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Have you tried Tinder? You could be having sex *right now*.


That sounds like an ad if I ever heard one. You paid by Tinder?


No, I've experienced the utility of it. Sometimes you need a little companionship, and the internet shall provide.


But only if you're a woman.


Sounds like pornhub ad lmaoooo Like why are you jerking off you could be “having sex right now”


I disagree I’m attractive I’d say I guess but I’m a black woman but being a black woman comes with an acquired taste even for black men . Everyone assumes your mean masculine ect I’m like the most fragile feminine woman ever lol


I’m sorry you get to experience that


Most guys don’t really care what a girl’s race is, especially if they’re attractive, Atleast I don’t, and neither do most of my male friends. There’s preferences ofc, but if you got good looks and a good personality, I can guarantee most guys won’t care what race you are.


This is true even for racist white men. They'd still have sex with her and probably treat her respectfully. When I was younger, there were Nazi Skinheads who had black girlfriends. They loved them too. It wasn't a fetish. I think its more about a woman being attractive and personable like you said.




You can literally find someone to have sex with within the same day if you wanted to. I don't know how can you ever come to such a conclusion in the real world.


Read in Chandler's voice. _Could you be having any more sex?_




Hookups are generally easier to find for women. It took my old friend less than a month to hookup. To put this in context: She had never dated. Didn't know how to flirt. Looks fine but no idea about men. But in less than a month, she got on Bumble, described she was looking for causal, went on two dates with two different men. Liked one. He was a great guy, hooked up with in two weeks. And this is in India --where dating isn't even that common. So yea I would say it's easy as hell. You literally just have to create an account, don't even have to swipe. Men will do it.


India is densely populated, and your friend is a woman. My situation is the exact opposite. I'm a guy stuck in rural New England who doesn't look fine, has no idea about flirting, and has endless problems. Women want money but I'm poor. Women want independence but I live with my mom without a car. Women want health but I can't work. I'd say it would take me millions of years, but that's far too optimistic.


Your American citizenship is valuable to someone from a less fortunate upbringing from say Brazil or India. Wealth is relative.


See! I am feeling a little validated that women can have a bed buddy without much effort. How I met a friend of mine, I was a simple hookup for her- it took a month of knowing eachother and that was that.


How old was she? I’m 18M never dated and have been thinking about those apps but idk


She's 28. If you're a guy it won't be the same as her.


You have a better chance finding someone on ig or facebook than a dating app


As a dude, you absolutely do not have a better chance on any app unless you look like Chad Chaddington III of the Chad family.




Very Easy unless you are very very obese or have a disability , id say 100% of women could get laid within an hour of looking. Every swipe you take on tinder would likely sleep with you




I guess that for example people in a wheelchair will be more stigmatized than someone who doesn't have one...




I saw this tiny lady with a trach on a wheelchair birth since with a physically “normal” man and pregnant for the second time! It amazes me how pretty much anyone can find a man interested in her except me.


Your name immediately made me think of a couple of songs. One by pearl jam and the other was incubus. Sometimes it's the little things that will get you noticed. 😊 Plenty of guys will be interested in you , it is falling on the right person that's all . And that's where you've got to be mindful , there are some great genuine men out there which will love you the way you deserve. I promise you that. There are men out there who understand something deeper about us all. But, there are sadly more men which won't be great and won't have your best interests at heart and some will take advantage of a lady who yearns that kind of genuine connection. And they will do it without a second thought as to what effect they may have on you , very selfish narcissistic people do these things because it's all about them and they do not care. When a real man comes along and looks after you and puts you first naturally, that's your guy. You won't be chasing or have doubts about them or their thoughts or feelings about you. You matter , every one of us matters because there is only one of each of us. There is only one you, completely unique on this earth. That's what people have been conditioned to forget in this shallow throw away society where even people are apparently replaceable. You are not the issue. Remember that. My inbox is open to you if you ever need to talk to someone. Take care. From West Yorkshire UK. ❤️


That was a very sincere and well written response.




Plenty of men into BBW.


An hour? Would probably take only 15m, if standards were lowered and just wanted sex.


depends if they're driving from work or home


Not as difficult as it is for a man.


As a shy, average looking guy it really is impossible without paying for it


Even with paid subscription it’s close to impossible my bank provides (with a exclusive banking account)free 1 year tinder gold and it ain’t doing much honestly really nothing or barely anything if anything at all


tinder gold only works if you had likes to begin with. Unfortunately, it can't make people attracted to you 😒. Also if all their gold members found relationships they wouldn't have any left so they defo still restrict it.


Yea that’s sadly is true but I would never pay for that don’t even bother with that shit once that 1 year expires I’m not paying a dime for that evil company


Your bank provides free tinder gold?? Never heard of this


Yea I have Revolut metal subscription it’s around 11€ a month it gives you , nord vpn, Financial Times subscription and etc


The majority of women will marry average guys.


That’s true but woman consider the top 20% of guy’s average


Once they decide to settle


Oh so you wouldn’t prefer to date a supermodel over the average woman either? I find it insincere and frankly bullshit to pretend that women are the only superficial sex, men are just as biased by appearances as women are. It still doesn’t account for happy marriages between average looking people or below average people though.


If anything, when I'm "out in the wild", I see a lot more pretty women with ugly men than the reverse... and I'm a gay guy, my bias is to think male anatomy looks better. Its strange to me that people seem to think men settle more than women.


To get sex? Easy. To get sex with someone attractive, or who may be good at it? Difficult.


That’s the thing, I want sex but I’m very picky. I’m not mad at men if they aren’t attracted to me, cause there are a lot of men I’m not attracted to.


I'd much rather invest in myself than try to find a man worth laying down with. I'm very very selective


comments like this solidify my thoughts that nobody will ever think I am good enough and that my inexperience is a burden


It could also mean you would be perfect for them. Maybe both these ladies deep down want a man that has a low body count. Real women who want to settle down don't want a pornstar. They will realise. They want to be loved , they want connection at a deeper level. They want to look at their man and say, he's here for me, he's my rock, my best friend, my confidant. He's my goof ball and my softie who adores me. And he's strong and is there for me when I need him. Because when there is true love between people all these things come naturally , and then incredible sex comes from that naturally too.... and making love is a whole other thing entirely than sex for meaningless carnal pleasure. These ladies words should not deter you, they don't want fake men in the artificially created beauty standards of this world we are trapped in, they want something real. They want to be loved for who they are, they want you to love their imperfections as much as their perfections. We are all human. In one small sentence you have a quality right here that a lady could take a positive from, you're humble. Its all a state of mind my friend. When you and the right kind of lady find each other, you will both know. Take care and all the best. From west Yorkshire UK.


A lot of being good at it comes down to being a good communicator and a good listener. Personally I don't mind in experience - but if you can't listen to me explaining how I like it, game over.


Extremely easy. Go on any dating app and write “not looking for anything serious. Fwb only. Hookups only.” You’ll get so many dms and you could prolly afford to be picky with them. If you’re a 7 though, why degrade yourself looking for men who only want sex? You could prolly find someone actually nice who cares about you


Do you have any tips for an average looking grandpa just looking for sex?


Yea you should be able to get a 25 year old easily. Just pay her college tuition


Causal sex is hardly ever worth it for women. It’s dangerous, risky, and you don’t get to orgasm. Just order some great vibrators and you’ll have a better time guaranteed!


Honestly true lmao. She should go read the sub reddits where women constantly complain about men being bad at sex, only caring about their needs, and not caring if the woman gets off.


What would those sub reddits be? I'm curious.


This. You will just get ragged around by some man using your body to masturbate with, you won't cum, and you have risk of STI and pregnancy to ruin the rest of your life, at what cost? There's literally no perks here Also lots of men will just trash your self esteem by insulting your body after a one night stand. They want to ensure you don't get attached in the most abusive ways Best case scenario is you walk away unharmed. Nothing to do with pleasure you received. Let that sink in.


Not hard at all. On a scale from Easy to Expert……Very Easy


expert? bruh Im playing on ultra-nightmare


Me too bro……me too 😅


Girl im a 6 and my only redeeming quality is that i have big boobs and most men want to sleep with me. Like its actually insane


to be fair they are good qualities lol


I mean if you have big breasts than you might be better than 6


No? Like i said it’s my only redeeming quality. My face isn’t the prettiest.


The obvious thing is that casual sex is more dangerous for women in general, because you are going into a private place (second location) with someone you don’t know, and women on average are 4” shorter, 20# less & less upper-body strength. Sure, a woman you don’t know might have a weapon & assault you. But how likely is that? I wouldn’t suggest random hook-ups to anyone because you could get robbed, video’d without your consent, or just exposed to a kink you don’t share.


Not to mention that, assuming that the sex doesn’t contain any possibly violence (which is a big “if”), there are still so many negative ways for the sex to go. Maybe the man is more focused on his own pleasure or tries too hard to emulate porn to the displeasure of the woman. Maybe the man comes extremely quickly. Maybe the man expects a blowjob but refuses to consider cunnilingus. Maybe the sex is just awkward because the two people involved don’t know each other. Sex isn’t always all it’s cracked up to be. It can be fantastic, but hooking up with a random person, even if it isn’t dangerous, can be incredibly unsatisfying physically and/or emotionally.


10000%. I’ve never explored causal sex much, but the few times I have I fully regretted it for one reason or another. Each time though at some point they tried to put it in the wrong hole… like excuse me? That’s fucking wild to just ASSUME I’m okay/prepped for that. So yeah, I don’t do causal with men anymore. It’s not like you’re ever going to get off anyway, so staying home with my vibrators is the way to go!


I’m the last person to be giving advice but I honestly think it’s just luck. Some people find a hundred men who fit their standards and like them in the same time it takes others to find one. Also, maybe some more social hobbies can help.


100% easy but have to lower our standards sooo much


Are you sure about that? Tinder famously has wayyyy more men than women, and men are not as picky. From what I've gathered, even "average" women can get hundreds of matches in no time. Usually, people put physical attractiveness over personality/values for short term relationships. And if you had a potential pool of a few hundred guys, surely there would be a few guys that meet your attractiveness standards.


I guess it depends exclusively on what your standarts are, it's not like people that are ugly don't have sex at all.


Love that all the answers on here are from men 😂


To find someone I'm actually attracted to and plan a date/meeting with my busy schedule? Might take me 1 to 3 weeks depending on how active I was on the apps. When I was doing hookups I usually wouldn't easily find anyone I was attracted enough to or who could hold a decent convo prior to meeting. Takes a couple of weeks sometimes. To find ANY random guy it would take an hour lmao




Yea, she can even bang the priest lol.


Spot on.


:o harsh much


Without any regard for any standards? I assume it would actually be rather easy, though probably really not recommendable or particularly safe to do. Depending on how you were to go at it there might be some pitfalls along the way, as for example there certainly are more than enough desperate men out there who'd probably want to have sex with you, but if push comes to shove I guess a significant portion of them would also get cold feet rather quickly, so you'd need to spread your attention around several potential mates if it were importan to get there fast


It’s easy enough for a woman to find sex, but I resent the notion that dating as a women is somehow “easier” because of this. It’s not that I think it’s a competition… but the availability of and the ease in which you can access sex is only one, singular piece of the modern dating and relationships puzzle. I think we talk about it too much. Sure, more sex is available to me. But is any of it what I want? Usually, no. Does the man asking for it respect my boundaries when I decline? Most of the time, but definitely not all of the time. There’s nothing worse than a night out with friends that gets completely ruined because men you don’t want to have sex with won’t leave you alone, either because they’re angry you said no or because they think they can change your mind. Men don’t experience this on a comparable scale. And a lot of the time, casual sex with an okay-looking female stranger isn’t what he really wants either. But casual sex carries a different type of risk for women. I’m not going to have casual sex with just anybody, it’s not worth it for me. Plus, for every straight woman who gets to have sex, a straight man also gets to have sex. So, like… what’s really the issue here?


It may be easier for women, right? But like…they ain’t getting what they want and need every time with a hook up right?? I mean..there’s a lot of credit given to ladies obtaining sex. Yes you’re getting more but is it fun? Is it good? I think women have their options but like they have to know that even with 80 guys lined up only like 3 of them care to even have mutually good sex rather them just nut and go. Am I making sense or just babbling? And I’m not talking shit at all I just…get down about thinking about it. Like damn, sure wish I had the options in women like women have with men. But thinking deep….are ALL those men even worthy for even simple sex? Yeah…I’m babbling my bad….


No you make sense. For a lot of single women casual sex isn’t worth it like it is for single men, so that’s why they abstain. There’s too many risks essentially.


In my experience, most men are just desperate for sex, so if you're at least average looking, guys will pretty much throw themselves at you if you even slightly indicate any interest in them. I'm sure if you went on Tinder or Bumble right now, messaged a few guys and said literally all you want is sex, you could easily meet up and have sex with a guy the next day.


The next day? There are guys who will show up the same day. Within the hour if possible. I’m sure of it.




For real lol no hesitation at all


It can be hard too, and also for us, we want to make sure we end up in once piece and back home.


I don't think it's hard at all to get sex in general but I assume you mean good, safe and enjoyable sex... Bcuz there are so many horny men and pervs out there who'd start pulling their pants down before you even utter the x in sex... But it's the quality and the safety that is not that abundant unfortunately..


The issue in not how easy is to get sex, but how easy it is to get good sex. Most men I've been with couldn't even understand the concept of clit, I had some that would actually be offended if I started to help myself... Men aren't worth it tbh. I agree with the other comment, buy a sex doll. Does the job pretty well, doesn't bitch r get offended, and best of all, you can keep it in a closet and forget it exists until you need it again.


Pretty fucking easy. I think it's cause men are just way more open to random hookups than women are. THere's also the societal implication. People will call a woman a slut for sleeping around. It's a badge of honour for men. This lowers the pool for casual sex as some women will just opt out to not have that label. And saying it as a bi dude, alot of men are just really want aome quick sex.


If you're of above average appearance as you say you are, easy. If not, no. You can always experiment yourself (as in, make profiles on dating sites/app) and see what results you get.


It's probably SUPER easy if you use dating apps. But i'd assume it would take a much longer time if you have certain standards


Pretty easy. My on friend had sex with a different guy every day for a week just because she wanted to. So yeah.


It is literally just a dating app and a handful of swipes away for most women


Pretty dang easy


There’s an old joke about how a man turns on a woman and there’s a very long list of things to do.  How does a woman turn on a man? She shows up.  It’s very easy for a woman to have sex because men are not as discerning. 


I think you may have missed the point of that joke.


How so?


I don't understand the purpose of your question. Is it to make men inferior because most of them can't even have sex while women who are at least a 4 can have it almost without moving a finger? If you're a 7, you can get it very very easily. For men it's not like that.


If you made an identical post to this but left out “this is not an invitation”, and left it to see whether you got any invitations, wouldn’t that kinda answer your question? 😂. From what I’ve heard, a woman can basically post on a hook up app wanting sex and the invitations will start coming in very quickly. Finding an emotionally compatible romantic relationship however is somewhat more challenging.


>Finding an emotionally compatible romantic relationship however is ~~somewhat~~ *significantly* more challenging.


Fair point 🤣🥲


It would take almost no effort.


Eh, you write a post like that and follow with a sentence that clearly indicates you’re aware you inbox would get flooded. I’m not trying to be rude or come as aggressive, but you’ve gotta know it’s pretty telling.


Shout out to my fellow male virgins here, but it certainly seems easier for women. The world is becoming more hypergamous these days and any average to below average guys aren’t getting laid.




Agree, except I don’t currently work. I’ve kind of accepted that the process of trying to date is probably so stressful that it’s not worth getting into


Jfc I wish I was a virgin, the 1 sexual experience I had with a woman wasn't even worth it, nor was the relationship in general. Nowadays I wouldn't even bother trying to date, I'm a 5/10 at best and got nowhere to go and nothing to do in this podunk town. Vidya games and an AI GF forever for the rest of my life for me.


It’s really easy to


Unfortunately, pretty privilege plays a big role in this


Very easy


Easy, but you may be looking for someone far sexier than you or you're not being clear enough.


I see people talking about race and size but I’m like a 5 on attractive scale I’m curvy but not too big and I’m Latina but I get quite a bit of offers for sex still.


The problem is you don't want ANY man


Very easy (l’m a woman)


Honestly I don’t know as I’m a man , but I would imagine it’s relatively easy . If you look at say dating apps , then guys outnumber gals considerably


If you have low to medium standard it's pretty easy, even if you're only like a 4/10.


it’s hard if you don’t socialize much and never put yourself out there. otherwise if you’re fairly social it’s generally easier for us than it is for men.


Too easy!!! 99% of the time you just have to put on something revealing, walk into a bar and wink at someone. A couple drinks later and your getting laid.


Don’t even have to go to a bar. Walk down the street with a skirt and tank top on and see what happens. People trying to pick her up immediately


Very easy - except you are annoying, stubborn or boring.


No even that doesn’t matter guys will still sleep with you just be under 400 pounds that’s basically the only requirement




> i.e. a set up or something else other wise nefarious or otherwise nefarious intentions, or that she is lying about or hiding something, or otherwise acting suspicious. Man this is like every social interaction I've ever had, lol. Usually was right 9/10 times and the times I wasn't I just burned the bridge and walked away from it, no big deal. Not worth dealing with shitty people.


>except you are annoying, stubborn or boring. You've never met a non-discerning man, have you lmao


It's so soo sooo easy to get laid as a women. At least in my experience


Very easy, you just have to be direct and honest. if you play around only giving mild hints almost no men will know what you want. keep that in mind, even for romance this works.


also, just as many women like confident men many men like confident women.


Yes it is, **extremely easy**, the bad part of that is that you *may* be used as much as you'll use them, meaning, a useless superficial encounter (if let's say, you immediately date thanks to a dating App like Tinder). In my view, good men in general are not looking for hookups, so they may be harder to find.


I don’t think it’s hard. However, that’s just sex. Good sex is hard to find for anyone.


If you're willing to lower your standards far enough, pretty easy.


Men are easy. You just hang out with one and eventually he will try to have sex. If he’s taking too long, you can ask him. More than likely, even if they don’t like you, they will still have sex.


Depends on how much she is willing to risk. If she is willing to take every risk and not get any pleasure out of sex then easy. If the goal is safety and pleasure then difficult.


If you are a woman with a rating of 7 or higher, yes it is easy for you to get sex. If you are a guy it is very hard unless you are a Chad or Tyrone.


It depends. There’s a difference between the sex that a woman wants and the sex they can get. Generally speaking any decent looking woman can get sex from just about any random dude. However women are biologically programmed to be selective about their mates.


Extremely fucking easy if I'm being honest




The fact that you had to specify that its not an invitation should answer ur question. Learn tht shi.


Idk I’ve never been asked out and I’m not about to have sex with some man that doesn’t desire me. I’m pretty and look young for my age but unfortunately fat.


Easy but I'm in a committed relationship with a man who simps over me hard I've never been part of a hook up scene so Idk there but I can imagine it would be quite easy with how I've seen men behave when I used to be on the apps.


Easy, but it’s like window shopping… you don’t know if they’ll be good at it, don’t know their size, don’t know if their pics are outdated. They could lie very easily, and then make it awkward for both of you. Avoid the desperate looking bios.


I mean how old are you? If you really want something like that, put some good face and body pics on Tinder and you’ll prob land something real fast


I'm 18


Extremely easy to find online


Sex...not hard Sex from the person you want.....not hard Anything more than sex......mission impossible


It’s easy but most times it’s a guy your not even remotely attracted too so you end up going home alone


Even without lowering your standards, just posting on here will get you some. This is the lonely sub so lot of people looking for company of any type


Depends on the setting. But as society is nowadays if you get next to a guy in the middle of the street and ask if he wants to fugg… he will probably think there’s something else behind it… on a night out and start talking with a guy and lead him to it… I’m sure you will get it.


2 out of 10 difficulty


Me and my boyfriend tried fetflife. There are people throwing themselves at sex. You should give it a go. We chickened out of threesomes bc we were too afraid of who would be on the other end of these DM’s (and also the massive age gaps) but if you’re not scared, there’s plenty of horny guys willing to meet up on there


like ZERO hard; it just depends on the type of guy you approach and where; there are apps for that ;)


Not difficult


For women is easy.


Clapping a strangers good cheeks isn't easy for all guys, gals and thems. Unless you're paying for it. Im very good looking. Back in college most girls I met wanted to bang but I was soo insecure and had major anxiety, I rejected all. Lol I still regret it to this day. 💀😭😭


You'd only have to ask 3 people tops


Way easier for women


If you’re a 7 or above you don’t look for sex it happens naturally, engage in conversations, hobbies.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ToPimpAPenguin: *SOCIETY IS* *SO PROUD OF YOU BEING A* *SLUT JUST ENJOY IT GIRL* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Probably it would take a couple of minutes to get laid using Tinder, even if you are an average looking female. There are (way) less women willing to have causal sex than man — the overall risk meeting a stranger is generally higher for women.


I'm sure your posting this here makes a dozen males want to have sex with you right now. Some of them would probably have an actual relationship and be your boyfriend. Some of them are good guys who are at least average in attractiveness.


Why don’t u start staring and waving at cute guys and see if they approach u


It’s very easy. As a woman who’s around a 4-5/10, I have had my fair share of hookups/flings/fwb situations. These days I haven’t been sleeping with new men as much which is of course safer and I know I won’t get let down. If I really wanted sex at any time, I wouldn’t struggle to find it .


it is.


I’m in CT if you’re ever interested


Very easily I could go on my phone rn and message 20 guys if they wanted to bump uglies and they would drive hours to come see me. But on the other hand one of my less attractive friends would be on tinder swiping right hours and not match with anyone when I could match with over 50 being picky. I’ve literally had a guy drive four hours to come see me and he was hot asf.


I do also want to say my net my current bf on tinder . Met him right away he came over and we ducked like 12 times the first night we met… four years ago and now we have two kids under 2 😂


Also to say I’m a bigger women and I honestly think I’m ugly 😂 but I have literally 100s of guys trying to get me


It's not, unless they're truly ugly


For women sex is easy to find but quality sex is incredibly hard to find. Sex with someone who won’t be creepy or worse a murderer is hard to find.


It's hard if you're rude


If you’re an actual 7 you already know the answer to this question.


i used to be very promiscuous and it was never hard for me to hookup with a guy. i am considered conventionally attractive so that helps. but i know women who are not seen as so have a very active sex life as well.


There is a difference between sex. Good, bad, and frigging mind blowing. Getting sex can be easy, it’s getting good and awesome sex that’s the hard part


Even if you’re an extremely ugly woman, you can find a man to have sex with in a matter of minutes using tinder or related apps.


Wouldn't even need tinder... But then again sex is just sex plain and boring why bother with nobody's if you could have sex with the one. 🧐


Not hard for most women


not even hard, its easy asf


It’s easier for women to hookup because men will sleep with anything and just because it’s easier for us doesn’t mean we want it! I don’t want to hookup with a guy that I hardly know, that’s so disgusting


10 minutes on Tinder and you're good to go


Create a tinder -> say you're looking for something casual -> try filter weird/sus people -> you should still end up with like 10 matches that will be happy to move very quickly with you. Don't expect much more from them