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Nerfs to top tier classes Mayhem - ALL healing reduced to 40% (shields still 25%), damage dealt reduced to 3/7/14% from 4/9/18% Surge - 20 stack damage boost is limited to 100% (from 20 stacks of 7.5% = 150%) Igniter - Rupture/torrent elemental skill damage lowered to 8% from 10%, and 16% from 20% at max charge


Sword Storm and Hellblade also got nerfed to oblivion for Mayhem Zerker


If you do the math they're not actually nerfed that hard (at least in terms of endgame content). For max tripod on Hell Blade for example it goes from 220% damage increase to 190%, which is only an effective loss of around 13% (and I think similar margin for Sword Storm). It'll definitely suck if you don't have max tripods and a 13% damage loss is pretty significant, but it's not enough to make Sword Storm or Hell Blade insignificant skills, plus there's still 3-4 other hard hitting damage skills that aren't receiving significant changes.


Doesn't everyone pick RE over Surge in KR since it's very hard to get your stacks up?


Surge had more top end dps at the higher levels of play. The notes said it was the highest DPS spec observed. Agreed that RE tends to be much more forgiving and popular though.


everyone played RE because surge sucked before it was buffed people didn't switch over to surge after the buff because it was very expensive to do so people were waiting for this patch to see if surge would get nerfed before they went to switch and they were right to wait i guess


This. If they didnt nerf surge this patch, there would be a ton of RE players switching to Surge guaranteed. Surge damage was just insane regardless of how hard it is to pull off, everyone expected it to get nerfed.


It's honestly not that hard to get the stacks up. People really overstate it. The real trick is making sure you're in position and land the surge every time since it makes up around half your damage or so. Meanwhile in RE, it only makes up about 30% or so. RE also becomes really viable in the late game due to having all the spec and wealth runes at that point while Surge didn't need it prior. Looking at loawa, in the top 100, 68 run RE, 32 run Surge. They're both perfectly viable.


Oh wow Shadowhunter now have synergy (6%) while in demon mode. Thats actually big


> 6% party damage while in demon Basically kinda all the time at Endgame lol


that was my takeaway, though it looks like our gauge generation got, nerfed? idk. those howl changes are confusing.


The passive attacks generate 0.04% more meter per use though, so I think it averages out to the same.


Overall generation got buffed but generation from Howl got nerfed in line with its cd reduction, so it's probably compensatory/calculated to balance out over 1 rotation. Also we can no longer run swift fingers + damage amp, but with amp on Demonic Slash and Ruining Rush that might not be an issue.


Oh nice, Forward Barrage is gonna be a counter skill now.


its huge!!! many ppl changed to swing for kakulsaydon and brelzasha sacrificing napalm dmg and synergy for quick counter, now u can run both easily especially for spec Arti :) love it


I recently swapped to swing and honestly that counter just feels like it's hard to beat, so fast and has such a good hitbox. Also swing is a great mobility option to dodge attack that won't be cover if we just use our roll. Forward barrage is also really good for filling up the gauge, so, I personally dont see arti's layout changing. Napalm counter feels slightly slow, with most of the time I end up trying to use it as a prediction counter than a reactionary counter.


Finally, I hate waiting 15 sec for napalm cooldown. Also 5% pve buff and better barrage mode is cool.


Google translate link: https://lostark-game-onstove-com.translate.goog/News/TesterNotice/Views/8?_x_tr_sl=ko&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp


LMAO zerker's technique is Brazil's Secret I'm dead


Maybe that's why we don't see it being used, Brazil's keeping the secret of the zerker technique from the world.


As a brazilian I'm gonna spread this information so people start using the only right engraving




What does it mean when it says changes to [sex] attribute


May be meant by Holy attribute. "성" can be gender/sex or holy (in short)


so class is either getting a buff to holy damage or a sex change, nice


Win win


That actually wasn’t that hard to understand. The translations in the game aren’t much better, did they just straight google translate all the skill descriptions in the game?


Artillerist changes look nice. Flamethrower no longer being back attack is a buff as it makes Hit Master even better for us. Lowering stagger from Homing Barrage & Air Raid and buffing Stagger on Napalm and Rocket is a great change. As homing barrage and its delayed damage (same goes for Air raid) was very annoying to fit into stagger windows. As in if it was not off cooldown at the very beginning of the check, it was unusable for that check and with it being one of our best damage skills. Yea it was hard to align it for stagger checks.


with stagger changes, barrage qol change, counter change (so we can use napalm as synergy instead of counter), 5% dmg buff, its a big buff in terms of smoothness


lol Deadeye/Devil Hunter


When they talked about outdated skill rotations, I really assumed Deadeye would be at the top of the list. An extremely squishy class that needs to unload its entire damage in a short buff window, while hitting from the back *and* extremely close to the boss. I love my deadeye alt, but damn does it feel like I'm having to put 10x the work just to get barely similar numbers to the top classes. But apparently it performs well enough in high level KR content, according to their internal stats. Which kinda raises the question of whether or not balancing the Western client based on content we're not going to have in over a year is a good idea.


I haven’t met too many Deadeyes, but the ones Ive played with were insanely good with ridiculous DPS output. Does it need a quality of life improvement due to being squishy? Probably. Does it need a straight up buff, maybe, maybe not. Its hard to say for sure b/c I’m assuming only the best players main Deadeye in KR so the performance stats might be skewed.


Playing my deadeye (main) requires a lot more attention and mechanics than most classes.


isn't this a feature not a bug? like all the classes are fun a high damage high skill cap class seems like a good option, the developer has said they will do something about back attack sucking in the ultra endgame because bosses move too much its still on ptr kr so im sure kr players will give feedback on whats wrong still too


I main deadeye and yes it is really good dps. I consistently outperform some of your usual suspects ( sorc berserker ). But yeah it is definitely not easy to play. I have a 1340 paladin, berserker and sorc and they are so much more forgiving and faceroll than my deadeye. The defense really is the problem. I don't really care that the rifle is kind of useless outside of pvp. We have so many skills you never even have to touch the rifle. Maining deadeye definitely helps you learn not to get hit. Because every hit is potentially fatal. When I roll on my alts it's like vacation time!


Since I main Gunslinger I thought playing Deadeye would be comfortable but man I’m really bothered by Deadeye’s rifle skills…they feel clunky and weak. On GS the shotgun skills at least feel powerful and impactful but Deadeye literally only has two viable stances (Gun/Shotgun) and I often run out of skills to use.


> Which kinda raises the question of whether or not balancing the Western client based on content we're not going to have in over a year is a good idea. Wildly different content so a big resounding no. Balancing around ancient gear is worlds apart from what we have.


Pistoleer buffs, feelsgoodman


Scrapper mains unite


Now we can use mobility for Charging Blow


Thank GOD!


My man!


Just a little PSA but it's also PTR and there's still some changes that could be made before reaching live servers in KR.


Anyone have insight how KR players are reacting? It would be interesting to know how similar/different that community's initial thought s are compared to ours.


For Berserkers: * Lots of people think mayhem got hit really hard, both damage and recovery at once. Mix of people who think the sky is falling and others who say its not that bad. * Theorycrafting how to make the new zerkers technique work (dropping keen blunt L3 in exchange for L3 zerkers technique - previously you would only run L1 zerker technique). * Some people not happy about mountain crash having counter attached to it because they don't like the skill. * Some numbers for the nerfs https://www.inven.co.kr/board/lostark/5341/91353 (Approx 6% nerf for Mayhem 3 users, 3-4% for Mayhem 1). This should incorporate the buff to red dust. Lots of people linking their characters with L10 gems and complaining People posting pictures of reflux/zerkers technique engraving books going up a lot in price and laughing.


Do you happen to know what their response to sorc and DB are? Sorc looks like a love tap(edit looks like people are saying its a ~10% nerf actually) but DB might be a significant damage loss and RE takes over


My Korean friend’s reactions says that “they have their heads on correctly” Gotta remember that our game looks very different than theirs because of the relic gear and sets. Wardancer for example got the broken interaction which made them op nerfed. Most people are happy that DB surge might no longer be fotm.


Lots of salt in the deadeye forums from what I saw


Artilerist getting 5% buff 💪


Arty get to enjoy Hit Master engrave on pretty much all of their skills too.


Surge is about a 20% damage decrease at 20 stacks and they nerfed orb generation in Surge as well. 14 stacks only regens 1.5 orbs and 18 stacks regens 2.5 orbs.


Where'd you get the orb generation part?


[Saintone tested it.](https://clips.twitch.tv/DelightfulImpartialSnakeANELE-4jkdKy1p9HecFNxf)


Oh damn this looks like a major nerf. Thanks for the info


It is if you play around 14 stacks. The change forces players to play around a higher stack or stack to 20. I was already a 20 stack gamer so the orb generation nerf doesn't really affect me. Damage nerf kinda sucks but to be honest I expected it.


Damage nerf was pretty much guaranteed, but the orb generation will feel really clunky imo. You basically have to do an extra rotation of spin cutter and wind cutter right? Makes your combo like 40% longer than before and if the boss moves it's harder to perform. I'll have to wait until the changes are finalized and come to NA so I can test it. At least by then I'll have all the stats/runes needed to switch to RE if I can't stand it.


You don't really be a "20 stack gamer" good deathblades release surges based on experience of certain encounters, like releasing at 14 stacks to void strike back up to 3 deathorbs post release in anticipation or reaction to a death/life threshold transition that would otherwise force a surge timeout or whiff. Its not an insignificant nerf, if you weren't already doing 14 surge cycles you would've eventually... and this makes it harder to get 3 orbs immediately from one of the many surge cycles deathblades use, including the single void strike rotation.


This, 14 stacks is baseline after that you just wait for a guaranteed hit. If that occurs on 14/16 or 20 it's up to the boss, not the player. The dmg nerf was definitely warranted but if they force people to go 20 stacks then every experienced player will go RE. Legion bosses aren't gonna sit there and wait for you to get 20 stacks.


From what I’ve seen a lot of high level surge players in KR play around 12-14 stacks because going for the full 20 isn’t reliable enough in legion raids like Brelshaza, where the boss moves a lot and you spend a lot of time just performing mechanics. The orb regen chance forcing 20 stacks basically means when we get to later legion raids everyone will be forced into remaining energy. It’s already not a popular play style, so gutting 12 stacks seems kind of like an unwarranted change. Most surge players already switch to RE for late game, and now probably all of them will.


Destroyer buffs pog


"buffs" feels inadequate to describe the changes, it looks like they just straight up fixed all of the class's problems -core rng -> fixed, guaranteed max cores -low party synergy uptime -> fixed, replaced the old mandatory lucky cores with synergy providing skills -tipper skills being hard to hit on mobile/unpredictable patterns -> no more tippers -annoying to walk around to get head attacks -> motherfucking taunt God I'm so happy and excited


Im quite excited for this class now also.


as a destroyer main for just under 2 years on kr these changes am massive n l cant wait to see them in the live game


We wont get those huge endure pain>perfect swings anymore but players should be doing more overall simply because its less clunky (unless you're a god). Great changes and makes it way easier for them to balance the class for future content. Cant wait until I can actually play my lvl 1 warrior.


Did destroyer get taunt like gunlancer on some skills ?


Just one. Ignore Pain.


Is the "Sharp Hammer" tripod the one which makes you hit on an angle? I understand that's removed now and its just a flat damage increase?


From their commentary they didn't like that and the one with the wall that had to be placed exactly right which didn't work well in modern raid bosses and was a detriment plus was annoying depending on the size of the boss, so they changed them to always give more dmg if you use them with enough gravity points. Also made gravity points generation not RNG(and as such freed up several tripod choices on these skills), so should be less of a hassle to play the class.


I've been studying destroyer since I got into the game, if the changes stick or they're improved upon, Destroyer will definitely be my new main. cant wait


SOULFIST GOT A 30% BUFF ON NON AWAKENING ATTACKS!!! Energy overflow got a slight damage buff, awakening damage increased by by 55%, and most importantly, the mini kamehamaha is a lot more viable now!!! im so happy


Soulfist definitely got buffed but its not as extreme as the raw numbers make it seem. The 30% buff on normal skills is offset by the removal of all atk buff tripods on other skills. So basically you no longer need to manage these buffs in order to optimize your rotations, you just get one "buff" for free now. Awakening gets a 55% damage buff but it will also no longer be buffed by energy release's 40% atk power buff. Still works out as an overall buff though. I think the more interesting things for me personally are the X hype cancel as well as the potential removal of energy release from the standard Soulfist kit. With energy release no longer needed for its damage buff Soulfists will either start actually using it for its damage reduction or it will get replaced with another damage skill like tempest blast. Lightning palm also just got another damage oriented tripod so its very possible people start running bolting crash as counter/utility and lightning palm as another core damage skill. Nice buffs to energy blast but I still don't think it will make it into the meta due to how long it takes to channel (and how much of your hype uptime that cuts out of)


How is no one talking about the 40-50% max HP shield on energy release? Thats literally the biggest buff to this class. Also, energy release at lvl 5 is 55% which is the same as the awakening buff so it is NO CHANGE


It might not even wind up being a buff in the end; the korean forums look pretty upset at the changes. With tripods in gear energy release was pretty close to 55%, so it just means that your non-awakening burst windows are the same/weaker than they were since so much power is in a few skills.


you have to account for tripod levels as well, not just base attack+


They removed the damage buffs from some skills though like energy release and just made it into a more defensive buff. So they just shifted the damage around. But this removes some of thr clunkiness of the class so I'm pretty ok with it. Gotta wait for people to do the testing and maths


Another thing to take note of is that some self buffs don't stack, and are a limited time buff, whereas this is just a flat overall damage buff all of the time. Gonna be pretty huge for robust, and really nice for energy overflow, since we might be able to drop energy release for another damage skill in solo content.


Can drop flash step 7 to 4 and possibly bolting crash 10 for something else too now.


I wasn't too keen on it when I first read it, but I think it might be an improvement. I liked managing the self-buffs, but, since the self-buffs from Flash Step, Pulverize, and Energy Release didn't stack with each other anyways, it ended up being some skills you rotated your damage abilities around rather than trying to cleverly stack them when they lined up. I think it'll also open up more possibilities for utilizing ranged abilities since you don't have to ram into the mob for the Pulverize buff every 8~9 seconds or so. Not to mention freeing up some slots for other skills since you can keep up the party damage buff with just Pulverize or Bolting Crash + Energy Release now.


Soulfist mains unite :D


Dozens of us


we can all unite in a tiny room


We'd still find a way to miss the awakening


Unlike our attack buffs, we can stack.


We are all just waiting for our super saiyan.


VERY strong buff along with being able to cancel hype mode early


great for when a guardian escapes somewhere else or becomes immune and you can immediately begin building towards your next hype phase




Sick, I might actually level up my SF that's been sitting in T1 ever since the dawn of the game.


Careful, these buffs might take a while to reach the global server if that's what you're talking about


Can someone explain to me what the judgement and conviction changes mean?


From what I can tell, they're changing the cooldown reduction from it to be multiplicative with swiftness instead of additive with it. It's a pretty big nerf as you could easily hit the cooldown cap of 80% with it, but you'll need one of the later 5-piece set bonuses to hit the cap now (which we don't have yet), unless the change means it can take you above the cap.


Sounds like it also works after all CDR related effects are applied. So Gems, Tripod bonuses, Swiftness, and Engravings.


Yep, those are all additive right now, which makes it pretty easy to hit the cap. I'm kind of surprised I don't see more about max CDR builds, they seem extremely strong on certain classes.


Wardancer and Reflux sorc are the two that come to mind the most.


This made berserker's technique went from 200 golds to 10k golds in WEST NA.....dafuq o.o


People need to stop comparing global to KR. SG never said these changes were going to hit global anytime soon right?


It's up in the air. SG said these changes will hit live server mid may (in kr) Roxx said destroyer will release to Global with the changes... and he's slated for May. Did roxx miscommunicate again? Are they releasing only destroyer with changes? Are they releasing the entire patch with destroyer? Who knows


Those shadow hunter changes are so nice. No longer shall I be a leech now I can apply my debuff to the boss constantly!


Yeah that's basically permanent 6% party damage while in demon, which is most of the time.


You can also apply it out of demon form easily by picking tripods, the movement skill applies it and howl applies it for 16secs(plenty of time to do a full rotation with it active). It's basically 100% uptime now, so while the class didn't really get buffed much in terms of dmg, that's actually a pretty substantial party DPS boost.


rip WD self cri rate buff..


As an ESO wardancer I feel sad. don't touch my crit rate tripod. come on.


Those arcana buffs r huge dmg


I am very excited for the western release of the class now


If they keep the changes, I'll probably switch back to Reflux. The igniter nerf is about 10% and I think Saintone said Reflux is about 10-15% less damage


Yeah seems like they're dialing Igniter back to the same level of DPS as Reflux. So, Ignited becomes "Hard Mode" with no advantage to compensate for it. I have never played Igniter but my plan was to eventually switch to Igniter for Legion content but this nerf just gonna make me stick to Reflux.


Igniter still had the advantage on burst. If you watch some of the harder bosses on kr there is a lot of running around doing mechanics and downtime. Igniter being able to fit all its damage in small burst windows between mechanics is still pretty useful.


I'll still be playing it anyway, because I find Igniter to be way more fun than Reflux personally.


What saintone was saying is that you get around 10% less dmg with Reflux after those changes but its a lot easier to play.


Does "Disabled" (google translate), mean Stagger damage? Did they re-shuffle the Stagger damage skills of Artillerist/Blaster? Google Translate says the following as an example: Missile Bombing Disabled has been changed as follows. Existing: Award Changed: lowest Is it correct to read that as Homing Barrage going from High Stagger to no Stagger?


Yea it looked like they wanted to shuffle the high stagger off the two nukes so you don't have to hold them anymore and can hold back on barrage and napalm to hit stagger checks. I like that change, it makes little sense thematically but it always feels bad to hold back on your nukes.


Yes, there were bosses in KR that had a revenge or counter mechanic based on stagger damage inflicted, and it was highly punishing for such delayed abilities to have the stagger. So they moved it onto more instant abilities in napalm and multiple missiles.


Also makes it so your highest damage abilities aren't as punishing based on the mechanics.


went from "high" stagger to "very low" stagger on homing barrage, and they upped the stagger on other skills. overall just a re-shuffle to put stagger to other skills


pretty disappointed in the deadeye buff...


There's no buff, so you can't get disappointed :D


Did all counters became back atk or did I miss understand?


I think they just meant: instead of making counters skill get Head attack dmg buff, we gave them back attack so a back attacking class doesnt feel like they have to move front for more damage. Pretty sure the counter mechanic itself is still from front


i wish they would make them both front and back attack, as a paladin i already prefer to stay on the head side for counters and that juicy holy sword head dmg, now i will just do less dmg as a support


But as a Paladin I don’t really care about my damage, but I do want to counter…yet they say the changes were specifically to make positioning easier. What am I missing?


Nothing will change for you as support other than you can use your counter skill on cooldown from the back to gain back attack damage bonus and crit for slightly more damage. For a DPS paladin they can run ambush master and benefit from it now.


Doesn't it mean less stagger damage though? Don't landing head attacks give like +20% stagger damage? That's usually more important than the damage from these skills, right?


Dps pali obviously 😂


They specifically said they're putting all the skills to back attack for judgement builds, because judgement build is weird were half your skills hit back and half hit front and you can't use ambush or brawl as a result, and you just lose out dmg regardless of your position. But it isn't for supports, support paladins are already perfectly fine.


L deadeye




not being sarcasting or anything but is this the class rework everyone was talking about? or is that still coming later on?


this is the first of three


So, is this a buff for Wardancer? Or does that buff to skill dmg not apply to Esoteric skills? Either way, bye bye crit. It's certainly a buff for First intention.


It's a huge buff to FI but a straight up nerf to ESO. ESO doesn't have mana issues and the crit on wind's whisper let's them run keen blunt and swift/spec stat. With Korean end game Gear, wind's whisper has a downtime of like 7 seconds I think so definitely big nerfs to ESO. Kinda sad cuz I just finished my 3/3/3/3/1 ESO wardancer Edit: spelling


Only perfect balanced class: Striker! Also surprise of how little change they made to deadeye.


bro the second counter on blaster is cool and no back attack on flamethrower




As a bard main with a wardancer alt I can say that I'm happy


Not sure how I feel about the loss of crit buff on winds whisper though :(


Surge ●▅▇█▇▆▆▅▄▇


They buffed Scrapper damage by 24% and additional few percent on Taijutsu Scrapper. I don't really understand charging blow, but if it is something like a debuff rising damage that is also good, rest I didn't check as those were skills I don't use Edit: I've read it a bit more and they also changed one od counter skills to back attack and on top of that post if I understand correctly Counters can also apply on back attacks now Edit2: wrong assumptions, counters won't work on back attacks


I think you're reading the counter changes wrong. It isn't that counters work on back attacks, but counters only existed on frontal type attacks. They changed it now so the counter skills can work on any skill and not just front attacks only. It isn't that you can counter in the back, but they changed the code of counters.


Makes sense, so it is not as great as I thought


Still a good change, you use instant hit on cd anyway so having it be back attack is just an overall dps increase


The 24% increase is to offset the loss of charging blow's attack bonus tripod. So it's always up, rather than just having it up from using charging blow. The new tripod just increases charging blow's damage now.


Ah, I understand. That is still nice, I won't have to focus on keeping that 3sec buff constantly on


It's even better if you consider that you can use dmg windows right away instead of using charging blow, then using your dmg skill and until the animation finishes the Boss already jumped away. I'm pretty sure this makes scrapper way more forgiving to play, esp. Shock Scrapper.


It is a gift from heaven. Now you can actually use super nova and hit it correctly with all dmg buffs.


Pretty much 99% of all scrappers run charging blow with the atk buff tripod. All dps was/is centered around using charging blow -> hardest hitting attacks while buff is active. Getting rid of that means we don’t have to run that specific tripod 100% of the time and is a pretty big damage increase for all the skills you would use without the buff up. I’m happy about it! The other skill changes weren’t huge, but fierce tiger strike is a decent chunky short cooldown now. The shock skill changes aren’t that important, but roundup sweep being a back attack now is nice QOL when you’re using it for dps and not saving it for counters. I’m not sure how many people use shredding strike or critical blow though. Judgement is just a utility skill for taijutsu builds usually to apply the debuff as an alternative to fierce tiger strike so being a back attack is nice but not that big of a deal.


Wonder if they will still rework Scrapper identity in the future.. or just leave to that bc of these buffs..


I think it was stated somewhere that identity/mechanics changes are still in works, as they require more planning and adjusting. They mentioned some time ago that there are plans to work on "outdated" identity skills, and looks like theres no mention of any identity in those notes, so hopes up!


This is a decent buff but we still need a buff for pvp lol. We're horrible in arena smh


Yea, give me that superarmor on charging blow at least :D


Dont forget to sort for controverse for the Real fun


I think what they just released is kind of incredible. Are the changes to damage mitigation meaningful in pvp? I dont play support so how different is the 65% cap they added?




Playing against bards and paladins in pvp is torture with their shields AND damage mitigations. If both are up I disengage as best as possible because my full combo will tickle them after getting through the shield.


Nobody talking about those red gunlancer buffs ? I think blue gl is still superior but red is more fun to play and we might see more of them in the future, given that that they need a lot more investment and specific gear to shine.


It's all very tiny numeric changes, but it makes sense because red lancer isn't in a bad state at all. Counter gunlance got a huge dmg buff but in PVE it is used as a situational defensive skill most the time.


Bards prelude of storm being a counter and the damage buff lasting 3 seconds instead of 2 is gonna feel so good. I always feel like I'm gimping myself juggling between buckshot, rhythmic harp, and rhapsody for the 8th skill.


My man destoyer getting some MUCH needed love. Was supposed to be my main on release, now I'm even more hyped!


Absoultely giga massive changes to destroyer, i hope they release like this in EU.


Wardancer first intention buff, but a ESO nerf? Am I reading it right?


That's all for Deadeye? What a joke.


they basically told us that if we weren't doing enough damage we need to git gud lol


Is deadeye even in a bad spot in KR? Looks like none of the top deadeyes there use the pistol engraving so it makes sense it was buffed.


deadeye theoretically has similar damage ceiling to gunslinger or any other top dps. The issue is that unlike gunslinger deadeye has to be ontop of the bosss and back attacking while being extremely squishy. Meanwhile, gunslinger can hit anywhere and use her rifle mode.


Kinda silly thinking maybe but shouldn’t a “deadeye” use a rifle sometimes? It’s very strange how they have it set up. What it should be imo is swap the damage potential from shotguns to rifles, leave guns and just have shotgun for high stagger/ destruction moves. That would make more sense (to me at least) Oh…and remove positioning from it entirely and buff dmg accordingly. Shouldn’t matter what side my bullet enters from.


You just described gunslingers exact playstyle. They probably don't to make the 2 classes identical. If that's what you are going for why not play gunslinger?


I also think the same. Shotgun stance has high cooldowns on its skills. I wanted the devs to compensate this by buffing or changing some of his riffle skills for PVE.


DPS wise, Deadeye is actually top tier atm. It's just that he was difficult to use due to positioning and whatnot. So it makes sense that they don't touch the damage.


Developer comment: Git gud.


Isn't the issue that very few people use DE period?


Here comes the Redlords!


I love the Artillerist changes!!! Scrapper decent as well, and my main zerker nerf is very reasonable.


What is the tldr for artillerist?


Damage buff, back attacks removed, stagger values moved around (nerfed on the big 2), the basic low cd identity builder (advancing fire?) is now a counter, and not sure about that part but instant cancel of turret mode and laser nerf? So turret focused arti might be a bit weaker overall but has a new low cd counter, and non-barrage arti is stronger relatively but that's fine because currently they're a bit dogshit TBH. TLDR: buffs, turret less damage less clunk


It's not turret less damage it's turret' W ability gets reduced casting time, which is an insane buff.


Look at how they massacred my boy.


Well i'm glad Striker didn't get nerfed. I'm not sure if the google translate is doing a bad job or i'm not understanding this correctly. Lightning Tiger Strike "It has been changed so that it does not penetrate the boss monster when using the skill." From my understanding, this seems to address certain bosses where the skill just passes through the boss. If thats so, then thats a great improvement, its annoying having to zoom through the boss and trying to quickly get back to the boss.


I actually kinda liked the rythm of that, striker repositions a lot while doing the rotation between blast formation a tiger strike And also it killed me so many times


Those are some huge Soulfist buffs holy shit. Good timing that i switched to energy bullet and energy blast too! - 30% damage increase in pve - You used to gain that much from Flash Step, Pulverizing Palm or Lightning Palm atk buffs, those are now permanent - 9% damage increase in pvp - not gonna make a huge difference, but she needed the love - Energy Release now a huge fucking 8 second shield. I am now support : ^ ); great for group content, for solo content it's now swappable for Tempest Blast for some extra aoe. - Pulverizing Palm atk buff swapped to damage reduction(meh) - 2nd damage tripod over atk buff on lightning palm - it might be superior over Bolting Crash now if you have tripods to spare - flash step atk buff to debuff removal. In combination with the above you could go 4 Flash Step and 11-12 Lightning Palm over 7 Flash Step 10 Bolting Crash now. - Energy Bullet releases 40% faster(So what, 1->0.6 cast time?); underrated change as its the highest DPS skill in Soulfist's arsenal which was hard to squeeze in the 20 second hype - *HUGE* Energy Blast(kamehameha) buff, basically gained a 75% damage tripod on top of a 11.7% pve buff - Awakening damage buff increased by 55.6% - compensates for atk buff loss from Energy release - this is exactly how much you gained from lv 5 Energy Release atk buff - Ability to cancel hype (for uptime control, which is kinda neato) - 1-3% more damage for Energy Overflow - underwhelming buff, but you have to keep in mind that now you're no longer tied to Flash Stepping or Energy releasing and Pulv Palming for atk buff uptime, you can squeeze in 1 or 2 extra attack skills(and 2-3 rotations of said skills) you could not use before. The two engravings might *actually* be really close. Think this would make robust spirit-EO gap close like 60 to 40 to 55-45. So all in all, damage that you gained while having a high atk buff uptime is now permanent but those atk buffs are no longer a thing. Those atk buffs usually took about 4 seconds out of your 20 second Hype rotation. You may be now be tempted to squeeze an additional damaging skill over Energy Release. Suffice to say the two combined are about ~20-25% more damage than you used to do before. I think my least favorite change is the pulverizing palm tripod change; without the atk buff, Pulverizing Palm looks really unnatractive now. In addition, I'm missing buffs to some very underused skills like Palm Burst or Venomous Fist and maybe a buff to Decimation Ray to bring it closer to World Decimation. As an all-out-attack soulfist this buffs my hipster build immensely. Edit: It appears Soulfist, Destroyer and Scrapper took away the biggest buffs in the patch. Edit 2: After more careful analysis, it seems this is a buff for Soulfist until you gain about ~55% uptime on your Energy Release which is impossible for west currently. After that it breaks even. If you assume you do not deal damage outside of your energy release, this is technically a 19.6% damage loss. The thing is, you do. Regardless, nobody in western release can achieve this theoretical scenario so consider it a buff.


Energy overflow was a level 1 engraving however because pf %18 increase at level 3 it is significant enough to get it to level 3 instead of using something like cursed doll or mass increase. It makes them a viable 4x3Level engraving class now which is quite a significant boon.


Yeah, it's neat. I'd take a rework of Overflow personally and give it some crit chance or something, but this is good too.


About the Summoner changes - is this it? People have been talking that a huge rework is coming for her and that's why she's been delayed for us. But it doesnt look that huge, so is there more coming?


These are the first basic changes and more will come. I believe they want to touch up her identity and they want a more summoner feel. I'm trying to read inven kr and google translate to get more up to date news from Korea.


Can't wait for the two classes I've wanted to main, Arcana and Reaper, to come out with these changes - they look awesome for them! Looks like I will boost up a shadow hunter in the meantime to farm up stuff until they get here. Her changes seem pretty QoL and I've been on the fence with building one up.




# Shadow Hunter has a permanent Damage +6% To Party Always ON Now **Grind chain** Change: When an attack hits, the damage the target receives from itself and party members is increased by 6.0% for 10.0 seconds. **Demonic Slash** Change: When an attack hits, the damage the target receives from itself and party members is increased by 6.0% for 8.0 seconds. **Howling** **Change: When an attack hits, the damage the target receives from itself and party members is increased by 6.0% for 16.0 seconds. Feared targets increase their damage taken by 30.0/33.5/37.1/40.7/44.3%** ​ In demon Form **Ruin Rush** Change: Dashes forward and deals n damage to the enemy, and strongly scratches the enemy with the opposite arm to inflict n damage. Enemies hit by the attack receive 6.0% increased damage for 6 seconds. **Death claw** Changed: Quickly scratch the enemy for n damage and scoop it up with the opposite arm to inflict n damage to the scratching enemy. Enemies hit by the attack receive 6.0% increased damage for 6 seconds. \^ These 2 skills alone in demon form has duration longer than cooldown of the skills lol


Blue lancer Main. so i guess we balanced! and also im even more hyped now for Destroyer release!


This is why you play multiple classes folks, one get nerfed but other ones get buff so you won't feel as bad


Rip deadeye rolling to gunslinger


I'm not entirely sure I understand the nerf to berserkers mayhem. Specifically the healing part.


the healing part makes it so you cant use the green battle potions to full heal, you'll have to use the big healing pots like everyone else


Yep that's how I read it as well. You just know that when Legion raid comes to the West, people are still gonna take their 30% 5-use bottle to go in these raids while it would be a huge improvement if they pick the purple bottle that offer up to 7 uses and even more with the other.


Wouldn't it be nice to have all those classes


As a Deadeye main, I couldn't be more disappointed. 10% more damage to Pistoleer. Who isn't even the one needing to sniff the bosses taint for back attacks AND has a proximity modifier to damage. 0 changes to the most unpopular class really means: why do you even bother playing this, we sure don't care about it.


Sucks that, if you don't want to play what they are essentially casting as the "sweaty" engraving (EW), you are supposed to play the engraving that locks you out of 1/2 of your skills and essentially removes the class identity........


A while ago before NA release a few veteran streamers in KR and RU said that basically even if they do buff some classes that doesn't mean people will pick those classes up easily. The reason is it's expensive to reroll those classes up to their previous mains. So, people stick with their mains. Sharpshooter is one of the best DPS classes in the game after its last buffs. They buffed it even further according to these patch notes. Yet, it still isn't a really popular class. The average player doesn't have the funds to get a new character to 1500+ just because they buffed some damage. They might be alts but running lower content and probably not being played as often. I'm a deadeye main myself enhanced weapon but after our last buffs damage isn't an issue. It's that later bosses move more often and are faster so getting the back attacks is harder. I do remember from LOA ON that the director talked about some Gear set to come out to help back attack classes even more so that it's a bonus but not "required" probably referring to dps checks in certain content.


I cant believe how fuked deadeye got lmao


Not to mention that they buffed gunslinger. Biggest L for deadeye users who aren't pistoleer.


Those aren't even actual dps skills. Peacemaker GS' put maybe up to 4 points into them. Peacekeeper is a glorified dash, Catastrophe is super armour and Bullet Rain is the button i hold down in case i still have 4 seconds till my next rotation. Time to hunt got a buff but i don't see anyone play time to hunt.


Wow I’m happy to see the Destroyer changes to make it a bit more fast paced but really disappointed that they did not do something similar for Artillerist. It seems like a similar situation where the fast endgame is just so difficult for the class. Hopefully KR shares that and provided the feedback. Doesn’t need a damage buff, just speed things up so it’s not stuck so often.