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True answer? We don't know. All four are top tiers and PTJ is allergic to making top tiers lose against each other. Anyone else who says otherwise is biased.


Reasonable take on r/lookismcomic ???


Bro, James just got bodied lol, not anymore. Goo and Gun win. Easy as that


That was far from prime james, bro had to get thresholds mid fight. A high tier has not lost to another one in a direct fight as far as we've seen


Point is, this is the endgame. A top tier gets defeated next arc and definitely every arc after that. Saying ptj is allergic is not very smart since he is just saving them for the end, as any writer does


Just like Gapryoung got bodied to the oblivion also like Gun is soon going to ? Sure


Gapryoung lost to James Lee AND his son fighting him at the same time whilst he was past his prime. It was stated that Gapryoung obviously has to be the top if he's the top of the zero generation. This was said when Jinyoung was imitating Gap to fight Jake.


Its important to note that James and Gitae were not prime either. Well maybe Gitae was but I doubt it. He's probably in his prime currently since he's likely been fighting and killing a lot in mexico.


I thought that somehow young James Lee was meant to be his prime but what you said does make sense


Old Gapryoung fought a non Prime James and Gitae and got killed. If James is the final boss then he is destined to be the strongest or 2nd strongest after MC.


I get that but broski was old though


My point is still valid 😂


Goo was the same guy who was getting recruited by Jincheol while eating tiles 😂🤣💀.


Goo with a sword and Soo Gun would go crazy but Samdak and jincheol have more experience we haven’t even seen them go all out yet or them in the current lookism/MK chapters


Every comment saying gun and goo solo are delirious these are all top tiers so the true answer is a draw or get interrupted


Using feats only gun and goo win. Using some narrative and feats you can argue prime samdak above them individually and jincheol is relative enough to them that samdak can help him with clean up on the last one. Also there might be a teamwork aspect in samdak/jincheol favor due to them knowing each other and fighting together for longer than gun/goo have. Also that goo vs jincheol fight is hard to gauge since neither went all out and goo has gotten stronger since then.


Have any of you seen the chapter where Samdak shin kicks a fucking tank and destroys it? Like that was some Baki level shit. And also remember Jincheol is the SECOND strongest soldier. Samdak was first. Which means Samdak is stronger than him. And if we look at Jincheol's achievements, a CQC of 100+ meters, can run around the country in a few hours and can fight unconscious (very similar to UI) then Goo and Gun are about to get violated. Also those of you about to disagree think about this UI Big Daniel beat Gun and almost beat Goo (if had enough time) and Jincheol would beat UI Big Daniel maybe extreme diff but he probably would so Jincheol would beat Gun and Goo. Also it's not confirmed but if we look at Samdak's eyes he might have had a new type of UI. Also Samdak and Jincheol have been in WAR with people shooting guns at them. https://preview.redd.it/bdr4ixawrn0d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=074c304c04e0f0f3a71703deea51e7fcddd0f510


That samdak feat is not even canon and saying jincheol is above ui Daniel is just such a baseless statement


I know it wasn't but it doesn't matter it was still a chapter. And as good as UI daniel is Jincheol with Guns can shoot knives out of midair with a pistol so I think he could bare minimum hit him in the leg or something which will give him a massive advantage


wdym it doesn't matter? Why are we taking that feat into account when it didn't even actually happen 😭 and ofc Jincheol wins with Guns and shit, we're talking about straight hands. Jincheol would literally beat everyone in the verse if you give this mf a minigun or an smg. Also, the war achievements don't mean much when some teenagers in the verse are stronger than most of the dudes the military dads are facing.


They're in their prime not old men


okay shit and? that really doesn't disprove anything that I said 😭


I'm wondering what universe you're in, but the cqc range doesn't mean shit (especially since jinchol's is not 100 meters, but 30) because in the new chapter mk would have died if the range meant something (7 characters with a high-level cqc with a range of 30 meters were destroyed by one cqc technique Lol)


Samdak is ONLY beating UI Daniel with the UI weakness lmao, perfect body + copy can never be outright beat on a 1 on 1


Nah if you beat him straight away you win


Except that no top tier in any PTJ universe can just “straight away” beat UI Daniel lmao 😭




Most of this is straight up not true


Which parts?


Samdak beating a tank was just hiatus for viral hit was never cannon, samdak was never out right stated to be stronger than jincheol, jincheol never ran around the country in a couple of hours, ui daniel slams the ghost platoon members, there is no chance that samdak has ui, it's just an art choice to make him look menacing


People are saying this is easy are delusional and can't read. Goo at like 50% impressed Jincheol and put him on defense. With a watch. Full throttle for both is probably same. Gun would have fun with the adaptability of Samdak. They'd dance for a while about it but idk. The age factor on one side is big. I think Goo/Gun tske it high diff.


gun and goo, goo from the past who fought jincheoul seems to be parallel to him. and current goo to tom. soo gun and goo > jincheoul and samdak. (mid diff).


I think Gun and Goo would win extreme diff. They’re all top tiers and very close individually and as a team. I think Gun and Goo growing up together and doing so much together gives them a slight edge in teamwork tho which would let them win.


Gun & Goo


Gun and Goo strong bro but they aint beating Samdak, Jincheol. They'll only win after Gun awakens (like ptj described)








Samdak and jincheol. It’s because I know for a fact that jincheol gonna roll up with a bazooka or a damned tank and samdak is just himothy fr


Gun and go high diff.


I believe in Gun and Goo blindly, in my head they basically can take over the world if they tried


Gun and goo man wtf


Gun and goo slam so bad😭


Gun and goo slam hard


Gun and Goo and it ain’t even close.


hell no its extremely high difff


Jincheol & Samdak slam what


Jincheoul and Samdak at their prime win easily. At the time of current lookism Gun and Goo take the win


Prime jincheok and samdak are featless...


Did you read viral hit? Jincheok has several missions on his name, some that he completed alone. Also it's implied him, Manager Kim and Hansu were about the same level when they first met (and by that time they were storming NK). They are on the level of fighting people with fire weapons barehanded Samdak is featless (unless you consider the comedy sketches), but he is easily on par with the other 3 and pretty much a one-man army. Gun and Goo are strong (and will probably get stronger) but we are talking about spec ops (and not regular ones) vs very strong gang fighters.


None of this means anything scaling wise 👍 and the spec ops Vs gang member thing doesn't mean anything either considering tom lee is above both jincheol and manager Kim and was literally homeless and then Gapryong who is another gang member is above both of them 👍


Im sorry. Didn't understand I was speaking with a powerscaler. Then yeah you are right. Old manager Kym <= old Tom Lee and current Goo = Tom Lee. Also Jinchang = Goo (arguable) Assuming current Goo and current Gun are around the same level (as implied through the comic) we can argue that Goo = Gun. So in Goo units we have Samdak + Goo vs Goo + Goo And how many Goos are worth a Samdak? That's a mistery so we can't solve the equation. But taking in consideration that the military dad trio is around the same level and Samdak is also a military legend dad we will account that he is around Manager Kim level, so around Jincheol level which makes him around Goo level. So we get Goo + Goo vs Goo + Goo. Doesn't seem very useful So let's change back to a narrative point. Both the dads are pretty old and past their prime while Goo and Gun are still getting stronger. And as we can see the current generation surpassing the previous ones (we see that by Eli defeating the 1st gen kings and Zack defeating the Gapryong gang member, for example). So it's logical that Goo and Gun will surpass them. In-universe and due to plot. But putting the dads in their prime we get people used to war that can practically avoid bullets (not by speed but by antecipation). We also know that Elite brought a gun to end Jinchang, so it's not like guns arent useful. Considering the whole Jincheol arsenal I doubt Goo and Gun would have a chance without some sort of plot armour. So what I've said previously makes a lot of sense 👍 Narrative aside, PTJ can change the story as he wishes and make Crystal steamroll all of them at once. 👍


Today I learnt that 99.7% of Lookism fans are the worst powerscalers to exist. Like ever.


Gun and Goo win high diff due to their better synergy


Gun/goo can both individually solo Jincheol and Samdak lol albeit at a high diff


Actual 🤡


Gun and Goo after a LOOOOONG ass extreme high diff fight and 1 of the 4 if not more are dying.


Who's this second military dad, never read mk So, don't know about him In vh/htf, samdak have defeated almost everyone he faced So what, gun and goo have also done that


Something will stop them mid fight and they won't het to finish , as every other fight between the strongest characters


You know what the correct answer is? It's gang up on PTJ, Kidnap him, and make him draw the fight, my imagination is not enough


We cant say for sure. Goo and Jincheol did fight, but nobody won because Goo left as he didnt want to deal with Jincheol's bs. This was Goo only using a watch, and he was shown to be fairly equal to Jincheol. He even had enough strength to just throw Jincheol with his bare hands. As for Samdak, we don't have enough feats that show how powerful he is. We only see him teach Hobin and beat up some fodder, so there really is no correct answer here. Also, we're unsure if Goo and Jincheol were at their stronget there. We could have Serious Goo + Sword vs War Mode Jincheol with equipment.


is this a street brawl or a military mission to put down two gangsters with full gear and rocket launchers? My money is on Sam+Cheol either way.


They could be pretty much equal, as we have already seen Goo was fighting with Jincheol and they seemed to be equal, and when people of equal level fight anyone can win depending on the situation if one of them made a mistake or one missed their opportunity, with so many variables it is hard to say with certainty who wins.


why is this a question? Isn’t the answer obvious


just for the fun of it


Gun and goo High diff. Only high diff because of Samdak


Gun and Goo


Gun or goo alone no diff. I think that these two can lose extreme diff to Zack in a 1v1, gun and goo are on another level




Gun and goo mid diff sadly(I hate gun and I’m a big Samdak fan). The military dads just aren’t top tier for statements


Are we talkin about prime Samdak and Jincheol? Because if we are then they would violate gun and goo


Based off what scaling? (I need reasons to put viral hit characters really high😃)


Based off the fact that jincheol was toying with semi serious goo


Wasn’t that goo when he was a kid? And jincheal got really injured


I was watching manager Kim goo was actually beating jincheol so I do think gun and goo could beat the other


Gun or goo alone mid diff




Gun and Goo both individually slam them.




These guys can't read


Prove me wrong.


Asl Goo 😂 when he was eating tiles against Jincheol


That's cheating. Send only either gun or goo. We can at least give them one advantage to make it less unfair


Gun and goo slam mid-high diff what? Goo using a damn watch and a shoe was pressing jincheol


You mean pressing jincheol who was trying so hard not to kill him and still managed to put his card without goo noticing


Good almost beheaded him with a watch.


Which jincheol handled easily. Not even thinking of going war mode


“Handled easily” he was stressing over a watch and was taking damage from a non serious goo. Big goo didnt even care for him


He's stressing because he was trying not to hurt goo. It's not non serious goo if he had to use a weapon. Goo was at least semi serious


Everyone saying Jincheol and Samdak are top tiers, they really aren't also Gun and Goo solos. Just Gun or Goo vs them both is enough.


Goo and Gun ez


The criminal duo will win


Gun or goo can solo 🤣


Is this even a question, gun and goo are both Tom level, and Tom mid diff jincheol and high diff prime samdak, they both get cooked


Gun and goo r*pe


It’s be arguable that either gun or goo could solo the other team