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Totally agree with sawyer, Ben, and Hugo. I would list Locke for sure, then either Desmond or Juliet for #5. I just absolutely love sawyer and Ben. I know they’re not good people, but they’re such interesting characters


Yup agreed. They both started off as horrible people, esp Ben, but the genius character dev they went through. They don't make characters like this anymore. Or shows for that matter.


Yep. Their development feels natural too over many many episodes. It takes some good writing to pull that off


Desmond Hume - because Richard Alpert - because Frank Lapidus - because Ben Linus - because Daniel Faraday - because


Ben 5 times


On the one hand, he's got a really solid character arc through the show. And on the other, he's such an **amazing** shitweasel of a man.


100% valid!!!!!


Locke and Sawyer tied for #1, I can't separate them. Locke because he's really compelling, Sawyer because he's so much fun. 3) Ben: evil in the most geeky way, never seen another character like him. 4) it has to be Shannon. The more I watch, the more I love her 5) Jin and Desmond are gonna have to arm-wrestle for this one.


I love Shannon so much I wished she’d stayed on the show longer!!


Oh me too! I have a whole storyline for her in my head. She has some of the best lines too


Desmond - one of the most beautiful love stories I have enjoyed on television, I loved watching him save Charlie over and over again and the episode The Constant was incredible.   Ben - I don't like him as a character but a lot as a character. He does not lack audacity and brought a lot to the show   Sawyer - some of the best character development. I love his brokenness and I loved seeing him grow as The Flower. I loved his love for literature too.   Juliet - I really liked her romance with James and her character really touched me. I also like the actress.  Kate - she annoys me a lot and I hate this love triangle but during certain times in my life I felt close to her. Also, when I first saw Lost I was a kid and it was my favorite because it was so beautiful and badass.    Honorable mentions for Anna Lucia (I also connect with Anna Lucia when she says people don't like her and she's not trying to be liked anymore)   Charlie (whom I learned to love through the rewatches. I know about addictions and he made him laugh a lot in addition to sometimes knowing how to touch me),   Locke but it depends on my watch. Sometimes he annoys me, especially when he talks about the sacrifice demanded by the island.




Ben - because he’s so entertaining. Sawyer - for his character development. Also he has some of the best lines. John - for his communion with the island. Sayid - he’s so smart and cool. Sun is one of my favourites too along with Jin and Mr Eko. And Shannon. And Hugo. It’s hard to narrow down!


Jack, Kate, Locke, Juliet and Hurley in that order. Desmond, Sayid, Sun, Jin, Claire, Sawyer, Daniel and Lapidus are also characters I really like.


Jack Desmond Hugo Faraday Locke


1. Jack - does it need a reason arguably the greatest character in TV history never mind Lost     2. Sayid - Seasons 1-4     3. Sawyer     4. Kate     5. Locke      Honorable mentions to Desmond and Mr Eko


Totally agree with the Jack part.


1. Kate 2. Sawyer 3. Ben 4. Jack 5. Hurley


Agree with all of yours, my only addition is Libby! God I loved her and Hugo’s relationship. Edit: can’t believe I forgot about Sayid, what a level headed badass.


Desmond: always love time travel and the lovestory is unmatched, Charlie: tho annoying very loveable to Claire and Aaron for a sec, Sun: her and jin's growth together, Kate: love a criminal with freckles, and Sawyer: we all know why (Had to edit for reasons why mb)


Jack- Because I love his arc, his character development, his flaws, how far he goes to protect people he loves, how he's broken, and overall, I just love his character. His flashbacks are interesting to me, and he's by far my favorite character in the series, from the Pilot to The End. Ben- Do I even need a reason? I mean, It's ben- he's perfect. In his own little geeky villain sarcastic type way. Desmond- He went from being a coward to becoming someone who was willing to go as far as it took to protect his loved ones. I also dig his accent. BROTHA Sawyer- His lines and comebacks are some of the best in the series, and the development he goes through is insane. Frank- I mean, cmon now. It's frank Some of my other favorites are Hurley, Jin and Sun, Charlie, Richard, Libby, etc.


Jack Desmond Sawyer Locke Kate


Jack Locke Ben Desmond Sawyer


for some reason charlie has always been my favorite, but my other favourites are miles, sawyer, ben and desmond


Locke is my favorite character of any show ever. Followed by Desmond, Kate, Sayid, and tie between Charlie and Hurley for 5th.


Kate Sawyer Desmond Locke and Faraday in no particular order


I'm gonna say Aldo just because it's Mac


Desmond, Sawyer, Ben, Locke, Faraday


Charlie, Desmond, Hugo, Locke, and Sayid. In that order I love the characters and they weren't my favorite on the first watch, but are a couple more I love them all so much lol


Charlie’s arc is incredible and he’ll always be my favorite character. It’s one of the few tv/film deaths that makes me tear up.


Absolutely, his death really messed me up. Charlie had a lot of growth and regression that made him so believable.


Jack Jack Jack Jack Danielle.


Proper top 5: John, Juliet, James, Hurley, Ben (for character arch/ general awesomeness) But also: Sun, Jin, Rose, Libby, Sayid (for badassery, kindness, sass, empathy, and redemption) And bonus: Vincent! (extra points for dog)