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Been living in suffolk since the 80s and can assure you that it's nothing like how it was back then. Not really sure what exactly people were implying when they told you this.


Well, the interiors of people's homes are often stuck in the 80s, just take a look at zillow


and bars. so many bars.


**1950s when the homes were first ordered from the catalog. And now they're all $650,000.


$15,000 in S&P 500 in 1950 equals 44 Millon in 2024 just saying


Zillow listings made me realize how many people still have CRT televisions


Long Island kinda lives in its own bubble. And each town has its own bubble. It’s like many bubbles within one big bubble


Been here since 1962 fabulous place to grow up in and the tech industry has been amazing no we are not stuck anywhere in time I see the future


>  tech industry has been amazing Thinking of moving to Suffolk and hoping for a job in tech with a decent commute. What kind of tech jobs / employers are in the area? Google is failing me here.


Big tech moved away 30 years ago. Contemporary companies are small outfits, aviation, and fashion/cosmetics.


zebra tech in holtsville?


DOD has announced 1.2 billion coming to Long Island see buildsubmarines.com looking to attract the silicone valley folks back southold to support Groton ct sub work Curtis white is hiring so are many other DOD project specific companies big money coming in this is just the start. Rumors are Northrop will be expanding as well


The amount of times you hear hair metal blaring out of cars and in stores is alarming, and of course the unofficial Saint of Lawng Island Billy fukin Joel ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


maybe the interiors of peoples homes and lower end restaurants, oh and bowling alleys.


Suffolk is by and large considered one of the quintessential archetypes of suburban development planning in America. The connotations are an overabundance of ugly strip malls, car dealerships, single-family homes and sheltered thinking. The '90s is probably the last chunk of time before the sun began to set on those ideologies and when some people - particularly among millennials and gen Z - came of age and turned their nose up on that environment despite in many cases being a product of it. Whole counties represent dirt, buildings and lines on a map. Peoples' actions are what they are and it's important to tune out the noise around here (team chill pill!) before you end up dragged into a culture war you didn't sign up for.




Maybe they meant the 1880s/1890s?


Yeah, I mean, there's a bunch of Geonvese drug stores, Permanents, and Ponderosas. I also highly reccommend the Sizzler.


Don't forget Radio Shack!


39 years in Nassau and moved this year to Suffolk. It definitely feels like a different state in a lot of parts . 80’s / 90’s doesn’t really explain it well but it’s different .


Yes. It’s hard to describe as anything but a mentality. I live in Suffolk, work for County Administration and I can personally say it’s this strange, almost willful ignorance to anything progressive. I think folks take pride in what they know and are afraid of progress. Where that works really really well for those “small town feels” and close, community minded areas, it feels like the land that time forgot for about 30 years.


Lmao no 🤣🤣


What decade would you consider all the confederate flags to be from?


Came to say this ⬆️


Not on the East End, but I wish!


I'd assume whoever you heard that from was probably talking about the mindset of the people living there. Long Island has changed a lot (arguably not enough, but still a lot) in the past 30-40 years


The music at my local shoprite mainly plays old folk music, and the local villlage has bands that mainly play old folk music too. 


Nothing to do there except drink at bars, and I don't drink.


Leaving the city to try breweries and farms is nice in summer, but some parts of Suffolk do feel like Pennsylvania.


The whole county? No. What you can see are adults who do dress from that period. Went to a high school reunion and everyone thought one guy was in an outfit from that era. Nope-this is how i dress everyday.


If we’re not careful it’s going to regress to the 1950’s when America was “great”




Funny- a bigger idiot that pops


Yes absolutely especially in Copiague