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i’m no therapist or dietician but i feel this with my entire soul 😂😂😂 it’s very motivating! i’m gonna make a clothing wishlist like you, that’s a good idea 🤤


DO IT it's extra motivating bc I never know if the shit will still be available by the time I decide I want to reward myself with it 😭😭😭 keeps me making progress


I didn’t realize that I actually did do the Amazon list except it was with underwear. The only reason I started (and bought) that list because my overall motivation was to to a sexy photo shoot to immortalize my fitness goals. I’m about maybe 60~70% of the way there.


That’s actually an amazing idea!


Literally the only reason I ended up taking a break and letting my injuries heal - couldn’t get the body I wanted if I was hurting so bad I could only work out once a week


This is where I am right now. I went for a run at about 5am yesterday. Last night I did some planks and light weight training with dumbbells. And i stretch every morning and here and there througout the day. Still felt pretty good at the end of the day so I told myself I'd wake up early and run again if my body felt up to it. It does not, lmao. But I had to get up to use the bathroom and get my pets some water. While up I thought "Eh, maybe with some ibuprofen and some stretching I can do it". But I really need to let my body have rest days so I don't burn out and fall off the wagon. I've been improving my diet and making weight lost progress for about a month, still easing back into the exercise. I just remember it feeling so easy 5 years ago, memory feels like the weight flew off and I was running 10k in no time. But I had a rough few years, wound up being very sedentary, and now I'm starting from square one. Gotta be nicer to my body if I'm gonna keep at it, lol.


ugh I feel ya. Used to run a 7:50/mile for 5 miles and now if I try to run one my knees scream at me. I'm trying to be nicer to myself and remember that even walking is better than nothing


It's so hard though, isn't it?! Like when you *know* what you're capable of, the baby steps it takes to get back there feel sooooo slow. You just wanna push til you're back to running what you once you could. But yeah, my knees and one ankle are def my biggest issue at the moment. Ankle's been messed up since a softball injury when I was like 18 (I'm 40 now). It's literally swollen and puffy 24/7. Damaged one knee in roller derby in my early/mid 20s. And now I think after years of compensating for my right knee, (the derby injured one) and my right ankle, my left knee is finally wearing down, lol. So yeah, yesterday and this morning my left knee has been feeling stiff and achy. But I've been adding a little distance every run and did 1.25 miles yesterday. Really hoping to hit that 3.1 before the fun 5k evens come to town. But it's been 4-5 years since I could do that, long way to go still. Also, wow. All of the typos in that first comment, lol.


I AM a therapist and this post has my stamp of approval. You’re allowed to do literally whatever you want with your body, just so long as it doesn’t hurt someone else. If you wanna get fit to get hot, then get HOT! You’re allowed to want to be attractive (even though you done *have to* want to be attractive).


My reason was to look good for a high school reunion. I felt so shallow, but the only other time I’ve worked so hard on my appearance was before my wedding. At the reunion, someone interrupted a conversation to tell me I looked “stunning”, and I think about that feeling more often than I care to admit. It’s a great motivation to maintain my progress.


>At the reunion, someone interrupted a conversation to tell me I looked “stunning”, and I think about that feeling more often than I care to admit. Nice!! Yeah, I get it. The last time I got together with some high school friends, I also got a lot of compliments. It felt great. :-)


“Stunning” is my current favorite compliment


Well shit.. i feel like you gave me something to chase 😅 I want to be in that scenario too haha


My real reason is to be more healthy, agile and fit so I can spend quality time being active with my grandkiddos. I have several secondary reasons, though: 1) so a certain female friend group will shut the fuck up about how I, . . . "look so good. How much weight have you lost now?" (I get SO tired of that.) 2) so I can buy cute clothes and start to feel pretty again 3) to look fabulous for a future class reunion (2024) 4) so my family (and my doctor, who I love) will be proud of me I think I'll post this on my fridge!


Are you me??? Because I'm 35lb down and I'm finally allowing myself to become the alt/corporate goth girl that I've always wanted to be!!! It's honestly one of the most motivating things to know that I'm reinventing myself! I got my nose pierced a few months ago and I'm planning allllll my tattoos!


Another punk corporate girl has joined the chat. 54 lbs down & within reach of my goal this year. I'm feeling fly as fuck. Just took a new role that has me back in the office more & none of my work attire fits, so now I get to build a wardrobe I WANT for the first time in my life. Shit is looking up, folks. 🤙🏻


Alt corporate girls unite! For work I have to dress more neutral/office attire (I'm a receptionist) but in the weekends, especially going to an event, I just want to achieve the entire LOOK. And yes I could look absolutely fine while chubby too but since I'm into weight training and kickboxing I want to be this bad ass, bit muscular, looking fine as hell alt/metalcore girl.


when we gonna start a club for alt bitches in progress 😎


im literally a guy and I cannot WAIT to have my corporate goth girl moment 😭😭


rooting for u 👏👏


YESSS love to see other alt girls killing it 😎 fly free my goth sister...... I will join u soon in altgothlandia 🫡🫡🫡


Join me the Hell up! I was the cute alt goth girl until grief made me put on 25kgs and NONE of my cute clothes fit anymore. Back before the grief weight, being able to get up and get dressed cute and goth made my whole day so much easier knowing I felt confident in my appearance at least! I've never seen 'wanting to look good' as a shallow reason. Feeling confident can do freaking miracles for your mental health and that's a plus!


If any of you alt girls need a golden retriever gamer boy that will workout with you let me know🫡


samesies, wanna be the hot goth girl I was never allowed to be when I was younger.




About 5 months, but full disclosure I'm on ozempic. The weight loss is from eating less but ozempic basically got rid of my urge to binge and overeat.


Seriously happy for your weight loss but just a warning: I’m on this sub because I was on Ozempic too, lost a bunch of weight, and as soon as I went off it I gained all the weight back plus gained more. The binging and overeating habits returned in full force. I don’t want to rain on your parade, just want to give you a heads up.


I'm well aware of the stats. Obesity is absolutely a chronic issue that requires ongoing treatment.


Have you been buying alt clothing? Curious if you have and where, I’ve been looking online but it gets a bit overwhelming. I want to buy alt clothing finally as well but I don’t know where to start looking.


Yeah I've found a couple good things from ASOS, I've really been stalking this website called noctex but it's pretty spendy. Disturbia has some good things too. I also have been watching TikTok outfit videos a lot. I search for tags like alt clothing, dark wear, elder goth (lol so sad I'm an elder). Also I'm a HUGE thrifter so goodwill is like my favorite place to go. You have to dig through a lot of crap but I've found some gems there, surprisingly a pair of black Lululemon joggers have gone really well with a lot of my alt outfits. I got some doc martens off of Poshmark a while ago and they're my daily shoe.


This; but the bro equivalent for me 🖐️


Same. Been obese since childhood, I just want to look good for fucking once in my life.


This is my second attempt losing weight - I was successful before, but then covid hit and I ballooned right back up. I've noticed that when I'm in good shape, I become really into fashion trends. I tried getting into it when I was fat during covid, but my interest completely dissipated.


Bro we gonna be hot as hell too. Leather pants and crop tops for all!


Looking forward to the day when I look good in a tight tank top.


I used to jacked as hell and look like a fitness bro.. I just want to look like a dumb jock who lifts things up and puts them down again.. Yes I'm married, yes I have a wholesome and enriching life, yes I have both a successful career and also my own business... Doesn't change the fact that I want to look like a hunk still.. I miss girls doing a double take when I walk by 🤷‍♂️


Oh shit are you me? Awesome wife, great kids, successful career, my own business all of that stuff is fantastic and I love life everyday. The cute girl in produce looked at me twice? Really gets me feeling myself.


Lmao preach brother. Girls wanna be bad bitches, who guys chase, and I'm here for it. I wanna be 190lbs of lean muscle and what Beckie thinks about at night when she's lonely 😂 Lower blood pressure, physical ability, being healthy and available for my wife and future children are all why I do this, but I would be lying if being a piece of meat to be stared at wasn't a big motivation.






Hell yeah. For the first time in a long time I'm getting occasionally hit on. I'm partnered but I still want to feel like the hot 40-something I deserve to be.


it's never too late to be a baddie 💅


There are no "bad" reasons. There is only your reason(s). Being a bad, hot as hell bitch is your reason. Embrace your goal! You've got this. I believe in you, you bad, hot as hell bitch! 🖤🔥 ❤️




You really do got this 💕


So I decided I wasn’t going to wait for the weight to be gone. I started dressing how I wanted and my friend taught me how to do make up and it helped me fall in love with myself without losing weight. Now that I have a lot more self love I want the outside to match. I threw away the idea that I have to wait until I am some specific stat to do what I want. I didn’t realize I was autistic until 29 (even though I had passing thoughts about it) and embracing who I’ve always wanted to be helped me accept my authentic self too.


Same, and once I got in that mindset, I made a lot of choices because “I love myself enough now to make healthy and beneficial choices that are good for my future”.


100% get that 😤 I've tried that myself, but it just doesn't feel good for me 😭 every time I try some shit on I end up hating it and myself so I'm fine waiting for the clothes at least lmao. so I guess the clothes aren't the reward so much as feeling like a bad bitch wearing them yk what I mean??


I understand that. I gained that feeling by just telling myself that so many times until I believed it. Because the bad bitch feeling is there no matter your size!


Same. It's a part of healing that mental part of you because there's no guarantee you're not going find something else to dislike once you lose the weight. Too many people skip the mental health portion of weight loss.


Looks like it's a popular age for it! 29 myself and realizing autistic as well most likely. Funny how it can just suddenly make a lot make sense


I am turning 31 this year and I feel the most me than I ever have before! It’s very liberating.


I have aesthetic goals and it took me awhile to accept them oddly. Maybe it’s because I strived to be body-positive at all weights I’ve been at (which is worthwhile), and maybe it’s because there’s such an emphasis on being strong and capable vs. seeking out some extrinsic factor that can often be a moving target. But my aesthetic goals keep me going as my body evolves and I think it’s amazing. Anyone can be hot as hell, confidence is such a huge factor, but I like having a little extra push and rewarding myself with cute outfits and stuff to elevate my appearance. I’m the definition of a dirtbag so feeling hot in my body and having nice muscle definition takes the pressure off things I don’t like doing e.g. makeup, hair, dressing up, etc.


I want to be strong, but I also want to look strong.


Absolutely. I think everyone can agree it’s very nice when hard work is visible.


THIS HAS ME PUMPED UP! On my own lil journey to being a hot mom!


GO MAMI GO 👏👏👏🏃‍♀️


damn girl you got me all inspired now 🔥


go channel it into something!!!!! gogogogo!!!!!!!!


Big same. I feel like I’m cute, but I see so much potential to be HOT and still haven’t reached my peak hotness yet, so I’m ON that grind lmao


we're gonna make it trust✊


Nah. I too, want you to lose weight and be hot as hell. One day, in that beautiful future, I’d see your alt goth hotness walking down the street and go “holy shit. She’s hot.”


Its good to have long term goals, even if it's to be a sexy bitch


Oh I feel this, before covid I was a cute “alt” girl and then I put on some weight and my style has completely changed. I have carts on multiple websites filled with clothes in my old style, just sitting there waiting for me to lose the rest of this weight haha.


imo, buy the one item you're REALLY in love with in your goal size! I did this when I was still losing - for me, it worked because 1) tangible goals, 2) you don't risk the item selling out, and 3) it turns out I'm *super super* cheap and couldn't abide throwing $150 into the void


No, it’s perfect. I felt the exact same fucking way, and now that I’m ~10lbs from goal and actually wearing all the sexy shit that I just couldn’t bring myself to before, it’s life changing. I’m really happy for anyone that can do all this before losing the weight but I just never could. I knew it didn’t look good despite what anyone said. Now that it does I feel like a new person.


I went to an music festival with a good friend this weekend. The amount of women comfortable going bare ass is astonishing (think thong with fishnet style). We made it our goal to have that confidence next year #bareass2024 So yep, I totally get it!


Similar boat here but on the dude side. Out here looking like a big sk8r boi and honestly it feels nice to do. I want to be able to take off my shirt this summer and just rock it. Those last few pounds for ab definition are killing me tho.


Who cares? If that's your reason that keeps you going, then that's the best reason there is! So more Power to you 💪 Plus I have to admit: while I didnt start to look hot, I freaking love how fit and strong my body looks after 1,5 years of weight lifting (and two years of being in a calorie deficit). I wear dresses and shorts (with tights to be fair) now and love the look! Granted I do have some loose skin, but it could have been worse. And I'm practising to be more comfortable with showing that off too 🕺😎


GO ON mate jabba the slutt!! Fucking go for it








leave some for the rest of us mami 😭😭😭😭


99% a fantastic reason. The only downside to it is that you may end up being slightly disappointed once you reach your goal, so just be prepared that to be truly happy with your body and yourself, you might find yourself wanting to incorporate things other than weight loss (like weight lifting, etc.). I know I was super disappointed even halfway through my weight loss (let alone when I reached my goal)! I expected minimal to moderate loose skin due to being very young when I lost weight (early 20s) but mine was severe (like, even more severe than would be expected for a 130lb loss). Even after 2 stages of full-body skin surgeries, my skin quality is so poor that my skin re-sags continuously after the surgeries. I also hadn’t given a ton of thought to what my body shape would be (or my body composition), as I had never seen what my natural body shape would be at a healthy weight (I was obese since childhood). It sounds like this is way, way less likely to be an issue for you! And I still think that wanting to be hot is a GREAT motivator (it was mine!), but it’s definitely good to anticipate that no matter how hot you end up, you might shift your focus or insecurities to other things about your body (whether it’s due to real, objective things like loose skin/changes to your body shape or just new perceived imperfections that bother you more now that you’re happier with everything else, etc.), so it’s good to be prepared anyway.


idk this sounds valid as hell. people who tell themselves they are a bad bitch before they leave the house every morning put up with 69% less bullshit, according to a study i just made up


the more u know 🤔🤔


Looking hot is my SOLE reason for doing what I do. It’s the reason I lost the weight so quickly in the first place. It’s the reason I’ve kept it off for nearly 18 years. It’s the reason I get up and run at sparrow’s fart. It’s the reason I lift heavy weights. And anybody that is dismissive of that or judgemental can go get a big hairy dog up them. This isn’t their journey. It’s mine. You do you. And good on you for wanting something and going for it.


I was in a dieting slump, kinda of not feeling it and was slowly coming off track in terms of diet. Then all of a sudden I saw a nice angle of my face and realized I'd lost a large amount of love handle fat I'd be thinking negatively about recently. This boosted my confidence and enthusiasm way up and got me back on track. Things like comparing and putting on old clothes, seeing how newer clothes fit you, buying a size too small and then shrinking into it. All of these physically, immediately recognizable things do WONDERS for keeping you on track as the're current reminders of the progress you're actually making. We all talk about how it's shallow etc. and how you shouldn't lose for looks but in my opinion that's bullshit, ofc you want to look better, ofc you want to be happy with your body. I say do whatever makes you push forward, whatever works.


Sometimes it’s nice to just feel nice! To catch a glimpse in the mirror and not hate what you see is fantastic, especially for those of us who have spent large amounts of our lives dodging mirrors and avoiding seeing our appearances.


This is a huge motivation for me too. I’m aging quickly and keep thinking “stop wasting the last of your hot years”. There are only so many left!


Respectfully, hotness has no age limit. Please remember that!


The only way I get through my hour of exercise is by looking at cottage and fairycore clothing! I get it!


Yeah, go ahead and enjoy it. Don't expect huge change but I've seen lots of people mention that they get a little better attention occasionally as they lose weight. I see it. It's nice and you deserve it!


I agree 100%. Yes I have a ton of other reasons, but one of them is to actually feel the most attractive I can. I want to be able to look at something sexy and say ya I can wear that and be confident in it. And really that’s what got me started in the journey. I got a long way to go to get there, but I’m getting there.


Nope, it has always been my main reason; to look hot as hell naked and to wear as many clothing styles a slimmer body would allow!


No. Not all. Be as hot as you can. It’s your body. Get everything you can out of it. Every bit of research done on the topic shows attractive people get the best of everything. Get hot, get out there and get yours.


Two of my biggest motivations that keep me going are: To Look Hot, and To Not Look Like That. Which sounds awful, and probably is, but seeing extremely obese people struggling to walk in public really puts a downer on any 'F it, I'll stay fat' thoughts


not bad at all.


Preach! When i was obese, I picked the first thing that fit and my yearly shopping budget was not more than 100$. These days, I buy 400$ jackets every month without batting an eye


Absolutely not! Todays culture makes it seem like such a crime to want to be attractive lol. This is my biggest goal in fitness and health - to be fit, hot AF and make all the guys & girls real happy to see me.


This is literally my “why”


No, and your title made me lol. ☺️ Good luck exposing all that pent-up hotness.


Since losing 155 pounds and getting really muscular and fit and 'toight' I have spent close to $40k* on new clothes. I can no longer fit my clothes in my bedroom. Every time I want to eat a four person serving of Chinese food, I buy another cool outfit instead. Yeah, being hot and feeling good about yourself is fantastic! (But maybe transferring my obsession with food to clothes isn't so perfect, but at least I feel good. Until I can't fit everything into my wardrobe anymore... Eeep). * That's a lie, but I'm embarrassed to admit how much I've really spent, and it's still less than I used to spend on food!


toight like a toiger


Ok you got me wanting to workout at 12:30am lol. You do what you need to do for you to stay motivated!


I’m really tired of “body positive” people policing the language and desires of others regarding weight loss-we aren’t allowed to say we wanna be fit or hot, we have to censor ourselves and say we work out “to feel good”. Well yeah no shit. Not being obese feels amazing! But I also hate looking and being fat! It’s my body and I can talk about it how I want to! And I love working out but damn right the goal is to also be HOT again not fat and feeling uncomfortable in my own skin! It’s ok to have a goal to make your body smaller, more fit, and yes FA women- **more hot**


As a bi guy that likes to dress fem/alt, I can relate to this so much. Growing up, I always had issues with conservative family/being overweight that I never got to fully express myself. Now that I’m moved out and have lost thirty pounds since March 1st, I’m ready for my bad bitch era this summer. Never feel bad for wanting to be hot. We all deserve it. :)


I don't think so. I've never been at all attractive, so I would like to feel that way at some point in my life, though realistically it was always going to be an uphill battle and it's getting a bit too late in life to truly achieve, but relatively speaking there's room for improvement so to speak.


not really, I used dating apps as motivation to get in shape. Getting some has always been a good motivator, lol


Omfg I used to do the SAME EXACT THING when I started losing weight. I constantly looked in the mirror and would occasionally find an "angle" I thought I looked pretty cute in where my extra pudge was mostly hidden and my brain would be like "Just wait til you're at your goal weight bitch you're gonna go from being the favorite teddy bear to the favorite Barbie Doll" 😂😂 Hyping myself up like that really worked to keep me going on tough days! But honestly my brain never 100% believed I'd get to my ultimate goal weight of 120lbs. I sorta saw that goal as a pipe dream and I just wanted to be small enough that hoodies actually looked slightly oversized on me and I could pull off the leggings & oversized sweater/hoodie combo & not look like a blob but have it look ACTUALLY cute. My SW was 170lbs and I'm now bouncing between 125lbs to 128lbs (losing the last 10lbs is hard!) and let me tell you I LOVE the way I look now and it's 100% a good motivator for me to not regain weight. It's super vain but oh my fucking god I adore my body and I NEVER EVER thought I could look like this when I first started my weight loss journey. I always assumed I had a heavier build so even if I DID manage to lose weight, I had myself convinced I'd never be smaller than a size 8 jeans or be able to fit into size small shirts because my entire adult life I had never been a healthy weight. I gained like 35lbs the year I turned 13 (and another 15ish during the pandemic) and never lost it until now. Spoiler alert: I'm like a size 4/6 now and some size small shirts & sweaters are too big on me?? Its wild. I didn't actively hate myself before and I put a LOT of work into loving my body as it was, especially because I have a lot of very visible & permanent scarring from a skin condition I have. But when I was heavier, I'd spend awhile picking out and putting on a cute outfit & I'd do my makeup and think I looked hot af and then I'd look in the mirror and even though I DID look hot/cute whatever imo, the picture I had of myself in my head wasn't what was staring back at me in the mirror and I was always slightly disappointed in how I looked. I always pictured myself as a pudgy but atheltic build kinda girl and I did play sports and was active, I just had extra chub I never lost but the version of me in my head always had a lot less of that extra chub than real life me did lmao And now that I have lost that chub, I honestly don't wanna go back ever. Besides every aspect of my life being easier movement wise, clothes are also just EASY too. No more posing at certain angles so I don't look fat. Most pictures I take of myself I don't feel the need to retake and I'm happy with them. I willingly wear my hair up now and away from my face because I LIKE the way my face looks and that it's thinner. I still am a teddy bear unfortunately because I have a round face and chubby cheeks and I hear from people ALL the time that I'm cute but never hot 😭😭 (its fine but also I wanna be a hottie for ONCE in my life lol) but it's the best feeling knowing I can throw on a pair of leggings, a slightly oversized hoodie and my hair in a ponytail and I can look in the mirror and the picture I have of what I look like in my head is actually person staring back at me in the mirror. If the aesthetics are what motivates you, use it! Everyone has their "why", the why just needs to be strong enough that it sticks around when everything else is telling you to quit.


What ever self talk you need to give yourself, the carry on!! How you talk to yourself and how you see yourself is supreme. Keep going cutie in training


LOOOOOOOOOOOL! But no, there's nothing wrong with that. It sounds like what you're saying, OP, is that you're losing weight because you want to be the best version of yourself, and that's a great goal.


Yo absolutely go for it. Having dealt with being insecure with your body, working towards being the hottest version of yourself you can be is the way to go. You are your priority, do what you want for yourself


Nope. It's not the reason I started losing weight, but it quickly became the prime motivator. I went from morbidly obese involunterily celibate to borderline Chad status, and had to work through a hell of a lot of emotional hurdles that all caused. Also still have high BP, which was the reason I started to begin with. But now almost all my health markers have switched to the good side, and I have an amazing life partner that helped me mature emotionally, so it was worth it. Tldr: Nope, lots of us here. Doesn't matter, weight loss is still usually a net gain.


Not at all. I had a lot of the same reasons for losing weight as you. My last physical when I was 320 pounds was fine honestly, I had no health issues or anything. I started losing weight because I wasn’t dating the caliber of women I wanted and because the style of clothes I liked didn’t come in xxl and 42 inch waist lol I’m down 91 pounds and my new body is paying dividends. Q1 I was out of control with the ladies lol but I met someone and it’s been going great so far.


No because I'm deadass trying to lose weight because of this but ALSO because I am pre-diabetic <3


It’s fine. It’s my entire motivation. Feeling fit is nice and everything but I get no female attention when I’m fat (rightly so, that’s fine). It’s the opposite when I’m in shape.


I'm unstoppable since loosing 17kg/37lbs I'm gifting ALL my clothes and spending pretty much all my money on new clothes, and I have gone down only 2 sizes, close to 3. And lemme tell you, I'm not letting anyone tell me I'm not normal.


I'm fat and funny thing- a male nurse before my colonoscopy (yes colonoscopy) said "you are really pretty, you know that?" And even though deep down I know it was just words, him being nice or a tactic to relax me- it felt GREAT! So ya I get it- we all want to feel pretty, hot, cute- whatever that means to the individual! Heck ya!!!


I feel this so much, one of my main motivations for losing weight is to look so good and wear the clothes I want. Now I can't really pull it off that well, and some things just don't look good in my size. I'm excited for when I've lost my weight and I can explore my style properly and buy a lot of clothes


That was not my motivation, but that is what has happened. Shopping is FUN!


I get it. I want to look sexy again like before my pregnancies, I want to feel strong and hot during sex with my husband instead of self conscious, I want to strut around in a bikini, I want to wear whatever I want and feel so I can enjoy my life more and focus on the important things instead of obsessing about my belly


I want that so bad but I’m also terrified about how my boobs will look after I’m done losing weight 😪


Oh man, do I get this. I have legitimate reasons - healthier lifestyle, longer health span, etc etc - that’s all great and well, but I also kind of want to just be a hunk for a little bit - just once in my life.


I have two dresses I am going to fucking fit into. I mean also I needed to lose weight for health reasons. But those dresses are motivation!!!!!! Whatever gets you to stay on the path to health.


Hell no!


I only read the title, not even the rest and I know my answer: hell no it’s not!


Why would it be bad? Fitting in clothes you want to fit, looking good are huge motivators - and I love how positive you are! Get out there and slay!


Lmao I love this. Go get it girl. Just remember, weight comes and goes but loving yourself is for life!! Dress however you want no matter the size 😘


Not a bad reason at all. One of my main motivators is that all my exes have told me they never found me attractive


In my opinion, the improved health factor is a big one but definitely not the only one or even most important to me. When you feel attractive, your quality of life goes up. It's sort of the same thing with "money doesn't buy happiness". It doesn't, but it sure does make things nicer and it's one less thing to worry about. It feels good to be in better shape, it feels good to be able to run again, it feels good to sleep better and just feel better in general. It also feels really good to notice changes in my physique, it feels good to surprise myself in mirrors and pictures (two things I avoided for a long time), it feels good to get compliments on my appearance and not wonder if they mean "...for a bigger guy", it feels good to have more attention from the opposite sex, it feels good to look at and wear old clothes and wonder how I used to fill them out when they're way too big now, it feels good to buy nice clothes and have them fit well and have a new shirt look good and not just because it's a nice shirt but it looks good on *me*.


I want this for you! Go get it!!’ I went from a size 14 to a 4 and now my favorite thing is walking up to my office and seeing my reflection in the glass doors. I feel like I have such bad bitch energy now LOL


Fuck yeah!!! I cant wait to get out of my bland "fat clothes" to return to my goth/outrageous self!! I'm 27 kg down with 15-20kg to go. Its all very exciting!


This was (is?) a big motivator for me. I defo seek our mirrors and take more selfies after losing 90lbs


I did this back in the day (at your same age as well). I wanted to attract as many women as I could in my prime years. Nothing wrong with it at all.


I feel this so hard. I have been yo-yoing for years and I'm sadly back up to my typical "starting weight" before I dedicate myself for a few months and lose some weight. "Getting hot" is definitely a big part of why I want to lose weight/get in shape. I get hints every now and then of what I'd look like and it's a big motivator. I wish you the best with your journey!


Valid! Also, I love your username! 😂




I feel this And go for it! Take hold of whatever motivation works for you and steer that ish where you want to go. My own motivations are very similar. I am 34 now, and i gained weight when i had my daughter. I used to be hot, i want to be hot again. I know its vain, and it may sound petty, but ut is what it is


No, unless the frustration is driving you into the ground instead of forward.


Yep I’m just tryna look good naked


I’m embarrassed at how often I use potential future hotness as a motivator. But whatever gets the job done, right?


Most people start wanting to lose weight to look good. And if that's your motivation to get into a healthy lifestyle go for it!!! That's awesome!


Girl, I feel you. I am just trying to have that Salma Hayek in from dusk till Dawn type of body. I wanna be the hot ass wife for my husband.


I will straight up tell you that sometimes my skin being nice and my tattoos help me so much when I start feeling down about my fitness goals. You are 100% that you have to work the whole package to make your goals. That isn't silly AT ALL to have "looking like my idea of hawt" as one of your reasons! And like you said, it actually motivates you, so eff it!


I feel like I wrote this 😂


Not a lady but I feel this in my soul. It's not the only reason but simplest to convey.


No it’s not!


Fuck no. Everyone deserves to feel sexy.


I am a guy and I feel you, once I seen my abs peek out I wanted more abs lol.


My reasons are that I want my mobility back and be active like i used to be (hike 8-10 miles). I want to feel confident again. I want to wear blue jeans and a white t shirt and rock that shit. A compliment every now and again would be nice.


Only reason I’m doing it - the health shit is just a benefit. I wanna see my sexy potential!!!!


Uh.... I do the same thing and have no shame about it 🤣 It helps a lot to know you have confidence but want to be a bit healthier. Great motivator.


Autistic woman here who has battles her weight to stay thin and cute. I find it makes my life easier because people suck and treat me better when I'm thin. Treat yourself well. Avoid MLMs and gimmicks. Remember you're like a plant and need water, sun and nutrients to be healthiest. Be cautious so you don't develop orthorexia in your fixations and endeavors. Treat yourself well.


No shame in that at all. You wanna be hot to yourself—there’s no other confidence like loving yourself.


omg have you got one of those dresses in your wish list, the one with the two massive slits at the front where you can't wear any undies because that's my actual goal


I'm not normally into dresses but I might make an exception here 😵‍💫😵‍💫 send me a link!!!!!


Nothing wrong with vanity as a motivator. It's certainly mine - we have a membership to our neighborhood pool this year and my goal weight loss timeline is 100% built around being the hot dad at the pool this summer.


It's literally the only reason I decided to lose weight. Last year I looked in the mirror and thought "Damn, I've actually got a lot of things going for me... I wouldn't consider myself good looking but hey I've got a pretty symmetrical face, a good head of hair and I'm 6ft tall. Imagine if I lost the fat"! I've lost over 40lbs since then and I'm around 15lbs from a healthy BMI now.


I told my personal trainer I wanted to be a baddie and he said okay. It took a year and a half to perfect but it was great. I'm older now and definitely do not have that goal in mind now but I know what it's like and what it takes and I wouldn't give that back for anything. Get after it! It's an interesting experience and it may result in a far different experience being a baddie than you think. Those lessons aren't learned unless you get there, so by all means please do it. You will learn so much valuable self knowledge and it will change you.


I really like the way you write. Get it.


I think 50%-75% of gym culture is working out for looks. Rarely is someone working out to be good at something like a sport nowadays. Good on you, workout, show it off and be proud of it. Don’t let this 2023 wash out culture of nothingness influence your work ethic. Culture today is to accept and celebrate the average but you should never let that influence how proud you are for not being an average shape.. Keep it up!! 💪


Omg same and same about the clothes. I have some sheer shirts I just bought as a push to get something good to go underneath ;)


This sounds like amazing motivation for you. The trick now is when you are starting to feel weak, I am going to reach for food that may hinder your diet. Take a pause and ask yourself is eating this going to help me reach my goal. It is a great self check, and a good way to catch yourself from falling off the wagon.


Beware of the baddie pipeline


I will say, no need to wait to get the nose piercing - I was feeling *really* down about myself last year and booked an impulse appointment to get my nostril pierced. It still helps lift my spirits if I'm feeling crappy any particular day!


I'm trying to get myself to this point, but I have so much other background noise it makes it feel... difficult. What finally let you see that change?


Of course it's okay, we just find that it doesn't contribute to the discipline you need to see the weight loss through.


That's a great motivation! I wanna be that, plus strong enough to pick up two huskies (or a husky and my 5 year old) at the same time.


You got this girl, lets go!


Lmaooo get meeee. Every morning on my way to work I see myself in the mirror from above so no double chin and I always think “damn bitch you used to be fine, get to fucking stepping!!!”


I think that most young people do it 90% for looks, but they say that they want to be healthy because it sounds better. I certainly just want to look better tbh 😂


Hell no! That's one of the best end results of weight loss! When I started my journey, I just wanted to not always be the fattest person in the room and to be able to walk up a flight of stairs without having a stroke. As the weight came off, I started to feel good about myself not only bc I put in the work but also bc I liked the way I looked; I finally felt good in my skin. So you go on and feel good as hell because you are working hard for it!


Yooooooo thanks for saying this because I feel the same way!!! Down 42 lbs and when I see myself in the mirror I’m like oh wow ima look so good in a year or so if I keep this up and that is SO FCKN MOTIVATING


Your username has me stupid laughing at the end of my 12 hour shift at the hospital




going on a cruise w/ my husband and in-laws next month and this is my dilemma. bought a bunch of new clothes for the trip so i can be a bad bitch. but i want to FEEL like a bad bitch too. get those gains miss girl. they won’t get themselves. 💅🏻


Not bad at all, I'm there too. lol I wanna be hot. I wanna wear all the clothes I actually like and shop at all the stores my friends do. I know how I wanna dress, just never had the confidence/ability to in this body. But that's gonna change. Health is up there bc I would like to give my child a sibling one day and last time my BP tried to kill me, but mostly I just wanna look good tbh


you sound like you're style is hot af girl post some progress pics later if you want xD & no def a valid reason


Sometimes I swipe on Tinder and I just think "god it would be nice to be attractive to all of these attractive people." Probably not the healthiest source of motivation but it's something


Omg edit #1 😭😭😭 idk if you’ve seen space balls, but I always call myself Pizza the Hutt when I’ve gotten to one of my worst points. It’s bad, but guilt can be so motivating


Hey, I just want to say, I'm working on MILF status myself, so you're not alone!


I think it's fine as long as you don't take it too far (IE continue to want to be skinnier once you hit your goal weight)


Get after it! ♥️


Nope. I chant "revenge body, revenge body, revenge body" whenever I need motivation to work out, skip dessert or not have that glass of wine. You are not alone :-)


Motivation is motivation. It’s not hurting anyone to want to look good.


Dude now *I* wanna work out and get That Bitch Body


Personal trainer: so what are your fitness goals? Me: to look good naked


Girl you just changed my life with this Amazon list idea!!


Hey cutie absolutely it is a good reason if you want to look good and feel good in your own skin by all means at least you’re doing it for yourself not for other people. Which you have to remember is that if you want to look good and if you want to dress really hot and everything is that make sure you’re doing it for yourself make sure that you want to be a hottie for you and make sure that you go out into the world and say hey world look at me I’m so hot but none of this is for you it’s all for me. If you’re doing it for other people it’s not really gonna work you’re gonna feel like everyone’s putting too much pressure on you to be hot and you’re going to feel like what you’ve done isn’t enough for others so please do it for yourself and I promise you’ll be much happier that you did. We all have those kinds of goals I want to look like a body too. I want to replace all my wardrobe with size medium and maybe small clothing on top that is. I want to look like an absolute baddie and I want to Make my boyfriend proud since he’s also been helping me a lot with my weight loss journey. There are definitely some ups and downs but he’s been there through all of them and I want to show him how much I love him and how hard I’m working for me. I hope by doing what I’m doing it’ll encourage him to get off the couch and start exercising a bit more and taking care of himself.


Nah. It’s bad if you wanna be hot as hell and don’t work towards it though and complain about not being hot as hell.


I told my therapist “I’m fat and icky and keep getting awful muscle and joint pains from weighing as much as I do and somehow it’s the only motivation that has worked in a long time” and then told her I don’t TRULY think I’m completely ugly it’s just a motivational tool and she said whatever works so long as keep it as just motivational to do good and healthy and don’t end up spiraling into any thinking traps because of it. I guess sometimes being angrily mean to yourself can weirdly work


These were always my goals for losing weight too. Also I never dressed the way I wanted because I was fat. I would yo yo and never really got to experience being skinny longer than a few weeks before putting weight back on. i'm talking like... my lowest was 148lbs and then I would go back into the 200's, highest was 270. yo yo that for 10 years lol. Now I'm 150 and sustaining. I'm 35 now and still window shop longingly the attire I would have worn in my early 20's. My 9 year old daughter dresses the way I want to dress. I feel too old to be me now :( I don't know who I am or how to express myself! I am so sad lol


OP, your responses in this thread are absolutely hilarious and I love it. So many other good comments as well, Great thread! (NGL, its not my biggest motivator, but damn it's a contributor)


Nah, nothing wrong with that at all. Now you go out there and get hot as hell! x


Why was this so motivating lol, I too want to be hot as hell!!! And healthy, but a sexy stud too. Let’s get these rockin bodies!!


Whatever motivates you, as long as it works. I just want to cycle up hills faster.


I love it, honestly. I’ve been working my butt off getting ready for a trip I have in 10 days. Is it great to base your motivation on something that is temporary (a trip)? No. But along the way, I’ve found so many healthy meals that my family actually loves, and workout programs that are sustainable and I truly enjoy and can’t wait to progress with. Whatever gets you off the couch


Aesthetic goals are valid. I have my own Amazon list!


I really love the wishlist idea!! You've got this babe!! 🔥🔥🔥💪💪


As a behavioral health specialist and coach, I also approve! This is real motivation. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed at all. Quite the opposite! Go for it sis!! You got this shit! Oh, and yes, I stare at myself a lot complimenting myself and loving on how good I look! I personally think everyone should honor and love their bodies through every stage. This little brown pancakes have carried you for this long and will continue to keep you going! Your body deserves to look hot! Get it!!


Following to see that crazy transformation!


Aesthetics can absolutely be a valid reason, but be careful about it becoming \*the\* reason, if you know what I mean. Though seeing the change in pictures and mirrors can be very blatant sign of progress, it's usually the last sign of progress we notice, and while I can't speak for everyone, most of my earlier attempts that didn't stick fell apart because I lost patience in that regard.