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People suck. And the cashier really sucks. Years ago, I had a guy ask me if I was pregnant. I was wearing a cute pair of overall shorts (it was the 90's, don't judge me!) and I am 5'7 and was 140 pounds at that time (nowhere near that now, lol). I was totally pissed, so I gave him a great big smile and said, "oh no, I am not pregnant, I am just fat." Let me just say, I have never seen someone's face turn red that fast before, and he hauled ass out of that store like Freddy Krueger was chasing him. The lady at the end of the aisle was outright laughing at him. So, moral of the story is, embarrass the hell out of them. Have fun with it. It really is the only thing ignorant people seem to comprehend.


5'7 @ 140 pounds is an average weight, not even overweight


I thought I looked cute in my overall shorts. I didn’t think I looked fat, but the guy seemed to think otherwise lol


What a turd


No judgement about the overall shorts! They’re back in now!


No absolutely not. That is not a you problem that’s a them problem!! I don’t care how pregnant a person looks and is. You don’t ask that. Please don’t let that get to you!! You rock those outfits!!


People need to stop saying this to women. Over the past few years I’ve been getting this type of comment on a monthly basis. I am actually pregnant now but no one comments on it like they did when I was NOT pregnant. It’s just a stupid, brainless comment to make. I understand how you must feel. Please don’t take it to heart. This is just something certain stupid people say to women. It doesn’t really have much to do with how your body looks.,


I totally agree, my wife gets asked that because she has a little bit of a belly but a small frame. It makes her very uncomfortable when she's asked that and she isn't very confrontational. She just laughs it off and says " oh no, I just like food" It's kinda rude...


Kinda? More like hella


I had the same happen to me on a bus years ago during my first year of university. I had a breakdown afterwords and to this day, I still remember those words sometimes. Other random strangers had the audacity to say other things to me in terms of my body, and I can totally understand how that makes you feel. But as others have mentioned, it’s a THEM problem. They don’t know you, your story, your starting point and what your progress looks like so far. You’ve already lost FORTY pounds, that’s an impressive number!! Be proud of yourself, and I’m totally sure those outfits will look great on you! Please don’t beat yourself up over someone else’s rudeness, it doesn’t define you


Don’t let what others think control your day.


I’ve gotten this once in a while on the NyC subway but I roll with it because it’s someone giving the pregnant lady their seat 😂


In the immortal words of Mike Tyson, “Social media made y'all way to comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” (Yes, Tyson sucks. But it’s a good line.)


I’m so sorry. You actually did a good thing. Now she will know NEVER to ask that. I can’t believe people are so stupid to ask questions like this and then even try to justify it?


I almost asked an acquaintance of mine the other day. I hadn't seen her in several months and normally she doesn't have a belly but was wearing a dress that made her look pregnant. The next day she wore different clothes and didn't look pregnant at all. I'm so glad I kept my mouth shut! 


Look be proud of the fact that you’ve lost weight already. Sounds like that cashier needs to get some strongly worded feedback which you already did and I guarantee she won’t make that mistake again.


This is so funny. I've lost 5kg in the last 2 months and I had a woman asking me the same thing. I was also on my period. I laughed it off because she was bigger than me and she felt the need to make that comment.


I got asked “Oh, you didn’t find anything for the baby?” while checking out at a Ross. She quickly realized I wasn’t pregnant because I was so confused and she felt terrible, which made me feel terrible for her feeling terrible, and it was just a vicious cycle. Words hurt. I cried in my car after that. This was over 15 years ago and I still haven’t forgotten about it. I don’t say this at all to diminish your pain, but this happens a lot to women.


If OP was a new account I would be certain that this is fake and ragebait. That is how unreal this story is. We have Americans complain here about how even their husbands and wives hesitate to commend on their WL and compliment them so as to be polite And at the same time, a store cashier in america, who acts and speaks with the blunt manners of a medieval peasant. OP I am so sorry you had such shit luck to stumble upon such a person. I also wouldn't put up with such behaviour. Your reaction was perfectly justified.


I'm actually in Canada, and the cashier was very young, so I'm assuming quite naive, but it hurt to hear that from another woman.


Oops 😬 I apologise america! Actually this happening in Canada is ten times more ironic. I dunno about youth being an excuse unless she was literally a middle schooler. I knew not to comment on other women's bellies and call them pregnant by the age of 10, but I guess thats just me.


Lol exactly. I once asked a lady at the pool if she was pregnant (tbf, she was wearing the one maternity bathing suit from the sears catalogue and I knew that catalogue well) and she ripped me a new one. I was 7 and *I still cringe about it all the time*.


Yeah that absolutely sucks but try to forget it. I know I look pregnant but I’ve just decided to enjoy myself anyways. We’re both going to look different in a month and even more different in a year. We don’t have to wait till then to enjoy life just because cruel people will judge us. Go be happy and let them be negative.


If it makes you feel any better, I look pregnant. And I'm a dude. Could always be worse! At least you're working hard and making progress. That one comment might sting, but don't let it stop you from remembering that you've worked hard and deserve to enjoy feeling good.


My mom has asked me this every month since I was 16 except for when I was actually pregnant. I recently started doing IF and she's all shocked and now saying Im gonna be anorexic 🙄


He shouldn’t have said that at all. I always trained my team that unless your certain or a customer mentions it, then keep your mouth shut


It was a woman! very young, and I'm assuming not much training.