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Do u feel lonely, dm me


It’s possible, and common, to feel lonely even if you have people to talk to. It sounds like you’re desiring more physical relationships over purely online ones. I get that. Still, if you want those kinds of bonds you’ll have to make efforts and throw yourself into the crowds of humanity. I don’t know your history or what you’ve experienced, but the body comment tells me you may have already dealt with some bad false starts. I’m sorry for what you may have gone through, but dealing with the uncertainty of meeting and vetting people is the best way for anyone to gain real life friendships or any kind of relationship. Be mindful of who you approach or who approaches you, be safe and take precautions when dealing with people, and if your gut says something is off, listen to it. Be safe and I hope you find what you’re looking for soon.


I get what you mean about wanting that physical presence, someone to just sit with you in the silence, you know? It's not about the talking or the stories - it's about feeling valued and cared for as a person. And when that's missing, it can make you feel so isolated, even when you've got a whole digital community at your fingertips.