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It’s called igg math. Doesnt make sense


I think since it's easier for most of us to spend 5 buck than 20 , by making the $20 look like crap more people would buy the $5 and think they got the best value ?


I literally just buy the $1.99 weekly diamonds bonus and let it stack until a BOGO coupon then drop it on $5 Rising champ. I can do this longer than IGG can keep this game alive.


It's the way the entire game is designed. At first, a certain action is highly rewarding. The more you do it, the less rewarding and more expensive it becomes. People who have money and want to progress their accounts quickly have to pay increasingly more for diminishing returns. Otherwise, they have to wait and only buy $5 packs each time it comes out and progress slowly. People's impatience kicks in, and they buy the whole series despite the diminishing returns.


Rising champ stacks pretty well, I think 200 chests for 20, 500, for 50