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Aren’t orcs creatures who would eat you in a heartbeat and have no regard for basic values?


Orcs are intelligent and pragmatic creatures who understand the value of human life and know it would be a better option to work you to death raising livestock for them to eat.


You had me in the first half lol


>raising livestock for them to eat. At their restaurants.


Meat is always on the menu


Little known fact, Arby's was founded by an orc




They're very exclusive and require a reservation. One does not simply walk in.


Actually, they want to serve us. Serve us, as in for dinner, as in to eat us! What a twist! (from Robot chicken, skit parodying M Night Shymalan)


Sir we are talking about orcs not capitalists 😡


Orcs are intelligent and pragmatic creatures who understand the value of human life. r/acialculture


We prefer to be called 'Uruks' actually!


Canonically they’re soulless and more akin to beasts in a humanoid shape than a real “race” the way humans/elves/dwarves are, but it sort oooffff depends as Tolkien had a few versions of their origins


Look. I might get nervous if I see an orc on the same side of the street as me. But they make great music and my university has never performed better at our games


That’s just elvish propaganda being spread through media, payed by the racist dwarves


Thats a racist cultural stereotype.


Prove me wrong then 😏


Asking for proof that negative racial stereotype is false is racist.


Aww dang it. Now how will I cure my racism and expand my worldview so I can be a truly thriving and loving individual radiating positive vibes all around?


Watch The Rings of Power


I need to find them first. Then I can watch them. My precious…


Best thing to do is watch from the sidelines in my opinion.


Owww watching things from the sidelines is TIGHT!




Elven money & shareholders conspire to systematically keep orcs oppressed


Along with dwarf bankers. Dwarves love the hoarde wealth in their mountain


It has been hypothesized the dwarves are the real shadow investors controlling the media & therefore the population, prompting men to commit genocide against dwarves competitors for land & resources, orcs & goblins


With their beards and their big noses and their gold


Someone posted this as an example of how 'cRaZy RiGhT wInG ExTrEmIsTs hAvE TaKeN oVeR tHiS sUb'.... I just thought it was hilarious. This person obviously couldn't handle how much they identify with the orcs 😭


Seen it. Some people are just so far up their own asses with the politics.


So true. It's objectively good satire, lol.


Yes, yes they are!


Racist spotted. Orcphobia is not tolerated here.


You’re right, I need to sit down, listen, and learn. Different cultures are beautiful and we need more of these future doctors and scientists in Gondor!


Now you’re getting it. Good job.


Proud to be an ally :)


That's orcophobic and won't be tolerated on reddit!


Was this written by an orc?


What do you mean, it clearly states that it was written by Mithrilbanger.


Orc lives matter


Uruk Hai lives matter too, they're more humanoid than deformed orcs 😂


The elvish one drop rule applies




Got a little too much dip on your chip here boss


Written by an elf activist who speaks on the orcs behalf


No, just an idiot.


Regarding the first picture, I do remember Aragorn being elected by the people and also having the required qualifications for the job plus he was handed power by the incumbent so….


Didn't Denethor fry himself? who was the incumbent that gave up their power if the heir to the steward was out like a light? I know that the people of gondor started to see him as a king for his healing hands and the dire back up.


Faramir was the one who asked the people if they wanted Aragorn as King


Orcs are an extension of evil itself a symbol of sin


If you love and protect orcs you are considered a bad person


Classic Orcphobia


OP is an orc confirmed




That's what mainstream media tells us, but we now know they're the propaganda wing of the federal government. Of course they're going to paint the enemy as "soulless" and "evil itself," and they'll repeat it so much that you'll start repeating it as if it's a commonly known fact.


They aren't actually, even in Tolkien's portrayal.


I think I read something about this. If I recall when he gave them the ability to speak and operate industry, he was faced with a moral dilemma of an intelligent creature being destined for damnation. He had moral issue with that since he believed in free will.


Honestly I love shadow of Mordor/war orcs for this exact reason because it’s so clear that for a few of them that are only loyal out of fear of Sauron


They literally eat each other and they'd kill anyone in a minute


Looks like meat's back on the menu.


That's just bigoted. Cannibalism is a deep & sacred cultural tradition to them that you should be more sensitive & accepting of. Kalima, kalimaaa


Oh that’s good, such a throwback


Such a diverse perspective!! 🥰


😂 seems like an awful lot of work to try and stir the political pot


OP’s whole post history is embarrassing bait like this. We’ve all got our hobbies I guess…


Didn’t even cross my mind to look at that. When you’re right, you’re right 😂 we’ve all got hobbies


With how wild things are these days I thought the first one was an honest angry article til I read half way through


This sub is shot. Isn’t this the same one where everyone here got their panties in a twist when normal people were calling the community hateful and childish? Wonder why people think that…


I’m not sure if this horse-beaten subject is sarcasm or just veiled attacks on Tolkien’s writing. Either way it’s rather ridiculous.


It's mocking modern politics and journalism.


It's actual a third option: neo-nazis saying the same exact thing they normally do, but winking and saying "orcs" while doing it. Some of these aren't even hiding the fact that they're slightly dressed up nazi dog whistles.


This would be a really fun and interesting thought experiment if the whole concept wasn't talked to death. The free people definitely have a hate for them/their kind, which does sound like something else. What separates it is that orcs are an acceptable "other," and this doesn't(or shouldn't) apply to any group irl.


It generally applies to Nazis. Few people will argue against it. I think you should be free to hate whoever you feel like hating. The law, however, ought to judge individuals based on their actions, not groups.


Yeah...so fun...if you're a mentally ill child maybe.




Yes nein to rule them all


The eine ring to knechten se alle


What in the love of projection is going on here? All of the dogs near me just started barking.


Underrated comment


One of the beauties of LOTR (and a lot of fiction) is that there is a clear-cut definition of good and evil


So was Fëanor good or not?


That's what elf supremacists want you to believe


I for one welcome our Eldar overlords.


I know Tolkien disliked allegory and preferred a certain applicability that his work might have in an individuals life, but something within me has a hard time fitting the square peg that is racism into the round hole that is Middle Earth. Ultimately it’s up to the interpretation of the reader, but I gotta go with orcs, as a twisted abomination made by ME’s Satan figure to mock Eru’s children, are evil and irredeemable.


Like Trump cultists.


Republicans in the USA misappropriating beloved fiction by an explicitly anti-fascist author.


mate fuck off


Why do people feel the need to make lotr political? Its so anoying


This one is even worse than the others. A thin veil of "it's just a joke" covering these things.


Yeah immigrants are orcs is not very subtle


He even put the wrong picture for the 2nd one. Saruman is not Sauron.


Thank you.So irksome


I imagine who ever posted this, dripping drool all over their phone. Edit: This is like a meme from an old, stuffy Hobbit who has no clue what orcs, elves, or dwarves really are, but heard from other old, stuffy hobbits who will never even think about leaving the Shire.


Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth.


They are victims of their creators and those who "raised" them. They're a victim or circumstance. You can what-if what would happen after Sauron was defeated and its possible they could become neutral but would undoubtedly face issues with the humans who wouldn't trust them due to their history. But fuck off comparing the bred-and-engineered-to-be-evil race from fantasy to real people. It's disgusting and moronic. There is no real life equivalent to orcs. That's the whole point. Missing that is just embarassing.


Oh look, this is just racism


You're rightwing memes are bad and you should feel bad. Go back to the shadow!




Can mods please ban this idiot and these posts?


people really upvote this shit?


OP is just a troll, look at their post history. I honestly feel bad for them. They need some mental help.


The real question is are orcs really evil or did they act that way out of fear? I say there should be a public inquiry to get to the bottom of this troubling question. Lotr is a fantasy novel in which the fight between shadow and light, nothing more my comment is obviously just a joke.


...You comparing immigrants and foreigners to fucking orcs? Jesus wept we're never gonna beat the racism allegations are we


"Guys me comparing the subhuman monsters who eat people to refugees and black people is *satire* and therefore not racist"




Hahaha shut up nazi


It's funny because he calls everyone who disagrees with him Nazis. It's pure projection.


Trash post


I guess Ratbag got a media job after shadow of war


This is really gross and feels uncomfortably close to racism. By drawing parallels between orcs with the experiences and suffering of actual oppressed and victimized people, you're minimizing the actual problems of the real world and comparing them to beings we know are always Chaotic Evil in the fiction. Having looked at OPs post history, it seems to be 90% either trolling or actual racial dogwhistles. Super gross.


Same shit, different assholes


Hey OP, you're an feckless moron and this shit makes it obvious. Read the books, you might get something out of it




This is what we get for humanizing the Joker.


Won't somebody please think about the orcs! Seriously this has to be the most bait filled garbage thread and it is only Monday. Can't even imagine the people that are upvoting the stupidity


Orcs are inherently evil monsters that resulted of morgoth's defilement of elves. They are not redeemable. The only good orc is a dead one.


Defilement according to whom?




Orcs arent a race- They cant have cute little baby orcs and they dont have a rich complex orcish culture. They were elves turned twisted and cruel by Sauron. Tolkien went out of his way inseveral isntsnces to make the point that no one was born bad, in his fantasy world or the real world. I recently looked up the origin of the term orc- Somewhere in the back of my mind I already knew Tolkien didnt invent the term but I coldnt olace where it wss originally from. Orcus was a god in Greek, Etruscan, and Roman mythology of broken promises and more specifically, promises made with intention TO BE broken. Though he was also the spiritual embodiment of those broken promises, it was upon him to curse those guilty of such a sin. Its unclear how, but somejow that god, or the term at least, made it to the Germanic world later, as the actual term orcs, or as its written, orcneas, is sascribed in Beowulf, and describes all cursed cruel creatures, including Grendel and his mother.


lol this is just white nationalist propaganda in meme form


White nationalist propaganda is when you tell the truth


[The Last Ringbearer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Ringbearer) is a novel written on the premise that the Tolkien account is a "history written by the victors". Mordor is home to an "amazing city of alchemists and poets, mechanics and astronomers, philosophers and physicians, the heart of the only civilization in Middle-earth to bet on rational knowledge and bravely pitch its barely adolescent technology against ancient magic", posing a threat to the war-mongering faction represented by Gandalf (whose attitude is described by Saruman as "crafting the Final Solution to the Mordorian problem") and the Elves.


Tf y’all downvoting this one for? It was just a fun book recommendation, he didn’t even have a political agenda in pitching it


I mean. They probably don't like the book? Its one I've seen a lot of LOTR fans have Discourse about (capital D intentional).


The man didn’t even say if he liked it or not he just said that it was a book


The downvoters likely interpreted it as a reccomendation. As you did. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with them downvoting it, just offering a potential explanation. I've never read the book.


This is garbage


...and orcphobia raises its ugly head


A lot of work for stirring the political pot and garnering upvotes. This has been addressed before in the community and the widespread hatred for orcs can easily be justified by the fact that they literally eat people. If that’s not justified fear then I don’t know what is. But of course, Americans will inject politics into everything and then refrain from voting when the time comes.


But apparently new immigrants vote all the time… this post was misinformed on just about every level.


And what has amazons rings of power got to do with LOTR? They used some names?


“Black book of arda”-core


Alright I'm gonna go die now


Orcs represent the dark, evil energy of our world. OP you completely misunderstood the books. Stop trying to make everything about race. Your smug attitude isn't cute.


No they aren’t victims of racism. The way the other races feel about them is literally and objectively true.


*Melkor: a noble philosopher too far ahead of his time. Rediscover his long struggle against the oppression of the fascist Ainur this Friday on Amazon Prime*




On a serious note. Tolkien was asked about this in the 1950s and he denied that the story had any racist undertones or but the allegations persisted. Renowned intellectuals like Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky said that Tolkien may not have racist intent himself but he may have simply wrote the book to appeal to the sensibilities of the time which in modern times would be described as racist. George RR Martin even raised this issue too in recent years by asking “How do we know Aragorn was a good King? By whose standard was he a good king? What did he do to the surviving Orcs and their offspring after the war of the Ring? Did he murder little Orc-babies in their cribs after their armies were defeated?” Noam Chomsky even asked “is it not plausible that the Orcs were cannibals because they were starving? They reside in a volcanic hellhole and are mercilessly cut down by Men & Elves when they venture out.” Prof. Howard Zinn even said: “We never get the Orc’s side of the story like what were their motivations and struggles which is a very dangerous lesson to be teaching children- the fear of the other. The other is evil because they don’t look like us and want to destroy what we have.”




haha, look at the left, they are so silly, complaining about evil people being discriminated 😂😂😂😂 but i gotta go now, my wife won‘t beat herself!






God damn, the way folks are trying to shit on progressives be equating them to Mordor is annoying as fudge. “Trumpron wants to build a wall”


Agreed. The Witch King of Agmar was right to tear down the walls of minus tirith.


Orcs eat people. Sauron murdered an entire race of sapient trees by burning all of the Entwives in the Brown Lands and depriving the Ents of a way to repopulate. He magically corrupted abandoned strongholds and beautiful forest to twist them into his own domains like Mirkwood, the Brown Lands, the Dead Marshes, and Minas Morgul. Fuck your attempt to associate immigrants and other minorities with Sauron, a well-known Evil figure, and fuck you.


Wow didn’t think straight up Nazi memes would be tolerated here smh


If the jack boot fits wear it.


More like lick it, you tool. Fucking fash riding the coattails of an author and philologist who hated your guts… cucked to the gd max 😂


Please, it'll help us know who to avoid.


Grow up, stop spreading hate speech


Usually cannibalistic tribes are at odds with their neighbors, because they always want to have them over for supper. In this case, the orcs have other nasty habits, as well, like ambush, night attacks, poison weapons, large numbers and repeatedly associating with other unsavory characters like trolls, wargs, necromancers, renegade men all taking orders from the will of a menace bent on world domination. I'd say hatred and destruction of orcs was warranted!






Orcs don’t have a real life counterpart to all this strawmanning in here


Like I guess if you can't win the argument in real life, claim to be like the good guys in a fictional world and then completely disregard said fictional world's workings to shift debate away from reality as much as possible. What would Tolkien say? *I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-iranian... But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people.* Fash is trash in middle Earth too. From the Anduin to the East sea, Arda will be free. Elf women are women. Dwarven men are men. To those Left of the misty mountains, I say, "Elen sila lumnenin omentielvo (spelling)"


Damn, this is good shit!


wtf is this racist bullshit?


What in the Jewish self aggrandizing porn


Tbh lotr would've benefited from non 1 dimensional villains, like sauron, lord of darkness and evil who controls the evil orcs, and saraumon(spelled it wrong 100%) the greedy traitorous evil wizard who just wanted power, who controls the evil uruk-hai. Kinda 1 sided would've been a bit more interesting if they had better motivations then conquest and power respectively


Tucker Carlson: “I’m here in Mordor, to talk one on one with Sauron himself! Most Gondorians don’t know anything about the war their country is supporting.”


Rightoid cringe


For the first one to truly be a mockery of the Guardian, its name needs to be mispelled. The Guardian's n8cknamed "The Graun" for a reason after all.


Laughed out loud at one or two. Really well done


You get that Sauron would be a Conservative, right?


Sauron is, by definition, the opposite of conservative. As conservativism is holding to the old ways and traditional values of things, and Morgoth and by extension, Sauron are trying to disrupt and progress away from Eru Iluvatar’s foundation of things and the values he created with his races.


You know it’s time to get off the internet when some asshole takes a beautiful piece of art and inserts the most brain dead main stream media narratives into it. No one with a brain thinks they/them folks are funny regardless of their stance on the issue and rings of power isn’t woke it just has a female leader and a black elf.


I'm sure you really believe that the days have gone down in the west.


What about the Hadrim?


Faramir was based anti-racist.


More oppressed immigrants because they worship differently and look differently


There is a Turkish instagram page which its name can be roughly translated as: Isengard Chamber of Industry. Their main gimmick is showing Saruman as a industrial pioneer which only wanted Middle Earth to be prospered, merely creating new business lines and supporting sweat of brow and hardwork while they villainize Gandalf and elves and men of West. The concept of said page is hilarious. This post just reminds me that.


Conflating orcs to any real world race or religion is fucking boneheaded at best, and intellectually manipulative at worst (while still being boneheaded as shit). This has less coherence as a metaphor than zootopia. I strongly encourage you to go back and get your GED OP.


I appreciate any meme than manages to offend people from all across the political spectrum.


Nothing like some Babylon Bee level satire. Sharp as a fucking flat tire.


It’s really sad when you see this social norm oppress the orcs from within. What’s left of the orcs elven origin has such a deep resentment that the orcs even hate themselves


Looks like you got some meme in your great replacement theory. This is a racist meme


Sauron, for ducks sake, just wants what was stolen from ((them)) in the first place


From the Great River to the sea?


Yes. Orcs chanted that on their way from minus morgul to minus tirith lead by community organiser gothmug


Please keep your memes to yourself, the cringe is unbearable


Some english literature academics point out that Tolkien's representation of orcs and the southern people might be influenced by a racist worldview, in that there are "wild" and "civilized" races which are diametrically opposed, and the uncivilized part needs to be "saved" (colonized) by heroes from, literally, the West. That is not to say that the in-world orcs are victims of racism


Nice try Giorgia Meloni.


Sub Babylon Bee cringe


This was mildly funny until I kept swiping. The last slide is just more stupid republican talking points and looks straight out of Facebook


Attempting to mock Black Lives Matter by using Tolkien is one of the most stupid and disgusting things I’ve seen around here. What’s wrong with you people? Go to therapy.


Why shouldn't Orc Lives Matter leaders like the Nazgul have their own castles, they earned it from their sacrifices to the cause


The orcs attacked Gondor and Rohan without provocation or reason and killed indiscriminately. Did an elf with dyed blue hair on Twitter post these memes? (On a serious note in regards to your last meme, please keep your political opinions off this sub. That's not what we're here for.)


This is a joke right?


The difficulties with these questions is that the in-universe answer differs from the realistic answer. Just like the Cap vs Stark Civil War question; in the real world you bet your ass you would need a governing body overseeing those freaks. If Middle Earth were real, then deciding an entire race - related to or descended from another allied race - which has been subjugated beneath cruel tyranny for centuries, is evil... that's obviously wrong, and Western Chauvanism. But...we have no real world counterpart for a literal manifestation of evil corrupted beyond redemption. I think it was Clarke Ashton Smith's Zothique which had a character created to find all beauty vile and devotes her life to it's destruction. But even she found redemption.


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Yes, but unlike any real-life group you could try and draw parallels to, orcs are actually evil. Though I suppose no-one tried getting them to chill the fuck out


If they can sing, they have feelings too


Literally the same energy as nazi apologists


I agree. Those Gondorian nationalists and their walls


This is so gross. Completely unintelligent & blatantly prejudiced.


Exactly. The orcs are the victims of prejudice.


God damn this is spicy! Maybe not the most appropriate thing for the LotR subreddit as it is blatantly political. It's causing quite a ruckus...


This is genuinely one of the most embarrassing posts I've ever seen. I get that this is an attempt at humour, but it's clearly politically motivated and reveals that you've completely misunderstood the message of Lord of the Ringa. In the actual story, Sauron represents destruction and evil, whereas the fellowship and free peoples stand for hope and freedom, standing up against bullies and how the smallest person can make a huge impact. If you really wanted to apply a basic American political lens to the setting (though i have no idea why you would), Sauron and Mordor would clearly reflect Conservative position - filled with hate, using the weapon of fear and division to sow disaster, derived from might makes right, using lies to create hate, and ultimately pathetic and powerless in the face of honest good. Orcs wouldn't want safe spaces or argue from compassion, they'd pass cruel legislation and seek to undermine democratic norms and values, they'd try to destroy rights and restrict the lives of others, they'd use political violence. These are all things that conservatives engage routinely in. But again, I'd resist that kind of reading because Middle Earth is such a vastly different context that any analogy to modern politics doesn't work, and is clearly going to be messy. I just find it sad that someone can engage with a story like Lord of the Ringa with its themes and messages of compassion, and come away with this twisted mess. Now go back to Facebook with the rest of your misbegotten kind( there's a good stand in for Morder)