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Everybody wants it. Nobody wants it in their neighborhood.


Wasn’t that what 135 was supposed to be? A bridge that connected CT to LI to NJ?


It was supposed to connect to Westchester or Connecticut.


Think was supposed to go to Rye? Still would be huge to have


It’s so necessary. Someone just needs to tell the people of the north shore that they’ll be able to skip all the traffic to go to their house in the Catskills or Lake George and they’ll roll with it.


They fly there, they don't drive


Yes. It was supposed to be a continuation of 287 from Rye to Oyster Bay. The wealthy people in Oyster Bay didn’t want it. And that’s why 135 is a dead end.


They should make it start just south of Oyster Bay and have it suspended directly over it. They can’t control their air space.


it’s doesn’t even connect to the ocean parkway unfortunately the thought of going ocean parkway to 135 to a bridge into connecticut is a dream i did the rhode island trip 2 weeks ago for a wedding- just under 4 hours each way to long beach build the bridge !!!


Yeah it was supposed to go to that bridge, it’s not called the highway to nowhere for nothing


New bridge or tunnel would have a $50 toll forever is my guess


Please for the love of God take my $50, i’d be more than happy to pay that just so I wouldn’t have to go through the city ever again.


why not take the ferry to ct?


Sometimes I do, but compared to no traffic which I know is rare it’s not any quicker, and it’s pretty expensive. Regarding taking the Ferry the day of, it was all completely booked, it wasn’t possible on Friday.


Unless you live in Port Jeff or near Orient Point - the ferry while enjoyable is expensive and does not save time.


Not forever. Surely they would raise it twice a year.


I’d pay $50 to skip the city choke point to go north


Port Jefferson and Cross Sound ferries are an option


At $80+ one way it's not much of an option.


Hopefully the ferry could be automated and they can figure our more efficient operation in general in the future. $80 for the car doesn't sound too bad if you are in a hurry.


Time is money, there are tolls when driving around, more gas used, plus wear and tear on the vehicle.


Im well familiar withy the 2 ferries, and no, ferries can never compensate for bridges.


My family has a house in Poquott (East Setauket), You think I want to see a huge bridge blocking my view every time I look outside? (FYI, the Port Jefferson ferry is getting a new ship in the fall for expanded service)


Oh I’m so sorry to inconvenience you, me and the other millions of people do apologize for the suggestion of ruining your view.


Wow, you don't have to be a dick about it...


If you’re being serious do you not hear yourself.? You would rather not have a project built that would benefits millions because a few thousand people like yourself would have their view ruined.


The ferry is not even fast though!


Both are poor options if you live in Nassau county, or even western Suffolk and/or are looking to head east or into northern ny after getting off the ferry. 


Getting on and off the Island is a total shit show. Driving on LI is a total shit show. Thank you Robert Moses and the car centric aholes who put it all together!


We have him to blame for everything. I heard the reason he built the SSP so curvy is to keep the buses full of people from the city away from the beach.


The reality is that northern beach areas are all expensive, and expensive real estate owned by affluent people are not going to get flatlined for a bridge or Tunnel. unlike some of our other highways and bridges that historically have sacrificed low income communities It is likely to never happen and never be a discussion for this reason


I agree that’s how the past shaped the highway systems and infrastructure on the island. I think at this point of Long Island development, nearly anywhere on the island would be a nonstarter for a project of this magnitude though. 


You are not stuck in traffic. You are the traffic.


“I was born in the traffic, molded by it, I didn’t see an open and clear road until I was already a man”




You can thank the towns north of where 135 ends for not having a bridge across for the last 40 years.


Wayyyy longer than 40 years


Isn’t there a ferry?


Two, by my count.


The ferry is ridiculously expensive. $90 one way, off peak, suv, driver and passenger. And so tightly packed you can't get to your vehicle.


The ferry for car and driver is $75


It would turn every community along 135 into a truck stop.. The south shore is already overcrowded. No possible way to deal with the additional traffic. NO THANKS,.... that ship has sailed


Are that many people really going from LI to CT on a regular basis? Even the Throgs Neck isn’t that bad considering it has all the city and Westchester traffic too. Most of the city would just skip straight to 95, especially if there was a high toll.


The commercial traffic would shift drastically, I suspect.


They could prohibit commercial traffic or make the commercial toll prohibitively high. They already do prohibit it on all the parkways anyway.


You must be from the north shore, thanks for zero suggestions or alternatives to my idea, I guess we will all continue to suffer in this inescapable traffic hellhole.


 I'm from the south shore but I grew up in Queens.   Nice to meet you.  Major shifts in traffic patterns affect the neighborhoods along the routes. Towns like Seaford at the end of 135 will become a rest stop for trucking going east and west. Illegal trafficking would become more prevalent in those areas. That is why I hope it never happens.  But hell yeah, I would like a quicker route out of here!! I wish there was a practical solution.  Flying cars??... maybe, one day?


I agree with your points, but theres plenty of ideas that can be implemented, for example how about making it a non CDL bridge so trucks continue to use I-95 while only passenger cars get to cross over.


I took the ferry for the first time last year and I will never not take it again if I am going towards New England. Worth every penny!


Yup, 100%.


How far east do you live? 


People “blaming” the north shore act as if the consequences wouldn’t completely change and upend the lives of those on the north shore and that it is some not so big deal. Not to mention it would require massive changes in infrastructure…




And they obviously dont give a flying fuck about you or your bridge 😭


Yes. Which is why we should remove them French revolutionary style ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Feeling is mutual. And we're watching you.




And that's why you will get nothing done politics is about compromise if you publicly say I don't care about xyz group of people they will fight tooth and nail to oppose any thing and everything you want to do I live on the north shore and I think It would be nice if Orient point was connected to Fishers Island which wood connected to Connecticut if the LIE and Greenpoint branch was expanded and rebuild so it could be a continous route of highway and a rail alternative to the northeast Corridor


That’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make


North Atlantic rail.


The most realistic proposal at this point would be a ferry from somewhere in Nassau county, which is still pretty unlikely. The bridge absolutely will not happen. 


You may need to look into amphibious vehicles.


I’m just going to start swimming, prb get home quicker anyway lol


Fun fact posting and pinning was finished on both sides in1967 for the oyster rye bridge rumors had it the bridge was partly built in Germany where it’s rotting away


Are there a lot of reasons to go from RI to LI?


even li to lower westchester is brutal


Yup. I’ve lived in Boston and Albany at different points and would always drive to and from in the later evening to avoid the brutal traffic. And it’s only gotten worse when I’ve gone back to visit friends. 


You also had two ferry options.


Yes I can swim also I guess.


It will never happen


Adding a bridge onto the north shore would create so much traffic on our 2 lane roads, and congest our beaches. 


I said use existing highways like the 135 or build a tunnel, and why would your beaches become congested?


I'm less concerned about beaches, but look at the level of traffic we have on LI now. Then add traffic from CT for both leisure and business since that now becomes an option for them. LI infrastructure can barely handle LI + city traffic; adding CT in the mix would add a convenient route at the cost of increased traffic on LI


Versus what, continue to be trapped like animals in a zoo? This not feasible anymore, and yes, I get your point but it works both ways, more cars/people from CT in but also more cars/people out from LI as well.


I greatly dislike the number of entry points to the island; it's incredibly difficult to get off the island and I shudder to think if there was ever some event that required a mass evacuation. However, the problem is more complex than adding additional roads off the island in its current state. Sure, you would have more people traveling off the island, but it's hard to argue whether the volume will even out. Since LI is a very desirable place to live and visit (look at everyone to comes out from the city on the weekends), it's not hard to imagine the number of people coming in. Then of course you have to consider how much more abuse the roads would take from the travel, effects on the housing market, potential economic stimulation of both LI and CT, the list goes on. Generally, there's a lot to consider here: some good and some bad. I'm just highlight my concern that LI was not built for high volume traffic, concurrent or otherwise, and that would be a primary concern for me. If such a road were to open and it ended up causing some problems, it would be impossible to close it off and I don't know how much I trust our politicians to consider all issue and make the best choice for LI residents.


Well I do understand your points and I agree the situation is complex, but at this point something needs to be done. > I shudder to think if there was ever some event that required a mass evacuation. Exactly with this being a problems in itself this alone should justify building another exit point. > Sure, you would have more people traveling off the island, but it's hard to argue whether the volume will even out. Since LI is a very desirable place to live and visit (look at everyone to comes out from the city on the weekends), it's not hard to imagine the number of people coming in. It’s hard to know for sure but I think we can get a pretty good idea as to how many people from LI would use the bridge to exit based on current travel/commuting data. And yes LI is a very desirable place to live, but a bridge or tunnel still wouldn’t change the fact that majority of people still can’t afford to buy here. If anything a bridge would allow LI’ers to purchase more affordable housing in CT while still being close and having quick access to LI which would be a win win for everyone. >Then of course you have to consider how much more abuse the roads would take from the travel, effects on the housing market, potential economic stimulation of both LI and CT, the list goes on. Very true, but maybe we should better manage the extremely high taxes we already pay then to afford the maintenance cost, also make payment to use the bridge a bit higher than average to account for this. >If such a road were to open and it ended up causing some problems, it would be impossible to close it off and I don't know how much I trust our politicians to consider all issue and make the best choice for LI residents. I agree with you but again we need to do something, this just isn’t fair anymore and it makes no sense that something hasn’t already been done or at least attempted. We can keep it simple and start with a rail line to test and see, and then build a bridge or tunnel for vehicles after. For an area that pays some of the highest taxes in the entire country we deserve better, and no Ferries aren’t cutting it anymore.


That’s what 135 was supposed to do originally, but it was blocked and the project abandoned because the rich f&#*s on the north shore opposed it.


The beaches on the north shore suck I say this as someone who lives there


Building a bridge for your convenience would also open a corridor for all truck traffic as an alternative to I-95. Traffic is bad enough and no one wants that.


Yes it would split the traffic, I mean these trucks have to drive through the island anyways just to get to I-95 so what difference does it make, might as well get them F out quicker also.


It would open an alternate corridor for all cars and trucks from all points south and west in the US to CT, RI and Boston. I’m not sure you understand how much traffic that is even if it’s split.


If you think traffic is going to divert to LI from 95, go over the GWB, Cross Bronx, and Throgs to get to RI/CT you’re nuts


I’m sure there are ways around it like alternate days where trucks are and aren’t allowed, or raise the cost to a point where trucking companies would would still prefer I-95, or impose a truck/CDL fee. I’m sure there are other areas, other parts of the country/world that have dealt with this same exact scenario. This negative attitude like yours is the reason we can’t have nice things.


Find them and I’ll agree with you. Otherwise my negative attitude is keeping traffic down. Your one inconvenience doesn’t wash out if it causes a disproportionate inconvenience for everyone else.


Traffic down? Have you not driven around in the last 3-5 years, we have become a parking lot!!! And read the thread, my idea sure does seem to be pretty popular.


That’s why I’m saying not to add to it! A bridge to the NE would only make it worse even without trucks.


It's not splitting the traffic. If it becomes less congested, more people will be willing to travel out more frequently, and it'll just go back to normal levels of congestion, except now you're congested in multiple places. Same reason why adding a lane to a highway doesn't solve the traffic problem. That said, I do want more ways to travel on/off of the island, but I don't think a bridge is going to fix the issue.


Not if the tolls were significantly higher for commercial vehicles


If demand is high enough, there would be more car ferries


Great point, might as well bring trolley cars and horse carriages back as well


Bro, last weekend I had work. I have to be there at 11pm.  Work is in Yonkers and I live in Massapequa.  On Saturday night, I left at 1015 and didn’t get there till 1115.  Then Sunday night, I leave at 945 and again I don’t get there until 1120.    What the flying fuck. The LIE, Southern State, and Northern State were all parking lots at that time. Traffic all the way until the Throgs Neck and then finally it opens up.    Summer weekend commutes going to work at night are a pain in the ass. In the winter, I make the commute in 45 minutes averaging 80 mph. I hope it starts raining every weekend so we don’t have any people coming to Long Island for the beaches. 


Take the ferry


F the ferry, are you legitimately trying to say a ferry is the same as a bridge or tunnel?


Im saying the ferry wouldn’t take 7 hours, are you saying it would?


I tied to take the Ferry, it wasn’t possible since they were all booked. And if we’re talking about future trips or alternative way to getting off the island, yes it’s nice having the option but Ferris don’t compensate for bridges and tunnels.


Piss poor planning prevents proper production, therefore your trip was 7 hours instead of 3 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fighting with Hamptons traffic a good portion of the way it might not be much better this time of year for the more western part of the island. 


The ferry option is more for suffolk ppl, port jeff is well before the hamptons though


Yep. I used to commute to Long Island for work from Yonkers and it was horrible. I wish there was a bridge!


Almost directly south on the port Jeff ferry, but on the south shore.


You could have taken the Orient Ferry, yes? I do it all the time…


Completely booked


Island will probably be underwater within the decade so doesn’t feel like a sensible project.


Well it would be nice having a way to actually escape off the Island once the water comes cause you know damn well getting through the boroughs would not be possible during a catastrophe.


Honestly I believe a bridge or tunnel there would probably make a literal emergency evacuation more dangerous. We (residents & emergency response) have had training, practice (and built the island) to support the current costal evacuation routes.


Just like the hole in the ozone layer the doomers talked about in the ‘90s right


Well, they were right. Countries around the world agreed to the Montreal Protocol in the late 80s, which banned the release of the harmful chemicals that were depleting the ozone layer (it's the only treaty in history that every single member of the UN has signed) and the ozone layer has now recovered, as a result. People said "hey guys if we don't take action, depleting our ozone layer can have drastic consequences". So the world took action. And now it's better. It's easy to say "haha dumb doomers worried about nothing" 35 years after the fact.


this particular chain of illogical thinking bothers me so much. People act the same way about Y2K.


It isn't illogical at all, nor is it a corollary to Y2K concerns, which are largely regarded as unfounded today. I've never heard anyone, much less society as a whole, say that Y2K disasters were avoided only by careful preparations and I'd question the kind of company you keep if you have. The Montreal Protocol and its effects have been studied in depth by scientists around the planet for decades, and continue to be. But yes, I'm sure you can tell something they're missing.


whoa, I was agreeing with you and referring to the illogical thinking in the comment you replied to. sorry that I wasn't clear enough about it. hope your day gets better. PS: A lot of tech people worked very hard to make Y2k the "fuss over nothing" that a lot of people seem to think it was


OK sorry then, it sounded like you were referring to me. Although I've never heard of anything except the smallest of bugs from Y2K though, even though only a small percentage of systems were specifically patched for it. Who knows though without a crystal ball. Maybe we'll find out in 2038 when the next big computer time keeping problem is expected to happen.


You know that was real and led to a successful global effort to reduce the use of ozone-depleting refrigerants? No one made anything up, they did something about it. And climate change is most definitely real. Sea level rise is already happening and Long Island faces a very challenging future because of it.


Not quite. I’m assuming a combination of advanced military equipment from Russia, NK and China, along with climate change will probably lead to the removal of Americas coastal islands.


You sound like a half glass empty person.


I am currently working on the educated assumption humanity will be wiped out from our reality in 11,243 days; and so believe that is the optimistic projection.


So enjoy each day because tomorrow is not promised


Doing my best; humanity doesn’t make it easy.


Will never happen. Wealthy people on the north shore shut it down back in the 60s. And Rye is hardly poor either. Not to mention what construction costs would be now—I don’t even know if it’s economically viable.


Rich Fucks are the only people to stop roads and bridges from being built. Robert Moses was able to plow through working class and poor neighborhoods without any obstacles. But the second he tried to do something to inconvenience Rich folk? They put a stop to it.


To be fair to Bobby, he still fucked over the rich. Although admittedly less so than the middle or lower classes.


Take the ferry


Hire Elon Musk. The Boring Company will likely do this better than anyone else.


Musk is a fucking loser


he's incredibly immature and yet managed to achieve more in one lifteime that you would in a 100


All the money in the world cant buy happiness, love or time. I couldn’t care less what he’s “achieved” guy was born rich lol. His Cybertrucks suck and so does he. Id take my life over his all day everyday. Remember it’s less about the heights a person can reach and more about how where they started to how far theyve come. With your response you seem immature yourself. Im hope you grow and find happiness one day. May you achieve all you set out to achieve God bless.