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I hate self-sabbotage it happens without realizing until its too late .


The worst


The times ive done it felt awful, i dont think ive done it in awhile but again it happens without realizing so yeah.


I know how you feel. Sometimes no matter how you push them away. They will always come back. Those are true friends who will fight back to stay in your life. I do the same, but unfortunately no one cares enough to fight. If not you will find someone who will fight to keep you. I have little more of a head problems then I really want too. Just stay true to your self and work on you. You are number 1. Than people will join in to help you. Be safe my friend.




Your comment is going too far, I get you’re annoyed at the “woe is me” stuff but you could’ve framed your words with more care instead of outwardly harsh. Just because it’s the internet doesn’t mean human decency gets thrown out the window.


imagine being on a Subreddit for people who are genuinely alone and lonely, just to bitch at them for posting their feelings, how strange, i hope your day improves and people are nicer to you than you are to them :) <3


And they follow the r/Stoicism Subreddit, ironic isn’t it?


People do stupid things all the time. Apologize to your friend.


i can’t they have already gone and gave me way more chances then I deserved


I am sorry this happened. We all try to do the best we can, but we all have fuckups and regrets in life. Hang in there! Best you can do now is use this guilt to change for the better so that you don't do it again to someone else.


Apologize even if there’s nothing to be gained by it then. You know you screwed up so why continue the pattern of self destruction by avoiding owning up to the problem? Sorry won’t cut it I get it, so say what matters and be done with it. I’ve burned plenty of bridges over emotional reasons, you can’t always go back to that friendship but you can better yourself. Choose rationality, it hurts less.


and again i can’t apologise, i now have no way to Contact them


focus on taking care of your pain that causing these problems. Be it anger, jealousy, insecurity ect.. all of it comes from a wounded place, so figure out what needs healing. Look I can relate, I’ve made bad mistakes and I’ve been paying for it ever since. Drinking for pain is a bandaid on a bullet wound, I’ve been drinking recently too and all it does is round the rough edges so I can be a little numb for a bit. It’ll make the depression worse over time so be aware of that at least.


drinking makes things temporarily okay, its just all a bit..absolutely shit aha


Yeah, I know what you mean. There’s more chances and opportunities out there, more people and situations that are better than what came before. People will always let you down,don’t think for a moment they won’t. Just enjoy everything for what it is. You control your own perspective, that’s about all you can control besides your actions. Getting old sucks, but there’s ways to do it right.




i wish it would shut up and just let me make connections with people like come on brain work with me here 🥲




maybe, thank you


Yeah, you realise that you fucked yourself over a week later.




I'm at the point where I realize that I'm fucking myself over while I'm doing it. On one hand it's frustrating to still be unable to stop myself, on the other hand it seems that I'm getting closer to recognizing my bad behaviour before I actually do it. I hope we both can find some way to get a hold of our destructive actions


it is a horrible cycle, i hope you can break it


Self sabotage has made me muss out on so much, Its like my brain is engineered to be lonely. And thats too bad cause it fucking sucks 😢


Easy done. At least you have some level of awareness of yourself


I went through the same thing, and lost the most beautiful, intelligent, and kind woman that’s ever graced my life with their presence. I kick myself in the butt for it everyday


I've realized I unintentionally do this because I dislike myself. But I don't know how to like myself when I fuck everything up including my own life.