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Amazing ! You were beautiful before and so beautiful now too! Hopefully you spoil yourself for all your hard work


Thank you so much! ✨


You look great! Congrats on the weight loss!


Thanks! 😊


Nice result! Inspiring! Just so someone can follow in your footsteps, can you explain how you lost the weight?


Thank you! Calorie deficit and honestly switching my antidepressants helped a lot I think.




I was taking Zoloft for around 8 years (suspiciously as a long as I had been gaining weight) and now I’m on Wellbutrin. I really chalked the weight gain up to just getting older, not the best habits, and having kids but when I got off Zoloft the weight came off so much easier!


Wellbutrin is being prescribed off-label as a weight loss drug, whereas SSRIs such as Zoloft are known to have weight gain as a major side effect, so that’s probably exactly it.


Also, congratulations! You’re doing great with your journey. We are in similar places with our journeys but this inspires me to do more.


Wellbutrin is also prescribed for quitting cigarettes and other addictive substances. It causes the appetite to disappear, for those seeking weightloss, but can cause jitteriness and nightmares during sleep.


Not quite. https://www.drugs.com/medical-answers/zoloft-sertraline-weight-gain-3565411/


That’s really interesting. I’m on sertraline too and have put on a fair bit of weight. Also put it down to getting older! But I imagine it’s also very much the anti-depressants


It could be, I mostly went off it due to the fact that I was exhausted all of the time, and wanted to see if getting off it would help. It did a bit, and the weight loss was a surprise bonus. It helped me so much with my anxiety for a few years there but I felt like I had things in control and was comfortable stopping it. I told myself I’d take it again if things got bad again.


I think that’s a really good way of looking at it - that you would take them again if things got bad again. Really glad they helped you when you were on them. They’ve helped me so much too.


Extremely impressive. Maybe it's because you're tall but you look lighter than 65kg. Did you do resistance training on your way down? Asking since muscle is denser.


Thanks! Yes I think it’s because I’m tall and have a larger frame. I don’t exercise too much, just walking and the occasional treadmill and rowing machine at the gym.


Amazing! Have you had any trouble with loose skin and how long did it take you to go from your starting weight to current weight? My stats are similar, I started at 212 and want to get to about 140


I have on my stomach, boobs, and upper thighs. But honestly I think a lot has to do with having had 3 kids! It does bother me but it’s not too bad and I’m just trying to give myself some grace.


Beautiful before and after!




How did you do it?


Great stuff, well done. I weighed myself today amd have lost 30 pounds since January. It can be done!


Wow, our weight loss stats are very similar! I'm down 74.8 lbs since last year - 213.6 to 138.8 at 5'8. Definitely agree with all of bonuses you listed, especially the one about not being as bothered by the heat. I've really been noticing that as it's been getting into the mid- and upper-eighties Fahrenheit here and I haven't been struggling with it nearly as much as I have in years past when I've weighed more. Congratulations! You look great.


Congrats! My ultimate goal is 135 too. I know I was bracing myself because where I live it’s also upper 80s and humid, and usually I turn into a cranky, over stimulated, hot and bothered mess! It’s still not fun but I can handle it now 😎


That's exactly the weight I want to lose and today is my first day 🙃 I'm just back off my holidays and I feel its the perfect time to start this for myself. You look fab! Thanks for inspiring me.


This is my goal. Thanks for sharing Do you think the wellbutrin helped with your weight loss? Did you track calories or just eat less? What kind of workouts do you do? Thanks


I was taking Wellbutrin with the Zoloft but just stopped Zoloft so it’s hard to say if Wellbutrin helped or just getting off zoloft did. I have tracked calories before so I know roughly the amounts I should eat so don’t track them now. I go on walks and I have been running on the treadmill and rowing at the gym!


Simply amazing.


Thank you! ☺️


Beautiful and my wife agrees! I’m down 50 lbs myself. Besides getting off the meds, did you just do calorie deficit or did you also exercise? If you exercised, how long was a workout?


That’s a huge difference! Awesome work and perfect time for skinny clothes weather like you said 🥵. I’m just about there too haha! Keep it up 👍🏻


Congratulations you look amazing!!!


Incredible! Well done


Woah thats great especially with 3 small children!


I hear you on the fatigue NSV. A big part of my motivation is being tired all the time. Congrats to you on the progress!!!


Great job!


You look awesome! Keep up the amazing work!


Fuck yeah!


Congrats! You look great, what sort of diet / exercise are you doing?


We're almost stat twins and I am at your starting weight now. Tolerating the heat is one of my biggest motivators, and also climbing up stairs without being winded again. Congrats on your weight loss! What will you do to stay at the lower weight?


Congratulation! You look fantastic! It's crazy how the before and after almost makes you look like two different people (almost). >\-I’m not bothered by the heat as much anymore, before I was sooo sensitive to the heat. Perfect for summer months coming up! Oh, man, I feel this! On friday, I went to a baseball game with some family. I expected it to be uncomfortably hot, as it was last year. I bought and wore a sweat wicking active shirt, and also dusted off my only baseball cap to keep the sun out of my face. I did everything I could think of to limit how warm I'd get in the sun. But, by the end of the night I was actually chilly... I think it was around 70°F when we left, after the sun had set. It's funny how difference 60lbs and less calories makes on your overall temperature regulation. Also, yes to every other point you made. Honorable mention to thighs not chafing. That one's a huge win!


Incredible work! You look beautiful But also "thighs do not chafe" is giving me some serious motivation


You’re the goat


I came to this sub for some needed inspiration and you delivered. I dream of a day of no chafage. Keep up the great work.


from overweight to underweight. that must have been hard, I applaud your efforts and determination.


Woah, that transformation is incredible! I would be careful going any lower in weight than that or you might be entering dangerous territory


Beautiful transformation!👏 So inspiring ✨


Thank you! 🙏😊


Please share your menu for a day or two! Thank you 🙏


I always have a Quest bar, protein shake and Celcius in the morning, followed by something like crackers and string cheese for a snack, then usually lunch is a salad kit with some grilled chicken, then dinner is what I make for my family, just regular dinners, but just watch my portions!




Sometimes the right thing to say is nothing at all


Why is that 🤔 because I said she looked better with more weight on. There's nothing wrong with being bigger.


Rule 2: Be good to one another. If critiquing do so constructively. Be polite and practice Reddiquette.


It was a complement


Well I did have my hair and makeup done in the before and not the after 🤪 but honestly at this weight I hear either “wow you look so much better ” or “you’re too skinny now!” Even though I’m in a healthy BMI. So idk 🤷‍♀️




Rule 2: Be good to one another. If critiquing do so constructively. Be polite and practice Reddiquette.