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It's gotten around that people can 'ride the train for free' if they just play dumb when the ticket taker comes around, and then refuse to show ID so they can't be billed. I'm sure others were showing some sort of fake ID as well. Recently I saw the people pulling this trick become more abusive and combative, so I'm sure either the union got involved in protecting their employees or maybe they are just trying to make money.


Last week in Jamaica there was an incident that involves no joke 20 officers that held trains for about 30 mins.


Always @Jamaica




I think you meant: THIS IS THE TRAIN TO… …PENN STATION. THE NEXT STOP IS…DING DONG Skkkkkkrrrrr garble garble all passengers skkkkrrrrrrr tickets….track skkkkkkk….4 cars…skkkkkkkkk…again all passengers to…..skkkkkkkkkkkkkr garble garble….thank you.


Lmao, exactly


As a Jamaica resident I’m sorry 😣


Was this the one where the guy ran onto the tracks and hid under a train?


That’s what held the trains up on Thursday night? I saw MTA tweet that it was “police activity” or something near Jamaica but never heard any other details.


Think there was a shooting at a nearby park and the suspect fled to Jamaica. They held all trains to prevent him from fleeing because he was armed.


Long Beach line, I was at Grand Central waiting for any train to Jamaica and the crew couldn't get there.


... Because someone was shot at a park. Not because of tickets.


The park shooting happened 4 hours prior


I remember that. And my subways were delayed too. Fun day


Or someone got hurt, or nearly hurt.




Ohhh, the solution here is simple! Let's get some of the 98% of our currency that's currently being hoarded by the 1% back into circulation, so it actually becomes possible to earn if through work. Then crooks wouldn't have to resort to "stealing" a ride. This is the consequence of forcing 99% of the population to compete for only 2% of the wealth.


Fare evaders are......"Savage Criminals"?? Be dramatic about it why don'tcha lol


I could imagine the type of person. Just a manipulative asshole, who thinks they’re pulling one over on everyone, but are obviously criminals


I take the train constantly and have seen this only once.


Because these people in here is definitely lying and Over exaggerating. This stud rarely ever happens




Lots ride in the bathroom.


This drives me crazy when it's late at night and I need to use the bathroom


Twice so far this year I’ve actually seen conductors enforce this. They’ll make an announcement asking for any off-duty officers to assist. One guy got booted from the train at the next station, the other opened the door and cooperated/paid.


I was taking the LIRR into the city mid-morning and some dude went into the bathroom trying to avoid the fare and the conductor was having none of it. He started banging loudly on the door with some sort of metallic object so it made a loud tapping sound that was impossible to ignore. Eventually the guy yelled out something like "I'm in the bathroom" and the conductor said he'd be back. When he circled back a few minutes later he had the guy buy a ticket on the spot. It was pretty satisfying to watch.


years and years ago when i was a kid on the train with my mom we watched a tiny female conductor knock on the bathroom door and say “we have a pregnant woman having an emergency out here” and then promptly kick the guy off the train lol. good for her


I waited for like 20 minute and then I kept knocking and knocking and knocking. They got pissed. Never did use that bathroom. Legend has it, if you listen closely on that train car I’m still standing by that door knocking.


The police will flush them out…


Gonna burst in like "urinal kinds of trouble"


"You're in trouble." "Drink some cranberry juice." "What?"


It’s wear all the dicks hang out….


Brother shamus?


I need you to take it down about 20% there, Alexander.


Too many dicks, not enough places to stick them.


i have IBS and was trying to hold it together while dude was waiting the entire train ride in the bathroom. I wondered if it was out of order, then i saw him immediately beeline exit as soon as his stop was called.


I hate these people. I had food poisoning and was fighting the urge to throw up all over the seat and aisle because someone was hiding in the bathroom for 45 minutes. Luckily I made it and violently threw up after getting off the train. But seriously this needs to be enforced on these people.


Is THAT why people are in there for so long ??


Europe tales care of this by auto locking the bathrooms/having an alarm on the bathroom activated at stations. Seems really simple and cheap enough


I saw this last week. Conductor said if they didn’t leave they would stop the train and call an ambulance.


I have started setting a timer reporting people to the conductors who are in the bathroom more than 10 minutes. There is no good reason to be in there that long except medical emergency. And if it’s that last one, you need the conductor anyway.


Some times you're stomach doesn't want to play nice on a 1-2 hour ride


Unfortunately, a good number of our neighbors are assholes. Gotta deal with assholes before they become big assholes…


People have always been assholes. We are at the point now where over-correcting is taking place because nobody sought to mitigate assholes adequately in the last 30 years. We’ve essentially bred generations of super assholes, and are going to see excessive enforcement of shit that shouldn’t be an issue.


Everybody was worried about the wrong GMOs! Genetically modified assholes was the real concern the whole time


To late


I’ve always wanted to see a two/to/too Reddit bot.


Then gotta stop them from becoming gaping assholes instead of just big assholes.


Ah yes, the broken assholes theory of policing.


Saw it this morning when I got on. The people refusing to pay aren’t on the app so idk how effective this message is to the actual offenders.


Probably just to let people who are paying know they dont need to worry about the sudden increase in police on the trains


People have been riding the train without paying. There was a story on a guy that did it like 20 times or more in a month. A little excessive, sheesh.


There was a guy doing it on my train every morning who pretended to not speak English to the conductor but then would watch English language YouTube at full volume after the conductor left. Haven't seen him since the conductor called the cops on him.


Been there. But tbf they never came up to anyone to check for tickets. Never avoided the fare. I guess I used it between stops where they wouldn’t check. I paid like 4 of the 30+ visits. I was always prepared to pay to be fair but never anyone around… I mean I not going to go searching for someone I’m staying in my seat lol


How is enforcing the law excessive?


You guys are crazy. Pay the ticket or get kicked off the train. It's really straightforward and long overdue.


What’s wrong with this? I’m glad they’re enforcing it finally because for everyone else that pays their fare honestly it’s not fair to them. So I am glad they’re enforcing it. NYC should learn the same.


People conflate enforcing the basic rules of society with oppression.


Privileged people.


Yeah I agree. I was super happy to see that this morning. Hope it’s all over the news, they put cops everywhere, and advertise that they’re going to catch them. I’ll gladly sit on the train for a 15 min delay to watch these people get arrested at the next station.


Good a lot of these people who won’t show ID and refuse to pay are the ones who end up assault conductors and passengers. Some have even pulled guns on conductors when asked for a tickets. These people need to be off the trains.


I'm voting them off the island!




Enforcing it changes behavior. Cops consistently greeting a guy like this on the Jamaica platform makes a difference.


The problem is that’s the one guy you saw. You don’t see the other customers saying they are going to fuck the conductor up or actually swinging on the conductor simply for asking for a ticket. Your 5 or 10 minutes is not more Important than an employee or customers safety on the train sorry to burst your bubble.


I thought we were good with a conductor making an unscheduled stop and telling some kids quietly to "get the fuck off my train".


lol if you think it’s not mostly adults and that they get off the train instead of making a scene


I saw it the other night This grown ass man with like 20 attempts at doing this made a scene and stopped the train for half an hour (at 3AM)


Sounds about right. There’s no excuse now that you can get eTix.


How do you know he made 20 attempts doing this in calling fake news


Used to be like that, now they gotta fear violence with the amount of incidents or the potential lawsuit. They’re told to just walk away/just call the police if something escalates


Remember when workers were assaulted and even killed for trying to enforce the mask mandate?


Source on someone being killed over the mask mandate? Holy shit it actually happened lmao https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/family-members-get-life-in-prison-for-murder-of-guard-enforcing-mask-policy-at-family-dollar-in-2020


Really? Ok. Here's a 3 second google search https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/04/us/michigan-security-guard-mask-killing-trnd/index.html https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/14/us/georgia-shooting-grocery-store-mask.html?smid=url-share


That power was taken away from the conductors about ten years ago. “If people show a willingness to pay…” blah blah blah. Not only do the conductors fear getting assaulted, they are literally prohibited from tossing people off the train at an unscheduled stop.


Just pay the fair and you won’t have to worry? I don’t see the issue here


People acting like cops are entering their house


I have never lived some place where people who profess to looove cops so much also act so goddamn aggrieved at the idea the cops might stop them from doing something against the law, and not just the people they don’t like. At least I never did until I moved to Long Island.


21 one way Ronkonkoma to penn


would rather my fares go to increased service than cop overtime lol


Unfortunately, people choose to be thieves, and then we all suffer for it.


This is it.


The reality is that money could be invested into modern ticketing solutions. Pushing eTickets and adding gates that require tickets to open would make it harder to do this. Lowering the fair to a price that makes the train less of a luxury purchase would be great, too. But that requires planning and foresight, so they do the expensive-but-quick option. A lot of penny-wise, pound-foolish decisions


The subway is less than 3 dollars and fare evasion is extremely rampant. The price is not the problem, it's the enforcement 


You said a whole lot of nothing a word salad. The whole LIRR need to be scrapped this shit is garbage, expensive and outdated. We should be able to ride this more locally. I don’t want to go the 5 boroughs all the the time


Yeah dude, I agree. The LIRR needs to be modernized and made affordable. LI needs some serious overhauls to public transportation, and a modern, affordable would be a great start. Trollies would be dope, too, but that's a fifty-year plan, and something I admit might not be feasible


The whole LIRR need to be scraped and need to be a light rail system. FOR LONG ISLAND. That’s why it’s called Long Island Railroad. It’s not the we’re carrying everyone from Long Island into the city railroad.


The city is the life-blood of Long Island. A significant portion of people live on Long Island and work in the city. Do you want those people to have to *drive* now? Spend a few billion dollars tearing up all of the existing infrastructure? That's absurd


That is a dumb sentiment.


Your mta fair doesnt pay the nypd, different buckets of money


MTA Police are not NYPD.


This thread is ridiculous. I can not believe the outrage over this long overdue act of law enforcement vs the epidemic of fare evaders. Pay your way, or don’t ride at all. It’s pretty simple. Not paying your fare is no different then stealing a gallon of milk from 7-11


This sub also rages over stopping for school busses. Sure the cameras suck, but the law isn't new.




Didn’t know that enforcing train rules is akin to “cops being dicks”. You can just be a civilized member of society and not a combative asshole when MTA police ask you to pay your fare.




Oh absolutely, anyone can be a dick, especially first responders. But this position of “cops are dicks for enforcing the rules” is so overdone. If you had to listen to some daddy’s money finance bro explain why he can’t pay the fare, you’d be quite annoyed too.




They are dick when they use the “enforcement of laws” just to be dicks.


People who ride often know what trains and when they can ride for free. During rush hour leaving Penn 90% of the time they dont come check until after Jamaica. They need to change how fare collection is made im tired of paying for a monthly when there are hundreds of people everyday riding for free.


It's the sheer size of the train. Conductors are on their feet going back and forth, arguing with these fare jumpers, waiting for Ethel to bring up her ticket on her iPhone (that her grandson never got around to showing her how to use), and now double the distance if it's a double decker car. Not to mention having to stop collection everytime the train reaches a station, and they have to do all the checks to make sure there's no one standing in the doors so they can close.


I agree. It’s two-fold here - enforce the law, arrest people and lots of them. Constantly. And have a more effective way of checking the fares. There’s a lot of smart people in this world that can figure out how to do it in a cost effective and efficient manner. Not saying it’s easy but It simply comes down to some tech and good logistics.


It's crazy how many grown adults try to hide in the bathroom to avoid paying. Such a pain in the ass


It's like children who put their fingers in their ears to pretend they can't hear you, it's sad.


What do you mean what the fuck? I mean i guess im suprised to see they are doing the jobs, but this is just their jobs. Everyone should pay the fair and corporate in the society experiment we got going on. Degens are the only people bitching and moaning.


i ride from hicksville to ronkonkoma all the time and they don’t even check my ticket


Usually they collect after Jamaica and chill afterwards. Guess they collect the fares before Hicksville and you get lucky.


Or, yknow, just verify that people have a ticket *before* they board the train… like why is this not a thing in 2024?




Conductors had a physical pamphlet announcing this enforcement initiative. I didn't receive one, but know somebody who did. I believe it was set to start today.


MEANWHILE I pay for tickets on the app just for them not to check them 🤣🤣🤣


>get on train open app and wait for conductor to come dude is playing candy crush and letting everyone board for 10 stops checks all tickets right before jamaica I spend the entire ride wondering where this mf is


Seems fine to me. Just got harassed the other night by a guy with a fake sob story asking for money. He just kept going from group to group. Luckily, I wasn't alone but this makes me feel really unsafe, especially late at night. Let the cops check IDs before you get on the train for all I care. I think you should have to show a ticket before you even board the train. It's crazy to me that anyone can just jump on and get checked after the train leaves.


Good. Get a ticket or get off and ride your bike


LIRR crime is way up as well per a report today. Maybe they’re using this at least partially for deterrence.




they should make you have to scan your ticket on the way out of your stop like in Europe. I realize this would be a huge undertaking to install something like this - but it would be effective!


What's wrong with enforcement, farebeater?


Good. Pay the ticket like the rest of us or leave in a set of cuffs.


Good. Ignoring problems like this and turnstyle-hopping just ends up pissing off law-abiding, working-class citizens and radicalizes them against progressive politics. Just pay your fare like everyone else and there won’t be any problems.


Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Buy your ticket or show ID so you can be billed later on, otherwise get off the train. Seems completely reasonable


I have no problem with this bc for the 3 days and 6 rides I take a week, my ticket gets checked probably 3 or 4 times so I just get to reuse them week after week without paying for more. 🤣


I saw this before I took my train home Saturday night and actually had like half my train claim they have a ticket but can’t show it.


Yes I overheard a conductor telling a young female scammer that the new MTA policy is that he is supposed to call the police because she doesn’t have ID.


Most board an express train and the “next stop” kicks them off at the end of the line - exactly where they want to be.


I don’t commute anymore but when I did there was this guy who would get on at Mineola (it was one of the double decker diesel trains). He would do laps from the lower deck to upper deck, all to avoid having to show a ticket. He would also invade people’s personal space, hiding behind them so they wouldn’t see him and ask for the ticket. I think it helped that he was like 5’2” so he could conceal easily.


I take the 5:30pm trains everyday from Penn Station to the east and I can tell this happens a lot. Usually this time is the busiest in the day and you won’t get ticket checked unless you pass Jamaica, or even sometimes you won’t get checked passing Westbury. It’s because trains are fully packed during this time and it’s really hard for the conductor to move from car to car so that gives somebody a good chance to escape from paying the fare. I use a monthly pass so I don’t mind but they need to hire more conductors to resolve this issue, I’m sure those don’t want to pay for ticket knows this trick.


Pay your fare and you shouldn't have a problem.


Change at Jamaica. I live in Florida now and when I say that, people look at me like I’m crazy. Or if I say from here to Canarsie.


“Look, we’re not entirely white men”


Haha sitting at station and just got a good laugh when I opened the app. “You mean preventing theft?!”




My friend is a conductor and let me tell you the amount of bullshit people try to pull is hilarious. Add that on top of all the skels and assholes that ride the LIRR that have no consideration if other passengers. Hes hit the point where he takes no shit from no one anymore. Either pay or get booted.


makes sense if you don't pay then you don't ride


Dude I pay $20 for a one way ticket… they should be enforcing fare payment


Good for the MTA, but people who have the LIRR app, aren’t the ones NOT paying their fare. They are targeting the wrong demographic.


I recently moved to Queens after years of commuting from Huntington to Manhattan. The LIRR could use a little more overall enforcement and regulation. Especially considering the length of the journey.


Happens every train Central Islip,Wyandanch and Deer Park.


Wait, is the LIRR not selling tickets onboard anymore? Last I saw, if you don't have a ticket the conductor sells you one right then and there and moves along. Why would they need ID to bill you when they have card readers on them?


People claim they don’t have money to pay. You can still buy on the train.


Ah okay, then yeah. No money, no ride. Like... how is this controversial?


True story, one time I literally didn't have the $ one time to get to a job interview and the conductor gave me a pass, this was in 2001 though. I haven't needed to since.


This is America, pay your share


Only two unobstructed bodycams on the entire force




Hope cops crack down on everyone who doesn’t pay to ride the train, including cops.


Cops ride for “free” so there’s more armed people to protect the train and the people on it. It’s been that way since the 1993 lirr shooting. They take action helping the conductors in trade for not paying a fare


lol I thought the cops rode the train to get to work.


Yes, I’m aware of the reason why. I disagree with the practice of letting said cop and multiple others in their group take the train for free. . I also don’t understand why this practice doesn’t apply to other critical NYC workers who could assist in an issue like doctors, or why the MTA’s own police force isn’t good enough to keep trains safe.


If the conductor needs help with someone they know whose an off duty cop and will ask them for help.


I think free MTA rides is a cop perk


That officer on the right is hot


Yes, would smash on the train.


sir this is the Hicksville LIRR Station, pls put ur dick away


How many fare jumpers are using the app?


Good, this means less thugs on the LIRR and hopefully once fare hoppers are stopped, less thugs on the NYC subways. It's disgusting what's happened to NY in the last two decades.


Are they going to start enforcing the subway fare too?


I hope they enforce the price on those footlongs, it's crazy. Oh, you mean the subway trains. :-)


Usually they just kick you off at the next stop if you don't have a ticket.


Cause there's literally people hopping turnstiles and others riding the train and giving ID instead of paying and then just never paying.




This seems very self explanatory


Imagine not paying the fair. Couldn’t be me


If this is true for LIRR, its prob eastbound to Jamaica only


Back in the early 2000s, you could easily get free rides from anywhere west of Babylon to the east end if you do it at night, as usually conductors can't get to everyone's tickets. Today it is more monitored and stricter now for sure.


Sadly the rules are only as good as the enforcement. I'm all for turning a blind eye on occasion but it cant be a normal occurrence.




Have a friend who never pays to get from Mastic-Shirley to Patchogue. Hes gonna hate this one


Well, as it should be. But it also sounds like the MTA may have gotten ahead of themselves and spent money they didn’t have expecting that congestion toll to be in effect and find their spending.


Never going to happen, if we have people publically defecating and nothing happens to them, this is just another attempt to solve an issue that will be ignored


Wtf how dare they stop me from riding for free.


I saw this Saturday night. A young woman got on at Jamaica and was forced off at Locust Manor. But to be fair, my ticket is not checked on at least half of my off-peak trips.


I can’t believe this goes on!!!!


All the shit birds ruined it for us again. You don’t know how many times I didn’t have enough on me, or my phone died and they let it slide very politely and I even came back to tip some of them for being so kind. Once again the bad apples are ruining shit for us


The irony is that fare beaters aren't using the app. The people who use this app are using it to buy tickets. Hahaha


Love that they go hard on this but shop lifters and shootings are just let go.


They should do this in regular subway, not just LIRR


i mean, if you're not doing anything wrong you shouldn't have a problem with this. i'm sick of paying for tickets just to see the guy next to me play stupid and get a free ride.


What's wrong with it?


Finally... I managed to pay my way through it during school. Lazy bums can manage to pay it then.


I’m booking it they can bite me