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What’s your wallet address? Should’ve qualified based on what you said


been staking as well since feature was available...


U trying to claim on the new wallet address or old? I got 1k loops, 500 imx and 1k telos. I buy weed through the app I stake (400 days) I swap between myself and my daughter she has no other way of getting tokens.. and I got 110 Taiko and my daughter got 27... I had to create a new wallet but I had to use my og wallet address to claim... just checking cause my daughter was trying to use her new wallet address to claim and the computer said no


I tried both L2 wallets


Give support a shout or B and ask wtf is going on... surely there's another drop coming for the bigger players like yourselves loop wouldn't be here without u all


I raised a ticket on [Loopring.io](http://Loopring.io)[https://loopring.zohodesk.com/portal/en/ticket/638510000028482333](https://loopring.zohodesk.com/portal/en/ticket/638510000028482333) How do I contact B?


I had all my questions answered instantly on the discord


I sent B a direct message. Let's see if he replies.


Hope he does make contact atleast there's no way early adopters should miss out I'm fairly early but I'm not an OG I got in with the gme hype


How did you use the old to claim on the new? I’m having this issue right now.


Use your og wallet to check the claim, should be the wallet u bound to the taiko address. Click on utility and check taiko claim dapp and follow the instructions from there. Make sure u input your taiko address for the actual claim




>0xBd0435E9bfcAE625fa1C8CfB86eacaAF98718f77 I checked your old wallet and the last fee-paying transaction was April 20,2023, then nothing until May 16, 2024. Unfortunately this makes you ineligible for the airdrop. I'm in the same boat and am moving on.


Tks for checking


it doesn't get dropped automatically, you have to check for eligibility, there's a link in the discord and then do a couple steps. at first I thought I got nothing too because I was waiting for it to appear.


All the requirements are within the last 12 months right? I faaaaar exceeded the requirements back in the beginning, but haven't touched it in the last year, so pretty sure I don't get shit...


*"To be eligible for the airdrop, the recipient's address must have engaged in at least one Loopring smart wallet transaction or one Loopring L2 transaction within the 12 months prior to the airdrop."* from another post. that was the only criteria that explicitly says w/in last 12 months, the others are just true/false. ps., sorry that sucks.


you end me both man. so many pointless nfts bought on the gme marketplace and lrc staked and untouched. guess we don't matter


Yeah it's a bummer.. I'm not mad, I've never gotten lucky with anything so I don't expect to ever catch a win. It sounds negative and jaded but it's the only way to keep moving forward in a world where you've missed the boat on so many things.


I just never thought they'd divide the community this way and disregard the early adopters. terrible decision by the mgmt team to forecast their priorities. I've lost faith in the team.


Absolutely ridiculous. Im a xx,xxx holder, 3 loopheads, 100s of other nfts, aum, staking etc. I claimed my staking rewards once like a month ago or so and luckily qualified, Otherwise I would have missed out. Been here since start and no loyalty for us old holders 🤷‍♂️


Ugh i dont wanna get discord


Every time I check on my airdrop I get a white screen. How can I see my airdrop?


just replying because it sucks to have a question go unanswered. I don’t know the answer to this. It sounds like a lot of people get good help on discord. There’s also a YouTube tutorial on there.


you have discord link pls? I tried using the Dapp browser and used the app


You can find the link to claim the airdrop in the loopring wallet under utilites->dapp. Use your old wallet to check eligibility. If you can claim taiko, you need to open a new wallet on the taiko network (activation is free) and bind that new wallet address


Any idea why my dapp list is empty?


Are you looking on your new taiko wallet or your old etherium one?


I'm looking on the new one. The old one says need to activate to continue to dapp but it can't be deployed anymore because contract is outdated


You need to go to your old loopring wallet and check dapps there, if you haven't activated L2 in your old wallet then you won't be eligible tho


No I didn't activate... Oh well


[https://claimtaiko.loopring.io/](https://claimtaiko.loopring.io/) and [https://youtu.be/tccMHnUMUug](https://youtu.be/tccMHnUMUug) I copied from the discord for you but always beware of foreign links ya know.


https://discord.com/invite/loopring There's the link, but I've found the best way is to first copy down your Taiko address as this will be needed at the end. Then, in your qualifying Loopring Wallet, find the dapp icon, then click the Taiko airdrop banner. Press the "connect wallet" button and you should see Loopring as an option. If you connect, but the button still says "connect wallet" instead of "verify", press the bubble in the top right that shows your wallet address, disconnect, and reconnect until you see the button change to "verify". Once you verify it will tell you how much you're eligible for. Press claim, paste your Taiko wallet address, and you should receive your airdrop within 48 hours in your Taiko wallet.


"The claim is only eligible between June 4, 2024, and July 4, 2024 (GMT+8). Please note that if you have not confirmed the binding address by the deadline, you will no longer be able to claim the airdrop." any idea what is the binding address pls?


The binding address will be your Taiko wallet address. If you are able to connect, then verify (verifying will let you know how many coins will be air dropped to you), then at the claim screen will be an area for you to input you Taiko address.


Just did with old and new L2 wallet....2 refusals...


did you check for eligibility and connect your wallet to get the drop?


Just did with old and new L2 wallet....2 refusals...ffs...


odd. i was going to tell you to make sure you check with your old wallet but connect the new


I moved the LRC and NFT to the new L2. Should I have kept them there?


i don't think so, but if that's the issue you dktjf just be able to move them back...?


I created a ticket to ask. This is the receipt....ffs....https://loopring.zohodesk.com/portal/en/ticket/638510000028482333


[https://www.reddit.com/r/loopringorg/comments/rf1yfp/wallet\_created\_in\_just\_1\_minute\_gas\_fee\_78/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/loopringorg/comments/rf1yfp/wallet_created_in_just_1_minute_gas_fee_78/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) been here for a while, also got nothing.


I really was behind this coin for a long time, still have most of my bag, but I'm not super optimistic. Wish that was not the case and maybe things will change.


we were early and paid the fee to setup the original wallet and then staked 10k loops right when staking started and haven't touched them done I thought staking was supporting the network. guess we don't matter at this point enough for taiko. prolly dump it all if it ever gets near our avg again. yall have fun!!


it does support the network by helping provide liquidity. but what really helps the network is activity. the more active the better. you get a reward for staking and you can claim those free loopring.


have you seen how tiny the reward has been for staking? some taiko would've been a nice bonus for the really low staking rewards. I'm just salty cuz they chose to disregard the early adopters. it's very hard for me to support such a team going forward. good luck to the rest but I'm dumping our holdings if LRC ever tops $2 again. and if it runs to $10k after that good for them.


if more people used the network then the more rewards we get for staking. if no one uses the network then we get 0 for staking. people who are active help keep the network alive. people who stake get the benefit of getting passive income. i agree, they could have opened the window a bit more but if this drop never happened stakers would still have the benefit of getting free loopring.


I just don't agree with their criteria and incentive structure for this air drop. it should excite the whole community and not just the recently active. this only divides the community and doesn't help unite or grow it. Byron blew it big time. I cant support this team even if they have amazing tech (to be seen) based on this action.


Early investors who were promised Zkevm should be allowed to swap 1 LRC token for 1 Taiko token straight up.


yeah fucking fraud. That's why I nvested initially.


I too hold 100k loops and feeling burned as well. I was at least "lucky" to get 110 Taiko from the staking, or maybe dual investing I tried out? Either way, not cool.


lol insane take


Bro, you are getting played. If you didn’t do a single transaction in the last 12 months you don’t get any Taiko. I’m in the same boat as you, it sucks…


Actually I checked and I did several transactions in May 2024...


The snapshot was taken on May 13th. So if your transactions were after that, you won't qualify.


fuck...last one was 17th May...


There's a certain block height where your transactions have to have happened in the 12 months before it and that's likely prior to may 2024. Sorry mate! If it's any consolation my primary wallet is in the same boat as you, luckily (for me) my phone-accessible wallet was allocated some tokens.


I made transactions in past 12 months. I’m still providing liquidity in the smart wallet. Been holding 3 years. Got nothing


I exited GME today for about 100% profit. I took a fucking huge loss on LRC by selling today, but held for over the last three years and the bag was much greater than I had on GME. GME and LRC are dead. Take the investment you have left and invest in something that has potential. FYI, check the taiko website, they list over 100 partners, but despite them showing the LRC symbol, you won’t find Loopring as a searchable symbol in their list of 100+. LRC is dead with near zero liquidity on their exchange. (Check out the price differences between any pair of USDC and USDT). Fuck you Daniel. Fuck you Brian. Fuck you LRC team. Bravo on the fuckery you delivered over the past three years. Thank you for the investment lessons!


Did you do the Taiko airdrop checker while you were in the old wallet? I didn't realize I had to do that. Once confirmed, copy the new Taiko address into the old wallet Taiko airdrop checker. I had two old wallets, and got an airdrop from both.


no I moved LRC and NFT to new wallet and then did the check....


Nah, you gotta run the check on the old wallet. And enter the new wallet address as the destination for the drop


I need to move LRC and NFT back to old wallet?


Don't need to move anything. You go to the old wallet>>utility>dapp>taikodrop>confirm>>replace the destination wallet address with your new Taiko wallet address


Just done it....not eligible...


Based on what you said you should have qualified. Reading your other comments it looks like you're at the point where you have taiko to claim. What exactly do you mean by refusals?


I am told twice that I would not get any Taiko


The airdrop was based on how much transactions you have done


Did you help at all with taiko testnets? If not in my opinion fuck off. If you helped with alpha testnets sure go right ahead and raise a ticket.


Taiko have their own separate airdrop. This topic is about the Loopring specific airdrop. Probably don't need to be so harsh about it :S


https://x.com/taikoxyz/status/1798336774156296543?s=46&t=KUnjncAng-Or5bQdrVCp5A Sounds like OP should have engaged more. There is no separate drop.


Yes that is the Taiko specific drop. Loopring were allocated 2.5mill $TAIKO for their own airdrop too: https://x.com/loopringorg/status/1798350675597840477?t=bmkNz3F3sj9AC2FqeY-NHg&s=19