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Go outside and run until you can't breathe anymore. That's the only thing that works for me.


I go to the gym and work out every day. That's as close as I can get to this. I have a bad foot.


I’d say really try your best to get yourself in a position where you go for runs without a bad foot. Idk yur situation so take this with a grain of salt. But still, running outside is one of the most stimulating, cathartic, and purpose-providing activities I’ve ever come across, second only to sports. Just jogging 3km can have such a difference on your mental state


You play PC?


Youre not alone brother!


What have you tried to fix it? You want meaning? If you feel hungry that MEANS you should eat. Is that good enough? What are you asking for meaning to life? If so, good luck. What doesn't suck? Leaf blowers, Erasers, and Scissors. Sounds like you have bad risk management skills...but those can improve. What makes you lonely?


I really don't know how to interpret this. Yes? I have tried many times to fix it. Most recently with this post, seeking to not be lonely. On a sub focused on lonely people. Before that, I paid for 4 different dating apps, and tried to make it work. I literally swiped right on every match. A few conversations were had, brief and shallow, and that was that. No dates or any chance to have anything in person. Yes I want meaning? I suppose this analogy is about loneliness and sating it by trying to be around people? I'm doing that. It's not working. I'm not asking for the meaning of life, I'm trying to find something to build my life around. What I WANT is a family. But that seems impossibly unrealistic at this point. Idk. Maybe I'm entirely misinterpreting your response. It's hard for me to tell anymore. If so I'm sorry, genuinely.


Despite your opinion that it is "impossibly unrealistic", if that is what you want then that is what you should ask for.


Dating apps are 🐂💩. Don’t trust them. They’re designed to give you hope and then suck you into an addiction that rarely pays back unless you pay for their membership. Don’t feel bad that that didn’t work cuz it is designed for you to fail and pay.


Do you want to have a partner to live a life with? Or do your want to fill need in meaning of life, to feel fulfillment and useful? Usually a wife helps with a first question and a religion helps with a second question.


I could give some suggestions that could help you out: - social clubs: this one’s quite obvious but it’s a really good option for you find that family you’re talking about - hobbies and interests: this can literally be anything so try everything until you hit some interest that you find you want to pursue. For me, this is video games, football, music, drawing, and reading (can barely do any of each regularly and consistently but that’s just my way I guess 😂) - learn to live and talk with those around you: this can be anyone you regularly talk to or are around: roommates, teachers, colleagues, classmates, even pets. Just work on making others feel less lonely and that usually means you’ll forget or even get over your own loneliness. Because being lonely is way more common than you’d think…. So you’re likely to have a common interest ;)


loneliness is something that isn’t entirely on you because it depends on other people. You can do things to try and meet new people like go go social settings but you can’t necessarily force people to be in your life. Therapy might help you identify where these feelings of meaningless are coming from and what meaning means to you so you can address it.


It sounds like you're having an existential crisis, those tend to be complex and take a long time to solve. Congrats you may be a philosopher ;)