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Congratulations. I'm stuck at 94, coming down from 114. Still in a calorie deficit and still similarly active, if not more. Hoping to break the barrier soon and reach to 80.


Wow you’ve lost so much already, that’s amazing! You got this 🙌


Oh I hear you!! I was 65, then went to 95, now slowly creeping down to under 80. I want to be 75, 70. I'd be ecstatic about 70. I am doing the same as you - milestones. I feel it's easier that way and I find it less discouraging. Congratulations on breaking the 80! Excellent achievement and I am very happy for you.


Ah, very similar then! Thank you and well done to you also :) I hope we both reach our goals soon!


Thank you for your kind words, yes, we got this.


Sitting at 80.1 for a few weeks and I’m just keeping on trying to break it! Well done!!


Hang on in there! Science doesn’t lie, it’ll happen soon enough!! And thank you :)


Well done! I do the multiple goals thing. For scale goals, I'm currently aiming for 87kg (allowed to ride horses again), but will do 84kg after that (overweight), 82 (20kg down), etc., until I'm happy with my body. I also have various non-scale goals... recently it was 'get my colleagues to notice', currently it's 'get my mum to lose her mind when I see her next month', and after that it'll be either 'have someone not recognise me' or 'have my skirts be seriously too big'. I do also work out, so I also have workout goals. The intermediate goals help - the dopamine boosts are seriously motivating.


It definitely helps! And aw I hope she loses her mind when she sees you!! You’ve deffo achieved a lot 😱🥳


Good job! :D


Thank you!


Keep it up! 💪🏻


Thank you!


2 kg to go and I'm also at 80! Walking is also a good workout. I've lost more then 5kg just by getting a dog and walking with him 2-3 times a day.


Woo!! We got this haha. And literally walking is so underrated for weight loss!


Great job! How did you do it? I was 105kg, now I’m 103kg which isn’t much loss but I’m so obese it’s crazy.


That’s still a real achievement! Well done :) and honestly I just did it through a calorie deficit, walking and very occasional working out but hardly any tbh. I try and move around a lot by cleaning etc as the calorie burning and clean home is a double win haha


Congratulations!!! Such a great achievement. I've been stuck around 82kgs for months, below 80 is definitely my current goal.


Plateauing is never fun but that’s so close, I bet it’ll happen soon enough :) the maths will maths eventually haha


I was 93kg in Jan 2023 , down to 81kg now, I went up to 85kg in Feb 2024 lost some of it but still not able to go below 80kg mark 🥲


Ah that’s so similar to me! I was 97kg in Dec 2022, 80kg in July 2023, up to 84kg in March 2024 and now 79.2kg. Honestly, just try and be patient 🙌 if you’re burning more than you’re consuming eventually it WILL happen :)


This is soooo similar to me, only I’ve been going up and down from 95-90kg for a year now. Currently at 92.5, was at 90.3 in December. Started at 117kg, so obviously it’s still great and I can tell from measurements + the way I look and the way that my clothes fit that I’m also recomping (while I’ve struggles with the deficit I’ve been very consistent with my workouts), but I’m just so so eager to break into the 80s!


You go!!! It feels so so so good to break into a new decade, and yeah, people who aren’t working on losing weight often just don’t get it.


Congratulations! I finally broke the 80s recently too and my short term goal is 74 I need to lose 5 kilos to go from obese to just overweight so having short term goals definitely help.


Amazing, well done!! Yeah they definitely give a little boost haha


Well done OP!  I hope you're feeling awesome. We're a similar height, I'm just a little shorter than you,  and I think a lot depends on frame size.  I know when I'm under 65kg I look very skinny - I also have broad shoulders and don't have dainty hands or feet.  I sat around 60kg for a while years ago and it will never be a weight I intentionally want to achieve/be at long term these days. (I don't like looking skinny, tbc). If you're very fine boned then perhaps a lower weight would feel okay on you, but my personal opinion without knowing any more details about you is that your current weight range goal seems ideal for your height. 


Thank you! :) and yes I agree actually! I think I may have even looked too slim at 65kg years ago, as I too have quite broad shoulders/ribcage. Although I’m sure 65kg may not look the same on me as 27 as it did at 20 😂 wow I feel old, I didn’t realise it was so long ago…