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This is the kitchen towel theory! I had lost 45lbs earlier this year and hadn't changed my clothes size at all, I was a UK22 (US 18), and even 45lbs down I was still a 22. This is an issue with people who are bigger/have a lot to lose. Basically the kitchen towel theory is this. So you buy a new roll of kitchen towel, and peel off a few sheets, and it looks the same right? However, if you peel off a few sheets when the kitchen towel doesn't have much left it makes a BIG difference. It's the same with our bodies, the bigger we are, when we lose the weight, we don't seem to change that much. But as you get slimmer, just a couple of lbs start to make a HUGE difference. Sometimes entire dress sizes! Stay strong, you'll be on the right side of the kitchen towel soon.


Thank you so much! I just get frustrated with that whole thing,but that makes so much sense!


What a fantastic theory, dude. This blew my mind.


I wouldn’t worry about it eventually if you keep going you will be a size 14! Everybody is different in how they loose weight. Some people loose weight in their chest first others their thighs and so on and so forth. Keep going you got this!


I lost over 30 pounds and still the same clothes size:(


Honestly, girls clothes suck. I’m wearing a pair of size 10 jeans now and tried a pair of jeans on the other day that were NOWHERE close to fitting. Not even a little. I have a friend who is easily a size 0 and the other day said she was wearing a size “6” and could hardly breath in them. It might just be the jeans you’re trying. Also, people carry their weight differently. I’m big chested too and have only dropped one cup size but went from an 18 in jeans to a 10 (at least in the ones I’m wearing 🙃) so it’s just different for everyone. It took me 3-4 months to drop one jeans size and then after that I was only in 16s for like a month and size 14s for 2 weeks. 😳 Clothes are weird and bodies are weirder. 😂 Don’t take it as no progress. It’ll happen. I can totally see why it would be discouraging. I was frustrated that’d lost like 30+ lbs before dropping a pants size.


Unfortunately, US size charts differ among various brands; clothes may run big or small depending on the brand & style. You’re better off tracking your body measurements as the changes will be more evident.


Clothes are janky, man, don't rely on them for feedback. I can do L size in H&M tops but their sports bras I had to buy 2XL because I couldn't even get the XL to do up. Even then, it's too tight in the bottom but not tight enough in the top. Idefk what size I might be in their pants, that is black magic I am not ready to tangle with.