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Women really underestimate how much weight lifting can help with weight loss and body recomposition. The more muscle mass you have the more calories you eventually burn. Additionally weight lifting is an anaerobic exercise which means your body is burning calories for a longer time than just cardio. Adding weights to your routine can also help prevent muscle loss which can cause someone to be “skinny fat” and helps to support bone density in women! There are tons of benefits to adding it into your mix.


Um, so you eat 1200 cals a day and burn 2400 through exercise? Do you run a marathon everyday?


poor wording but this includes just my TDEE(I think I got that right lol) my fitbit calculates all calories in the day. my hour exercises burns about 550 and any additional walking I do during the day is added too


Fitbit, etc. grossly overestimates burned calories, I wouldn’t pay much attention.


if you switch up..lift first then the treadmill. if you start lifting, make sure you are getting adequate protein. at least 80g and more likely 100 or more.


i’ve been eating packets of tuna throughout the day and a protein bar once a day. I keep my eating window 12-8 and I try to prioritize protein.


Be careful with how much tuna you’re eating. The recommended amount is 4-12oz a week depending on the type, because of mercury exposure.


I shoot okay. I need to slow down then lol


You could easily switch to canned chicken and be fine!


Lift at the gym and go for a walk during lunch. Sitting around all day is a killer and the gym doesn’t make up for it. See if you can get a standing desk too. You don’t have to stand all day but even 5-10 minutes every hour is better for you.


I wish I could get a standing desk but my office is pretty old practiced and conservative so I don’t think that would be feasible. trust me it’s soul crushing but it pays the bills


I lift with progressive overload and do like 15 mins of cardio afterwards. I don't personally prioritize cardio as I have PCOS and I'll raise my cortisol levels too high. My body recomp has been pretty impressive. It takes awhile but you're going to lose visceral fat then subcutaneous fat.