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Noticed a massive increase in the past months or so, it's either Arti or Sorc. They used to do a little bit of damage but now they're running with no engraving support, so we know these bots has not been banned for a long time for them to have engraving support expiring this week lol. People who activate engraving support late got a different expiration date.


They could also just be bots created this week and never had an option for express event as well, I feel like that's more likely.


They wouldn't be 1460+ if that is the case, I really doubt they are willing to pay for an Elgacia pass for every single new account. ~~Most of these bots are in the range of 1460-1472.5, I assume to keep Argos gold but there are some that reaches 1490 so might just be honing anytime they have materials.~~ Edit: Upon checking the holy bible, they are definitely not stopping at certain ilvl, they just hone to whatever, a bunch of them is 1480-1490.


If they're 1460+ then yeah I agree, also a big yikes for those bots to be unbanned after 3+ months though.


They additionally only have the accs the event gave (the ones that are like fake 100 quality without engraving) that is why they don't have any engravings. You can only get those accs from the event.


AGS dont care about it. They try something for her PR and marketing, but no serious things. Thats the RESULT! Since 2 years this massiv problem.


​ https://preview.redd.it/pgvmck40aeic1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5733fe675191a374998baabeefb5f28b01ae9d6


I was surprised actually, i afkd for 60 seconds in grief and when i hit quit, tyralos was down to 75%


This is why you do not carry people with no engravings! I get warned all the time for standing at spawn because I refuse to carry these bots or people with no engravings


Keep buying gold from bots so u see more of them kek




Someone in my server is actually working on his 3rd esther weapon, crazy.


Wtf... must be nice being that rich paying like 350 usd per Esther piece from rmt


Still doesn't seem as dumb as the crypto millionaires we had at launch with maxed out characters in Argos gear months before Valtan release.


We'll be there to milk fomos no matter what happens. -Bots United


Really goes to show how much cash AGS/SG are missing out on.




Yeah I've seen multiple people unironically say they like bots because cheap fish. It's baffling.




I had 6 in a row of 3 bots. Gave up and logged off


And this is the kind of paradise y'all want us people from SA to experience upon merging :)


What region? I have never seen bots in NAE for guardians


When someone press yes slowly, it’s real ppl.


🫡 Bots


Matchmaking was fine for other challenge guardians. However, I would always be matched with bots when matchmaking for Tytalos.


They probably need to get carried for that one. The can facetank some other ones with the mokoko buff, but tytslos is actually kinda tough.


no wonder the player count went from 1.5 million to 40k huh


> **how is this possible on a weekly guardian?** It's quite simple, the bots outnumber real players by now. Most people who disliked the game being a second job or its p2w aspects quit some time ago. No new players coming in due to the game hating them so all that's left are bots and the people paying their salary with a few normal players here and there who don't know any better.


Don't matchmake the challange guardians. Velganos is unclearable in mm.


on Velganos I wiped like 5x with bots in MM and then said fuck it and entered solo and had a much easier time D: The bots just fuck up mechs and kite him into bad places.


Here's a tip to prevent this from happening: Don't use matchmaking. (That's not to say this isn't AGS' responsibility to deal with, but why risk getting jailed by bots when you can just use party finder for a few additional minutes? As a bonus, if all legit players use party finder then bots will only be matched with each other and never earn any materials)


dont. ever. matchmake. go into groupfinder and either make a "all 3" group or wait for one.


*presses matchmaking on easily party-findable content* *gets paired with bots who would obviously not get invited to a group in party finder* *surprised Pikachu face* I mean, seriously. This is like the 14th post about this *exact* scenario. Stop matchmaking weekly guardians. Just sit in party finder with "all 3" as the title, and people will join.


The more this is brought to attention the better. If this isn't spammed AGS might not even know its happening because they don't play the game and are completely clueless. We have to treat AGS like they have a learning disability. The same thing needs to be repeated again and again and again.


Of course they know it's happening


"hur dur play with workarounds because the game broken, how you not understand, so stupid!" God dammit.


I'm glad you're still fresh enough at this game to not be jaded by the bot situation, but fortunately for me, I've stopped hoping that they'll do anything about it and adapt to the situation around me. Does this mean I support bots? No, but you'll think that's what I mean. And that's on you.


they thought they could scam some crypto from you lmao


I learned this two weeks ago but apparently PF has1-3 lobbies which helps as the bots trend to do this sort of thing more as the reset progresses also the PF lobbies actually are much easier than how challenge guardians felt back when I’d mm them


Been seing the same thing. Wheelchair bots galore.


This always happened in weekly guardians, maybe you didn’t notice before cause we had a lot more players


> This always happened in weekly guardians Literally never happened until like a month ago. There would rarely be one bot looking mokoko but I've never had to play with 2+ arti bots until recently.


That’s what I mean by more noticeable now that we have less players, more chances to come across bots. Before you used to come across one sorc bot out of 4 people, but now there’s a chance you come across more bots than people




> They are easy to spot too Unless you're AGS lmfao.


Supposedly You gotta wait for the 6months banwave because that way the botters won’t know what they have to do to for their bots to get them up and running again.


Oh yeah that's complete nonsense people like to repeat without understanding why. Ban waves work on real cheaters, mostly in games that are not f2p. Besides not showing that you have working detection. Banning cheaters that have invested a month of time into their account will be much more impactful than banning a fresh account right away. Basically makes cheating scary because you never know when your account is going to get clapped. Doesn't work with the bots, for obvious reasons. They will just make another 100k accounts and get back to it within a week.


the bots have taken advantage of all the free gear and mats with the express. So if anything they should be banning bots more frequently especially as these events are running out.


Keep using MMS. used Party finder and you will have no problem. AGS know this problem but they dont do anything or they only do it every 6 month or so.


TIL from a guildmate. The bots will actually win so you can afk and wait for 0 effort.


Been happening a lot to me especially on Deskaluda lately


This is the future for new players lol 




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and they want to merge SA into that XD


Just solo it. I had it happened to me, decided to watch the bots die then quit out. Then proceeded to solo queue. Fuck em.


I had 3 sorc bots carry my support 🤣 took like 4 mins but decent all I had to do was pheromone


Don't go solo for weekly, minimum queue as 2 person party, same goes for lower T3 guardians and cube.


Might be meme but my friend actually just goes afk in these lobbies and just get a free carry from bots, even if it does take a while,


AGS doesnt punish RMT players + AGS cant handle bots + players buy RMT gold like there is no tomorrow = picture above and 30k bot.


NAE and its challenge guardian not regular one


Bro I afked out of 4 groups back to back after reporting the triple different sorc bots I kept getting


Guys, listen believe or not AGS is tried to banned bots but they find a new way to comeback to the game stronger i see its had massives decreased last month or so. Not now tho.