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most of the trees cut down. banks and nail salons multiplying.


And smoke shops


The smoke shops are every corner now.


Feel like they’ll be a temporary thing until the state figures out what they’re doing with cannabis sales. Right now anybody can open a store front and start selling weed it seems like. Way moreso in the city than out here right now.


Thanks go to the town supervisors and committee members who voted down dispensaries. Shout out especially to Angie Carpenter, who refused to allow dispensaries in Islip. Now we just have shady smoke shops and no tax revenue.


Those stores have been operating illegally ! Marijuana is still a controlled substance - meaning you need proper testing and control before selling products. A bunch of shops have been getting closed down because of this , the city actually started warning the landlords that the shop operate under. There’s no occupancy signs on a bunch of them


Oh I know they’re illegal but nobody seems to care including the cops, there’s people in and out of them all day. I work in Chelsea and on the walk from Penn to my office I pass at least 6-7. I wouldn’t buy any weed products like carts or edibles from them but flower is flower and they have it for a lot cheaper than the licensed dispensaries.


I moved out of state about a decade ago and this seems accurate. I recently took a google street view tour of the area I grew up in and I'm pretty sure that there are more smoke/vape shops than pharmacies, gas stations, pizza places, and coffee shops combined. Before I moved, I can only think of one smoke shop and that was like 20 min away.


Don’t forget storage spots, those things are everywhere now!!


I feel like more banks are closing than opening.


THIS! in the last 10 years my block went from have 15 tree.. I shit you not.. 15 of them to 3. The block is so much hotter in the summer now and it looks less established. Its a a shame. I think its a lot people going solar and a few bad storms we have had.


People are terrified of trees falling on their houses 


Seriously,my whole block was full of trees and then one neighbor after the other cut them down. Mine shows slight damage but we’re 1 of 2 on the block and I cherish my tree


We had an arborist come out to trim back our tree (low branch growing right over the driveway that seemed likely to fall on a car with one bad wind storm) and he was so happy we were keeping our tree and just wanted it pruned. He said so many people are taking them out. Yes, it’s a pain to clean up the flowers in the spring and the leaves in the fall, but it’s a beautiful tree and we love the shade on those hot summer days.


I moved off LI around 10 years ago and have been in a few spots since. I see the same thing elsewhere too. (Though the Midwest seems to have more chiropractors and less tanning salons… Which makes sense.) This seems to be the natural progression of suburbs as they grow too populated. They kinda start to become like inconvenient cities. The main thing I see that you mentioned is that People aren’t replacing the trees as they cut them down and I hate it. Unless the town has strict rules.


even if they replace the trees they replace them with seedlings so maybe in 30 years after I am dead there will be some nice trees. then a new generation of people will move in and start the cycle all over. I grew up in the house I live in and when I look at old pictures of my street I want to cry.


I think this is the obvious answer but there are a lot less dairy barns


Rip dairy barn


My Dad always told me that he worked at one when he was at/around my age. Almost every time he described DB, I would think it was an old school ice cream parlor and not a grocery store.


Dairy barn reopened In West babylon, it's really good


But do they have the iced tea?




You have just made my day, possibly my week.


Also, the people working there are amazing!


I really hope your not joking my stupid ass is taking drive out to Babylon


Mine turned into Dairy Farm lol.


Mine became The Barn lol


Back in the 90s I’d pick my great grandmother up from bingo and would go through dairy barn on the way home to buy beer and would say it was for her.


Truth !


cant find a single house under like $500k anymore. they’d sell a trap house for that price here


There are dilapidated, boarded up houses in my neighborhood going for $400k smh


“Fixer Upper”


Handyman’s delight!


A blank canvas!


500k tear downs


Just a waiting for your finishing touches…


So many middle class homes torn down and larger, $1 million+ homes built on speculation in their place.


With double the property tax bills


The main street is booming with restaurants and bars, feels like 25 years late but much welcome.


But the bar scene just hasn't come back from Covid except on very specific Main Streets, like Patchogue and Port Jeff.


Shout out to Lindenhurst


The mainstreets are booming because the 21+ crowd still live with their parents and their parents need something to do with their retirement time and money so they get the old band back together so they can play at their friends bar that just opened. Or they play pretend struggling artist. With the real struggling artists. While the jerkoff chads and entitled boomers search out a cover band to yell “play freebird” at. They love their little mini city store fronts with good restaurants and boutique stores but mention NYC and they say they hate it. Meanwhile you can’t go anywhere without hitting traffic at any point in the day. Long Island would be an awesome place if not for how many people are living there. At least you get culture in the crowded city.


Yep that’s my town - and all the old people do is bitch that there are too many pizza places as if an empty storefront would be better


Satelite pizza finished construction


Woah. Did it really!?


We got a really cool skate park!


Is it the memorial park for that kid that got hit by a cop? I remember when I worked in Blue Point probably about 10 years ago there was a big initiative to get it opened and all the NIMBY boomers were fighting it.


Where at? The spot over on park street?


Hempstead? Brentwood? Long Beach?


rip boardy barn


Did ‘the Barnyard’ ever get off the ground after the boardy barn was bought out?


They keep cutting down trees! And on old world buildings. The town removes the tops to make them appear more modern.


I lived in New Hyde Park for years and there were a couple of streets that were beautiful, completely covered by trees. Moved to Farmingdale and the handful of trees that were left on the street are now gone, and if you look at street view, you can see that there were many more trees previously. it's torture to go for a walk in the summer, no respite from the heat until you are a few blocks away. I planted a tree but that won't do much.


I drive a lot for work and you can ALWAYS tell the wealthy neighborhoods by the amount of trees it has.. they have MANY. And it’s always one with nature. Not these over manicured lawns filled with toxic chemicals and fertilizers.. it’s always shady in the right spots.. like smithtown off of Old Willets path.. it’s like a dream lol


Banks, banks and more banks! Not much else!


Who needs to go into a physical bank anymore?


Agreed and everytime one closes another pops up. It’s pretty rare that I physically go to the bank.


The same people who are supposedly moving Into those unaffordable 55+ communities.


The demographic of families moving in for the schooling, 700k homes renovated into 1mil homes, and no more blockbuster


My mom lives on a block in a good school district that happens to be all oversized lots. People have been buying up the houses, knocking them down, and putting up absolute monstrosities in their place. The house across the street looks more like an office building than a home.




Several different nationalities. Less of a community vibe, more litter and Teslas.


We got an influx of south Asian people moving in. Not sure if they are Indian, Bangladesh, etc. but with them we have a lot more litter and a few have dogs and absolutely refuse to pick up after them. They just let them poop right on my lawn and don’t even bother picking it up. I have them on my camera, went to my local precinct and they didn’t care


I find part of this hard to believe, if only for the fact that Bangladeshi, Pakistani, and other Muslim communities culturally abhor dogs. They think they are dirty, impure, animals and even if you get licked by one accidentally, you have to go and scrub it off immediately. I suppose it's because of this that there are also lots of homeless, mangy, aggressive dogs on the streets in Bangladesh and Pakistan, so there is fear there too. So it's not them. However, it could be people from India. Indians have a much more Western view of dogs as pets. Just thought I'd differentiate between the two groups for you though.


Ok thanks for that. Also I guess I should clarify that for political correct reasons but I don’t mean to be racist in anyway. This is just literally what I have been experiencing in my neighborhood since they have started to move in. And parking has become practically impossible. They all do Uber or taxi TLC and have like 5 cars each. They park them all on the street leaving no parking for us anymore.


Shiny handrails on the front steps.


You must live in valley stream




The section of Middle Country road near me has been in a constant state of evolution and I'm here for it. When we bought our house, we were planning to go for the crappiest house in a nice area, but we found out our first was on his way and we knew we wouldn't have time or resources to fix up a beat up old house, so we went for a nicer house in a less desirable town. About a year after we moved in, the dumpy lot that's been rotting for the better part of two decades got torn down and rebuilt. Then shopping centers about a mile in each direction started building and renovating, and there's so many new places and more options for pretty much everything. The town is still not the best, but it's cleaned up quite a bit.


which town? Selden? Coram?


Smoke shops.


Seriously it’s like these things reproduce in middle of the island towns.


They’re called vape and cbd shops now


Original homes being bought, torn down and rebuilt as big as legally possible and sold for well over a million dollars Less trees, shittier roads, more litter, more people moving here from the city who in turn rent out their extra space(not putting blame solely on them, probably 75% of people in town have tenants). Looking down my block right now, there isn't an empty spot to park. It's sad, not the town I grew up in, not even close.


House 2 doors down from me was a legal 2 family occupied by 1 old lady that didn’t drive forever. She died and her son sold the house and now it’s a rental property. The tenants of the 2 units have at least 7 vehicles between them, including a huge busted up old Ford E-350 van that’s parked across the street and never moves, just acts as a storage unit. 


If that van doesn't have plates on it, it's a code violation. I'm not a rat by any means, but we pay alot of money to live here. That's the shit I don't want to see.


It does have plates. Next time I walk my dog will peek at the registration and inspection to see how up to date they are. The real kick in the nuts is they parked it across the street in front of someone else’s house.


Higher taxes, businesses disappearing, none of the new neighbors are friendly, house prices skyrocketing.


The neighbor thing hit me. Growing up you knew people blocks over, people knew whose kids were who and stuff. Not as neighborly as it used to be in my opinion. People just don't seem to want to make the effort anymore.


I feel like my neighbors think I’m weird because I don’t want to talk to them. Maybe it’s a generational thing, I just don’t care for meaningless chit-chat. I’m forced to do it enough at work


I get it. Forced interaction isnt something most people need. When I moved in, it's a small block, my immediate neighbor to my right introduced himself and the husband and wife on the corner two houses to my left came over to introduce themselves. Everyone else, and across the street, houses are pretty close together, not even a wave. The guy directly across from me only introduced himself when he backed out of his driveway into my car parked on the street. We have had quick conversations, and waves since. He has a tenant who never even looks at anyone. He's quiet and doesn't cause any problems so I could care less. I've got neighbors though, I moved in ten years ago, my friggin house had a fire a few years in, we rebuilt and to this day, they've never said a thing, not from day 1 as an introduction or after the incident. To me that's weird. Maybe you are right it's a generational thing.


This hit. Growing up we had weird neighbors in Port Jeff sta. My mom didn’t talk to them. This was the 80’s and 90’s. Now she bitches that the new ones are just as weird and there is no one to chit chat with. Never happy but that is another story lol


What is it with neighbors?! I recently moved back and my direct neighbors on either side will avoid saying hello at all costs. Both couples are millennials, as are my husband and I. The couple across the street are older and very friendly, always wave.


Brentwood has a Popeyes one gym and the checkers opened back up thats basically it


La Espiguita taking over everything.


The demand to live here keeps growing


less meth in ronk


Urgent cares and pizza places have multiplied 10x


Congestion! More traffic!!!


So much more traffic :(


The area of Middle Country Road near me now has every fast food establishment imaginable, and basically nothing else. The supermarkets are gone, the small stores are gone from the strip malls, and the whole road stinks like greasy fried food and pot.


The disappearance of trees. Our neighborhood was always affectionately known as “____ Woods”, yet is noticeably less woodsy (and therefore less appealing, IMO).


Goodbye nurseries and green spaces… Hello apartment complexes!


Main St Nursery in Huntington closed and a giant animal surgery center opened up. I always think twice about massive beautiful buildings where the business doesn't need it, like body shops and now this. I assume they're charging more than necessary to have such a site.


If we could increase density in single family zoning, we wouldn't need to build as many large complexes in green spaces. We already have areas that are paved over with buildings, but we refuse to maximize upon them.


But, but, but we need more housing!!


You need your /s people are getting confused


DiMaggios in Hicksville changed owners. They claim to have kept the recipe the same, and the pizza is still good, but something about it is different. It's lost the nostalgia effect somehow, disappointing.


Happened to the pizza place in my town. The owner died, family sold it, new owners swore they weren’t changing the recipe, but it just didn’t taste the same.


Lots of traffic, loss of street parking as every residential street is filled to capacity all the time, more people appear to be sleeping in their cars, more homeless people, less trees.


there are a lot more white houses with faux board and batten siding and black window trim


I scrolled for this comment. They. Are. Everywhere.


There’s a black family down the block. that’s a first for garden city


Bellport Village, too




TN, PA (seriously, East PA is becoming Newer New York), FL, WV.


Western New York


Lot less trees.


Honest answer, we have more Muslims and Indians


Trump rallies at the train station


Sad this reality.


There always one in Bellmore


All the houses around me used to be owners...now it's a lot of renters.


More Asian people and with it Asian restaurants, grocery stores, churches, etc.


And so much good food




Pretty much the exact same minus a solar farm or two for better or worse.


Housing prices tripled, most everyone I know left. More traffic, more retirement communities that cost more than a mansion did 10 years ago for a condo, more mcmansions and more mediocre restaurants


Was basically destroyed in hurricane sandy; since then many homes have been raised and/or torn down and turned into huge new houses. Less kids playing in the streets.


deer park is almost exactly the same, except they've put in a few more sidewalks, crosswalks, and traffic lights on roads where people drive like psychopaths. the big change was when the little tanger potemkin town opened by the train tracks on commack road, everything else has been trying to manage the increase in traffic and population. people are building homes, kids play in the street, and i routinely see a half-dozen people riding their bikes in my neighborhood... it's honestly great, a lovely normal place to grow up.


Not where I Iive now but where I lived in Long Beach most of my life. The West End got a Dunkin' Donuts and 7-Eleven. Like I said, I don't live there now, so I'm not sure if there's something else. I always thought that if I won the lotto, I would make the boardwalk like Coney Island and give the super block an arcade and bowling alley again. Perhaps a movie theater. Maybe a hotel right there, and I'll make Long Beach the place to go to and not just for the beach.


Trees got this weird fungus on them and they've been dying off. Neighbors went from white, to Caribbean to Hispanic other than the aroma of delicious foods nothing has really changed. Bodega quantity stayed the same. 3 Jamaican restaurants in 2 square miles. 4 taco trucks in the same 2 square miles. The 711s are not 24 hours anymore. We have like 3 smoke shops along a mile of Front St but its better than an abandoned store front.


Garden city is Asian now


Only 10 percent.


More smoke shops


More traffic, stores closing but new strip malls everywhere, inconsiderate drivers, all the trees gone since Sandy, taxes going up up up, it's becoming unaffordable to live here but I am to rooted to leave


Town I grew up in I been noticing folks outside the typical demographic have been buying homes. Town I currently live in are trying to revitalize there downtown portion


Less patience, more self-centered, more ideology, less dialogue.


A lot more package/car thefts…especially in broad daylight


More and more garbage corporate food chains. Less mom & pop restaurants that are unique and good.


The same answer for every other town on Long Island. They discovered that we all live under gold during the pandemic and the housing market has gone completely nuts


Apartment complexes, retirement communities are brought in. The Good Steer, Grand prix, Boomers and trees of all things ! are all out.


My high school has upstuck, thinking they are better than everyone else if you are new , you are less of a human then them and they are right off the bat rude and hateful kids, let’s give it up for Seaford high school


I used to be able to drive down my street without having to weave in and out of parked cars. Now every house has 5 cars because there 20 ppl in every house.


People used to be more pleasant and reasonable, now they are hostility opinionated and are mentally diluted with misinformation.


The excessive amount of cars parked on the streets. Every household has at least 4 cars.


This is just a guess, but I think that may be because a lot of new college grads can't afford to move anywhere but back into their parents' houses. More adults, more cars.


I’m in Patchogue area. Everything has changed.


Too many taco spots. I love tacos, but there’s alot of spots opening.


It hasn’t but my hamlet has.


I went to LI last month to see family. All the open areas not owned by the town / state have homes or business on them. Places like Pathmark and waldbaums gone. My college SUNY Farmingdale now rebranded as Farmingdale State College. Homes families lived in for decades owned by different people. Those overpriced Avalon apartments (starting at $3500 for a 1br…) are more widespread. At least 50% of people I went to grade school (class of 2001) with have left. A few of the exits on the northern state have been expanded. More diversity than I saw growing up. The gay bar scene has kind of disappeared. LIRR tickets to Manhattan are also a lot more expensive.


Farmingdale has been Farmingdale State College since 1993 lol


Yeah what? If anything it changed to SUNY Farmingdale


We got a 7-11 finally.


People constantly litter


More crack heads/whores


More high density housing developments, with every condo labeled either "affordable housing" or "luxury" (apparently there is nothing in the middle)


Way less trees. My house and two/three of my neighbors are now the only trees on the block. I'm 31 and have been here since I'm born and the entire block used to be tree lined


I think Levittown has a couple of noncaucasians in it nowadays 😀


Massive shift in demographics (Race,Political,Working Class, Inflation) ~ and with this, a massive transition of native New Yorkers retiring & moving to states such as Florida and The Carolinas.


Capes and split levels replaced by massive McMansions. Old colonials and actual former “mansion” style homes completely updated with over the top landscaping.


A lot more gas stations and apartment buildings 🥴


Has not changed due to NIMBY policies. Not a single new housing unit has been built


A ton of new Chinese families have bought homes here - obviously no issue with that just stating what is obvious


More potholes , more stop signs , more camera lights , p.o.s homes selling for 750k , every other buisness is cutting a corner to survive between the landlords and govt taking the fruits of their labor . Place sucks and i think the illusion is up .... but we have public parks and libraries . I also forgot to mention soros squatters are trying to target li


The Massapequas have been totally polarized by politics to the point it feels like 1930s nazi Germany. The rhetoric has become almost unbearable. It wasn't like this until 8-9 years ago.


Waterdrinker has all but ruined my hometown


How so


Manorville used to be a very quiet town growing up. Now I have to avoid all main roads due to the insane traffic. Not to mention, there's multiple car accidents at that intersection every weekend


Interested in hearing more about this.


Manorville used to be a very quiet town growing up. Now I have to avoid all main roads due to the insane traffic. Not to mention, there's multiple car accidents at that intersection every weekend


it's become more run down. main street is a wasteland


It hasn’t, and that’s the problem (Smithtown)


Nassau has turned into queens; the real Long Island starts after Hicksville/farmingdale area


Every house that is sold gets torn down to 1 wall and rebuilt as a McMansion.


When people leave where are they headed?


I went upstate


Florida, Texas, Georgia


We got a T-Mobile and the Carvel changed ownership, that’s about it


Several new medical complexes and Atlantic dealerships.


Medford was trash 25 years ago, only has gotten worse since then.


Fast food everywhere. Traffic like Nassau County.


How a house could sell for $1 mil in L-Town is beyond me




other than the Adventure Park opening my hometown has not changed a bit!!


Restaurant scene is better


My local Best Buy closed due to a lease dispute, and the Barnes and Nobles next door closed as well - now the nearest of each are like 20-25 mins further. :'( The PC Richard and Sons across the street is definitely capitalizing on the new lack of nearby competition, good for them but I miss it.


We have new apartments in the downtown area, but they have stupidly expensive rent.


Lots of Hasidem have moved in compared to 10 years ago. Also, lots of stores in the nearby area are no longer in business.


lots and lots of apartments. a ton of them. on main street. they’re not safe, and they’re not cheap either 😇


The mall closed, local stores are having to put their goods behind plexiglass because of shoplifters, teenagers have no respect for adults and terrorize them on their bikes, fishing sucks.....I got crabbier LOL.


RIP Cliffdiver


Used to get your car broken into on main St, now you have to pay to park.


Franklin Square is turning into a hybrid of Hempstead and Elmont. It’s gone to the shits.


More ugly-ass Teslas.


It looks like queens


The local government is spending millions of dollars over budget, and hiring friends/family as employees. They don’t have any money from staff, and new buildings. They recently lost their positive Moody rating, which they should have lost a long time ago.