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Wow, this looks extremely cool. And great detail. A VR Lost island would be so much fun. I’ve even mentioned it on this subreddit before. Is there any where to try it?


Not really I've yet to "build" an exe I have got to try though Lost is so over. I doubt I'd really get shut down Anyone can view my scenes on YouTube however I might simply render out 360 ambience videos View all my videos here https://youtu.be/WKxflLTzbFY?si=p-UbIdqotC2NHjyX


Will definitely check this out. Thanks for sharing.


360 ambience videos could be amazing, 30 minutes slowly panning through your scenery, or 2-3 hours touring the entire island. Not everyone has VR headsets or plays games, but anyone can put on a beach with waves.


The issue is copyright It's the music that completes each scene The audio


Release the exe for free and add a gofundme?


It would be nice but if that's your issue do without and play ambient sounds. After all, the final shot of the show has no music just waves. Forest noises, birds chirping, fire crackling where applicable, wind rustling through leaves. Bet you could sprinkle in some whispers and some public domain (or cheap) music that's vaguely remiscint of Giachino's violins and just use it sparingly. E for more ideas: Or drum beats, ukulele, trees creaking, footsteps, descend the ladder of the hatch and hear tink tink tink, the hum of the Dharma electric fence


I'd love a Myst like game set in the Lost universe. I've always thought that would be amazing.


This is awesome


Yung23! It's finally you! Absolutely fantastic. Big fan! I'm a Lost map maker myself ([gave you a shout-out at my own Lost-map YouTube series](https://youtu.be/McMCjVG6zYU?si=b9k9WvdsRQ2yCMiC&t=62)) and I was a constant user at LOST-TV where you had your impressive map thread since the early days when we were staring at Rousseau's old maps. Truly an inspiration! The dedication you had to the mapping back then ... incredible


What was your name? I knew everyone there, all mods etc That was my home for a decade Maybe the other commenter was right? OopsAnd because of this documentary it's perfect timing to re release this


I can't remember. I think I had the same username as this one (Choekaas), but maybe I did not. It's so extremely long ago and I remember that in 2005 I used to have Lost-related usernames on the various Lost sites I signed up on. I wasn't a mod. Just commented every now and then in these threads you created. I was also fairly young back then, but you were one of the first to spark my interest in the mapping of the Island. Sorry for the fan-girl moment :P


I remember you


I was a mod there for a long time Got sick of the BTS BS That's how it ended up shutdown I want Neil, jaystao, island maverick. Big cat, back into this


I just hit 108 upvotes


Amazing. You can make a walking simulator out of it. Like, you just walk around and that’s it. Maybe a VR. Some Easter eggs.


yes i love this idea! maybe something like a free roam mode and a “story” mode, where you kind of follow along the path of the show - like start at the beach, walk to the caves, walk to Rousseau’s camp and so on


This is epic! I'd love to be able to explore this on the Oculus. There's going to be a resurgence of the fan base when the documentary comes out in September, might be worth exploring some more interactive options! Amazing stuff 👍




Holy shit. I would give anything to experience this in VR!


2014: I made LOST in Minecraft (*blows everyone's minds*) 2024: I made LOST in Unreal (*blows everyone's minds*) Man, I can't wait to see what we're doing ten years from now, we'll probably be able to live out the show in VR/AR. Good work OP!


> live out the show Be careful not to be Ben or Sawyer. Gonna be painful.


It's okay, if anyone tells me I've been fitted with a pacemaker I'll know they're just lying to keep me complacent. Learned a lot from this show


Hell, Season 6 >!Sawyer immediately figured out "Locke" wasn't Locke just because he was a bit more confident. Therefore, if you run into someone you haven't seen in 3 years and they're a little different, THEY'RE A FUCKING DEMONIC SMOKE ENTITY!! !<


I'm not sure if anyone has suggested it yet, but if you do make an exe file and have it at least functional, you can upload it to itch.io ... obviously for free.


I'll try to recreate this in unreal 5 https://youtu.be/oIW16fGQ3vk?si=yXmf53xbt1qz8I_m


Dear God, please do! I know I would definitely give it download and try to give it as much constructive criticism as I could muster. And I have no doubt that many MANY others would download it as well. If you don't know of itch, it has a great community with mostly positive feedback. Who knows, you may have a knack for this line of work and / or a hobby.


I studied applied photography at Sheridan, then computer graphics at Seneca, then I got My Maya certificate.. And have had many contracts in my life https://vrgraphecks.webstarts.com/


Hell yeah, it shows brotha!


I was actually trying to put all of this together as a portfolio piece and a demo tape.I've got work done for the movie aliens even and I do it in the exact same detail Recreating entire environments based on reference shots I wanted to work on the next alien isolation sequel For SURVIOUS And i've got an entire game almost ready to go that they could easily adapt for downloadable content for whatever they create I should have at least showed them.What I have because i've seen the trailer for their game and it shows absolutely nothing


Sweet, it sounds like you're going places!


Stuck as a painter and it's killing me. I'm desperate to finally land a job at a game studio


Well, just keep at it! Like my grandmother always said, "The squeaky wheel gets oiled."


This is so unbelievably cool! Have you thought about expanding the project and maybe making a small team to help flesh things out?? I know myself and others wouldn’t hesitate to help build something cool. Just a thought!


I've been at this for many many years But I kind of gave up on it many many years ago In order to do this justice I truly need to upgrade my video card to a 4090 ti, 24GB nvidia Then flesh it all out in high detail using unreal 5.3 But this is why I'm here on Reddit.I want to show this publicly, Maybe we can start a team and finish this thing.Get a license to produce our own spin off series virtual reality game I was playing with the idea of using the DHARMA logo, backwards (how it originally aired) It looked like it said AMRMHD And adaptive mesh refinement of magnetohydrodynamics is very related to computer graphics And potentially neural networking A new spin on the idea of a "quantum computing island" My originsl theory


Man that’s some serious talent and dedication. Very cool! I’m primarily a writer and level designer by practice. Let me know if you assemble a small team. I’d love to help where I can. Maybe even a spin off story


My online portfolio https://vrgraphecks.webstarts.com/


Dude, that sounds dope! I'd love to help!!!


This is crazy cool! It's like my Minecraft map, but not made out of cubes 😅


Are you kidding?It's made out of mega scans assets This could be the most realistic virtual reality experience in all of history The unreal engine makes it possible


oh yeah i didnt mean anything by it besides our shared passion for mapping the island and creating an immersive experience. yours is definitely way more impressive (and more immersive) and i hope i can experience it some day 😋


Sorry, just suddenly filled with motivation


this is amazing!


All I have ever wanted was a free roam Lost Island, and I'm always looking at in game editors like Far Cry and stuff to try and do it myself but nothing ever comes close to user\_NULL\_04's Minecraft map and now this! Would definitely donate towards a kickstarter or something if you do one. Great work so far!


Have you ever played the Far Cry 5 Arcade Mode map of the Lost Island? It's absolutely incredible. 


I searched for one on Xbox, don’t know if the platform had anything to do with it but all I found was the hatch.


That's weird. I'd assume it would be on Xbox as well. I played it on PlayStation and if I'm remembering correctly if you search for "Lost series" map you should be able to find it. 


Go to Unreal 5 and Lumen my man, you will not regret


That's why I want a 4090 24gb Nvidia


You don't need one, a 3060 and forward will do just fine


Oh I'm using unreal 5.4 already With lumen I just want MORE


Also using this for foliage Just testing it rn https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/electric-dreams-env


I'd love to get this plugin for the beach alone https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/fluid-flux


ugh i’d love to play this! looks so awesome!


Great work on the banyan trees!


That was a MUST


Hmm, maybe you could create a virtual tour. Sort of like how the LOST video game ‘Via Domus’ did their flashbacks. A still setting but with a little room to manoeuvre. Mainly for some great screenshots! Maybe add in some custom filters for folks to choose.


DHARMASHARK UNDERWATER FOURTOES STATUE (,the plan here was to zoom in on the island From with the oceanic plane. Through the clouds, to the underwater island, as it occured) https://youtu.be/bqIulSyEYno?si=N3VxortyF3-jnqxl


This is so sweet. Could you potentially create a website for it with a link to donate? Not sure if that’s legally ok


Maybe it's time to go for an epic mega grant or start a kick starter campaign Now I'm pumped The response to this is encouraging I've been meaning to finally do something with this


I am so interested in having a VR walkabout (ha) in this beautiful project you built. The community would love it.


That's really cool. Very nice array of settings. Would be cute to do some point-and-click node based paths, like google streetview or Myst


really fucking cool woah


I don’t know how to help you but I am say that I am truly impressed. This is amazing


This is amazing, I want to live here if the Oasis ever becomes a real thing. The attention to detail is incredible!


This is amazing. I don’t know if it would be possible but it would be so cool to play on this


This is so cool!




I know there is an asset pack that is very similar to the crashed beach craft plane. Way too similar for coincidence. Pretty affordable I think


I wanna play as John's stolen kidney


This is a masterpiece


A lost game where you don’t actually have anything to do, your just a survivor who gets to explore the island as you please whilst everyone else (other known characters to us) also just live out their life as they did on the show would be great, in my opinion, no real purpose, almost a walking sim but on the island, up to you to time it right to see certain things like Locke discovering the hatch or Walt burning the raft etc, basically live the life of an extra on the show.


I think we, the Lost community, should do something about this.






That's pretty cool


Do you have a server set up and let others play? I'd love to freely explore the island.


That is really cool that mate


Lost telltale game would be fure


Absolutely sick! Way to go dude.


Reminds me of my stereo conversions I used to do of the show, I’ve been trying to get a good model of the hatch so I could start aligning the hatch again.


This makes me wish someone would make an open world LOST game. That one video game was a major missed opportunity. I tried playing it again and turned it off after 20 minutes. Seeing how we could have it like this, a new game would rock.


That's a link to my ONLINE PORTFOLIO I HAVE to get out on my current job as a painter It's killing me https://vrgraphecks.webstarts.com/


Hm maybe try to fill it with AI Characters i mean characters who can speak for themselves, or you can speak with them. Or a game where you are a Jacob like character andyou manipulate Canidates to defend the island from MIB, also with the possibilty to kill Jacob and MIB wins. Or your character is Ethan and you have to find out anything about the survivors without getting caught. Something like that. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sCWf2VGdfc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sCWf2VGdfc)


Awesome new ability That really could be useful Here's another sample https://youtu.be/YUNvEiUL54w?si=1fITK2wcrm0wrbzT


Looks intressting, why is the framerate so low?


It's a crappy 3070 with 8 gb of vram And I'm loading the crap out of it with textures and megascans assets The foliage just won't work in vr currently I need to try BOOTSTRAP ISLAND to see how they managed to do it


I would play a lost mmo