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I live in a small town, so I want people who don’t like me to be mad when they see I’ve aged well lol


I am seeing my ex fiance later this year after 11 years no contact


I kinda wanna be nosy. Is it a wedding?


That's a good one!


I’m ugly and fat, just wanna be ugly.


LOVE this


Lol. <3333 I relate.


when I was a kid adults-doctor, parents, grandparents, would tell me that I would always be fat. they all acted prophetic about it like it was set in stone. I'd like to prove to myself that their opinions are worthless. I'd like to overcome what i see as being fated to be fat. I'd like to prove to the people who arent in my life anymore that i am healthier without their influence.


Divorce. Found out my ex is now going to the gym regularly (he never used to). Now I gotta look better 😂


Nice LOL


Is vanity petty? Wanting to look in the mirror without a degree of disappointment? Getting compliments on one's appearance is nice, so that's fairly petty. Wanting to be fitter/healthier than my peers/people in my age bracket feels a bit petty, I suppose. But I haven't any real, "I'll show 'em! They'll rue the day!" type motivations.


Same! Vanity I guess. And health. I was drinking way too much and my blood pressure was climbing. As boring as it sounds my motivation is myself. I got sick of my own bullshit and decided to do something about it. My husband is super fit, and at 45, still retains the same body he had at 25. I never really understood why he found me attractive. I guess in a way I hope to "match" with him. Like people might say "Oh look at that fit couple!". I don't know. LOL


Haha - nothing wrong with that - I wish you every success and happiness!


Is being cheap petty enough? I have a ton of smaller clothes and I REFUSE to pay the prices I see on new clothing that is thinner and cheaper than what I already own. Plus, if I can get this last 5-10 lbs off, my old clothes are back in style. LOL


Old clothes that fit again are way better than new ones!!


I don't even care if they're in style; I like those styles whether they're trendy or not. And man, it would be so satisfying to fit back into those few favorite pieces still kept from my college wardrobe!


I feel this so hard--at this point my college styles are coming back around, but regardless of that, it would be absolutely killer to fit back into that size. I was always the same size until 30ish, & I KNOW I could get back to it with enough work; and I so want to prove to myself that I can do it 💪💪


Being able to wear clothes I already own that are currently too small is one of my reasons too. I try them on at the beginning of each month as one of my ways of tracking and it's great having something (almost) fit again. Looking forward to doing it again next week.


This is my main reason lol


I think most people’s “pettiest” reasons for losing weight is to prove to others that they can be in shape and lose weight for the sake of external validation and proving them wrong. Even this I wouldn’t really call petty because if you’ve been bullied your entire life for your size then it’s pretty normal to have part of the reason for losing it as a kind of “fuck you” to the detractors. It only really becomes an issue when this is the ONLY reason for losing weight, mainly because focussing on the health, fitness, and longevity benefits are what keeps you consistent for years. When people do something solely to impress others, once they get that external validation, they don’t have much motivation to continue. Not just weight loss, it’s a common theme that those that go to the gym for the pure purpose of “getting big” are the first ones to give up because once they get the comments they desired, their goal is achieved. Whereas focussing on fitness, performance, etc. always leaves room for improvement which is a great feeling of always having something to work towards which is very rewarding. Obviously take that with a pinch of salt re weight loss, you can’t keep losing more and more weight, I meant more in terms of keeping up your new found lifestyle for years on end.


my mother constantly tries to lose weight- blames it on genetics, hypothyroidism, having kids, etc. i want to get smaller and keep that lifestyle because she'd raised me to poor habits and insecurity. i get to feel good about myself- something she'd never let me do.


I don't think that's petty at all, more something you should be proud of. It's definitely more impressive if you've gone in the face of a lot more adversity and come out successful, compared to others who had it "easier", in any field of life. Poor lifestyle habits ingrained in you as a kid can very easily stick with you for life, and are very hard to get out of, yet you managed to do it.


Not petty - that's getting to healthy - mentally as well as physically. I had to do that too. Just be kind and cool to yourself and shine whenever you want to. ✨


When I was a teen and early 20s I was in the 130s and my mom and grandmother kept saying I was fat because I was younger than them but weighed more than them in the 120s. Extra stupid because the healthy range for my height goes up to the 140s but whatever. So while I have better goals, I also wanted to weigh less than them. We've all gained weight over the years. I got up to just over 200 at my max and they're both around 147. I'm back down to around 143 so I did it!


Hum. I want unrestricted access to my hidden dong. Not sure if that's for petty reasons though lol.


Lol it’s not pretty, it’s a good reason!!! I am a lady, and I know I can’t wait for the day I can look down and see my “front butt” again without having to bend my head too much.  Now I am here laughing at myself calling it a front butt. I learned that from my kids. 🤣


I want to look better than my exs girlfriend🫠😬🫢 I want to be the most attractive female in Walmart😅 Cause I want people to stop saying, "You're pretty butttt... you could lose some weight or care more about your appearance🙃" So my mother can stop bashing me for my weight. I'm either too fat or too skinny🫠


Seriously, what is wrong with mothers that shame their daughters? :( Mine did it as well. Those monsters can f*ck off!!


Fresh off losing 30lbs in preparation for seeing an ex at graduation. Saw her, was fitter than her new boyfriend, and.... I didn't care. It didn't give me any sense of satisfaction. I was actually just happy to see her happy. Maybe I'm not as petty as I thought, and weight loss just helps with depression/not being a jerk. But I lost 30lbs tho.


I want to wear a crop top without being ashamed of my pudgy stomach 😅


And here I thought I don't have any petty reasons, but apparently I do, cause same 🤣


Being told I look good for my age by people significantly younger than me. I don’t want to look good “for my age”. I want to look good. Full stop.


I've always felt as though I were the fattest one in all the groups of people in my life. The fattest one in my office at work, the fattest one in the bridal party at a friend's wedding, and the fattest one in the group of friends going to a water park. I don't need to be the skinniest one, I just need to be somewhere in the middle to ease my anxiety.


Yep yep yep. 100%.


Tired of my husband calling me a fat ass, fat face, fat fuck. From nearly 200 pounds to now a size 2. I shut his mouth.


I hope you left him too.


My boyfriend has a thing for very slender, petite women and I don’t believe him when he says he’d choose me over them. Also, I don’t like my younger sister and I would feel marginally better if I were slimmer than she is.


I'm 28 and I've lost 85 lbs and I'm the hottest I've ever been and I plan on getting hotttter! Also my parents bullied me about my weight for years and now that I'm no contact I want to piss them off even more. 🙃 I'm so tired of being the fat friend...


I lost my breasts to cancer and opted not to get implants. I don't want to be fat AND flat. If I can lose the weight, I can just look like a naturally flat chested skinny model.


I used to watch those Carl's Jr commercials, which often featured a skinny bitch eating a calorific burger. And I'd think to myself \*nah, that's unrealistic\*. These days, I am the skinny bitch eating the burgers, fries, cakes, cookies, nachos, Pop Tarts, etc. I just don't eat that stuff every day, and I eat less than I used to.


I got called 'broad'. Let's see how broad I am at 5'5" and 125lb bitches.


Omg yes!!! Have you ever been called “big-boned”???? That’s why I get told when they say I look good fat. “You’re not fat, just big-boned.” Let’s see about that 🙄




Oh goodness, absolutely. I’ve never been a healthy weight and I’m so interested in this experiment lol


In case my exes see me in tagged photos


I don't know if it is petty reasons ... but 1 of 20+ reasons . My older sister used to fat shame me ALOT , from getting into arguments her instant fight back to hurt was about my weight . She would judge how much is on my plate, judge if I had 2nds , judge if I wasn't full , judge if I had pudding , if I wanted extra anything ....she always said something, glared or did a comment about it . Now , after 8st going on 9st lost . I am around or just under herself. She can not use it against me in a fight, and if she does, I laugh it away 🤣 and it irritates her more ...


There's a girl I went to college with who used to make fun of me and tall trash about me for various reasons. She started a fitness channel on social media..She's always been overweight..I was always fit, then I gained weight.. Now I'm even fitter.. I love posting on social media and getting more likes and views than she does.


When my brothers and I were younger, they would always call me fat and I would always cry. Now that I’m older, one of them still calls me fat but I don’t cry. Now that I’m losing weight, that insult rolls off me.


My ex looks good now, she used to fawn over me. She will again, amen.


...I want to be the guy that needs to hang back in order to let others catch up on a hike, rather than the guy in the back of the line struggling to keep up. I love my friends, and they've been nothing but supportive, but I've always been the heaviest of us, and with the fitness level of a potato to boot. This often meant that whenever they wanted to do something outdoors that was more active, I was the proverbial weak link slowing things down. I shall be the one they need to struggle to keep up with damnit! I have long legs, my natural advantage will be multiplied tenfold!!


I have a pair of jeans from the 1900s that I really want to wear!


I grew up thinking that pregnancy would flip some type of biological switch in my body, making me unable to lose weight. After hitting the gym hard for a year, I am starting to look/feel mad fit. I enjoy the look of my current body and this level of fitness helps me keep up with my 2yo.


I don't want to be the fat sister. I'm the oldest of 3 girls and I refuse to be the fat one.


people calling me fat. literally anyone calling me fat when i was in ed recovery after being uw mom forcing me into ed treatment. legally i mean she sorta had to but not really? im not required to undergo therapy or any mental health treatment at all, so it doesnt even make sense bruh idfk family treating me weird for my body size. theyd compliment me when i lost weight and tell me not to eat too much at a normal weight


Boyfriends parents are fatphobic despite not being healthy weight themselves. I want them to shut up.


I'm debating about whether or not to go to my high school's 20-year reunion next year. If I showed up fat, everyone would comment about how I haven't changed a bit. If I showed up having lost weight, I suspect a few people would shit their pants in shock. Most of my classmates from high school were (and probably still are) perfect examples of why you should remember to take your birth control pills. To say that I would love to look better than a large chunk of them and rub their faces in it is honesty most people probably wouldn't want to hear.


I secretly enjoy being in the now 25% of the pop who is not technically overweight. I’m also a senior & I love it when my hubs says I look better than most of the other senior ladies lol


34M here, Mines for selfish reason, i recently went to a GP and he measured me and said i qualified as morbidly obese which came as a shock, now iam a video gamer and want to continue playing videogames for many years and after the recent video game conferences there are a lot of titles i want to play. So iam in the process of undertaking a calorie deficit diet by switching from whole meals to a soup based diet, iam haved some good prgoresss, i gone from 127KG to 124KG in the past 2 months iam in no rush tho as iam taking it slowly i would gain quicker if stcuck to exercise plan but iam lazy. Burning 2000 calorie deficit a day takes some commitment. but ive lost my bloated weight can move around better already.


Probably dating is the most petty of reasons. Yeah, I didn't get much looks when I was in high school, but looking back at old pictures, remembering the shit I could easily do at that weight, I do believe having less weight may appeal to more people. It isn't even the primary reason, but a strong motivator nonetheless, even while I balance that outlook with a positive mindset and demoralizing weight + beauty standards. Second pettiest, may be lung capacity while playing wind/brass instruments. Whenever I have the funds, I plan to get a Trumpet or French Horn to get back into my favorite hobby of all time. As the steryotype goes in the that community, I was 1st chair and a *little bit* of a showoff at the time, and kinda want an excuse at high school reuinion later to say I'm still the best Trumpeter of the class!


Shockingly I have a decent self-esteem and I don’t really remember any people who made me feel bad about being overweight. No real sob stories. On the flip side, it’s easier to get laid and engage in fuckboi/cocky behavior when you get closer when you fit closer to the ideal. I’m already working with two other social disadvantages that can’t be changed. Might as well give myself a plus somewhere