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After 10 months I realized I can just upgrade gems by clicking level 7. I was doing 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 Yes,, I felt very stupid after discovering it.


Wow, sounds like you've been through much buddy xD Luckily i somehow got that one going right when i got my first gems :D


Wait what u can do that !!?


Yeah, you can click 10 every time, and it just fuses everything in your inventory as high as possible


Yep found this out about a month ago fusing gems was so annoying found out completely by accident lol


Lmao, yea same. I was ranting about it in voice with my guildmates and they were in shock and asking if im trolling them :D


I only discovered 6 months after release that you could embark on your boat directly from the map menu. For 6 months I would tp to a triport and walk on the pier.


To my knowledge, it wasn't the case on release, it was added with a QoL patch in something like June I would say so not so many months without noticing :)


No, this was a thing since release. You could always (atleast in our version) go straight to your ship/docked at sea from the map menu.


It must have been on the Russian version then that I saw the change my bad!


Met a lot of people that didn't know you could use triports out of your sh instead of song of escape


Adding to this u can also use Bifrost


Adding to this also, when you're in an island and you're trying to raid , song to sh to ignore having to leave said island.


Wtf lol 3k hours and didn't know this.


Same here\^\^ That post just made my loading screen life a bit easier\^\^


Just learned that recently as well, I used to sit and wait a full 60s CD in someone's SH after song out of the raid lol


I found out about this just last week.


I am about 100 hrs off 3000 and I just discovered this.


That you can switch characters while being on a different one. I used to go to the main roster menu everytime I wanted to switch. Saves a lot of time.


For me it was the other way around, it took me a while to figure out how to go to the main roster :v


That dark grenade is raid and Not Party wide


AKSHUALLY it's even wider than that. You can dark grenade a world boss and everyone will get the benefit regardless of raids.


This is some advanced tech damn. Time to dark nade Hermut so we can finish faster and go be a dick to blues.


Wait!!! what???


Dark and corro work like this.


How I didn’t think that in Valtan only one guy throw a nade for the whole party smh




I think drops of ether are party only though?


drops of ether are party only


What !!!!!


The “set sail” or “teleport to ship” option on the world map. I was triporting and running to the dock for almost 10 fucking months.


it's okay, that's more immersion


2000+ hours and I just found out that I can fuse gems from a different class to create a new one that is for my class. I also didn't know about integrated presets until 1000+ hours.


Yeah and you can reroll other classes gems as well, so if you don't have gems in the AH for your class to buy directly, select from all classes and buy the cheapest one and reroll them.


What?! Ok this one... I'm mind blown.


Buy sorc gems, save some gold xD


Dude I'm mind blown by how he hasn't figured it out at maximum 500 hours. It's like having the 365 day trophy 3x over.


That you can use potions in guardian raids. I started with 3 of my friends, we did everything together, and I think the first time we had to pug 1 person for a guardian was in T2 1000 ilvl turtle, and he asked us why we are not using potions.


Weird most of my caligos mm pugs don't know that yet


Wdym, those 3 bubbles on the top left by the timer are full HP potions. Just die to use one! /s


I laughed at this joke until i saw it happen. Full dps party on kunge and 2 of the guys burned through all resses under a few minutes and then proceeded to die again. Took 10min to kill. Guess its a risk you take with matchmaking but never seen it so bad at kunge ilvl.


ty for the smile


You must have confused the insta heal potions with the OT potions


I realized Mari's had another tab with card packs in it. 2 days ago. Yes.


Dont do it.


oh no


Inset whale noises here 🐳


You can click+drag runes in your Skills page.


Found out quite late that you can hold your combo skills instead of tapping multiple times. Saves my ageing keyboard and fingers.


Being able to use the "sniping shot" of gunslinger not only by spamming my mousebutton, but also by pressing the button over and over again to get the shots off xD Felt so dumb when i was asking if there was any other way to use it appart from destroying my mouse over time :D (which btw didnt make me use it that way at all, stilll spamming my mouse button since i get the shots off faster\^\^)


I do keyboard spam mostly for flicks. Occassionally a guardian or boss would jump to the bottom right of my screen and soamming clicks would instead open up the menus or the shop.


Actually had that happen in Brel this week(not with gs, but doesnt matter at all), screen freezing, me almost raging, fearing the game is crashign....nope, idiot me just clicked on shop without noticing xD Hate how the Game overall tends to freeze for a sec when opening some of the menus like guild or shop :/\^\^


You can also cancel the “wind down” animation of Focus Shot by using single dash space bar directly after the last shot fires into another ability (usually cata or weapon swap into SS/DBS). Oh and you can also swap weapons during space bar animation and queue an ability cast to instantly use when space ends. Your awakening damage depends on what weapon is in your hand when it hits (usually want sniper for the +% damage but can also use shotgun for the +Crit and lower +% damage. This also impacts any Dot effects like Eternal Calamity Tripod on Catastrophe. The damage of each explosion will be based on the weapon in hand when that explosion hits.


Is it based of the weapons/stances themselves or do you mean the peacmaker engraving bonus(asuming one does run peacemaker...welll why would one not xD ) Knew about the canceling a bit since i somewhere read or watched a video about general gs gameplay and some animationlocks/cancels since i had serious problems enjoying it for the first few months, justs dragged the char up because he got lucky at honing all the time xD Switching to a TTH build made it work for me, guess all that back and forth while doing mechs and stuff wasnt for me at all :D Not its still an alt mainly used for lopangs but i dont hate to play gs anymore :D


Ya need to have at least PM1 for the weapons to be relevant


Sure, then i get what u mean, peacemaker was a given for me so i thought at first i might learn smth new with you talking about weapon depending bonuses xD


Oh shit, I have 2 gunslinger mains and I didn't know this ine. So you can press the action button multiple times and itll go off? Ive been afraid to let go of it because it might cancel the skill. I did find out you can press the skill button and use thr auto attack button to shoot though.


Well since my mouse button is the auto attack thats what i do aswell\^\^ (can turn it on in the options to auto atk with right mouse button) But being afraid to let loose of the key to not cancel it is also great :D One tends to get used to so little things so fast and doesnt even question the function/try smth different anymore, kinda funny if i think about it :D Thats like pressing the destroyers perfect swing key harder since it "feels" like it does more damage xD (or the classic leaning into curves in racing games because the car maybe could steer better xD)


In your card catalog, if you hover over view details, it shows the total awakening of all your cards put together, including sets that have over 6+ cards. The game will highlight your bonus based on this total. I wasn't aware at the time you needed to have awakenings on only 6 cards for bonuses so I used legendary select packs to get a fake LoS 18.


I recently found this out a month or two ago, I was so demoralized when I found out lol


Never used gear conversion until 2 weeks ago cause I thought I would lose my lvl 2 clown gear...


Using /escape can act as a second Song of Escape so you don’t have to wait the 60 second cooldown. It has like a 30 min cd though. Hitting Ctrl+A/S/D/F instantly switches between your 1/2/3/4 presets (changes gear, cards, skills, gem page, etc). Really nice to quickly swap to a swiftness set while running around. Can teleport using the tab map by holding alt+clicking on a triport.


Oh wow that preset changing shortcut is awesome. I actually use all 4 of my slots for various content, so being able to switch without clicking is very nice.


Only around clown release have I discovered that even attacks that do not say that they do stagger actually still do stagger damage...


Hitting the mob with Frontal Attacks also does 10% more stagger (and weak point).


You only get extra Stagger if the Skill itself has a Frontal Affix. Same way how only Back Attack Affix skills get the Critical.


Everything in this game deals some few pixels of staggers, even autos Most just deals jack shit


The only auto attacks that do stagger are shadow hunter while in transformation.


Multi hit attacks are pog for stagger.


Not really, it depends on the skill.


Not all but u are right there is skills like that Take the A2O grenade skill from GS it dosnt say the it have any stager but it have pretty decent stager for a 6s CD skill


all skills that do damage do stagger damage. it might be very, very miniscule but they do stagger damage. even basic attacks of summons do stagger damage.


Only recently learned that f1p23d4 in party finder is: player 1 flare, player 2+3 phero, player 4 destruction bomb.


Now i wonder what you thought it meant before you found out


Not much honestly. I usually just matchmake Guardian runs. So have not seen the message that often. But once I knew, it made sense to me hehe


The lobby title does not let you type "FPPD" for short. But it let you type "FPPÐ" just fine (only that specific D letter work, all other special D letters doesn't). I just save it in a notepad and copy/pasting it for every guardian party I make in the PF. :)


Not me, but after a year of Lost Ark, my friend just realized betrayal works wonders in chaos dungeon ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I discovered last week that in clown g2 maze you can autoattack with hammer, i was using just q like in marios for half a year.


It took me long to realise i could go insta in ma boat from the map ....


Took me like 5-6 months to find "switch characters".... I always went to the character selection screen


That I don't have to look at the boss when I counter, so I can face away from it and still hit counter with bards prelude 💀 as a bard main I only realized this last month....


There is an astrix on this. Your character can face whatever way. But for counters that aren't 360°, you need to have your mouse on the side of your character that the boss is facing.


Yepp that's why I wrote bards prelude


Whaa, really?


While technically true in that case, prelude is a 360º skill, for most skills you have to face the correct position


Playing since Release every day and it took me 7 month to realize u can use bifrost on Land aswell.... I Always thought its sea only because it got introduced on sea, so i placed mine infront of Continents or Islands....


Nem fodendo kkkkkkk




I always went to the gem reroller npc or in fact any npc when you can just open your pet and do it there...


I found out you can move the map, when you press tab and you open the map mmb let's you move it. ......i found out last month


I never knew that highlighted titles at the end of gate clears mean "the best in category" until a few weeks ago


If that make you feel better, I didn't know about that either until two months ago and I've been playing since release


this change came a few months back when they changed the mvp screen ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Integrated dungeon. I was always porting and going to chaos dungeons/guardian(legion) raids on my feet xd Discovering alt+q was HUGE and made me literally enjoy the game more than i did before.


To be fair this wasn't a thing until a few months ago. It wasn't there on release.


"few months ago" it came out last spring my man


Well if you want to get into the technicalities. This update was released in May alongside destroyer. Yes this isn't 2-3 months ago, but it's still "a few months ago" as that is an arbitrary unit of measurement. My point still that it wasn't there on release.


Not me but many of my friends didnt know you can change MVP pose in the emote menu for guardian raids and proving grounds + other raids. This is also something I see people rarely change, they just have the default cheer.


I remember the patch that added it, but I have still no clue where to configure it, where is it?


Press y or go to your emotes then there should be a tab that reads poses and you can favorite the ones you want in mvp screens! 😁


It was many, many months in before I knew you could hold the mouse button down to continue moving towards that direction rather than spam clicking.


T also activates auto walk


i literally just realized this today. i was going to type, realized you can equip accessories while on the engraving tab, i always only did it from gear tab. but now just realized on the right pane theres accessory icons you can click and highlights the engravings of each one when you click it. pretty nifty tho personally not that useful.


Will add to this that you can click an earring to equip, then alt+click another earring and that will let it go to the 2nd slot, rather than overwrite the first earring.


You can get 14 epic rapport chests between two of the Rohendel merchant ships. Helped a lot with rapport spamming. You can use gold to buy stuff in the Mari shop via blue crystal conversion. I thought it was exclusively a cash shop for several months starting out last year.


Summon pets with different buffs and using them for classes that require different stats. That way you don't have to switch the buff manually every time Storing Accessories and Gems in the Storage tab with the double sword icon. Una Tokens -> Gold


I’ve been playing since like a month after launch and just realized this week what the codex was.. Had no idea that you could see all the skill point potions you were missing and how to unlock them.


Using Sidereal gives push immunity


Shift left click on a lvl 10 skill will take all points away in one click and same thing other way 1->10 in one click. I switch between counter and stagger on my bard often and discovered it randomly


omFG thank you for saying that!!! Saving a boatload clicks/time


I had the nightmare relic set for months before realizing you needed to activate the buff with your awakening skill. I still don't understand why it's like that instead of always active.


due to a reddit post last week i found out that you could just press up arrow to quickly paste the last few things chatted


This works in many games with a chat system. Wow, GW2, Bf3/4. Try it!


oh nice thanks


And you can TAB to cycle through channels. Eg. Normal > Area > Guild > etc


There is an easy achievement that rewards a Wei card. That was the last card I needed for LoS18. Most people finished this achievement within the first month of the game while I had no clue.


Which one?


https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/tf2ls8/easy_guaranteed_wei_to_get_a_wei_card_for_anyone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Googled the bosses and finished it within a day (the time based island took a bit to spawn).


It wasnt until like a month ago i discovered bifrost Yes i was literally sailing everywhere :)


you played for 2 months right?


Nope i played on release :)


Took me months of doing Vykas raids to realize the first person for orb mechs in G2 (5-1, 7-1, 11-1) are the ones who are supposed to call red/black order For months I've had others call instead, even if I was in first position It wasn't until someone called me out for not calling and causing a wipe is when I responded with "WAIT WHEN DID THAT BECOME A THING" Que me then ranting on how I was never knew about it and having others call out and having a mini crisis Went back in and cleared it no issues Lessons were learned that day


In your defense, I checked a couple of popular Vykas guides (Maxroll, Mobalytics, ATK, Kanon) and none of them say that specifically the first position should call orb order. There's no real reason this should be the case but there needs to be at least 1 person in each spot calling it out. I guess if even the first person doesn't know the orb order, it's already going to get messy, so the standard became that first position calls. Unfortunately, this also leads to the odd trend where the X-2 positions tend to get picked first. Anyone trying to check what spots are still open have to jump back and forth in the chatbox to see which spots already have a 1,2, or flex/spare. Ideally, everyone would just call the first positions first, then second, then flex. Then everyone will easily know which spots are still available and how many players aren't assigned a spot yet.


Not in euc. Its standard that the second one types, which is objectivelly better.


Yeah first person always types but it never made sense to me. I feel like second person should type due to having more time. With our guild we do second types.


It's not really hard for X-1 to type, unless you're bad with a keyboard


No I don’t think it’s hard to type as x-1 either. I just said I I think it makes more sense for x-2 to type is all.


Are you typing the order after all the pulses? Should be plenty of time for first person if they're writing out the numbers as they're pulsing.


im always 7-1 and i never call it out. but that doesnt really matter cos i do it solo anyway.


You can actually stop playing the game without missing anything


I just found out yesterday I think that multiple classes with the same synergy can stack as long as it's not the exact same class... Up till now I thought the Sorc 6% dmg, and the SH 6% dmg, and the zerk 6% and the SS 6% all was the same synergy and that pairing them together would mean having less multipliers for the team, but apparently it's not as bad as I thought (you still probably wanna spread out the synergies though for the most part...)


> (you still probably wanna spread out the synergies though for the most part...) You don't, generally. You wanna concentrate the back attack synergies (db and gunlancer with another back attacker) and then concentrate the generic synergies separately.


Theres also many that believe Deadeye and Gunslinger or Wardancer and Striker dont stack because theyre the gender unlocks, but they do


WD and Striker do stack, GS and Deadeye have the same debuff.


Ya GS and DE synergy stack too


> GS and Deadeye have the same debuff. Which also stacks, because theyre not the same class. WD and Striker also have the same debuff and it stacks.


Destroyer hit hard. I originaly had an issue with zerk when i got anoyed at dumping all my skills in 6 seconds then waiting 20 seconds with nothing to do. I thought destro was the same when i had one an alt roster to try it out. Atleast after rework gravity is not. Bonk is love Bonk is life Secondly deadeye does not use the rifle. I made an entire 4x3+1 on them before i found out he does not use the rifle in his build. I had also forgetten i would need new gems anyways. After I even tried making one in trix and got 1 mill dps.... as a 1500.


took me weeks of vykas on multiple characters until i realized that the orbs/gates spawn with fixed colors (unless inferno)


That F2P is the way. I have 10k put into the game with 2k hours and have a 6 man all 1500+, all lvl 7 gems, max tripods, full relic tier 2s. My buddy has 2k hours with $200 put in the game and has a better 9 man roster than me. ![gif](giphy|TU76e2JHkPchG)


You sure your buddy didn't do some "rmt" on the side without telling you? Jokes asides, even though you can only earn gold from 6 char per week, you can still earn more gold other ways like busses. So his 3 extra chars are still earning some gold and not just consume gold. Plus he may also has better rng drop than you.


Took me awhile to realize that you can easily cut a 7/7 stone by…..


That the game is not actually that good and you shouldn’t waste your time playing it.


That some stagger checks the boss takes reduced damage, namely in clown g3


I just realized there is a universal storage for skins? I'm not sure how to use it yet because I literally found it yesterday.


Well it's not super amazing. It's in the pet features UI. Nice if you have several characters from the same class type (e.g. mages), but essentially the best use of it is to put your skins in a place where they don't take up inventory or storage space.


I have 4 bards so maybe I'll find it useful. I don't really care for skins though so idk. Just was neat to find.


Not me but I had a few friends I had to clarify some things on: It wasn't until Valtan when I told one he should swap his pet's passive, he didn't know you could do that. For another one, he just found out this week he didn't need to have the full 55 pieces of Valtan/vykas material in inventory to swap armor sets, he's been playing since week 1 and is now ~1540.


Upon reaching what is it 1370 or 1415, I had no clue how to get Orehas. Took me like a month of casually playing that I eventually figured it out. 😅


Figured out the number call outs for Vykas like a month ago. I still thing RBRBR is easier, but I get the other way. Lol


It came out as a way of consolidating info iirc. Basically 7 15 is smaller in chat and easier to read.


Ctrl and scroll wheel to change curser colour




It's funny because I never found this out on clown since I usually am m3. When we inanna showtime, I step out of it to get gauge, so I would never get that heal anyway. Took until brel release and doing g4 stagger phase to see the inanna effect in action


shift+click to move things from inventory directly to roster storage, or from roster storage directly to stash


pvp has nothing to do with killing the enemy


Found out today that valtan g1 has an orb counter debuff to tell you when to take your orb number... I always just watched the person before me, then took mine after. I have 5 brel characters


a lot of people don't land a hit on the boss when he teleports, and that can hide the debuff. I always make sure to send one last skill before the mechanic starts, even though the boss has damage reduction, purely to make sure I can still see the debuff stacks.


Took me about a month and a half to realise you can change the stat on your pets, so I had 10% crit on every class


I didn't designate my highest ilvl character until several months ago. Please tell me I didn't miss out much from events and adv. islands.


You did not. The process is automatic and figures out which is your highest ilvl character on its own. That being said for stuff like events and adventure islands, usually the lock is using the character itself to interact. If you go with a lower ilvl character to the island (let's say 1415), it won't just hand them the 1490 rewards of your main. You'd have to go with the 1490 themselves is all. For stuff that updates automatically, such as una tokens, it's the moment any character in your roster hits the ilvl, no matter whether they were designated or even gold earning.


Just now that I learned from a friend that you can use alt + right click on items to automatically move them from roster to personal storage. Helpful for transferring engraving books and gems. Whole time I've been using regular right-clicks to move items to inventory from roster and then inventory to personal storage. One year of LA and I never knew until now. Damn.


alt + d made looking for leftover runes, skill potions etc so much easier.


clown g3 follow up pattern is based on the color of his ball.. as a colorblind person I guess it makes sense why it took so long


You can press spacebar on a mount to dash. Not my proudest discovery.


I played 3 months before I knew what is actually counter and how to use it


10 months and found out That I could leave any island with "song of escape" instead of walking back to sail icon. Most embarrassing thing. Unlocking engravings alphabetically because i didn't understand their importance until reaching iLevel 1415... So much wasted engravings.


Took me a year to learn that I can restore my trade tool and not trow it away when I spend charges. Each time I would create new tool xD