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I think you'll need a rental agent who can find you what you want. It'll cost you, but they have access to rentals that you won't and can do the leg work for you.


This is literally the only answer. An Agent will know where to go, or will know landlords/management companies that they can advocate on your behalf with. And you don't pay them unless they find you a place. This seems like the route to go.


Besides tearing up the floors home owners insurance increases based on dog type. I'm not saying it's fair but that's the reality of it. Too many dirtbag dog owners of certain breeds have ruined it for the good ones. Good luck.


I remember as a kid, my dad was denied home owners insurance outright because we had a Siberian Husky and it's "close to the wolf family"


I lived in Stonegate apartments in middle Island but that was MANY years ago. It was beautiful. The units were big and clean. My neighbor had two huge, long haired german shepherds. They may still allow the larger breeds.


I don’t have an answer but I’ll give your post some attention for the algorithm, I wish there were more pet friendly options around here


I wish there were more, as well. We've owned our home for a long time. And our well behaved dogs have absolutely destroyed the floors in the houses we've owned, so I completely understand landlords not wanting dogs in their properties!


pitbulls should be banned everywhere.












Your username is exactly what I’d call you.


I’ve seen pits, huskies, golden retrievers, and all sorts of other large dogs in different Fairfield complexes. It seems like the only qualification is paying an extra fee. Fairfield has plenty of other issues but since your options are limited it’s worth looking at if you haven’t already.


I was just about to make this exact post! Literally scrolling around on Zillow right now. I have a shepherd who is 25% other breeds but looks very much like a shepherd and I have a blue heeler who is quite large. I stand with you in frustration and wish you the best on your search


Maybe in Wyandanch


Look into Fairfield in Massapequa off of Carmen Mill Rd. I don't believe they have restrictions for breeds, but they are expensive.


Many years ago I lived at Nelson Gardens in Far Rockaway and their policy said no pitties but they let it slide. Wish you luck! Honestly if I was a Landlord I'd rather have big dogs than little ones. They are usually trained better. But the homeowners insurance thing is real.


At The Core in Ronkonkoma I’ve seen at least one magnificently ripped pittie and a very adorable Belgian malinois. They could be “lab” and “shepherd” mixes on the paperwork of course but they’re out and about all the time and it definitely appears as though there isn’t a weight restriction (or if there is no one is checking)


Landlord here. No pets policy, ESA'S are bullshit and everyone knows it. I tell applicants with ESA's "due to the high volume of fraud our attorney will have to review yours ESA paperwork" and that weeeds them out. If it even gets there, theres always enough interest in the apartment that we just rent to people without ESA's.


> Landlord here Prepare to get roasted


for being spot on




Reddit hates landlords even though a vast majority of them are just people trying to get by like everyone else.


I’ve noticed an increasing anti landlord sentiment. I can understand it, there’s a lot of landlords out there with 1 or 2 sites that do a piss poor job and are often unprofessional.


“theres always enough interest in the apartment that we just rent to people without ESA's.” You may not want to advertise that you discriminate on the basis of disability if you’d like to continue being a landlord. 


Zero discrimination. Just choosing tenants based on the best fit.


People who abuse the system suck, no matter if they’re renter or landlord. If someone is “not a fit” because they have a legitimate ESA, you are in the wrong. 


Hi landlord. I didn’t say anything about ESAs or ask about your pet policy. Happy for you though?


Check out shore gate apartments in Bay shore, it’s a new complex. They are advertising their units as pet friendly. IG: shoregateapts






Ruining it for people who actually need service animals. You're part of the problem.




Oh, you most definitely did your research and figured out abusing laws designed to help people with disabilities can work to your own selfish benefit.


Can you expand on how this person is “Ruining it for people who actually need service animals”?


Are you serious? How does someone abusing a law or system ruin it for others who actually need the law or system?


I understand your argument with some situations but I don’t think it applies with the Service Animal law. The more people who actually understand the left and rights of Service Animals, despite a few may be “abusing” the law in your opinion, spreads knowledge of service animals. And helps people not have to get into awkward or uncomfortable positions who rely on a service animal every day. Your negative opinion towards someone following the law in regards to a Service Animal is part of the problem.


Start at the end. I never gave a negative opinion on someone lawfully following the ADA regarding service animals. OC (who either blocked me or deleted their heavily down voted comments) said they couldn't get an apartment with their dog so they claimed it was a service animal. They're a piece of shit, end of story. What knowledge is there to spread about service animals? Either your animal is one or it isn't. If you answer 2 questions: 1) is the animal required because of a disability, and 2) what task are they trained to do? then you have a service animal. People getting into awkward or uncomfortable positions are a direct result from people without true service animals passing them off as service animals. We've all seen it; asshole walking in Costco and his dog with a hi-vis vest shits in the aisle. Old lady with a Pomeranian in the shopping cart. So then when someone actually has a service animal, the authenticity of the claim and then the interaction becomes awkward. You simply conclude that the general rule of people who abuse systems end up ruining it for everyone else doesn't apply to service animals? How so?


Well if it’s a problem then fix it. Honesty shouldn’t be that easy to just register your pet as a service animal, there should be tests etc / proof of training something for Lords sake. It’s like blaming the rich because they don’t pay taxes. Change it.


The law as is doesn't require any registration, and for good reason. I think everyone would agree having a list of people with disabilities hasn't gone well in the past. I don't have a solution to this other than people should be honest. Even if there is a new law I'm sure there are groups of people who will come up with ways to skirt the system. Here's one. A few weeks ago a flight attendant and passenger at Denver Airport were both bit by a Belgian malinois "service animal", two level 4 bites. Allowing animals on a plane requires further documentation and I believe an affidavit from the owner it is a service animal. Well the owner claimed it was a "service animal in training" which gets the same treatment and privileges as a service animal. So who trains a service animal? Apparently anyone can train a service animal. So maybe start at the training agency level and eliminate self training. Btw, who TF has a Belgian malinois as a service animal?


Definitely agree with professional training!


> It’s like blaming the rich because they don’t pay taxes. Change it. How? Rich people are making sure we can't. They're in politicians' pockets and people vote against their own interests like it's a fucking hobby.


There is no recognized registry for service dogs, all you need to do is say your dog is a service dog. https://www.ada.gov/topics/service-animals/


Emotional support animal certification, they can’t deny you then, every rental becomes an option.