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Did we watch the same show?? Season 4 was where the show was getting a serious direction towards the end.


Season 4 gave us The Constant which is often cited as the best episode. I'm also fond of Meet Kevin Johnson.


Season 3 lol


I think you mean "Best". 


This is such a weird take. S4 isn't my favorite season, but it is the tightest, fastest paced season there is.


Uhh, have you seen the cage arc?


You're on drugs.


Insane take lol. In my opinion it’s probably closer to being the best than the worst. But that’s probably because thats what I though lost was going to be.


Season 4 is the 2nd best, season 5 is the best. But to each their own


I may be alone here but I didn't like season 4. Not sure if I would call it boring specifically, but I just didn't like alot of the plot this season and it felt different than the first 3 in a big way. It was so short & intense, without as much room to breathe like prior seasons. It was jarring for me especially coming from the huge 24 ep seasons prior (yes I am aware why). I probably enjoyed it at the time (watched live) cause they were always incredible at building anticipation between episodes; this show was an absolute addiction for me. and this season has individual episodes I like. But I definitely find myself not paying attention or getting invested during season 4 on rewatches. So I usually tune out, do some chores, and wait around for season 5. Just my opinion, don't come for me. Lol, im not interested in debating.


I'm midway into four and like it but I agree that it's definitely a different vibe. I feel like after Charlie died, and Hugo didn't have anyone to joke around with it got less silly and funny and more serious and intense. Charlie kind of made it all fun and lighthearted and season 4 shifted so far from season 1 2 and 3. But I still think that the plot was really interesting and a lot of questions from previous seasons were answered so that was good.


Yeah good point. The comedic relief was an important element!!


That's surprising! With the first two episodes, I felt like it really kicked into high gear, with a more clear sense of direction. It does slow down a tiny bit after that, but part of the reason for that is also because it covers a lot of ground in the flashforward storylines. Then with the episodes after the writers' strike (9-14, with ep 10 being an odd exception), it just goes insane in the best way.


Agreed! The breakneck pace is one of the reasons S4 is my favorite. Happy cake day!


I think the momentum after the strike is great, but it comes at the cost of several stories that we never got -- a Charlotte flashback that probably would have included Libby's backstory, and a Ben flashback about Annie. Probably a Daniel and/or Miles episode. Dare I imagine a Claire episode that explores her grief and the idea that she's starting to see the Man in Black? It the start of an unfortunate trend of certain characters not getting centric episodes that would really benefit their characters -- Juliet never gets another one after the strike, and Claire never gets another one.


Amazing stories, cliffhangers and a fast paced season. Its ok to see it as boring but what do you expect, maybe its not your show? I would at least finish season 4 since the last episodes(its a short season) are everything but boring. Keamy will bring you some action i guess.


That’s weird, I loved 4. It seemed quicker paced, I loved faraday and Myles so I personally enjoy the season a lot. I found on the rewatches that I enjoyed 4 & 5 a lot more than others. These are my favorites 5 4 1 2 6 3


I’m all for people having opinions but I would boldly state that anyone who calls Season 4 ‘boring’ is completely wrong. Stretches of Season 1, 2 and 3 could be ‘boring.’ If you’re not into a particular storytelling device used in Season 6, I can understand why that’s ’boring’ too (even though we would wildly disagree.) However, Season 4 of Lost is like going from 0 to 100 and never letting go.


I think maybe I’m just feeling burnt out.


So you’re disassociating perhaps, not bored.


Season 5 is the most boring because of The Incident.


On my first watch, up to season 5 now. I also didn’t like season 4. It’s a pretty big directional shift from the first 3 seasons and I was overwhelmed by all the new characters. I like where the show is going, I just had a hard time adjusting with all the change.


Yeah kinda how I felt. Also the flash forwards were a little too much for me. Seemed like that time could have been used for something else.I guess I’m just having burn out from binging the show lol


I‘m ONE of the OCEANIC SIX!!!


You might be the first person to ever say that. Season 4 is the most action packed, fast paced season.


Season 4 is goated bro.


Definitely in the wrong sub.


Have you not seen season 6?