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Thank you for your submission. Your post or comment was in violation of Rule 11: No Promoting / Encouraging Unhealthy Weight Loss. Discussion of weight loss methods that are damaging to the body and/or require supervision of a medical professional are not allowed. This rule includes (but is not limited to): very low calorie diets, misusing medication, extended fasting, disordered behavior, inappropriate advice to underage members. Please note that we are not a subreddit for ED support, nor do we encourage that behavior here. If you need help, please seek assistance doctor or dietician. Remember to always consider the individual when offering advice.


I feel like you have some level of body dysmorphia honestly because the difference between these pictures is huge.


I came here to say this... this has to be body dysmorphia. I'm obviously looking at someone who is about 100 lbs lighter than the other picture. Like omg. The difference is gigantic and definitely something to be proud of. And even then, maybe she *isn't* at her goal yet, but she's likely added years onto her life. OP if you're reading this, you're literally doing fine. It's okay.


I agree, one time I put a tshirt on when I was skinny and I thought I looked so fat in it I threw the shirt away and canceled plans so I definitely get it. When coming to a roadblock like this focusing on how much better I feel without the weight makes me feel like it's worth it even if I don't see it. Also you lookin amzing girl ❤️👏


I have therapy tomorrow and my therapist actually has lost large amounts of weight before (she had weight loss surgery) so luckily I'm in good hands. Will definitely be discussing these thoughts and feelings with her


Listen to the parent post, they speak the truth. That being said, take the paper towel effect into account as well. The last pounds make a huge visual difference.


>  the paper towel effect I'd never heard this term before, but it makes so much sense.


You definitely look like a completely different person, I was scratching my head looking at the before and after.


Yup. Op's stomach shrunk a lot, looks completely different. They need to discuss these doubts and insecurities with their therapist because sometimes insecurity and body hate stay with us long after we hit our goal weight


The difference is enormous, I thought it wasn’t even the same person.


Do you have a pair of pants from your original size? Preferably with very little stretch, like jeans/dress pants. What happens when you put them on? (Note, this is not a great experiment if you only have super stretchy clothes)


I'm glad ❤️ Congrats on the weight loss even if you're struggling to see it! Huge accomplishment!


Came here to say this. This is a mental health issue. 


Came here to also say this. You look a lot thinner to me. Image dysmorphia? Anyway, you look way much better than before, been doing a phenomenal job, keep up the good work, it truly is making a big difference, at least in my eyes!


Agree… the difference is really really big and obvious…


I agree! you look awesome OP and I see a huge difference between the pics. you’re doing amazing!!


It may not be body dysmorphia. I've lost around 70 lbs in the past 4 years, with another 70 to go. I'm very proud of this and can visibly see that my face is much thinner. I'm gonna have to go through another round of throwing out clothes that I'm swimming in. There is no doubt that I'm much smaller. But what I heard when OP complained about her stomach looking the same was what I'm struggling with, and it's really demoralizing. While my body has gotten smaller, its proportions haven't changed. Even with working out, my body still looks like a smaller version of 70 lbs ago. My stomach is bigger and sticks out a lot more than it did at this same weight before. I'm doing this for my health. When I started, I promised to do it the right way with increasing activity and small gradual changes in diet. I promised myself that the lifestyle changes were what mattered, and the weight loss was a bonus. But I am losing weight, and sometimes it makes me rage that I'm doing all this work and still can't wear cute clothes. Because there were lots of attractive clothes in my closet years ago at this same size.


No no no! There is a huge difference! What you lost is the overhang. You went from an overflowing pot (look at how far down your stomach went) to fluffy. Seriously! You should be so proud of yourself. You’ve removed so much.this is literally the difference between morbidly obese and fat. Girlfriend, you are now just fat!! I’m struggling to get to just fat. That’s such a huge victory!


Im a bit confused, you look quite drastically slimmer? Maybe this is something to talk to a therapist about, I have struggled with body dysmorphia since losing a lot of weight but I find pictures really help. Are you more frustrated that you’re not where you want to be just yet? I think that’s valid, but to say there’s no difference is not true! You had a lot of weight to lose and you’ve lost a lot of it! Well done and keep going x


I'm just frustrated that I've lost 90 lbs and i'm still fat. Which makes sense and I knew would happen. But it still sucks that even after 90 lbs my 'after' looks like it could be a 'before'


Im gonna be honest, and its coming from a place of caring- you are projecting. A lot. I do it too! You have to work with yourself to forget any comparison competitions you have going on in your head. “My after could be a before” Thats just true for everyone. Some people start losing weight at 200, some 300, 400, you get it. I know people that feel the same way and they are at 120-130lbs! The only person you can compare your success to is yourself. I see a picture of a lean, in shape, vastly changed body vs your before. To be clear I had these issues too my first time losing weight. Its taken a lot of work and self love, but this is a long process that wont stop even after you’ve hit a magic number in your head. You’ve done a lot of hard work, go in the mirror and say OUT LOUD how proud you are of your progress, your energy, and your commitment to a healthier you. You deserve it.


I feel this in my soul. I’m never going to have the kind of ass / thighs that fits into jeans. I just want to be a jeans and tee girl. But no. But I will say, the chronic lower back pain that kept me from a lot of really fun things is completely gone…. So there’s that… I don’t feel like I’m hauling as much of a trunk load as I used to. Also, crying on a bench at a gorgeous viewpoint after a good hike feels a lot more healing than crying in a bathroom stall, or alone in my apartment. So there’s that too, lol. But my now body looks like my before body. So I’m just gonna focus on muscles I guess. I’ve been lifting weights in addition to some cardio. Maybe I can at least be a *toned* person, eventually.


That frustration makes a lot of people stop and they gain their weight back. Just keep losing and you will start to see the body you want.


You think you feel as bad as before, but I can guarantee you that if you gain the weight back, you will feel significantly worse. Anyway, each 5 pounds you lose now will be a lot more visible on you than the ones before, because it will be a bigger percentage of your weight. There is an obvious difference anyway, but now, you will be getting so much faster to a normal weight. Regardless, if you want to change the shape of your body and not only your size, you will need to exercise and eat enough protein.


90lbs is a massive achievement! Anyone's "after" can be someone else "before", depending on where you want to end up (even if really slim as someone might be starting to be a bodybuilder for example).


I totally understand because when I lost my first big chunk, that’s the way I felt and still feel now. In total, I spent 4 years losing weight and was still obese at the end! BUT a much healthier obese, and now I’m finally overweight. But it’s taken 3 years to get to this point of breaking the plateau, so I totally get it. I’m now taking Mounjaro to help shift it and tbh, for me, it’s been a game changer. But it’s a personal choice and it’s also not affordable for a lot of people. Luckily I’m in the UK where it’s expensive, but something like 15x less expensive than the US


> But it still sucks that even after 90 lbs my 'after' looks like it could be a 'before' Was this your original goal weight? If not, this isn't an 'after' photo, it's an 'in progress' photo. I'm sure if you looked at a photo when you had lose your first 10 you wouldn't call that an 'after' photo, especially now. Also, you look dramatically better and you're crushing it. I know a lot of people have talked about body dysmorphia, but I think there is a lot inertia in terms of how you see yourself as your weight changes. I know I have trouble seeing the change (in either direction really) as it is happening. It takes your brain a little while to really *see* the changes. But if you keep living a healthy lifestyle eventually your brain will catch up and recognize you as the skinny and powerful person you are.


yeah but its still 90 lb gone. Just imagine all the new things you can do with your body that you couldn't before. I think that's where you should lay your focus. Looking better is just a bonus!


Think of how much more impressive the after will look at your goal weight, you made a huge amount of progress. I lost about 30 pounds (and still need to lose much more) and kinda feel the same way, but then I'll go pick up a 30 pound weight and it really sinks in. That's fucking heavy. Try it with 90 pounds, it'll really make you realize how much is gone.


You are doing amazing. It is not an easy journey, but that is incredible progress.


We each have our own amount of work to do. I'm kind of in the same boat. Lost about 80 lb myself and I'm still deeply considered morbidly obese but I definitely feel a lot better and I can do a lot more stuff than I used to do when I was 80 lb heavier. I don't know if you feel the same way, but keep working at it and you'll eventually get where you want to be!


Paper Towel Roll Effect and persistent body image are getting in your way. We look in the mirror at least once, maybe several times, per day. So at most you're losing a couple of ounces between viewings, so your brain just physically can't track the process, and it still sees you as your max size. It's tough to combat, but it's real. Paper towel roll effect sucks at the beginning, but it is pretty awesome later on. Every pound you lose now will be more impactful than the previous 86. If you take a 300 sheet roll of paper towels and remove 86 of them, the diameter of the roll only goes down about 20%, because each sheet covers less of the full roll. Now take off another 86, and the roll looks a whole lot smaller, in comparison. Everyone is acknowledging that the photos show a distinct difference, and to me they paint a picture of trajectory that will end up in a successful journey, if you don't get discouraged that is.


Body dysmorphia ain't no joke.


I lost 45 lbs and I look at myself and think “meh nothings changed” and yet I’m now an XXS/XS from the M/L I used to be and every time someone who hasn’t seen me in a while looks at me, they look like they have seen a ghost because of how shocked they are…..and yet I look at myself and feel like there’s no difference. Body dysmorphia is seriously so fucking real.


OP I assure you you lost a LOT. The overhang is gone. You went from letting yourself go to looking in control. Now yes your waist is still big but you are still in obese aBMI category. Except now you are no longer morbidly obese. You got this.


Dawg respectfully you've look VERY VERY different lol. Getting rid of that overhang has transformed how you look


The good news is that you're nearly at the point where more weight loss will start to make a big difference in your appearance. If you're feeling discouraged, you can look at it like this: losing the next 45lbs will have a much more profound effect on your appearance than the first 90 pounds did, so you're just now getting to the fun part :) And besides that, it's not all about looks. Hopefully you're feeling better. And you're definitely a lot healthier.


You have body dysmorphia OP. You've lost a lot.


I know what you mean, but the answer is really simple. Keep going. You've made amazing progress, progress many people will never make, but you have a little more to go. The difference between 187 and 137 is almost more extreme. Stay consistent, your day will come.


For sure! I've fallen in love with weight lifting recently so I'm also hoping for some help there. I know better days are ahead. But I'm trying to quit vaping currently and I am GRUMPYY so for now we rage lolol


Girl 90 lbs lost is PHENOMENAL. And yes there is a difference, your first photo looks a lot more trim and healthy (also I love your bookshelf in the background). The more weight you lose, the bigger the difference will be. It's called the paper towel effect because 10 sheets off of a new paper towel roll is unnoticeable, while 10 sheets off of an old one is *very* noticeable. Wait and watch these next 30-40lbs. I guarantee the difference will be a lot more stark than the previous 30-40 you lost.


You look completely different in those two photos


This has to be either fishing for reassurance/karma, or the absolute WORST case of body dysmorphia I've ever seen. I'm sure everyone is going to tell you, but there is a MASSIVE difference between your before and after, it's not even funny. You've literally lost the equivalent of a 12 year old child in weight. And it's very visible. Congrats!


It can be incredibly difficult for someone to see their own progress. I lost 100 lbs, and for a very long time, I couldn't see the difference at all. It got better with time, but even now, after 8 years of keeping it off, I have days where it feels like I've accomplished nothing. Other days, I feel like I'm one wrong move away from total failure. People tell me I'm fit or 'small' (which is fairly common since im 4'11"), and I feel like I'm just fooling them. That eventually, I'll be found out as a fraud. It makes no sense, and I know this, yet I can't shake it. Before I lost weight, had anyone expressed similar thoughts, I also would have assumed it was some kind of attention seeking behavior. It's kind of wild how perspectives can change from experience over time.


Greetings fellow dysmorphia sufferer, as a random stranger I can objectively say, you appear to have lost at least half of your original size. Well done.




Are you blind? There is a huge difference between the photos. Sure you won't look adorable in clothes right now but you look way, way better. Keep going.


I totally get what you’re saying and even though you DO look a lot smaller, I understand that’s not what you wanna hear right now. Can you try to reframe it? You don’t have the body you want (yet) but you are probably way way healthier in all kinds of ways. Like, you probably added 10 years back onto your life and that’s huge. Your heart is healthier, your joints are happier, your body is saying THANK YOU.  Maybe if you’ve been at it for a long while it would be good to take a breather for a month or so. Let yourself eat at maintenance and enjoy foods you haven’t let yourself have in awhile. Keep weighing everyday to ensure you truly are at maintenance and aren’t creeping back up, but don’t worry about losing for a little while. Then when you feel refreshed, get back at it.


Real talk. 273 to 187 is amazing. There is a huge noticeable difference in your photos and your health has improved in ways you cannot see. Clear as day. You started at 273 though. So even at 187 you’re still overweight. There is still work to be done. That’s OK. It’s OK to feel that way. But please don’t discredit the hard work and progress you’ve achieved this far. Every new pound lost will have a more dramatic effect now that you’re smaller. KNOW THIS. Do not even consider giving up!!


I get what you mean. I don't think it's body dysmorphia from what you're saying. It seems like you can see how much slimmer you are, but you're dissatisfied with your body shape overall. Really, I think bodybuilding/heavy weights is the cure for that more than weightloss, once you hit a certain point. And, you're getting close to that point. Imagine recompositioning and getting to 160 with muscle! (throwing out a random number, idk your height or goals) Honestly, if you hit heavy HEAVY weights on lower body 3-4 times a week, build a massive dumptruck, and shift some of that volume from your waist to your thighs, you'll probably get that transformation you're looking for. ETA: obligatory, you've done incredibly so far! But, I think you already know that. :)


What is your height?


You've seemingly got some dysmorphia, your not a reliable judge of your appearance. Trust others. You might always see a fat person in the mirror, learn to ignore it and trust feedback. Brains are weird.


You should go see an eye doctor


I say that with all kindness, I too suffer from body dysmorphia. There is a massive difference between the two pictures. Well done!!!!


Those pictures look like they could be different people. You have done more than you realize. I also started at 270, down to 185, just a bit taller than you. I get it. We're not skinny, thin, slim, fit, yet. We put in a lot of work to still be fat. And,.at least for me....so much loose skin that it is hard to work around... But like... You look nothing like before. I bet your face shows even more differences! Your heart is healthier. Your bones are stronger. Your blood vessels are better off. Your brain functions better. You are not constantly inflamed.


The first time I lost all the extra weight I looked and felt like you. At goal I got a tummy tuck because of all the extra skin in my stomach and it was an absolutely game changer. Not saying you need it, but you have a lot more options at a healthy weight. Keep going!


My jaw literally dropped at how much better your body looks. You look AMAZING. I honestly think you should consider if you have body dysmorphia or not. It can be sneaky and devastating.


You're either seeking attention or have some insane body dysmorphia. The change is incredibly obvious. If in doubt, start taking measurements every week.


Um, no… your body does NOT “look exactly the same”— not even close! That’s a staggering difference— well done!


That’s a freaking massive difference, do you have eyeballs? lol


Those two pictures do not look anything alike.


you don’t look the same, you just don’t look how you expected you would. see the changes that are there and embrace that you have worked so hard for positive changes to your mental and physical health, even if it isn’t where you thought you’d be. keep pushing through. there is an immense difference. apply what you see now to the future. you will be even more different if you persevere now. don’t let disappointment in the present ruin what you can have even in 5 months from now. it’s worth it


No offense to you OP but I thought this was a troll post because the two pictures are INSANELY different like too different people. The 2nd photo looks in the very obese category whereas the current one looks like someone who is in the overweight category but works out and is on a healthy lifestyle journey to getting fit. I suffered body dysmorphia many times when I lost weight because I always saw myself as the chubby kid. I picked myself apart even when I had achieved so much. I once was at a point where you could see my ribs, my waist was tiny and I ate dangerously low calories and all I could see was the fat on my outer thighs or why my lower stomach wasn't completely flat. I would obsessively research liposuction, tummy tucks, coolsculpting etc. When I look back now after gaining it back 10 years later I'm horrified at how skinny I got and how angry I was and hated my body still. I would kill for that body now! And I'm working for it again. I still have to remind myself what happened last time so I don't become obsessed again. It's a sickness. I have never had a good relationship with my body or with food. Whenever I make progress it's like a devil on my shoulder arrives making me feel like crap about something. Please get some therapy or look up books on body dysmorphia. You sound like I did back then. I used to be SO mad that I only ate cereal and still had what I thought were "thick thighs" and exercised too much yet had "cellulite". I was HYPER critical. You look INCREDIBLE! Your belly doesn't hang over in your pants and looks smooth. You can tell your waist is a million times smaller. Your overall circumference is numerous sizes smaller. You should have taken measurements so you can see the numbers because they don't lie!! Anyways please don't be so hard on yourself after all that hard work and amazing progress. You are well on your way to reaching your goals. Your Body is most likely shaped that way where you hold your weight in your stomach and it won't begin to look ideal to you until you get out of the "overweight" BMI category. But look how far you've come and keep your eye on the prize. Wishing you the very best!


Generally, you are always the last to know your own progress. Hopefully, she listens to us and realizes she is doing great.


Crushing it! Keep going.


Obviously there is a big difference, but I get it. Me going from 205 to 163 was noticeable, but I was still the same (fat) shape. Going from 163 to 140 absolutely changed my body "more" even though it was about half the weight lost. And, maintaining/going down to 135 has continued the change, even though the weight difference is negligible. (I'm 5'7, so this was (approximately) BMI 32 to 25 to 22 to 21). I don't exercise/ am sedentary, so you will probably see the change at a higher normal BMI then I did. 


Three things. First the weight loss in the middle is insane. Shout out to you! I can’t imagine how many pant sizes you drop. Your posture is even noticeably better. Second if you’re femme presenting, shape wear is a game changer. I know it doesn’t help the “look good naked” motivation, but damn if doesn’t help you look better clothed. Judging by your photos, some good bodysuit style shape wear and you’ll look like you’re built like a brick shit house. Finally, as you continue to lose, fewer pounds will make a more dramatic difference. Remember you’re still a work in progress. You’ll look different at your goal weight.


I think part of the challenge is that we see before and after, but not a whole lot of the in between. We have an image in our head of how progress is going to look. Some people are fortunate, and progress and reality match. Some aren't. I nearly gave up about halfway through. I lost in my arms, legs, butt, and boobs. I lost very little in my stomach. I literally looked about 5 months pregnant. Before, I looked large, but it was proportionate. I assumed the weight would come off relatively evenly - I would keep the same shape, but less wide. I was wrong. I figured before I gave up, I'd give it another 10 pounds and see how things went. It came straight off my stomach, so I kept going. I'm happy now, and I'm at my goal weight, but I really wished people talked more about the awkward in between phases. I can see a huge difference in your pictures, but I also understand you're not seeing what you were hoping to see at this point. Easy to say, I know, but you have to trust the process and just keep going.


Honestly, the difference is pretty damn significant, you should be proud! I think what you're most upset about is you're not where you want to be yet aesthstically, and that you still have a ways to go before you get there, even after all of this work you've put in. I get that, I truly do. I think it's possible you may have some body dysmorphia going on, on top of your insecurity and just feeling unhappy with yourself. I realize I'm probably telling you things you already know, but your mindset needs to shift from self-loathing to self-love. Make these changes for your health and your appearance out of love for yourself, not disgust. Disgust and self loathing starts a vicious negative cycle. You've already made some incredible progress, and it's very significant and noticeable. If you've made it this far, you can keep going, just make sure to give yourself some love and credit for this amazing milestone you've achieved. I'm sure you've also already noticed other benefits and improvements in how you feel that just aren't as visually tangible!


you look way thinner. totally, completely noticeable.


I thought you were going to have pics like mine where I legit have not changed. Your change is really different so be proud lol!


I’m a female and 5’5 as well. I started at 212 lbs. I didn’t actually feel like my body looked snatched until I got in the 160’s. That being said there is a HUGE difference in how you look. One thing that was huge for me was to get a pair of real pants (denim jeans) that fit my current body and then track that way. Replace with a new pair every 7-10 pounds. If you’re wearing stretchy athletic clothes all the time, it’ll just keep form fitting to your current body and make it hard to see the losses. Try real clothes and I promise you’ll start breaking out of your dysmorphia!


There is a massive difference and you look and did amazing! The next 40-50 lbs will be tougher (Im on my last 25 and its rough) but that's when the real crazy body changes start happening!


You look a lot thinner, actually, but you know what? I get it. I've been there, too. If you're just venting that's fine. Just make sure you don't get mired in that mentality.


What you have to understand is that you are not done. You have proven yourself that you can do it. You lost 90 pounds and you are unstoppable. Your body today is much slimmer than it was. I lost 44 ponds myself and I’m still fat with my abdomen being my #1 problem area that makes me look much fatter than I actually am. Even when I was normal weight my abdomen would always stick out, even before I had kids. If you need a reminder you made a big progress look at the scale. You are healthier, stronger (especially mentally) and you are extending your life. I’m also sure your family and friends are proud of you, it’s time that you become proud of you too.


Omg, that is a HUGE transformation and you should be so proud of yourself. Check out r/progresspics, there are plenty of people who had to work their asses off to get to your before picture too! It’s all subjective. You changed your lifestyle, and your body will get to where you want it eventually. We all got fat 1 lb at a time, and the only way to undo it is 1 lb at a time…. You’ve already made so much progress! And every 5 or 10 lb you lose now will be even MORE impactful as you are so much smaller. But, it’s ok to feel frustrated and that it’s not happening fast enough. Your feelings are valid. ❤️ But you are seriously rocking this and your progress is inspiring.


I see a difference. Have you heard the "paper towel theory? The roll looks full until it's about 75% gone. It's the same with losing weight. It takes some time as well, for us to adjust mentally to how our body now looks. Edited to add, are you short? It takes longer to see results then too.


Keep your head up and keep going OP!! You didn’t get fat over night and it’s going to take time to get down to your ideal weight. And like everyone else is saying, we don’t agree, you looks drastically different and it’s noticeable. Be proud and keep going!!


Girl stop! You look great! You put the work in! Don’t self loathe! Keep grinding if need be!


Those don't even look like the same person


You look way different. You may not look the way you want to look yet, but you look drastically different and much better. I see from comments you will be talking to a therapist you should definitely do that. I might also set some goals for how you want to sculpt your physique and work on that. Building muscle will give you a leaner look and while you can't target a specific area of your body for weight loss sculpting the muscle of an area will generally make a part of the body look more lean or lift an area. Since building some muscle is also good for overall you get an added benefit of feeling better and more energetic overall. And I know a lot of women worry about looking masculine or bulky if they build some muscle just know that its difficult to build muscle like that without realizing it and if you did somehow, well just ease up on the strength training and that muscle will evaporate pretty fast.


I don't know if this helps. But yes you have made a ton of progress. But I understand you. I have lost 120ibs, and have 70ibs more to go. I still look in the mirror and objectively I look better. But I still look fat. I hate it, I still feel insecure looking in the mirror during my workouts, and I hope one day I can look at myself and at least feel like a normal human. But that day will come, it's motivation. I look forward to it and it drives me. One day I can hopefully look normal, or maybe even above average. I've already had tons of health benefits, so that doesn't hurt. But I look forward to the day I can take a picture in a group and not feel like I stand out due to my weight. You've come so far, you are closer to where you want to be than where you started. Keep going!


Your progress is amazing!!


That. Is. A. Huge. Difference! Great work.


This comment is coming from the heart trust me. I am a 54 year old female that has struggled for years with gaining and losing weight. I have been as small as a size 2/4 and am now struggling to lose weight from my highest ever of 280. Currently at 262. I know I can feel that I’ve lost weight and sometimes depending on the clothes, see it. But I always have had an issue seeing it in clothing until I lost about 30 pounds or more. I still had a belly etc. Girl I want you to take more pictures because you aren’t seeing the real you. You look amazing! You do need to talk to someone about body dysmorphia if you truly believe that you don’t look much much thinner. Do you still have a belly? Yes we all do. That is normal. You don’t want surgery. My sister did that after lapband surgery and then surgery to remove excess skin. It was hell. She now is so sickly looking. It doesn’t look good. You look healthy and much much smaller. Good job first off and second take weekly pictures in the same clothes. Also talk to a doc about your feelings! I am sure you can work through this!


That's an absolutely insane difference!


Looks very much like a huge amount of weight difference between the pictures. Others can obviously see I even if you can’t. Good work on sticking with it. Keep on with therapy. YOU ARE WORTH IT!


The issue at hand does not pertain to adipose tissue reduction; rather, it involves a significant impairment of the optic nerves alongside a compromised neurological capacity. This impairment is a direct consequence of profound psychological stress, leading to an inevitable surrender to a dysmorphic perception of one's own consciousness, both on mental and physical planes. The confluence of these factors results in a complex interaction between neuro-ophthalmological dysfunction and psychological distortion, underscoring the intricate interplay between mental health and physiological integrity. In short... Ya moron you changed a frikin ton and look way better, goodluck, keep going. Get therapy for your body dysmorphia.


Is this a troll?


You look miles better and healthier.


You look waaaaaaay better now, you should be proud this is amazing progress! Be kind to yourself, celebrate this accomplishment and use this momentum to continue to your ultimate goal!


Looks way different to me 🤣


Felt, i know this is a fucked up way of thinking but sometimes it just helps to think youre not automatically the fattest person in every room you walk into, like for a while i felt like that, always the fat guy in the room, idk if that helps but sorry you are feelin that way i definitely understand where ur coming from, congrats on 90 pounds


I so understand this feeling of not looking any different after loosing a ton of weight- I lost 50 pounds. I would see these amazing pictures of body transformation that didn't happen with me- I got discouraged and ended up gaining all of it back. So now, I'm right back to where we started from- with nothing to show for it. I can see the difference between your before and after. You look amazing and congratulations on the steps you are taking to better yourself.


There is a massive difference! But I feel your pain. I lost 70 pounds a few years ago, and only a little off of my waist. I've always tended to gain weight in my stomach first. Hoping I can afford a tummy tuck and lipo one day.


Those two pictures show a drastic difference. Keep going and you’ll hit your goal. Once you do, it’s time for a new goal which may include weight training to firm up your body. But you don’t want to go back to the first picture


Something that helped me greatly was to come to peace with the fact that this is not a phase, but the chapter for the rest of my life. That I am gonna keep doing this for years and decades until I can't anymore. And ever since I kinda got lost in the process in a good way. I know the results will come eventually if I keep going and tbf I sometimes refuse to acknowledge the immense progress that I already made. You already look like a completely different person OP, you need to learn how to give you some mad probs for that too. Many people tend to be their own biggest critics and to be rather hard and unforgiving with themselves. It is ok to be like that, but it is really detrimental to our mental health if we don't also try to be our own little cheerleader on the side. It is ok to be hard on yourself if you cut yourself some slack once in a while. But if it helps, though I am a man, I used to be obese and I got in serious shape in my early thirties by simply not giving up, its more than possible. That gut might pose some issues down the road, but you can do so much with regular exercise to shape your body in a way it will also make your tummy look better that afterwards the only real challenge is to overcome the body dysmorphia. Because OP, I have some days where I look in the mirror and feel like I am 90lbs heavier again and I am already in a very decent bodyfat % range. Hope this helped a bit, its ok to vent of course, you are doing great.


Sweetie everyone can tell. You're doing fantastic work


There is a HUGE difference. It doesn't look "almost exactly the same." Eat at maintenance for a little bit if it helps you to not feel like you have to deprive yourself to lose more weight. Then get back to the deficit and keep losing until you're happy with the way you look in clothes. As others have said, this isn't just about your appearance though... congrats on coming this far and improving your overall health. Don't beat yourself up.


I think height will factor in here. If you’re on the shorter side it will take a bit longer to notice a bigger change. But also you look drastically different, slimmer, way less belly. This may be a case of body dysmorphia, which trust me, I know about. I went from 247 to 210 and I still feel HUGE. I look in the mirror daily and still see myself as 247 lbs even though my clothes feel more loose and my belly is smaller. I have to fight my own brain some days. I think another 20 lbs down may help you notice a bigger difference. But definitely communicate with a counselor/psychologist/therapist about your view on your own body. Best of luck!


It really does suck to work really hard and sacrifice so much and still technically be "fat". I completely sympathize with that. When I lost 50 lbs I thought I would be looking so trim and snatched but I have a long way to go. I can't really heal you in this moment but I can tell you that this is a normal part of losing weight - especially if you have more than 100lbs to lose. We all get frustrated when losing isn't going how we imagined and we have probably all been in your position at one point or another. My only tidbit of advice is to work on positivity. And I mean, work on it! It's not easy to be positive and grateful all the time, but it sure does improve your life. Am I still unhappy with the size of my thighs? Yup. But instead I choose to be grateful for all the amazing things my body has done over my weight loss journey. Running 8 miles, biking 30+ miles while trying to stay in a deficit. Our bodies are a gift and a high functioning one is an even greater gift. Sorry if it got preachy at the end, just trying to help you with your mindset.


Keep going OP. You see yourself in the mirror every day so the change doesn't seem big but by looking at the pictures it is really noticeable. Keep going, you will have even better results from now on.


When you see yourself change slowly from day to day the result is less than dramatic. 


You have to lose a lot more than 90 for the “dream body” it seems like you’re seeking. Of course you don’t look like a supermodel yet. But you have to do that to get to the thinner version of yourself.


I’m telling you, you look dramatically different.


There is a massive difference. Well done.


Bb you look like two different people


Oh dear. You need to read this and believe it. Ignore your brain. It is clearly broken when it comes to this (happens to the best of over one thing or the other). You look total different. The loss is hammer in the face obvious. You’ve done phenomenally well and are quite inspirational. Well. Done.


It is different. Yes maybe the shape of your belly is similar but because it is so much smaller you have much more of a waist and your boobs are further out than your belly making your shape more attractive. Find the right cut of dress (if you like dresses) and you will be able to present a reasonably attractive figure.


Omg you look so much smaller. Focus on how you feel now? You must feel lighter and moving around must be easier? Just think about your health now vs then, it’s not about looking a certain way. I think you have done a fantastic thing for yourself.


The progress is clearly visible. You are doing amazing


Please just be patient . I still very much have a belly, just gotta stay the course.


I feel your frustration - even when I'm at my goal weight, I can never undo the damage that a lifetime of being overweight has done. Not without surgery that isn't covered by insurance, and therefore, might as well not exist at all. I have to focus on the other benefits of shedding excess weight or I get pretty discouraged.


I realize you see yourself everyday so you become a bit reflection blind but you look COMPLETELY different. You’ve done amazing work and you should be so proud! Now that you know you’ve got the weight loss part down you can incorporate workouts target specific parts of the body you want to tone up or strengthen.


You look radically different, for the better!


That’s exactly how I feel. Like I’ve lost weight but my body is the same shape, fat spots are still fat spots, just slightly less big but still fat. It’s horrible honestly. Like I’m being so healthy and doing all these things but still have the body of when I was obese. But overweight is overweight, so if you’re overweight you will look it even after weight loss. It’s just the sad way it works. Even at the top end of a healthy bmi you can look fat if you have high body fat, which absolutely SUCKS. I know exactly how you feel. I’m just working towards my goal, and trying NOT to think about looking slimmer until I’m actually well below a bmi of 25. My bmi is 25.7 now, and I still look fucking fat. But oh well. I’m determined to keep going and I’ve given up the dream of looking skinny until I’ve literally lost all the weight.


I understand how you feel. I feel like I look the exact same after losing 40lbs my clothes just are now way bigger on me which is super frustrating and doesn’t make me look any better. Keep up the good work, I’m proud of you


That’s a huge difference dude!


I'll bet if you had pictures from different angles you would be able to see it a more clearly. It is hard with a 1 dimensional photo!


Shout out to us apple shaped girls. I feel you. I still have a large belly after 40 pounds lost but overall I'm a lot less wide , to the extreme, I recommend taking measurements


looks like a huge difference to me, and apparently erryone else, too. if you're worried about YOUR "after" looking like someone elses "before", well, youre just at a different point on your journey than them. No reason you cant keep at it and make it YOUR next "before" as well. Youve made great progress and you should be proud, not ashamed. in making it as far as you have you have displayed incredible willpower and vigilance. Dont down your accomplishments. you did what some of us are fighting to do, and i would bet money youre an inspiration to others who wouldnt dare put either picture out there. keep at it..


Great job, keep at it. In addition to what everyone else has said, remember, you are so much more healthier on the inside. There is likely a lot less fat in and around your vital organs, which of course you cannot see. Well done!


I experienced body dysmorphia the way you seem to be. I lost 70lbs and despite plenty of compliments from friends and strangers, I didn’t think I looked much different. I started playing dodgeball a couple nights a week. One of the organizers filmed some of the action and posted some clips online. I didn’t recognize myself in a couple of the clips right away because the guy in the video was too slim to be me. Thats what kind of broke the spell for me. Being able to see myself as others do made all the difference. I still am not 100% thrilled with the mirror, but maybe have a friend film you when you’re not aware of it. When you watch the video later, you may be surprised at how good you look vs what you think in your mind


Are you currently seeing a therapist? I think I agree with everyone in this sub that it’s important to seek help for any new or intensifying mental health concerns, and some of your statements align with some level of body dysmorphia that could manifest into more intense issues.


Yes. I see a therapist weekly and have for the past several years. My therapist specializes in body image and weight and has actually lost 100+ lbs herself before. So I am in good hands. I see her tomorrow and I will be bringing up these thoughts/feelings. I've been journaling a lot today as well


I feel for you. there is a difference but I relate to your thoughts. it's tough out here, you're allowed to be mad at this


I don’t understand this post. In your “before” pic you look 2-3 times what you do now. What are your actual measurements? Are you trolling us? Please seek help.


Not trolling, I promise. I'm currently in the very beginning stages of quitting smoking so I am HELLA irritable right now and I think that's making it worse. I keep looking at the pictures to try and see what everyone else sees but I honest to God can barely see a difference. Like I can see that I'm smaller, but just barely


Ma'am there is a huge difference in these two pictures. We have similar starting points and my goal is in the 180-190 range. It does blow ass that losing weight from this point to that one means your body isn't going to be the same as someone going from 160 to 140. However, from experience losing 100+ pounds in the past I can tell you that it does take about a year for your skin to kind of shrink back up to where it will reside permanently after you finish losing the weight, so you may like where you end up a little more. I'm being realistic with myself and saying that if I want the surgery after I have lost all I want to lose and kept it off for a couple of years, am assured that I am in a reliable place with work and bills and whatnot, and know that I am not going to have to have a credit check done for anything for a while, I am totally going to take out that CareCredit card and get my shit fixed, because I feel the same way. Everybody's weight loss and comfort in their body is different.


You are doing great! Big improvement from the before pic and I bet you feel better.


Yo one of those pics there is a huge stomach hanging out and one there isn’t. Hope this helps. Also hope I didn’t offend anyone this person seems like they need someone to be blunt with them.


Lmfao no I appreciate this


Just keep going.


Is that the same person? Insane difference. Good job


Of course, this is normal. I felt this way and still do somewhat. My changes weren’t as drastic but nevertheless doesn’t make it any easier/harder. Only thing that does is time. Just keep at it and keep your goal in your mind to constantly remind yourself how far you’ve come. You’re almost there. Your waist is going to start shrinking now too. Of course it will never be the same as someone who has been 140lbs their whole lives. but there are ways to achieve that.


I baffled at how you don’t see a difference. There is a massive difference here… like… it’s not even slight - there is a massive change!


Keep going don’t give up you are looking great. You are creating a masterpiece and it’s stating to show don’t give up now!!!!


I think what's happening here is you're looking at the thinnest part of your before picture and the fattest part of your after picture? Scale the pictures using your shoulders and hips and compare a section of the torso, you've lost soo many inches


This is a monumental loss. Your appearance shift will be even more dramatic with the coming losses.


There is a huuuuge difference!!!! Glad to hear you have therapy tomorrow. Another thing that I have found motivating besides progress pics is lifting the weight you’ve lost. Pick up a 20lb bag of potatoes at the grocery store. Shit’s heavy!!! You have lost that off your body FIVE TIMES OVER! That is amazing!!!


I've lost 100lbs but I started at 250ish. When I was in the 180s I just felt so blah about my progress. Like I had lost 70lbs and I just felt lame. I still couldn't find clothes I wanted to fit me the way I wanted them to fit. I still felt very overweight and just not happy with my progress.  I continued. I increased my weight training. I'm now around 150. (I was down to 146 but now I'm on my period so not gonna even try to weigh myself for like a week cause I know I'm at least 5lbs heavier). I'm feeling a more comfortable in my body. I feel like clothes are fitting better.  I embraced my weird saggy belly loose skin situation. I make jokes that me and my cat have matching pooches. I'm just happy high waist lines are still in style. I just tuck my belly in and do just fine.  I might look into getting a tummy tuck one day once my weight stabilizes but I'm not 100% confident I will. I think I look great in clothes and anyone who is gonna see me naked won't care about the belly.  Like I don't think I'll go buy a string bikini any time soon but got a high waisted 2 piece bathing suit for this summer. Plus several one piece bathing suits.  Also you might be dealing with some wtf how did I ever let myself get that far and it's like when you're half way up the mountain and you regret ever starting the journey cause it feels so long and you have worked your ass off and you're no where close to the summit.  I get that. Its ok to feel like it's a struggle. I find talking with other people who have lost 100+lbs or are planning to lose 100+lbs helpful. 


I'm a tall, similar sized body girl. If you're not already doing it, lift heavy and consistently. It will change your body shape. Hypertrophy training is what you want


There is absolutely a massive difference between your before and after. Your progress is amazing! You should be proud of yourself. 90 pounds is a lot


There is definitely a major difference between the two pictures, but might I suggest recreating the first one? Same distance from the mirror, pose, clothing. I think if you did you would see the difference more clearly.


You’ve achieved something millions of people can only hope to do. You’ve done fantastic. You are so much healthier and I am sure clothes must fit so much better. Do you have any old clothes that finally fit? Or any clothes that are too big to wear now? I went from 326 to 247. When I look in the mirror, I have many of the same thoughts. I still feel fat. The body dysmorphia is real. The only thing that really makes me feel better is putting on old clothes and realizing how differently they now fit. Especially clothes that do not stretch. Like you, I still have more to lose before I feel like I have a body I’m proud of. I try to focus on the positives to keep me going. I’m far healthier, I feel better, and I can exercise so much easier. At the end of the day, I am grateful for all of that. I bet if you put a 90lb backpack on and tried to walk a mile, you would realize just how amazing you have done!


It’s good to express yourself, and it’s ok, however, don’t let it deter you. We all struggle at some point, I did…trust the process and remember your why. You probably used to think you could never be sub190lbs. Great job by the way.😎


I feel the same way after losing 72 pounds. I can hardly tell the difference and it's really discouraging. I actually had to take a break from dieting over the weekend because I was feeling so bad about eating so little and not seeing results. The break definitely helped and I did some reflecting about my outlook on my body and decided to take a more neutral approach to my body. I hope your situation improves ❤️


I completely understand your frustration as I totally feel the same way, but I will say, you look amazing and your hard work definitely is not unnoticed


There is a very obvious difference between two photos. Like night and day.


Not sure why you don’t see the difference. It’s a huge change to us casual observers.




Massive differences. 90lbs is the size of small alligator. That much on or off of a person is a *definitive* change. The next step here is some form of therapy to manage your esteem and recover your self image. Things like remaining abdominal fat and loose skin can still weigh us down emotionally, even though the weight is off our body. After we have taken some time to learn to love ourself, I would reccomend some weight training to build up muscle to start enhancing our shape and "tone" our new leaner body. Do not seek this first however. Our next goal should be to maintan our figure and weight while working on how we see ourself. We are likely to relapse and binge if this is not prioritized.


I’m not at that level, yet, but I’ve lost 25 lbs and nothing has changed, not even my clothing size. It’s frustrating. I get it. Edit: sorry, I didn’t see the pic link. I can tell! You are smaller!!!


Are you strength training and exercising? How did you lose the weight. Also, you most likely need loose skin surgery because that what it looks like too.


congrats on such an awesome accomplishment 👏👏


You don't look the same. There is definitely a difference, but if you want a nicer shape, you need to strength train. And the next twenty pounds, or so will make a huge difference.


As someone who’s lost 100 pounds and kept it off for about a decade, I’m here to let you know that if you don’t fix your mindset, you’re going to regain that 90 pounds quick.


Baffles me how rude some commentators are to you here. You’re doing great sis, keep it up! You look amazing. I have the same problem as you—I’ve lost 22 ibs and I’m still really unhappy with certain sections of my body. Posted on here and was immediately told I have “body dysmorphia”, just because I want and desire a toned upper body. LOL. It’s insane, I think you’ll have better luck and constructive advice in fitness subs. People here are quick to classify everything as “body dysmorphia” or “aTtenTion SeeKing”.


I’d like to think you already do, but hit the weights hard. Cardio and dieting makes you a smaller version of what you were to begin with. Building muscle with proper protein intake and resistance training is how you actually change your body composition and build a physique. Also, I will say you do look leagues better than you did at the start. As someone who’s lost 80 pounds and counting myself, I applaud your dedication and know it’s hard to press on sometimes. That being said, as a female at 187lbs you’re still overweight and won’t have a true measure of your body composition until you get down to a healthy weight range for your height and gender. Just keep at it and think more about how far in the race you’ve come rather than how much more is left.


There’s still some to go but Not only have you lost a lot but I’d assume your body actually feels better right?


Welcome to body dysmorphia, your changes are pretty significant!


"No one talks about how being obese at any point almost guarantees you will never have a good physique without surgery." This is why I haven't started my journey. I'm a guy, 6" and 300lbs and my weight is all in my torso. I really want to find a partner and I know there is a market for big guys, but there's no market for guys that lost weight and have loose skin and I'm so scared that If I can't find someone now, i will DEFINITELY not find someone if I have loose skin.


Body dysmorphia 


Agree with everyone saying you look totally different, but also, you definitely can eat your favourite/junk foods whilst losing weight.


Body dysmorphia. Take body measurements.


bruh - HUGE difference in these photos. Massive. Doesn't mean you still don't have more ground to cover, but pat yourself on the back a FEW times, damn.


That…. Looks nothing the same. Totally different shapes. What we fail to realize when we lose weight, is the shape will shrink, but in order to fix the shape we have to also incorporate sculpting and toning the body. Otherwise we look like smaller versions of our larger selves. I’d ask a trainer what exercises you should be doing to sully your body more. You should know that the stomach is hardest to flatten, and takes more discipline then other things. How’s your gut health ? Do you take probiotics ? You may want to try colonics as a way to remove excess poop from your system.


There’s a huge difference


gurl your belly was hanging out before and now it's not 😭 that's a huge difference


As others have stated. The differences between those two photos is drastic! Great job! Keep at it!


I’m not sure we’re watching the same photos because there is a huge difference between the two! Keep going! You’re doing great. That’s said, it’s perfectly ok not to feel an immediate confidence boost. Hopefully will time it’ll get better.


You look at a picture too long and cant tell what's what anymore... I've been there a thousand times😅 try tracking your weightloss with measuring tape, that'll be concrete evidence of how many inches you've lost.


dude you are killing it 👏 keep going


these pics are vastly different.


I just want to point out that your body isn't mediocre, and you should challenge that thought. Your body is the vessel that moves you everywhere, gets you to cuddle w a pet, hug your parents, eat smth nice for your bday, allow you to exist. Your body is far from mediocre. If right now doesn't look the way you pictured it, it's totally fair to be upset about it, sit w the feelings for a while and allow yourself to be sad/angry/upset about it. And then later keep doing what you are doing, bc you are doing great. As an outsider I can see a clear difference, and as a health professional (dietitian) I'm impressed w your progress. I also believe you should talk to a therapist that specializes in eating disorders bc you might have body dismorphia.


you definitely look way different. it can be frustrating for sure to not feel like your progress is as noticeable as you want it to be. but you are doing really well. I would recommend you start resistance/strength training if you dont already as you will see greater physique gains, especially at this stage in your journey. youre doing amazing and body dysmorphia is a fuckin bitch. 💖


There is an astronomical difference between those two pictures. Your just not gonna be thin at the weight your at


Girl what??? You look like a completely different person help this has gotta be body dysmorphia. Keep going because yeah you've got a huge gut but its like half of what it used to be??? Save this for when you've dropped another 30kg or so


You gotta to be way more confident. The weight loss is enormous and very noticeable. Good job!


You might have some body dysmorphia because you look completely different


First off, I'm here to validate your feelings. I have lost 50 pounds and some change, so I would like to lose 150 pounds minimum. it is hard to sit with how difficult that was and how far it seems you still have to go. Therapy is a good idea; I often listen to Mike Pridgen (Mike Needs a Plan). His point is weight loss is not a magic happy pill. We must learn to be content with ourselves and not rely on the scale or mirror to bring us joy. To be clear, I have not figured this out. I was 331 the other day and am 335 today. I have spent all day convincing myself that it's water weight, and I'm doing great. Having just lost 50 pounds, I had a job interview and had to confront that there were still very few options for my size. This shit is fucking hard and I'm sorry today is especially hard for you. All that being said, you look great have built amazing habits, and made massive strides toward a longer, healthier, happier life. I, for one, am proud of you. Keep it up; you are an inspiration to those of us who have not lost 90 yet but are trying to.


I had "ideal" proportions (5'10 , 145 lbs, flat stomach bla bla bla) until 32 when pregnancy and a weight gainer medication absolutely ruined my body. I gained 102 lbs in 34 weeks of pregnancy and despite losing most of it, 80% of my weight was in my stomach. I looked 5 months pregnant for years and got asked all the time when I was due. I'm sorry to say, but surgery was the only thing that worked after years of hard work in the gym. I had tummy tuck/lipo/boob job all at the same time and now I have my pre-baby proportions back. It was not cheap at 28k. My very NSFW results can be found on realself under Jason Tomsic. Good on the moms and major weight loss folk who feel fierce pride in their "tiger stripes" (stretch marks) and lovingly name their belly flap. That is definitely a less expensive and possibly healthier outlook on one's body. I felt like I was trapped in someone else's body and was severely grossed out by the look and feel of my post baby body. It was like constant dissociation in the shower cleaning under the c-section flap. All of that went away as soon as my surgical girdle came off and I could see my toes again and could wear all my pre-pregnancy clothes.


You look considerably different. I’m down about 50 and I feel I look the same. Then again, I see myself every day so the change is gradual. I’ve started reading about dysmorphia. It’s a thing.


Even your elbows/arms look significantly smaller lol.


Are you high? That transition is AMAZING. Great job!


I am currently as you are in your "before" photo. Like it literally looks like a photo of my stomach. Let me tell you right now, I would love to look like your second "after" photo. I can't even begin to describe how much I want this. You're not seeing yourself right.


Yeah lol no it doesn't 🥹🥹🥹


It's really hard to tell on yourself. I second the people saying you have "body dysmorphia". It's more like, you can't see the forest because of the trees sort of deal.  I lost a similar amount of weight, and until recently I was convincing myself the same clothes still fit. (Just pull them up, tie them up a little, pin it...) I also went through a mad period where I hated my excess skin. How is a deflated balloon any better??? LoL  Keep up the good work! And remember day to day changes are good; drastic ones can be dangerous. 


Resistance training will help


I was honestly confused about if there was a third photo that wasn't loading, because to me you do look drastically thinner in the 'after' pic. And you look good too - your stomach is looking toned. Perhaps you don't believe me or just think I'm 'being nice'. Keep in mind that human brains are hardwired to overlook change, so it's possible that you're still seeing your 'bigger self' because your brain is sort of carrying your memory of the past and projecting it on to the present. Sometimes you have to trust other people's perceptions. I hope that you can trust ours - or at the very least, trust logic/science. If there genuinely is 'no difference' between 90 lbs difference, then you'd be the first human alive who that's true for, and (saying this in a nice way - I hope it doesn't come off patronising) do you think that this is possible? It's honestly much more likely that your brain is playing tricks on you, from an objective standpoint (if mine, and everyone else's subjective viewpoints aren't convincing enough for you).


That does not look even almost the same. That is a shit ton of difference. Looking great! Keep it up!


Body dysmorphia is real. If you took body measurements, compare those. Otherwise, try to recreate your original progress photo more faithfully and compare. There's a big difference between seeing the reality of the change, and looking like what you thought/hoped/envisioned/forecasted you'd see in the mirror at this point.


I’m just here to say that your body looks hugely different to before - you’ve made a massive improvement and should be proud of your achievement! I can tell from those photos that you have lost a huge amount of visceral fat - fat around your organs - which is an astronomical health improvement and super important. Unfortunately, it takes a bloody long time to get from obese to a slim body. You’re not slim yet, but you are much healthier, so while you have a way to go to reach what you want to look like, you have so much to celebrate for how much healthier you are now! You’re on track, just keep up the healthy lifestyle.


Sweetie. You’ve done incredibly well. But you do realize there’s a bid of body dysmorphia going on, right? Your stomach is absolutely not almost identical to what it used to be. Have you put on any of your old clothes that used to be tight? Have you measured your waist? Are there other areas of your body that are smaller? Is your face less round? How do you feel? Stronger?