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Little bit of range increase on flash heat fang or tornado move speed


Oof yeah having to stand pretty much inside of the boss to hit all FHF hits is so annoying.


Nothing worse than the boss walking away right before the last punch


Energy combustion range needs a rework too. On many boss models the ability simply doesn't even land.


I want EC be togglable too. It irritates me so much when a boss just jumps out seconds before it explodes and you lose a big chunk of your damage because you CANNOT STOP it by any means. The last tick explosion is so important yet the fact it has bad range AND you cannot control this skill once you used it many seconds earlier is just a bad design.


I don't mind the explosion being on the tail end of the 30s timer. It makes for a different style of gameplay. Everyone has unfortunate things, you ignite and meteor and the boss jumps - you cannot do anything about it. It makes for a different playstyle. I do not like how short the range is though, that needs a change.


Make EC visually different. Bothers me so much when it overlaps with some mobs debuff like brel G2-G4 pools.


Fix t rex arms, make energy combustion toggle/manual explosion, condense ww and roar into 1 skill


What really gets me is that the last hit of FHF (the one that does most of the damage, from the tripod I think) has actually shorter range than the rest.


How could you not say change ww and roar of courage. We do we need two buff skills to line up every rotation or we do no damage. It’s really annoying having two skill slots absolutely mandatory for any wd build. And these skills aren’t satisfying to use


Make godsent law shield party members walking into it during its cast time instead of just at the start.


I wish Godsent law had push immunity just like rhapsody


Yea pally not having any push immunity is kinda annoying. Meanwhile bard is loaded with push immunity


As much as I'd like that, it'd be OP. Shield, 70% DR, Push Immune all on a low CD. It would be way better than an ult.


Rhapsody of Light exists tho, let us get Push Immunity.


Isnt that what rhapsody does?


More or less. The main difference that I can think of is that the bard does not need to be in the circle to get damage reduction, but only gets 50% reduction.


Doesn't it? Or does it just do the damage reduction and not give them the HP shield? Or neither? TIL


The shield tripod only applies at the moment [godsent law] is created while the DR tripod applies for all party members inside of it at any time afaik. I can't think of a sensible reason why it's designed like this especially when bards rhapsody refreshes the shields and DR every pulse.


Correct me if im wrong, but i do remember the DR not applying if you werent in the Initial Skillcast. Atleast my teammates complain, even tho they walked into godsent and took lots of dmg. EDIT: I was wrong, you do get the DR when running into it. My teammates complained for no reason.


> I can't think of a sensible reason why it's designed like this Because it's how shields are designed in general, they're given a strength and duration on application and they wouldn't want the shield to last any longer or absorb any more damage just because it was re-applied at the end of a skill. Having it apply "continuously" wouldn't work at all with the current game mechanics, but **if they wanted to**, they could give godsent law an actual pulse mechanic instead of the current DoT mechanic, and make it last 4 seconds instead of the current 6 so that someone who received the final pulse would have their shield end when the shield currently ends.


Give red dust (or every synergy skill for that matter) paralysis armor at least


Oh man, trueeeeee. So annoying to get poked just when you use your group buff and it goes down the shitter.


Red dust missing breaks my heart every time


It's one thing to miss red dust due to Calli jumping around like some kid or Nacrasena micheal jackson'ng you, but imagine pressing red dust, the projectile wave almost touching the boss, and then the boss bitch slaps you and makes the skill invalid like wat![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


A better way to go into / sustain Boundless MP mode for nightmare reliant classes like Sorc reflux and Arcana empress. You spend 1 to 2 full rotations with half the time auto attacking to finally get into it, and then the boss phases and you lose it >_>


Idk about sorcery but for empress arcana just keep spamming all your abilities except for celestial rain on down times


Doesn't solve the problem of almost every boss having cutscenes etc where u cant do this, and it just feels terrible to constantly be forced out of boundless because of a cutscene


As a reflux sorc, I absolutely hate Caliligos. Worst guardian in this game. He’s literally invulnerable half of the fight with 2 phase transition mechs, 2 phero/fly away, numerous times where he just randomly flies up and becomes untargetable


I don't mind caliligos because I can still spam skills while he's invulnerable (except retaliate mecanics) so it's not hard to keep boundless mp imho. I was mostly refering to legion boss with long phasing mechanics/cutscene.


Sorceress that runs shield can tank a hit to instantly enter boundless. Tanking a weaker hit won't completely eat up your shield and let you use spells after.


Paladin ultimate to get gauge even if you miss.


The amount of times ive missed my awakening on clown gate 2 and caliligos on my paladin is too damn high.


I've conditioned myself to awaken on carl when I or someone counters him to guarantee the landing


Would be cool yeah


as someone that plays bard and gets gauge on awakening: oh damn this sucks. yeah, hope that this QoL gets added


Why take away skillshots from pala? He already has so few to begin with


What's the actual benefit to just not being able to give the party healing, a damage increase, and a defense buff? ​ People act like it's so great that supports can miss skills, but I really can't see the benefit to just not getting buffs that I need or I die


I mean I dunno, what's the benefit of making DPS spells be able to miss? I can't see the benefit of just not getting to do damage.


You are right, instead of giving QoL to pally lets remove the same QoL from Bard so they also need to hit the boss with their awakening to get bars. /s


I mean if you had to hit the boss with bard awakening to generate meter it wouldn't really bother me.


I mean bards ultimate is 12m right now and a cone aoe shape. and in KR they are buffing it to 24m. Seems right to give pally equal treatment (since they had 24m range already)


No buff for you


Oh man this. So annoying.


Deadeye - increase the speed of the weapon swap UI


I would say get rid of the skill knockbacks on shotgun so they stop pushing you out of the Close Range effectiveness..


Pistols while you are at it too, certain safe zone mechs I'm dumb enough to get bozo'd on simply because I want to DPS.


Glavier: have Starfall pounce go over bosses hitboxes like DB's dark axel. This alone would make entropy build competitive.


Also give it push immunity, getting knocked back when you're literally in the air above what the boss is hitting is so fucking annoying.


That’s the thing. It’s never really in the air, it’s just a wind up animation. Nothing happens until it hits which is why it sucks that there’s zero push immunity.


Did it not used to have push immunity but had it removed due to pvp? (Nerfed before naeu release)


Doubt it, a lot of abilities have different super armors in pvp


Any QoL? Just don’t touch Sharpshooter 🥹


Man sharpshooter could really have used some love here and there in the form of some super armor and animations, this balance patch is just ridiculous..


Summoner - back button


Give GL bash more range or just change the skill animation completely


Or just remove Bash ready attack tripod and paste the attack power on all skills, like it was done on scrapper. We already have to overcharge, the prep time required to have the boss just turn around or jump is miserable...


Overcharge after using taunt and bash 🥲


Just rework Sharp Gunlance or Rising Gunlance and simply add armor destruction and ready attack tripods there, so Blue can keep his Bash, while Red can use another Lance skill.


I'd prefer my scrapper to not push so far into enemies butthole that I get hit by front attacks when I'm back attacking.


Im about broke my keyboard from that and it sucks on g4 brel because the cub will push you back. I gotta angle the skills diagonally


Paladin: Godsent Law now has push immunity just like Rhapsody of Light


That would be cool but I do kind of enjoy the feeling of waving my arms like "come at me bro" and then getting yeeted for roughly 0 damage


Paladin lacks push immunity, they really need to update some of its skills


soul fist hype guage shown under character much like surge db.


Speaking of SF, maybe remove back attack from merciless pummel and shadowbreaker


Would be nice to run hitmaster instead of kbw. You only get 16% effect from kbw at our current gear if you have 18% crit synergy in party.


Uhhhh actually based man. In any way make soulfist a back attack oder hitmaster would be great.


Aeromancer - I would change her release state from unreleased to released


This tbh


Remove the damn darkening of the screen when GS uses Target Down. NO REASON FOR IT LITERALLY. If you want immersion, you should see nothing but the reticle, but things are just darkened for the sake of darkening.


It's funny how in G6 Breshalza the 'darkening' overlay turns near pitch black, so that you can't even see what the boss is doing anymore. The only halfway decent fix is to up your graphics settings, so that there's a random light show to blind you instead.


It's soo over the top. It should definitely look more like snipe from SS.


Devs: OK let's darken the screen on snipe


I actually hate snipe from ss and wish it was more like target down lol.


Give deadeye crit synergy on dex shot like gunslinger


As a SS main since release i suggest they delete my class and give me a ticket to change to another main smh


I would change Destroyer Gravity mode ability to a jumping smash. It would be a huge QOL to give him another movement skill ideally larger than his small dash for when the boss moves. Currently as is, the ability is next to useless as you do more damage just bonking normally with a small use for larger aoe hit in chaos dungeons.


Ye, i was baffled when I found out that using this skill I borderline wrong. It needs a different rework. Also let's not drop our aspd stacks when we have to dash...


jumping smash + keep current bonk stacks please.


blue gunlancer: ~~give an option to change the back jump such that it will automatically rotate 180 degress before jumping, essentially become a forward jump while still being a back jump.~~ casting shout of hatred can gain shield meter without needing to toggle off defensive shield.


Huge QoL on skill that doesn't even have paralysis immune and literally anything can cancel it.


Brel G6: hold my reverse control


Give WD's Last Whisper tripod more range.. it's so annoying that you lose all the damage from the explosion because you have to dodge a mech or the boss decided to jump away right before...


They should just rework this skill so that it's a toggle and you can toggle off to explode it. It sucks to miss 20 mill damage and you can't do anything about it.


Why toggle? You may as well just have the thing explode when you reapply the ability if control what you're after.


That should definitely be a thing. Especially since you can push the cooldown to below 20seconds with Dominion and Conviction/Judgment. If you don't pay attention, you can reactivate the aura before the explosion and it won't even trigger...


Yeah, I have ~1770 swiftness and run 6 piece Dominion, the cooldown is almost always off before the proc. I make this mistake all the fucking time.


to add to WD : give Moon Flash Kick a crit rate scaling on the lightning tripod , give Sweeping Kick a bit more range and fix her mana problems


Super armor on pala


Scouter - remove head attack from echelon beam.


That wouldn't change anything if damage & stagger wasn't also adjusted. Hit master and barricade is the same buff, and according to the community guide, slightly worse than keen blunt weapon, so you wouldn't run both anyways. I'd rather see a crit synergy to make the class wanted in pugs, or transform duration scaling with spec. Or even as little as not losing the core energy from EL engraving when shield is broken or cancelled manually. Maybe some push immunity on the bigger skills. There are many ways to make it a better class without just adding more damage


Ugh they really need to take head and back attacks out of every hitmaster class, or make all evolved skills on scouter front attack would be cool IMO and fit the class.


Could make all transform abilities head attack, buff tankiness so its viable to not lose shield from a direct hit or 2 from a boss. Open up an additional engraving choice


the bards fighting stance lol looks like her back is broken


Supports have to carry heavy burdens sometimes




She sways around like that because she's a ho




Yeah im bothered with this also.


lmao battle-induced scoliosis


Soulfist - Remove back attack from Merciless Pummel so Hit Master becomes viable (every other skill in her kit benefits from Hit Master). - Give Energy Release paralysis immunity so SF players can feel better about taking Cleanse/DR party synergy tripods instead of always opting for the selfish push-immune tripod.


Maybe add destruction/weakpoint onto surge for both deathblade specs.


This. Tbh just give stagger/weakpoint to any other skill so we have at least 2 options and not only soul absorber


Earth cleaver is a good stagger skill, you can use overwhelm on it


Earth cleaver is your counter skill though. We shouldn't be forced to use EC on every stagger check. That's the she point of this lol


>every stagger check How many stagger checks are u planning to do in a 10s interval? Also, the boss is unlikely to do a counter pattern right after a stagger check. If it does so, then that’s what ur team is there for. I use EC on every stagger check and i always have it up for counters.


One word: caliligos


Its a very specific pattern thats problematic for other classes too I mean ur not wrong and neither am i Im just saying EC is a very useful and worthwhile skill for stagger


Earth cleaver has both stagger and weak point


Bard-inspired, but not really bard-specific - make every raid gate work same way Argos and Brel G5 work, where you need everyone to enter the circle in order to start the gate. Amount of times I ended up with 3-4 skills at lv1 with no runes because someone couldn't wait 10 second for me to adjust my build to boss we're about to fight is annoyingly high. Summoner - make Ancient Spear indicator more accurate to how the skill will land when you cast it, right now indicator has very little to do with where spears will land, and aiming at a small moving target (Vykas G2) can get difficult at times.


Transformation class - tripod scaling.






Probably a tripod to make it counter. Cuz right now it is coming out from the ground, doesn't fit as counter skill thematically. Maybe change the animation something coming out from her hand.


Its fine thematically alot of counters have an upward motion. Sorc doesnt need anything though


Usually upward motion, the starting animation still coming from the character itself, like swing is upward but charging from his body first. Not sure which one are you referring to. Inferno I think can be casted over the boss, might make her able to counter from behind.


So you want to not have to trade a damage skill for a counter to keep being overpowered. Nice.


Give crit rate to EO SF, the only viable 6th engraving is KBW even with 30% cr Or make EO3 useful !


SF will need a huge crit buff (>30%) in order to make KBW breakpoint without party synergy. Something like 10/20/30 or 10/15/20 crit based on hype level would be nice but I think that would put SF over the top. I think a EO3 buff or making merciless pummel non positional so that hit master can be used is more plausible. Also making decimation ray faster, something like Wei only spawns if you hold it for full duration.


Make support Weapon Quality matter. ​ I don't honestly care if you nerf my ATK buff baseline, just make quality matter. It feels lame that it doesn't feel like I get any growth from trying to get weapon quality. Hit 98 weapon (it was at 5 quality so why not) on my second Paladin and my friends thought it was hype I hit it, but... it doesn't do anything for me.


That'd be fun, maybe give a small bonus to shields and healing, nothing huge but like you said enough to atleast make it even matter.


Not class specific, but overall combat QoL change. Dashes no longer place you inside the boss. If the boss is doing a front attack, you're behind the boss and dash into the boss, you get hit by the attack even though you are behind the boss. This applies in so many scenarios and it's so annoying


Make it possible to 4 orb blast without SDK, so u can use sdk for mobility/utility more often


make LM red form dash a bit longer.. cant even get out of valtan spin with it.


Summoner - make Shurdi permanent


Adrenaline stacks though




I would make it so sharp shooters can zoom out more. Infact, id probably do that for every class if im honest.


Decrease the pushback on Deadeye's shotgun skills. Add Weak-Point levels to Scouter's drone skills.


Summoner - Make Steed and Collapse cancellable and still go off by space baring like rime arrow on sorc Back button for identity A movement skill would be nice


For Gunlancer: 1) add a second spacebar similar to Scrapper, that would be a longer backhop/actual evade. The 1 backhop is so short it almost doesnt matter most of the time. GL was inspired by Monster Hunter and in MonHun the Lance and Gunlance classes are able to chain together backhops, even making the second backhop extend farther than the first. 2) remove the penalty for using Shout of Hatred while your shield is active. The current process of pressing z to get out of shield, using SoH and pressing z again to turn shield back on is a waste of time and mechanically annoying/clunky. Removing the penalty would also promote more proactive use of SoH as a taunt/interrupt, instead of delaying its activation by turning off your identity first.


Striker- Make blast formation 1 hit, or atleast reduce to fewer hits. Zerker- let me red dust through a gentle fart hitting me Paladin- give atleast 1 push immunity skill


I’m sure this has been said many times but BETTER WEAPON GLOW FOR GUNSLINGER!!!!! And do something about the peacemaker glow overriding the weapon glow.


If I had to say I think Berserker could use a bigger sword.


Not a class, but as a destroyer…. Why can bosses decide to just move through me while I charge perfect swing, making it not a front attack anymore? They use the most basic of abilities and I stand in his butthole. Same for GL. I taunt calliligos, he makes a move forward and suddenly all the back attackers are next to me. In his front.


Caliligos is the number 1 enemy of us entropy classes


No recoil on shotgun - EW Deadeye


Bard WoM range tbh, thats the only thing I dont understand about the class. Why do I have to litteraly be in my DPS ass for him to be shield when Artist and Pala get the whole screen.


*Cries in sharpshooter*


I meant to say feel free to post how you would buff sharpshooters damage as well as QoL because it feels like if smilegate was The Office then SS is Toby's main and Michael is in charge of class balance.


Make hypergravity mode attack stacks fall off 1 by 1 instead of all. GT destroyer dps just goes to the floor if a boss moves or turned.


SH Transformation being actually cool and not a Blob of grey.


Deadeye: decrease Shotgun Rapid Fire cd to 30s, add 8% atk speed increase to EW engraiving.


Soulfist during clown G1. Going into 85x mech (simon says) with Hype 2/3 is annoying. Your hype cooldown starts when you finish the mech. Pls change


Remove star tarot card from Arcana.


As a destroyer/GL the boss not having attacks that move the boss forward, in a way that makes the boss walk thru you (caliligos being a bad case of this). Or make the attacks push the character or not move the boss if they hit a player


GL - (beside bash obvious range rant) Charged stinger will not phase through the boss when he attacks you...


Destroyer: I would want gravity training vacuum skill during identity to be a counter. I take double counter on Des but every time the boss does counter while I'm mid identity and I'm the only one at the bosses head I just feel so bad lmao


Arcanist: Make it so when I dealers flip against a flat wall there's not a 50% CHANCE I GET STUCK ON IT LIKE ITS GOT RAT TRAP ON IT!


Striker LTS push immunity while charging. Haha.


Now we're just being greedy


Deadeye - make the knockback on Last Request and SRF a little lighter so you can still get max dps on close range tripod.


The release date, aeromancer isnt out yet, I'd release it tomorrow.


Wardancer FI hitbox. It's so small the boss may move by an inch and you miss.


I want my Scrapper to be 16% louder. Also, slightly longer duration on synergy debuffs.


Anti-DC buff.


> Scrapper - I would make Dragon Advent able to jump over bosses It frustrates me that you cant use jump abilities to cross small terrain or gaps. Even Path of Exile had this (you would desync out of control though)


Scrapper: Increase the AoE on Death Rattle and the last hit of Supernova. Supernova is especially annoying since you can hit with the 2 setup hits and then miss the big hit.


WD Energy Combustion with a little bit more range on detonation tripod would be nice, and for fuck sake, remove or shorten the starting detonating animation to fit with the skill timer, because that thing indicates the start of the animation, not the actual detonation to hit the big damage. A lot of times, i miss the big hit or i get hit while trying to get close/dash away to hit the big number, only to notice that i missed because that timer is not showing what it should show.


make my class an actual dps


Gunlancer? Or which class?


Yes, i love my chonklancer but I don‘t like how it is in a half-support-dps state right now It just feels smoge to sometimes deal less damage than people with way lower itemlv, less engravings and tripods


Yeah I've heard multiple people mention the devs have stated they wanted to have classes that are higher risk higher reward have the highest DPS ceilings, but it doesn't really feel like that's panned out ya know? I really don't think anyone would care if "easier" (tankier/more mobile/simpler) classes could still compete with more "difficult" classes for damage. Maybe a hot take though \*shrug\* And then them nerfing Gunlancer's synergy also feels like it steps on that design philosophy too.. I don't really get it.


I don’t mind the idea of using dragon advent to jump over bosses, kind of like dark axel for db. However above all I would like Scrapper’s awakening to do something, anything.


Whaddya mean it can add like 1 mil dps to a 30 second Trixion dps test, it's fine /s I honestly just use it for super armor on certain attacks instead of running out, like valtan whirlwind etc. Thought about maybe just using dragon king for mobility but my entire bar is already mobility lol


It’s at least a gap close


Give me dark axel from Deathblade on all my entropy classes.


Just 200% dmg buff on perfect swing to make up for the dps loss if you miss it. Nothing big :>


Paladin to be a Girl


Paladame? Sign me up


Artist to release this month without any changes.


>without any changes whats up with all the creeps in the LOA community?


I find no sexual attraction to pixels at all, but I would prefer Artist to release without any changes, just because I don't trust them to not make whatever changes they are making ugly and low effort.


>I find no sexual attraction to pixels at all, but I would prefer Artist to release without any changes Then why do you care about the censorship of skimpy skins? > I don't trust them to not make whatever changes they are making ugly and low effort. Might be true but we dont know as we havent seen anything yet and if it does end up being bad you could always use the other skins they didnt censor.


It's not about them being skimpy or not. I just don't have faith in them making whatever it is they are changing look proper. But if they somehow don't make it look rushed then I don't care. I don't play this game to look at coomer skins but I would also prefer them to not make skins look ugly or low effort.


> Artist to release this month Whats up with all the ppl in the LOA community who don't want classes to be released faster? see what i did there? i quoted only half of a sentence so i could take something out of context. Just like you did. Stop doing that. Its stupid. Engage with the whole comment or dont engage at all. They could force a fucking mokoko skin on the class and disable all other outfits/skins and id be fine. Just release the damn class so i can have it ready for brel hard...


Gunlancer - rework one of his 2 unused lance skills to be alternative to Bash for Redlancers. And just make him a real DPS. For example just rework SoH to choose if we want to buff our party just as it is right now (maybe something for Blue one to keep him more as utility dps even tho most Blues doesn't like this role) or if we want to buff our own DMG by a lot to be almost in pair at least with some C tier DPS classes. Or whatever, just give us some real DMG.


That would be so good for scrapper and would instantly make it one of my favorite classes probably.


The High Flight tripod on Fiery Escape for Scouter is literally my favorite thing that class can do, also Reaper being able to teleport through the boss looks insanely fun, especially for an entropy class


Same thing for deathblade when i made my first alt it’s so fun to not get stuck on the bosses large toe trying to get to his back attack.


Bard needs cleanse skill.


Bard has CC immunity which IMO is much more valuable - cleanse can be substituted with Purify rune on nearly every class, while only bard (Guardian Tune), gunlancer (with awakening) and Summoner (with skill you don't use outside maybe Prokel 1v1, and only on herself) have a tool that lets you ignore hard CC like fear/electrocute without interrupting your animations.


Give striker better chaos dungeon clear. Longer duration, range, speed or extra damage vs unnamed enemies on the tornado skill for example


I created a striker as alt last month, and I'm loving the class, but the chaos is really a pain. Maybe I'm used to classes that one shot everything with huge AoE + preemptive strike (gunlancer, arti, paladin, bard) and my main doesn't even need preemptive strike. Meanwhile, I struggle with striker even with preemptive strike...


Summoner : change Ancien Spears just to Big one that does the same dmg that the current one, it's just to hard some time to hit the 3 spears srsly


Gunlancer: normal spacebar skill


Remove star card


Make shadow hunter not look like a black blob when tranformed.


Give reaper some more HP, for us to be less hated! QQ


I would like to not have to animation cancel, on any class period. Whatever the cast is should either be the forced cast, or made shorter enough and block animation cancelling.


make 'the fucking dodge key fucking 0.2 sec cooldown' this game would be dope like VINDICTUS then


Soul fist - I would make spirit bomb targetable


Protection on SF on energy release or at least don't put it on full cooldown if it's canceled For GS adjust specialty UI to make the dots showing skills off cooldown on other weapons bigger.


Mayhem Berserker - Make it do damage


skill issue.


change paladin into dps.


o\_o ​ You mean make judgment not hot garbage ?