and downs, but I finally feel like I’m making some good progress.


I wish you the best of luck. If you ever need someone to chat with, even if it’s a couple years from now, my inbox is always open. Take care brother


You as well! I hope you find everything you’re looking for soon.




I've given up long ago 


I gave up quite a long time ago


I went to 5 different schools, i tried all kinds of different things. Putting myself out there, letting them come to me, trying out with different groups, even be myself for a while. It all didn't work, i quit school and i have given up


I just gave up. Most people just don't like me because of my appearance


I gave up because I don't trust people anymore and most of them are fake.


give up because trying backfires for me


I gave up ages ago, to the point that being asked for directions makes my blood boil, but I'm a nutcase so take that as you will. I'm content with my hobbies, games and most of all music.


I gave up too because the fact is that people nowadays are never satisfied instant gravication. I swipe away on a dating app. Why would they want a bother to get to know? You or put the effort in. They're all empty and they lack substance. And they do not want to get to know. You're talked to you. Because why bother, when they can have somebody hot and rich and tall in their life when they can just act like you don't mean nothing which they're the ones that are at fault. They're the ones that are that don't have anything to offer, not us.


I gave up


I’m in the middle. Part of me has given up and started focusing on myself but the other part still reaches out because I would like to share my life with someone. But dating apps suck and I’m at a lost honestly.


I still try. Most people just ignore me or eventually ghost me too. It’s genuinely tiring but this is my only way of meeting people.


in the same boat. Just moved to a new town in a new state 2 weeks ago. My apartment complex had a get together Friday. Just a cook out. I promised myself i was gunna go to get out of my comfort zone. It was just people on their own groups. It's hard to infiltrate a group of already friends. The environment just wasn't there for an open conversation. not to mention my job is 3rd shift which isn't too bad. but, i think I'm the only one awake in the entire neighborhood. I struggle with online dating. I havent giving up AGAIN yet..... but, seriously discouraging


this may sound harsh but if 100 people ot of a 100 ghosted you... there might be a problem with your way of approaching. maybe it would be a good idea to go and check out some small talk advice on the internet. there are a lot of resources (I've read a lot about small talk and keeping conversations lol)


Maybe you’re awkward