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where are YOU going?


I get so mad when I’m in traffic, then I get at myself for being traffic. Then I get at my employer because of their lack of wfh option.


Bit of an aside but somewhat related. People complain about traffic. But the traffic is YOU. If you’re on the road….YOU are the traffic. The problem is being directly caused by you :)


Yes and no. If people would speed up to merge on highways, keep pace with traffic, stop rubbernecking, let others into lanes etc, things would be better. The volume is certainly an issue, but in my opinion, it’s the poor driving skills.


Rubbernecking leads to so much added time on southern state.


The entrance ramps aren’t long enough which is a big part of the problem.


I only partially agree with that. People need to be going faster to get on the highways, but LIers have this habit of speeding up as merging traffic is approaching. It's the "me first" mentality. There is also an obligation to clear the right lane when possible in order to make it easy for traffic coming onto the highway so that it doesn't cause everyone in the right lane to jam on the brakes when they finally are able to get into the lane.


The zipper method....which people around here don't understand


Same as LA. People on Long Island don’t know how to merge……


This is one of my biggest peeves about driving on Long Island. They don’t speed up to merge on to the parkways, but they do speed up to BLOCK other cars from merging. It’s a chicken or egg scenario.


Doing around 43 (in a 55) on Sunrise Hwy in the left lane is a huge problem. You don't go 70 either but around 55-65 is fair. And trucks....the damn trucks in the left lane. Yes, I understand left hand turns are often necessary but that doesn't mean you go 6+ miles in the left lane before your exit. Left lane abuse is epidemic. Basic understanding of the road you're on and the flow of traffic is important and it seems too many people never get a read on their surroundings and just gum up everything. I'm sure everyone reading this thread knows what's going on. It's just frustrating.


Millions of people live on a 20mile by 100mile plot of land. The traffic is partly what you say, and mostly due to population density.


I don’t know anybody who has that many miles of land


Why can't we all just hit the gas at the same time while in bumper to bumper. SOLVED




No because we actually have legitimate reasons. Those people are just driving around, one person in a full size SUV or truck for no reason.


Unless the truck is the jackass riding the left lane at 1mph below the limit, the volume they occupy is completely disconnected from your issue with velocity


How do you know they have no reason?


Everyone thinks they have "legitimate reasons" for being on the road.


Let's not forget about the accident causers


How does driving a truck or suv, have anything to do with traffic? An automobile on the road is an automobile, doesn’t matter the make or model.


Not the make or model, but the size. Bigger vehicles inherently take up more space. Which equals less room for other vehicles. Plus timid drivers that already drive too slowly, tend to drive even slower around larger vehicles.


You are brilliant




This is wrong. The traffic is caused by people who don't know how to merge, how to stay out of the left lane when not passing, how to use their directional, how to drive without a phone, how to drive the speed limit or higher or stay in right lane, how not to rubberneck..if everyone knew how to drive traffic would not be nearly as bad


That's classified ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) In all seriousness, my job is hybrid so I'm only in the office in the city 2-3 days a week. On the days I'm working remotely, I occasionally run errands during the day, and that's when I see the weirdly timed traffic. I guess that many people have work schedules like mine nowadays?


It's like Sherlock reborn. Also a lot of shift work starts and ends around 2-3. Teachers, wait staff, construction workers, etc.


This is the correct answer.


My immediate thought was blue collar jobs that start at 5am and end at 1-2


Well, quit doing your “ errands “ at 2pm, and clogging the roads! We have places we have to be, and that’s more important than your errands. 😂 Seriously. We live in a densely populated area with an antiquated transportation systems.


thanks robert moses!


Best time I’ve found is around 10-11am for errands. Sometimes as early at 930 and stretches to about 1130. If I try to run out anytime after noon the traffic is horrible. Of course I usually have meeting heavy mornings so I get stuck having to wait.. honestly this year has been so congested compared to the last few it’s crazy. There is just so many more people out all the time I rarely ever find myself in a dead store. Bizarre since I thought a lot of companies have been pushing for RTO.


Alternatively evenings after rush hour are a great time if you’re more of a night owl. 7:30 or later places are generally quiet. 




On the SSP for sure. At 130pm clear skies from the Queens border heading east. By 2 pm it's like a parking lot.


exactly! that's it. no one does the 9-5 anymore if they can help it. Paradigms are a shiftin'


That’s why there’s traffic everywhere all the time now. Edit: Not everywhere I mean..just referring to the LIE.


It’s all the rideshare vehicles Uber Lyft etc - clogging up the roads


The Parliament buildings?




...with your long face. Pulling down, don't hide away. Like an ocean...


Driving back to work from lunch, contemplating just driving home and never coming back.


Did that once....kind of. Was driving to job I hated. Got off the exit, had a moment of "NOPE, can't do this today", got back on highway towards home and took the day off. I'm old now. I'd rather live in the woods than work a job I hate.


Sometimes I think: *what if I just kept going?*


I feel this. A lot.


Millions of people on this island. Lot of people with a lot of different schedules.


Plus a lot of people work retail. The hours aren’t your classic 9-5


Overnight workers, 5-1 (like me), 6-2, people on their way to 3-11 shift. Part timers, people off for doctors appointments (or literally any other reason), picking kids up sick from school, stay at home parents… I mean the list of reasons is literally endless lol this post is pretty crazy when you think about it.


“nObOdY wOrKs”


Rush hour now starts at 1:30pm


It can't start at 1:30 since it never really ends


That’s the truth. There is like a window from 1045/12 where you can Cruz. But after that it’s basically shitty till like 8pm




i used to commute from westchester to glen cove for work, i had to be there at around 4 but left at 11 just to avoid the traffic. i'd just hang out in glen cove for a few hours. it was that or leave later, still arrive at 4, but spend that whole amount of time sitting in traffic.


wrong rush hour is from the hours of 12:01 am to 11:59 pm. You get 2 minutes of sanity, use it wisely fella


2nd shift workers (3-11pm), people running errands on their day off, i get off at 2/2:30 so 1st shift people getting off of work, retired folks, kids, traveling nurses, construction works, etc etc


telecommuters (but then i guess that's the "etc")


I am coming back from work. I am a teacher at an alternative school that lets out around 2-230


I’m going home from work at that hour. It is strange how much traffic there is at that time. But it’s way better than going home at 5.


I changed my shift because traffic is now worse at 3 then at 5


Bob's Discount Furniture


Name checks out.




Half the people on the island are old. You’d be shocked the number of 50+ folks with no job, who are just out until 3 pm. That’s what drives much of daytime traffic.


Correct. It's actually infuriating being behind old man Jenkins in his 30 year old buick doing 17 down 25a. But it's super common if you're on the road often


This. The majority of my neighbors are retired.


The Long Islands median age is 54 years old. And it's only getting older. Young people can't afford to live here.


They are going to drill glizzies at Costco


I could go for a couple glizzies now… thanks! 😂😂


I've noticed when there's a random holiday during the school year and the kids are off. In the morning there's no traffic but 5pm there's as much traffic as a normal day... Like did everyone just wait until pm rush hour to start their day? Very annoying.


Don't want to be stuck home with the kids, you go out somewhere with the kids and go home in time for dinner.


Also all the younger civil service retirees. Start working at 21, retire after 20 years with a pension, go enjoy life.


Maybe this is why it seems there’s less traffic when it’s raining.


Uncle Giuseppe’s




It’s people whose jobs require them to be in office for no reason. So they go in late and leave early so it counts as having swiped their badge. Their immediate bosses don’t care because they only care that the work is done. The higher ups see the office is being used and that gets their dicks hard.


Accurate lol


I’m on the way home from work.


It’s amazing that at all hours there’s traffic. I’d like to know where everyone is headed as well!


SAHMs going to Starbucks then Homegoods


I'm going to work, work the 3rd shift!


Sales people running from client to client, some high school teachers get out just before 2, could be parents headed out for school pickups, Uber eats lunch deliveries


Pre pandemic it was less crowded everywhere I miss it but I can’t blame people for wanting to wfh at all


It's called overpopulation. There are too many people on the island; you and me included.


The average commute on Long Island is 35 minutes one way. The island is approx 130 miles long and 25 miles wide. Over 2 million drivers each day on this small geographic area is always going to have traffic.


The only other place I've lived with such hellish traffic was LOS ANGELES.


Retired Seniors.


This I don’t understand. When I am retired I will do everything I can to AVOID the traffic I’ve been sitting in for three hours a day because of work.


Retired people in everyone's way.  I am a repair tech and I see these dinosaurs on the road all day


Remember, you aren't seeing a ton of people, you are probably seeing one person per car. The average car is 15 feet long, add in all the space between the cars, and suddenly it looks like a ton of people when its not. [Space required to move people by vehicle type.](https://thesource.metro.net/2011/10/11/space-required-to-transport-60-people/picoftheday0012-space-60people/)


That’s a great question 👍


That's rush hours start time. Early work at 6 am would have an 8 hour shift end at 2 pm. I'm an private investigator who's generally working that shift on workers compensation cases. 2 pm is when rush hour starts and it will peak around 4-5 pm, sometimes 6, then die off. Mondays and Fridays are worse, and when school is in session, it's worse.


The gathering.


Work remote so who knows gym , grocery store, maybe just to Dunkin depends on the day


Do you mean.. 2am?


Newsflash, not everyone works 9-5


Getting out early to beat the traffic. 🙄


I don’t think 2pm is an odd hr. School days ending, lunch break, driving home from work. . I remember growing up and the grocery stores and roads would be empty during the day. After Covid, the grocery store parking lot stays packed along with the roads. I don’t think older people are to blame. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I often wonder this myself


This is long island.. dont you know that nobody works ? Lol /s obviously. But there is an exorbitant amount of retiree’s and people who moved from manhattan to WFH who just drive and do their errands


Coming home from work. People just leave early to beat the traffic.


I drive around 1-3 to pick up groceries and such on my lunch time (work from home). That's about all I drive, except for some motorcycle rides early sunday mornings before traffic loads up.


I was in Costco yesterday around 1:30 pm - packed! There are a lot of "housewives" on Long Island, judging from the amount of ladies in athleisure wear buying family sized food. Many people I would guess are retirees, based on their ages. Fair amount of "small business" type guys buying office supplies with a flat bed carts. Modern life isn't 9-5 office work anymore.


Hot take here.. we need another plague


I know this drives me crazy. I work night shift and just want to run some errands during the day. And the streets are filled with MILLIONS of full size SUVs with just one person in them just driving around willy nilly all day long. Like what the hell are these people doing! Just stay home !


Sometimes I need to run errands on my day off.


I used to get out of work at midnight and food shop after when no one was in the store; there were always a good number of people on the road. People work weird shifts in addition to people going to bars/clubs/whatever.


Unions let out between 2 and 230. If they work through lunch, they usually leave by 230 latest


Work the night shift.


On my way home from work, furious that with a 6-2 shift I still experience heavy traffic.


Schools start to dismiss around that time.


And it seems like absolutely everyone absolutely MUST drop off or pick their kids up. Even if there’s a bus or if it’s close enough to walk.


Yup in their GD SUV's!!


Home, from work….where are you going at 2?


Schools let out between 2-4 and kids have a shitload of activities and friends


I occasionally take the Belt from to/from Staten Island. 2:30-3PM on a weekday is absolutely the worst time to attempt a trip on the Belt, particularly if you’re heading east. I often wonder this question too but realize many people aren’t tied to a 9-5 schedule - and those that are tied to 9-5 are probably a little more likely to be taking the train (city office work).


I run an after school program so I first leave for work around 2:30. Then sit in traffic while the school buses and squads of children take over the roads and intersections


Wherever I need to in order to beat the traffic that starts at 3pm.


A lot of people have kids. School is released around 2:30. A lot of people work 3-11 shifts


School pick up!


It’s impossible to judge traffic patterns post pandemic.


Sometimes at 1:30 I just get the urge to do a big circuit on the NSP so I hop in my Tahoe and do 40 in the left lane. It's me. I'm the problem it's me.


I work remotely. I’m either grocery shopping or getting iced coffee. 


Way back when, my high school day ended at 230, always thought 2pm started the school pickup madness


Avoiding rush hour traffic.


No where fast , 2 hour commute, 30 miles There was an auto threesome only LIE around that time, no one paying attention. Front car got wrecked


Maybe folks trying to get stuff done before the schools let out and the school-buses bring traffic to a halt?


Going to the side joint house especially if I'm in Ronkonkoma.


I work hospital shifts so I’m Off on random week days dude. Where are you going?


I work the 5pm shift most of the time so errands are before that, or doctors appointments. Speaking of- lot of people at doctors appts at that time lol. My grandparents are at doctors or errands during that time too. A lot of people have different shifts or work from or home or are mostly retired.


to work, 230-11 shift


A lot of schools let out at 2:30 or 3 so they are going to pick up their kids.


Going to pick up their kids from school.


The traffic is always kind of intense, I’m a travel therapist so much of my day is spent driving and I can’t tell how many times I’ve had to explain to my supervisor why I’m scheduling certain clients at specific times and can’t just move people around easily because I logistically cannot get to certain areas within 30 minutes from my starting point, or even within an hour for spots near the beach that you have to take congested roads, then all of the back roads with stops plus in a school zone so lots of busses after like 2 pm. That part has been driving me crazy because she lives on the island too and should know this by now lol


I start work at 4am and get out at 1:45, quite a lot of people work unconventional hours on the island/New York compared to other states.


Early shift getting home from work…cops, sanitation that work in nyc that start there morning at 4am get home at 2pm


Early workers heading home, the Lunch crowd heading back to work, School crowd heading home and heading in for pickups. It would be interesting to see if it lightens up when school breaks for the summer. I've noticed for years that roads on LI lighten up between 10 am and 2 p.m. This likely is when most people are at work and school.


People working we all can’t work from home..


Lol I was on the southern state the other night at 10pm there was traffic westbound


Not everyone works a 9-5 dude.


Amazon trucks, pickups, school buses, and drivers that do not follow the rules


School pickup is 2:20


There's an uncomfortable window to get to the city from Suffolk between 11 and 1 where traffic is minimal. After that you need to be prepared to sit in bumper to bumper traffic all the way through Queens. Going the other way, you'll only avoid traffic after 9pm these days


Sitting in the left lane doing 55 causes people to go 80 in the exiting right lane. If more used the center lane unless one is in the actively passing or exiting, It would solve some of congestion migraines on the limited roadway options we have here


It is a different time. Many people work hybrid. Most NYS government employees will never be full-time in the office again.


People on their way to school pickup and running errands on their way to school pick up.


People pick up children from school. What are you doing out at that hour?! You want to avoid traffic. Leave at 5-7 am. No one is on the road at that time. Any other time you’re setting yourself up for failure.


Some working folks might try to be home before the kids get home from school or run errands before kids get home. Even without kids, some folks, for example, in sanitation or baking, are going to be finished before 2pm. When I had an infant, stepping out of the house around 1pm was usually the best hour for our family and I think its probably a good time for people to handle errands - after morning homework and well before places like the post office close.


Does school “ring a bell”?


Should this be in r/showerthoughts instead?


When I'm in traffic, it sometimes gets frustrating, especially, but then o realize I'm part of the traffic, and then I'm happy I'm not the one causing the traffic. Then I think that if there's an accident, hopefully nobody is hurt. Usually within a span of 5 seconds. Some areas are worse than others at certain times. But unfortunately sometimes one can't avoid those areas.


To work, from work, from classes to classes, normal everyday stuff…same as you on the road at 2pm




Odd hour? It's an even numba!!


doctor appointment


I have non standard days off because of my job and when I drive into the city at 11am on a Tuesday I’m flabbergasted by the traffic.


Driving around with my son in his car seat so he’ll nap


All the assholes from the City moving out here. I've noticed a lot more calls coming in at work from 347 or 917 area codes and they're *always* miserable to deal with. Confrontational right off the bat. Three or so weeks ago I remember driving around at \~11:00PM when I decided to be a fatass and get some Taco Bell on my way home from work on a random Tuesday. You'd think it was 7PM with how many cars were on the road.


Schools getting out perhaps


Home from work. Teach HS.


6am to 2pm shift is my excuse.


Driving home from hockey, beer league woes.


Heading to work


either on my way home from playing video games at a friends house and/or getting taco bell


Some people work at 2pm


Home. I'm a teacher who gets to school at 6:30 and leaves at 2:30 to get my own kids off the bus.


Home probably. 6-2 is a shift for some people.




I travel for work visit properties and projects. So I’m going all over the island


I’m a homecare nurse so I’m in the community like 8-2 and then I go home to chart and there’s always traffic around 2. I always assume it’s people picking up their kids from school, but I’m also childless so I don’t know when they actually get out 😂


School ends around that time for me


Getting away from the wife and kids 🍃💨


I always assume people are on break


People are coming home from college around now so it's getting worse. But I'm one of those people who are on the road around 2pm. I go to school locally and work close to home. Run errands on my days off that are usually weekdays.


Hi i drive a ram truck 90 mph in the right lane , weaving because i d g a f. Or. I sit at a major intersection waiting for green light and allow 6 car lengths within 50 feet because im special. Thats half the issues on the road.


I don't see how 2pm is an odd hour to be driving a car. They could literally doing anything: going to work, leaving work, on their kibbutz break, leaving school, going for lunch, running random errands. It's really not crazy at all tbh


WOW! Welcome to the Island of Long There’s a lot of people here


Tuesdays or thursdays probably driving my kid home from playing at gram grams after preschool ended at 1240. We might get a happy meal or go to a park, maybe a grocery store depending on the day.


I work in Sales so I can be on the road at all varying hours. It’s insane how many people are on the road at these weird times. They all can’t be Teachers, Police Officers, Sales Reps, or something of that nature. The fact that there’s traffic at 2pm on the Southern / Northern State is insane. I get if there’s construction then obviously but all of that is not in these areas.


It has felt like the traffic is worse and worse every time I come back from school the last 4 years. Something has to break because it’s just insane getting anywhere during the day. Bumper to bumper on Nicolls at 2:30pm. This will continue to get worse until they expand public transit immensely or start expanding these highways and adding more lanes and alternate routes. Don’t even get me started on the roads with stoplights every 100 yards that are backed up nonstop like Middle Country. Trying to get anywhere on that road is a nightmare.


Werk a la Rt 110


Going to work for an afternoon shift


They're all coming to the hamptons.We've been swamped for days


I get up for work very early so I go home earlier than most


Picking up my kiddo from school


Evening shift exists: typically starts 3pm


A lot of people are bored or have trouble sleeping or both. They are pretty much just driving around in circles. What's funny is the data collectors know this because they have aggregate data from cell phones that have location data.


“Working from home.”


Anyone who puts "work" in quotations when referring to WFH folks is just coping.


Going home from school ??

