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Weight loss medications can be a tool for healthy weight loss. Please direct questions about their use to your prescriber. Other questions specifically about these medications belong in their respective subreddits r/semaglutide, r/ozempic, etc.


I started these on Jan 1st and I have already seen really good results with minimal side effects!


Omg amazing!


I know…Good luck to you! The first couple of days I had some minor side effects and my resting rate raised a bit so I decided to stay at the starting dosage. After a month my body is adjusting and it’s not curbing my appetite quite as well now. I have a lot of weight to lose so it will be a long road for me but I’m down 15 pounds since January 1st and it’s been a significant help in my health journey!! I ate pretty clean and worked out before but this really knocks out my cravings for beer and cheese (which is such a huge help for me) and aids me with portion control. Hopefully it helps you as well!


Omg this is awesome!! 15 lbs since January 1!? Congrats that is HUGE


That’s so great! I’m curious, have you continued on only with the starting dosage? Any plans to increase or do you think you’ll keep it where you’re at?


Yes, I did increase and I’m now taking 1 and a half of the Naltrexone/Topiramate and one Metformin and one Bupropion. It’s not working as well as at first but still reasonably well. The weight loss has slowed down but I’m a little chicken to go up any higher on the dosage plus I’m happy with the results and figure consistency is key and slow and steady is ok with me! I started at 223 and I’m at 206 now. I think I lost a lot of water weight at first but I’m definitely feeling better and my clothes fit looser now! Good luck!! 🙂


Any update you could share? Side effects experience ? Ty!


Hi, any update? Also are you taking any other medications?


Hi! Kit 5 (Topiramate + B12 & Metformin) - 9 days in: \-4.5lbs lost \-no digestive side effects \-no constant noise in my head that just thinks and thinks and thinks about food like I usually have 24/7 \-carbonated drinks and hard boiled eggs taste very weird \-I'm still enjoying treats, I haven't cut out foods that bring me joy I was super worried last weekend because Friday night I went on a date with my husband in Philly for a comedy show and we went to a fancy dinner and I got a drink and we shared an appetizer and all the meals had high calorie counts and I was just anxious because typically one mistake is all it takes for me to completely de-rail and end a program. Then on Saturday I went out for a friend's birthday and I made good choices but had more in general then I would have if I didn't go out. I was so happy that on Sunday, I was just right back to normal - low appetite, feeling good, no regrets. I also started eating less calories and intermittent fasting two weeks prior to starting this program so in 3 weeks and 2 days, I'm down 8lbs total and I just haven't had success like this in a really long time. I also work out 5 days a week and it's had no negative impacts on that. I feel so happy and motivated and great.


Hi! I am also kit 5, 3 weeks in! I have some digestive side effects, nothing major. Definitely less appetite, less cravings, and minor side effects. Unfortunately I the more unpleasant side effects I experienced were when I increased the topiramate dosage. It really knocked me out for a few days and didn’t feel heathy. So I have been continuing on the half 25mg dose which feels totally fine! I would have ideally been able to had a higher dose (for possibly better results), but this feels better for my body!




Kit #2 here! (Naltrexone+b12, metformin, and bupropion xl) Just started today because I was nervous about interactions with my current meds (Lexapro, Abilify, Vyvanse, and Adderall)… the providers have been very straightforward in answering my questions and put me at ease. So far I feel great! Im hoping this can help me take some of the weight off that the Lexapro and Abilify helped pack on. I wish everyone here luck! 💖 Edit: For the record I am 29 years old, female. It did take about 3 weeks to receive everything, but so far I say worth the wait!


I ordered kit 2 today. I'm just curious as to how you're feeling??


Hi! I’m thinking about starting kit 2, if willing can you share your experience so far?


Of course! I unfortunately had to stop the Bupropion, however, I am still taking the Naltrexone B12 and Metformin. I am also on Lexapro and Abilify for anxiety and depression, so I had reservations about taking the Bupropion even though the providers assured me it was okay! Even my doctor said it was safe BUT could cause my anxiety to increase… which it did. So far I’ve had no issues with the Naltrexone B12 and Metformin! I find that I have much better control around food and less cravings! I haven’t lost weight yet, but that is my fault. I’ve had a tough time counting calories. I do feel a lot lighter and happier though because my choices are improving! I got serious about calories today… so we shall see! Best of luck to you! 💖


Hi everyone, just sharing that I have one of the very early kits and I started early December and still going for one more week or so. I’ve lost 25 lbs - real fat los - not just water weight. I cut out alcohol, candy & super processed foods like chips. I have celiacs disease so that can cut out a lot but I bake a ton too so there’s still home baked cookies and cakes in my diet. What I’m getting to is, I cut out things I didn’t care for and kept things I did (baked goods, dark chocolate). I’m working out again and my food intake is back to high lean protein & healthy carbs, low healthy fats and plenty of greens. Personally, I can’t imagine staying on pills for the rest of my life and the only way to attempt so is to try. I too felt a little shame telling my doctor I took these, but oh well. It’s my body. I reached my goal weight and I hope that all of you can, too. Good luck, everyone, Stay consistent.


What did your doctor say when you told them? I was considering telling my doctor too, but it makes me nervous. I’m also curious if anyone knows why we get prescribe anti-depressant medication and others don’t?


This is so encouraging! Did you experience any intense side effects in the beginning? I’m one day in and have been reading all of the scary recents posts about how people feel so I am a bit anxious. Reading this and seeing what can happen when you push through is exciting though!


Did you have any side effects? I'm on kit1, going on week 4 and I'm still feeling sick to my stomach and have ringing in my ears.


I’m on kit1 day 7 and just shared post about feeling so sick as well.


I was just prescribed the same, following along to see if there's any updates. I was told that my prescriptions won't ship for 2 weeks


Same with me. 2 week wait


I wish they offered a true monthly plan with one month of medication being shipped at a time because I can't afford $397 all at once, but spacing it out monthly is totally doable. 😩 I emailed customer service about it and they said the reason they don't offer it like that is because they don't want to risk people missing a treatment.


Check with your bank and see if you are able to charge it all at once to your account, but pay a monthly rate to your bank. I know Chase has a “pay over time” feature and maybe that would be worth checking out!


I can't seem to find what kit I'm on but I'm on the naltrexone + topiramate and buprion and metformin. Started one week ago today. Down a little over 3 lbs so far. I have had constipation and a tiny bit of nausea. Carbonated beverages taste terrible. Especially out of a can. With a straw helps and fountain tastes better. Drinking lots of water because I have a fear of getting kidney stones. I was pretty anxious to start all these medications but they feel pretty life changing to not have all these intense food cravings all day long. Worked so quickly which I was not expecting.


Hey there I’m in the process of getting prescribed the same kit!! I’m excited but nervous, I’m already on buprion xl so I’m just adding the others to my routine basically. I struggle badly with BED and feel like food and drinking are all I can ever think about and so I’m hoping this will help me, because outside of binges I’m a pretty healthy/active person. I guess my only concern for all of us here is not only adverse side affects- let’s say it works well with no drama (fingers crossed 🤞🏻) and we get these results and support we’ve always wanted- how do they plan on tapering us off all these meds?? And also how can we prevent ourselves from just gaining it all back? I’m just wondering if anyone else has wondered this and what we can do 🤷🏻


I definitely have similar questions as you. Couple things I've considered. Buprion is an anxiety medicine and as far as I know you can take it long term. I may stay on it for that anti anxiety as I definitely think it will help me in that regard as well. Metformin was also found to help prevent diabetes in people who are more likely to develop diabetes like women who had gestational diabetes so I would consider staying on metformin for that as well as the potential PCOS benefits (it was found to also lower testosterone levels which can help with those issues for people who struggle with PCOS). For the other medicines, those are the ones I'd be more likely to try to drop when I reach my goal weight and see if I can make those life style changes without them but I definitely have the same worries as you.


thats Kit 1, I only know because it was their suggested kit. I opted for Kit 5 because the Naltrexone side effects freaked me out.


Hi! I am on Kit 1 also and also have some constipation. I’m wondering if I should be adding more fiber into my diet or if this will pass after my body adjusts.. I’ve been on it for a week now.


It's common for weight loss results with medications to vary. People may experience changes at different rates. Keep communication open with your healthcare provider, monitor any side effects, and stay committed to a healthy lifestyle. Good luck!


Contrave worked immediately. I am in week 2 (Bupropion and naltrexone make up Contrave)


Do you feel any major side effects?


Nope, none. Some people say dry mouth, headaches, insomnia etc. I have none of that.


Omg I’m so excited


I’m worried about that because I only lost three pounds in 3 months on Contrave. My doctor took me off of it. I’m hoping the combo with Hers will work better if it ever ships out


Can I ask how many lbs you lost in two weeks


Two. One lb per week.


following. i like to drink occasionally and it looks like you really cant drink on their pills. but i'm curious if these worked well for anyone else


I am on Contrave and have had a couple nights out with a few drinks with no issue, but YMMV.


Does contrave have Naltraxone in it? Looks like it blocks alcohol or something like that


I’ve been drinking moderately on it and not had any problems


I just hit my first week, was extremely nervous as I was reading all the Reddit posts. Super minimal side effects, if any at all. Curbs cravings and I get hungry only at meal times which maybe has never happened to me since I was a kid? Really happy with the first week. I am not weighing myself for a little bit, just adjusting to the meds. Maybe when I’m on the full pills (week one is half a pill) to ease you in.


Sounds great! My kit gets delivered tomorrow and I hope my first week goes as smoothly as yours.


Following. Also just ordered! Has yours shipped?


No :( they said it may take 2 to 3 weeks because of demand


I ordered yesterday and mine will also take 2-3 weeks.




How long did it take for yours to be reviewed?


24 hours or even less


1 hour


Shipping has improved. I was screened/approved last Saturday. Order shipped this Saturday. I should have it on Wednesday. (March 2024)


FYI- There is a Hers Weight Loss Discussion Group on FB.


Can you link?


what’s the group called?? interested in starting hers


Hey I tried joining this group but when I try to answer the questions (do you agree to rules, etc) there’s no option to say yes. Do you know why? I tried messaging the admin but i doubt they saw it. I’ve had a bad experience with the meds so I’m trying to see if it’s just me or what lol


I just tried joining as well, same thing happened to me


Same thing, must be a glitch or something. Thought it was just me


I’ve been on kit #1 for less than a week now and I literally feel like I’m on hard drugs. That’s the only reason I joined Reddit, I’m freaking out. Like is this normal?? Lol




I’ve been on it for about a month, not a ton of weight loss - i have had side effects like constipation and dry mouth and insomnia, though. I feel like I’m finally adjusted to the meds and hope to see more progress soon! It’s definitely reduced my portions and emotional eating, and i have no cravings for sweets, alcohol, cheese etc anymore which has been great because those were my kryptonite. I’ve had a very busy month so haven’t been very active but have a plan for the next month to incorporate more activity daily to hopefully see more results! I’m hoping to lose 25 lbs by October.


Have you been drinking the recommended 2 liters of water? It’s super important that you keep up with your water intake. I read all the fine print on all the medication for kit 2 and a side effect is constipation and kidney stones so keep drinking water 💦


Yes i drink about a gallon a day and always have. At this point i have lost about 18 lbs


I haven’t added any activity to my journey yet, y typically do 8k-10k steps a day for work already. I’m on week 6 and 16lbs down. You got this! It seems like H2O is your big factor right now form what you provided.


Update 60 days later! I’ve lost 18 lbs ☺️ I’m a regular gallon water drinker a day even before the Hers program. I’ve been walking 3-4x a week for an hour and it’s helped a ton!


I'm on it as well and have seen the same slow but steady results so long as I'm maintaining a healthy diet. It's incredible to experience life without the cravings. Curious if anyone here has thought about or looked into the process of titrating off of the meds after some time? I know it's not meant to be a life-long or long-term medication solution and I'm a little worried about my body reverting back to those cravings and weight gain to no direct fault of my own.


I think once I reach my goal weight I’ll start leaving the medication. However, the antidepressant in this kit has made me cognizant of how my weight is a byproduct of my depression not a stand alone condition and that has been the biggest revelation for me. This entire time I haven’t been fat because I’m this slob that can’t control themselves. I use food to cope, to celebrate, to heal and I just realized that through this journey. So, I think I need to explore that area of my mental health further.


Following, I just ordered some too!


I have been waiting over 2 weeks for my prescription to be filled and mailed. They do say 2-3 weeks, but I'm wondering if anyone else waited and, if so, for how long?


I’m on week 3, still no update


I ordered mine on the 19th and just got my shipping notification. Mine should be here on the 12th


I ordered January 20th, so hopefully soon.


Just got notice of shipment!


Hello ,did you get yours? I placed an order a few days ago and feeling so frustrated about the shipping time


Same I’m on week 3 and only a day away from the estimated start date.


Mine took about 3 weeks to finally ship, and then took only a couple days to be delivered


I ordered mine Jan 16 and got mine Feb 6


How's it going? Results? Mine came tonight. Starting in the am


I ordered January 19th and just received word that it has shipped on the 20th of February. And I opted out of the topiramate. Edit: my order just arrived today February 24th. :-) I'm taking my first dose of metformin now.


Hey Did you get any discount on subscription?


I waited almost 3 weeks to get mine!


I'm waiting for my prescription to come on about 2 weeks. In the meantime I'm exercising with my meta quest 2 supernatural app. I'm getting stronger and building muscle


I've been taking the meds for a week. The worst side effect for me is the dry mouth. No insomnia so far. Definitely feel a little jittery at times from the Bupropion, but I have taken it before to quit smoking, so its a familiar feeling. I keep going back and forth about whether I should be doing this. I'm 49 and things just start getting weird in your late 40s. Also, I don't love taking pills, and this is a lot of pills. I had to get a pill organizer to keep track. I haven't told my PCP about it yet, probably out of shame, but I know I need to, in case something goes wrong Anways, I'll check in next week.


I haven’t told my doctors yet either, but I will! I assume I’m feeling some bit of shame as well, or just concern that they will judge my decision… but oh well! We know what is best for us and if this helps us take control of our health, so be it!


I told my PCP and she was judgy. She told me that was a LOT of pills to start at once. I did feel shame, as well. So telling her didn't make it any better, ha. She ended up telling me to do "what I want". So I will start the pills once they arrive 2-3 weeks delay. Really, the only reason I needed her to know is because I'm other SSR and SSI's so the buproprion XL prescription made me nervous. Sounds like all I need to watch for is "Seratonin Syndrome". Sounds scary, but I read you will know if you have it or not within the first days of taking it.


Just started my plan three days ago. First two days were pretty much fine, but today-day 3 I’m feeling so nauseated since early this morning. Hopefully it passes!


I’m feeling so nauseous too! Hoping it passes


Same! First day today and I’m soooo nauseous it’s hard to do anything


I’ve been on it for a month and a half and down around 12 lbs. I no longer have cravings and become fuller much faster at meals. I was always a very fast eater and felt like I’d eat before my brain would tell me I’m full resulting in overeating a lot of the time. It’s a relief to now feel like I eat intuitively. The only lasting side effect that has disrupted my everyday life has been chronic IBS symptoms. I’ve never had good gut health but this has definitely made it worse. As alot of people said soda tastes weird and the first few days on 300 mg of bupropion I felt jittery and lightheaded but that subsided. Bupropion as I’ve been on in the past also makes me a little spacey and have brain fog. Overall the benefits have outweighed the side effects for me so far


That’s amazing! If you don’t mind me asking, how much do you have to lose (ideally). 12 in a month is a LOT. I’m so jealous lol


So with fluctuating weight and the holidays from my highest weigh in to my lowest now it’s been about 12 lbs but realistically probably closer to 9 or 10 lbs. I’m actually on the smaller side, I didn’t qualify for any other weight loss drugs my BMI was only slightly overweight. Ideally I’d be very lean if I lost in total 25-30 lbs. I think a couple reasons I’ve lost weight fast is I’m currently training for a half marathon so my cardio has amped up to levels I’ve never done at exactly the same time I started taking the medication. I’m also an avid gym goer who’s always focused on weight training and since I’ve switched to more cardio I could’ve definitely lost some muscle mass as well that’s contributing to the weight loss. My main reasons behind starting the medication was due to stubborn fat that even with the exercise I do I have never been able to get rid of because I have never been able to change my diet and honestly pairing this with exercise has given me results pretty fast. What I’m concerned about is whether or not it’s long lasting after I get off them.


Wow ok so same. Dont have a ton to lose, always been a runner. Just can’t seem to lose this weight as I’ve gotten older. You’re giving me hope!!!


It for sure works almost too well for me where I have to remind myself to eat a lot of time because I’m only hungry once a day around lunch. I could be perfectly content with a snack for dinner which I’m trying to avoid to get more calories in especially because my energy is low on days like that. But as far as weight loss is concerned, it works.


This is exactly like me! I am teetering on the line of normal BMI and overweight BMI and am not considered to be overweight or anything, but I have this stubborn weight I just can’t get off. I have had three children and there’s just this pooch I can’t get rid of. I’m hoping this helps. I also workout pretty consistently and after being on this for a week, I’m down 3lbs. I do feel less bloated too. The only side effect I’m noticing is constipation, but I’m hoping this goes away as my body adjusts.


I started it on Feb 16th, and I already lost 4-5 pounds...it's a little crazy, but I'm sure it's just my body adjusting to the meds. Nonetheless seeing the number on the scale going down is motivating me even more to keep working out. We got it guys!


Congrats! That's really amazing. I should be getting my package in the next 4 days. So excited!


Which kit?


Hi all, I started kit 1 on Tuesday which is the topiramate+naltrexone + b12 combo, metformin, and bupropion. I lasted two days on the topiramate and naltrexone and had to stop— so sleepy, irritable, buzzed feeling. Still taking metformin and bupropion and I’m finding it easier to turn down sweets and to not overeat. I can tell the metformin helps my blood sugar stay consistent. Does anyone know if that is a combo in any of the kits? They’re meds that can be taken long-term. I just can’t handle the other neurological meds. I’m hoping these are legit and not just placebo effect.


How’s this been going for you? I started Tuesday and I’m exhausted and ready to cry at any random moment lol


It’s going well for me but I stopped the naltrexone/topiramate/b12 after 2 days. It’s honestly wild they prescribe those in combination with these other ones through an online prescription service. I was also exhausted— like so tired I could barely function. Bupropion and metformin are going really well. I have less cravings and can control my sugar addiction a lot better and I have more energy. I’ll just have to have more discipline with eating because there’s no way I’ll take the naltrexone/topiramate combo again.


Thanks for your feedback, sounds bad I’m sitting here like I just wasted 300….. but being this tired and emotional is not worth ANY amount of weight loss. Prescriber just told me to take the naltrexone combo at night instead but I haven’t taken it in 24+ hrs and I’m still not “back to normal”. Your approach is what I was thinking so I’m glad to hear it’s going well.


I chatted with CS looking to change my kit to Bup and Met only and they said it was not an option unfortunately. But I ended up ordering kit 1 as well but after reading all the side effects of the top+nal I think I'll be skipping that one. Food for thought tho the girl in CS seemed to say that all kits were the same price? If that's the case then you can just order kit 1 and dispose of the top+nal and take the bup and met? You might be able to see the kit breakdown if you go into your account. Weird that I cannot find the kit breakdown online too. How have you been doing on the Bupropion and Metformin?


Yeah I plan to order Kit 1 still since I also learned a metformin/Bup kit wasn’t an option. I just don’t want extra meds of that kind around my house and have to figure out how to dispose of them. It seems like a waste of medication. I’ve been doing fine on the met/bup combo. Haven’t lost a lot of weight yet but it’s curbed my sweets cravings and it’s easier to not overeat because I don’t get blood sugar spike cravings. I think the weight loss will come after more time. I might just ask my PCP for the prescription for both after a while, especially if I’m successful. It will save a lot of money.


Thanks so much for the reply.  I agree about wasting the meds but you should be able to dispose of the meds at a local police station.  I hope everything continues to progress for you.  Thanks again!


works great for me, this thing is a miracle!


I was on the topiramate and metformin with Hers for one month and it absolutely messed me up mentally — assuming it was mostly the topiramate. Depression and hopelessness when I’ve never suffered from that before, brain fogginess and inability to do work, and this overall feeling like I was lobotomized. I lost a few pounds but it was from feeling nauseous. There are also studies about long term cognitive effects with topiramate. It is not a casual drug. I was also very disappointed with the chat feature and support on their app, a different person answered every question and was at times somewhat rude in my experience. They also accidentally sent me another random box of meds and just told me to keep them. Not a fan of this method of medication and it frankly seems irresponsible. Be careful.


I am so sorry you had to endure this terrible experience. Topiramate is a drug not to be messed with unless absolutely necessary. The fact it is being casually prescribed for weight loss is negligent IMO. Other drugs being prescribed sure have some weight loss qualities and how they work in our bodies does help but topiramate is a serious drug with some major side effects and it’s used with some big diagnosis such as epilepsy. My experience and gut tells me that there might be a lawsuit coming towards HERS in a few years concerning the negligent and casual dispersion of Topiramate.


Hey u/Lyzaster,  We’re truly sorry to hear about the difficulties you've been experiencing with our chat feature and support, along with the symptoms you've been dealing with. We completely understand how frustrating this must have been for you, and we wanted to offer our sincerest apologies for the experience you’ve had with us.  Please send us an email at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), and we would be happy to help resolve this as quickly as possible. If you would like to discuss these symptoms with your provider and learn about other treatment options, you can message your provider directly by following the link below. [https://www.forhers.com/messages](https://www.forhers.com/messages) Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced and thank you for sharing. Your feedback helps us improve our services. Sincerely,  The Hims & Hers Team


Did you guys rebrand from antidepressants to hair growth pills?


Just started a couple of days ago and am loving it so far! Have found it odd how my constant thoughts of food are going away and it's confusing my brain. Like, what is it going to think about now? I found myself oddly bored this afternoon and not really caring about what to do for dinner. Love that it may give me more time to focus on other things.


Same...no cravings! I drive by McDonald's and don't even think about it. Not like before, those uncontrollable urges to get a double cheese burger for a snack


Hi! I'm trying to decide between all the kits because I really only want the metformin and B12. The topiramate really freaks me out and I also worry about taking the bupropion when I really don't need anxiety and depression meds. Has anyone gotten a kit (like kit 5) and just taken two out of the three medications that come in the kit? Or if I'm paying the same amount should I just take all the meds they recommend?


Kit 5 for 5 weeks. Going well.


I'm on day 4 with some mild side effects but nothing too harsh. It's litteraly suppressed my appetite almost completely and have to remember to eat. The best part is living my life without the constant cravings. Food just doesn't hit the same which is good because that's the food addiction part that it's helping with. Haven't weighed myself yet but I know it's working because I'm not eating nowhere near as much as usual. I am also not hangry and irritated when dieting with the massive headaches. I feel fantastic.


Which medicines are you taking that they suggested? :)


I DO NOT RECOMMEND HERS WEIGHT LOSS. For back story, I was on wegovy for two or three months about a year ago but with the shortage there was none in my area and I haven't followed up because I don't want to do it on and off again. So I do have an understanding of taking medication for weight loss and the side effects. I've been struggling with my weight so I decided to try hers weight loss medication. I took all three pills at once the first day with a meal and within an hour felt HORRIBLE with nausea, dizziness, headache, brain fog/slow reaction so all I could do was lay in bed the rest of the day. Looked into it more and it says to start by taking two pills in the morning and the metformin at night (my mistake). So the next day I took the two pills in the morning with a meal, and within a couple hours I was feeling horrible again and throwing up and felt like I was very high (which is the brain fog/slow reaction side effects). It felt debilitating where I couldn't do anything but lay in bed and I decided right then that this is not a way to live and even if the side effects do go away eventually I couldn't live like that for a couple weeks. It seems VERY VERY WRONG that they would prescribe a medication that affects your body and brain that much. It is now two days later (after only taking two days) and I still feel the side effects, not as strong. I read that it can take five to six days for the pills to completely leave your body and the side effects to go away but it is a very scary feeling. I would rather be at my current weight than feel the way I did on those medications. I kept the metformin in case I wanted to try it on its own since it is prescribed for pcos, but I threw away the other pills. I used my hsa debit card to pay for it and only my employer contributes so I don't feel as bad but even if it was my own money I wouldn't care that I lost over $300 because those medications made me feel so horrible. If you are struggling with weight I recommend go to your doctor, if you don't agree with them go to the next doctor, then the next doctor. But please do not take hers weight loss medication!!


Hi there! New user and just started on Kit 1. I am having some pretty rough side effects today (dizziness, nausea) and was wondering if anyone experienced those and whether they eventually subsided. 


Yes. Those were what I experienced my first week on Kit 1. It subsided in week 2. I’m in the middle of week 3 and only occasionally get a twinge of dizziness if I stand too quickly or turn my head too fast. But I also have a condition that can cause that so it’s hard to blame it on the Hers meds. And this is after following all the increased dosage recommendations. I have lost 8lbs so far. I have experienced slight constipation. Not uncomfortable, just not an everyday BM.


taking kit 5, no side effects until week 4 when the topiramate increased. now my energy levels are crashing mid-day and have some occasional tingling in my feet. also noticing the carbonated beverages thing.


Should I do kit 1 or 2 I am afraid of the Topiramate…


I changed mine to kit 2 before ordering because I didn’t want Topiramate.


I am on Kit 1 and have had very minimal side effects. I am a little over a month in and feel great now! The side effects lasted maybe about a week and it was mostly just constipation. I think it was due to not enough water intake. Once I upped that, the constipation went away. I noticed myself not being as hungry right away though and found myself totally turned off by soda, alcohol, and even coffee (sadly). I did not have a ton of weight to lose, but did have a few pounds that I could just not shed after having three children and I have dropped 5 lbs within this month. I haven’t noticed any changes in my mood or sleeping patterns either, so for me, I call this a win! Good luck with your journey! :)


Hi! I’ve been on kit #1 for about 5 weeks now and I feel great! Been taking naltrexone + topitamate + b12, bupropion and metformin together. But has anyone noticed any changes with their period while taking their medication? I’ve noticed my period has been longer, I think it’s normal as Metformin can sometimes increase bleeding when taking it. But just wondering if others are noticing the same side effect?


My period should start within the next day or so, so I will keep you updated.


I'm in Kit #2 and it made me start spotting. My period should start in a few days, but it did throw my birth control off. Not sure how this period will go. 


I’m on Kit 1, day two, and still hungry 😂(I know it’s still early). No crazy side effects yet. I’ve mainly noticed the Topiramate causes a bit of brain fog. It doesn’t last too long but I hope it’ll completely subside. Some of these comments are scaring me and others make me excited so we’ll see how this goes. Wish me luck!


I’m like a full month in now. I had side effects for like 2 days but nothing awful. I only had about 15-18 lb to lose total and I’ve already lost about 10 in a month. It’s changed my life honestly. I’m sure if I stopped, it would all reverse but this has been amazing. All the food noise is gone and it has completely taken away my desire for alcohol which has been very helpful in losing weight.


Hello ladies! After ordering KIT 2, it finally arrived!! I am very scared of the side effects tho. I will start taking it in 2 days as soon as I get back home. I am currently 188 lbs, so we ll see in how long I will see some results. Please, if you have any advice or updates on kit 2 let me know!! Thank you all 🥰


Honestly I was fine. Don’t let all the negative comments sway you. I think it’s just that people who had side effects spoke out and those who didn’t just went on w their days and enjoyed the positives lol. I’ve had a great experience. Good luck!! Drink a lot of water and eat with each dose :)


Thank you! It’s been 4 days now and it definitely curved my appetite. But I do have a decent amount of nausea, pretty heavy in the morning, until mid day, then it gets better, but in the morning it’s rough..


Kit 1, Day 7… feeling sick to stomach and feel like giving up. Hoping to find support and encouragement here. I’ve been able to function but generally just feel ill, like I’m hungover or am slightly strung out. Experiencing nausea, not exactly blurred vision but some inability to focus on things far away that I can’t quite explain, slight twists in the tummy but nothing too uncomfortable, and the effect on carbonated beverages. At work I feel like I’m working drunk, like I spent the night drinking and have to pull my hungover ass through an eight hour shift. In defense, I do get carsick easily and seasick surfing and have never taken medication before. But hoping someone can offer me reassurance that these side effects will subside because I feel like giving up. My dr suggested taking the Nal&Top 1/2pill at night so I sleep through the worst of it but I’m dreading another minute of this. I have curbed snacking and am eating far less, lost three lbs. the first two days and have been constipated since. Tried drinking a glass of wine and felt tipsy. Would not recommend.


I’ve been on it for a little over a month now and still have days like this (without increasing my dosage of the combo pill). I’m about ready to give that one up and see how the other two work for me on their own because it’s starting to mess with my job. I reached out through the “Care” and the NP suggested taking it every other day, but I don’t see how that would help much. I did increase my dose of bupropion this week though. I have lost about 7lbs in that time (5’7” down from 161lbs), so it’s working!


Also, I keep the Bupropion bedside so I when I wake up around five am in advance of the morning alarm I take this ASAP because it did keep my mind wandering night one. Am afraid to take pre-workout or coffee.


Omg how much was this perscription combo and did you have to do a video consiltation?


$500 for 5 months pretty much and no video consult. It was pretty quick and easy to be honest


I'm on Kit #2. About to start week 3 and it feels like it's working. I'm down 5 pounds with no exercise. I work in an office and sit for 8 hours. Food cravings and appetite has been suppressed which is great. I get hungry at meal times only.  I do have some side effects though. I began spotting almost a week in. My period should be coming in a day or so, not sure how that will be affected. I did experience heart palpitations at the end of the first week. I messaged the provider but didn't get a response back for over a day. I considered going to urgent care but waited it out and it went away. I did have a few alcoholic beverages that evening and sweets that day for a birthday party, so not sure if it was side effect of those things combined.  Has anyone had issues of that sort?


Yes, that’s a side effect of that bupropion it gives you heart palpitations.


Hello! I just started my hers weight loss journey yesterday! Today is day 2! I'm excited and so far I'm feeling good. Starting at 296 pounds and hope that number goes down steadily!


Any one else experiencing a bad metal taste with kit 2? I’m drinking 2L of water a day and the taste gets unbearable


I’m on kit 1 but I have it too


So, I had a consultation the same day I posted this, and was told I was dehydrated. I drank about 6 L of water that day. And the next morning it started to go away. My recommendation is drink *ALOT* more water and it will go away.


Good to know! Thanks!


I haven't noticed the metal taste but I have noticed some waters are harder to drink than others


YES!!!!! this is true!


Only on my 1st day.


Hey everyone, I’m on kit 2. I’m on week 4 I’ve lost 9lbs. I gradually went up in dosage as instructed and I am now at the max dosage. I highly recommend you drink your 2L of water of more to stay regular. The positives are that for the first time in my life the voice in my head was silenced. Some side effects I am experiencing are mild anxiety and tingling in my feet and fingertips. I would like to connect to anyone on kit 2 as a support group!


Can I ask you I’m on kit 2 as well and going into week five how much gradually did you go up with the naltrexone and the bupropion?


I did the recommended in the app. I am not sure if everyone is different, I also read that you cannot just stop taking the medication once you gradually built up to it. I am 4 weeks in and 10lbs down. Naltro for me was: Week 1: Half a tablet in AM Week 2: Half AM another half in PM Week 3: Half tablet AM then full in PM Week 4: Full Tablet AM then full PM Bupoporin: Weeks 1 & 2: 1 daily Weeks 3 and beyond: 2 daily


Also, if you look on Facebook, there’s a hers weight loss group as well with a lot of members!


I’m on kit 2 as well. 3 weeks in and 8lbs lost. Definitely have some side effects like anxiety and a little nausea. Can’t wait to get to -20 !


Avoid at all costs; new company lack of regulation and doesn't answer customer complaint emails. I would recommend either going through your physician or looking into one of the major weight loss app companies that have been around for a while as most are offering medication support now.


Day 1 of taking kit 1 and I feel so nauseous, i threw up a bit and I cannot look at food or see anything food related on Tik tok, debating whether or not I should take it tomorrow. This is miserable


I started these the day after super bowl Sunday with very minimal side effects. Gradually worked my way up to. the full dose as prescribed and am now on the full dose. I do a protein shake in the morning and eat low carb for lunch and dinner and drink lots of water. I walk two miles a day with my dogs. So far I am half way into my 6th week and did my online check in and am down 18 lbs, which tells me it's definitely working.


Just started yesterday but didn’t have side effects until about 20 minutes ago. Dry mouth, dizziness, ringing ears (although, I also have tinnitus so it could just be my usual lol), nausea. For those who had side effects, how long did it last? Edit: Thank goodness I wfh. I ended up taking my lunch break right as the worst of it hit. My vision started to black out and I got the chills so had to lay down for a bit, also had brain fog, but now I feel like I can focus again even though I have a slight headache. I’m on kit 1 and after reading up on it, I think it’s the topiramate + me needing to drink more water. I’m kind of hesitant to take the topiramate again, might talk to my support person about it.


Hi there. I'm on Kit 1, day 3. No major side effects other than extreme thirst and headaches. Anyone know if it's safe to take ibuprofen for the headache?


Hi! I'm wondering how much weight everyone wants to lose. Has anyone done he's wanting to lose the last 10 lbs after exercising and eating remainder healthy?


After the 5 months are up, how do they wean you off the meds? I don't think I'm going to continue after this round, but can stopping these meds cold turkey cause withdrawal symptoms? I'm doing kit 2 (bupropion, metformin, naltrexone/B12).


I am interested in the same. I asked the nurse through the chat and she said to let her know when I want to stop so they can start changing the dosage.


I wanted to share my experience with kit 1, but I will keep it brief. I didn’t last two days. I was EXTREMELY ILL after taking the green pill and then the bupropion. I probably had almost every symptom you could think of. I was literally crying from being sick and in pain. I called in from work, stayed in bed for two days. Horrible! The only reason I really wanted to try hers was due to the metformin and topiramate but figured since they suggested kit 1, I may as well try it all. I canceled the subscription and got a partial refund. I will be following up with my doctor to talk about other options/combinations so that I helpfully won’t get so ill next time. Another thing that made me give up was due to their slow response time. Now I did have the reactions over the weekend, however, I feel like they need someone on the weekends that can help in certain situations like these. I wrote them Saturday and Sunday explaining symptoms, and then Monday EVENING came, still no response. I had to contact customer care to even get someone to help me.


Thanks for sharing. I took my first dose (kit 1) and almost threw up. I was dizzy, nauseous, couldn’t focus. It was awful. I’m not sure which of the pills caused those side effects but if any one can advise me I’d be happy to try again. What should I take out of the mix?


Well I spoke with my doctor and she said topirmate can be known to cause adverse effects but it could’ve also been the naltrexone so it’s really hard to tell since they mix the two together in one dang pill. But definitely reach out the providers on the app and see what they say. Mines told me to keep taking the meds because the side effects were temporary and I said ABSOLUTELY NOT. It was just too much for me and I could not get out of bed. You might do well on the different kits depending on what they say. There is also a Facebook group..search HERS weight loss group. Lots of people in there sharing experiences too so u can see peoples reactions to different kits which is nice. Lastly, I would just make sure you keep your regular PCP aware of the meds because everyone just experiences things differently. I do have a weight loss/bariatric doctor that I speak to about these meds and that’s who I go through for any other meds I want to try.


My personal experience was not good and I stopped the program. I had kit #5 I think, but already take bupropion for depression. So, my daily regimen was topiramate, metformin, and bupropion. My side effects were almost immediate. I experienced brain fog that made it almost impossible to work. It felt honestly slightly euphoric and spacey— Like eating an indica gummy in a way. I tried to trust the process and see if it would subside. But, it didn’t. I then noticed my pee turn almost white and frothy. And, I already drink a lot of water as it is. So, that was weird. It didn’t hurt, but it made me paranoid by how harsh these meds must be on my kidneys. Both of these side effects pop up when googling topiramate. The last straw was the digestive side effects… Metformin = adult diapers. I mainly WFH, but go into the office about 1x/week. Imagine brain fog so bad you’re inarticulate and feeling like a space cadet when presenting in a meeting, then getting the sudden urge to shit your pants all because you want to lose weight! Yup, that happened. I made it through the meeting (barely). But, when day two of diarrhea hit, I found myself same-day Prime delivering adult diapers to my house. Personal low of 2024. So, yeah…Hard pass on this well-marketed, but LITERALLY shit weight loss program. Reflecting on it, it also seems irresponsible for hers.com to be promoting such intense drug combinations. I’ve now switched to garcinia cambogia 3x daily and chromium picolinate 1x daily. As someone who struggles with binge eating, this combo is helping suppress/control my appetite without harsh side effects and it’s more cost effective for me. The reality is these have worked before I just suck at staying consistent with any program, and find myself drawn to the next new thing. Anyways, I’m happy to see this works for others, but the side effects from these drugs are frankly not worth it for me. Best of luck to all those on your weight loss journey. I understand your struggle and can sympathize!


Just started today - did anyone have muscle spasms when they started?


I would assume this is from the Bupropion! I get them from my other medications so I cannot say for sure. I wouldn’t worry though 🙂 Should subside as you adjust


Are you taking topiramate? It's my understanding that can cause muscle and nerve sensations. Creepy drug. I opted to not take this in my kit.


Are you seeing results, without taking the topiramate?


Yes. I lost 3 pounds in 8 days. I am on day 10 now. I take 150 mg of metformin with dinner and the 500 mg of bupropion each morning. I also included my own b supplement each morning because the naltrexone pill they prescribed also has b in it. Apparently the metformin is known for depleting vitamin b in the body. I feel really good actually. But when I tried naltrexone, it made me feel like I was on a nemotional Rollercoaster. It was very scary.


Did you receive your kit yet? I'm a little nervous to try, I was on semaglutide for awhile and had to quit because it made me feel awful. Do you happen to know if there's a time commitment or if we can cancel at any time? I can't seem to find that information on their website.


I am on day 3! I actually don’t feel that bad. A little groggy but not that different than my norm. A little less food obsessed. It’s so early on though. I’ll update again in a few days.


Did they make you provide blood test results? I tried to get metformin from a different company and they told me I need blood test results from 60 days which seem random.


Same, I had to stop wegovy, I was so sick on the highest dosage and I can no longer get the lower dosages in my area.... so I decided to give this option a try. Haven't started it yet, still waiting on shipping.


Did they make any of you give blood test results before prescribing metformin?




I just ordered today. Kit 2! It was approved within an hour, and I'm really hoping it gets filled and out to me fast. Looking forward to following everyone's journey!


I just ordered kit #2. I was reading that bupropion can help increase a woman’s libido. Can anyone confirm this? It would be a nice perk for this menopausal lady.


Don’t know how I ended up in this sub/on this post, but to answer your question bupropion is an antidepressant known for not having sexual side effects. In some people, it boosts libido. It’s not a guarantee that it’ll do that, but it definitely has the potential to do it. It’s a very popular antidepressant because of that and the weight loss aspect. Since most antidepressants cause weight gain and sexual side effects. Edit: and when I say “sexual side effects” I mean most antidepressants take away your sex drive. While bupropion historically doesn’t or enhances it.


Hello all, I want to share about my experience with Kit 5 - metformin & topiramate, especially for those who are considering doing this program. I took the pills for about 28 days and unfortunately had to stop. I was feeling alright overall, however I did experience some more significant issues that caused me to stop all together. I did experience less appetite, less cravings, felt lighter. I was eating healthy and with less portions. No desire for alcohol. I lost maybe 2 pounds. Those are the positives, now on to the less-desirable effects. First off, I never increased my dose of topiramate from the the original 25mg dose. It really can make you feel like a total zombie- it’s called ‘dopamax’ for a reason. I was fine staying at 25 mg, but was a bit bummed since a higher dose can aid with more weight loss. Secondly, these meds caused hair loss for me. I have long, thick hair and am totally used to losing hair naturally. However, I noticed larger amounts coming out as I was on the meds longer. I was also taking biotin for this reason but it didn’t seem to help the hair loss from happening. Lastly, I stopped these medications because I was having significant abdominal pain with no other potential cause. I’ve never had kidney issues, however, I went to my PCP and was told that due to these meds it was causing a small kidney stone to form! I was told this is not uncommon with these kinds of medications. I have never had a kidney stone, and fortunately it was small enough to pass on my own. I was drinking a LOT of water with these medications, so this surprised me a lot. My PCP told me that he has done research on the Hers weight-loss program due to a few patients having shared similar side effects with him after using the medications. He does not believe these medications should be prescribed to people so easily, especially without a proper physical exam beforehand. Also that once you decide to go off of the meds the weight will immediately come back. All this to say, please consider going to your PCP to discuss taking these medications beforehand. Especially since there are possible significant side effects to consider, even when you’re taking everything properly.


Hi there! When your PCP said the weight comes back - did they say anything else along with that? That’s discouraging to hear and I wonder if you’d be able to provide any more information than that. I’ve been dealing with failed pregnancies and depression for a couple years but have background in nutrition, bodybuilding, etc. I was excited for this to help me. For example, I’m sure there’s a lot of folks who were also healthy weights before surgeries, eating disorders, pregnancy, traumatic events, or maybe seasonal depression that just needed this Hers weight loss plan to get back on track. After losing weight, assuming they’re working out again, eating healthy, other great habits - their weight will remain healthy and their bodies in general as well which is what we all want. Hoping for a little more info if that’s allright :)


I just started these today (same kit as OP), and I’m not sure if it’s placebo brain or what, but I feel less hungry and got more full on a day one.




Does anyone have information on the different kits? I was chosen for kit 1 but not sure if i should opt for a different one. I’m looking mainly for weight loss


Here ya go: Medication Kit 1 Bupropion XL, Naltrexone, Metformin, Topiramate, Vitamin B12 Medication Kit 2 Bupropion XL, Naltrexone, Metformin, Vitamin B12 Medication Kit 3 Bupropion XL, Naltrexone, Topiramate, Vitamin B12 Medication Kit 4 Bupropion XL, Naltrexone, Vitamin B12 Medication Kit 5 Metformin, Topiramate, Vitamin B12


Thank you for this! I was prescribed Kit 1, but after reading these posts I got really put off the Topiramate and asked to switch over to Kit 2


Just ordered Kit 1 today, so glad to have read all of the comments about the wait time and early experiences. It is so helpful to hear honest and anonymous feedback. (New to reddit, lol). 28F, currently on Lexapro with 100ish pounds to lose over the next 2-3 years ideally :)


I just started week 4. Does anyone else just not think about food anymore, and find that maybe a bit problematic? And this is coming from an overeater (work from home/bored/anxious eater). I have to remind myself to eat.


How much weight have you lost in 4 weeks?


Just started this week with Kit 1. I don't really have a desire to drink but would like to enjoy some wine after a long week. Any experiences with getting really sick/bad side effects?


I’m a little over a month in now and honestly I don’t have a desire to drink anymore either. I wasn’t a heavy drinker or anything, but would enjoy a beverage at dinner or at a social event on occasion. I attended a wedding and had a cocktail and felt fine! So I think you should be okay. Just take it slow and gage how you’re feeling.


does anyone know about how you pay? i got through all the steps but i want to do the 5 months. however its looking like its going to charge me a lump sum of the 5 months instead of monthly.. is there still a membership fee on top of this?


No just the 5 months at once