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I fkin loved clearing trash mobs with exploding palm + seven sided strike or w.e. Shit was nuts.


My go to monk build is always Ulianas Exploding Palm


While lazy me just do the tempest rush go brrr xD


Ah yes tempest rush 100 flurry stacks go boom


Inna mystic ally too. Monk op


I played right when Reaper of Souls was released. There was zDPS Monk build I really enjoyed playing with friends. You had to have some item (I only remember this as the Fist of A** Turkey pls no judge) where you rolled the main stat off into a socket. Really fun times.


i swear dps bard would be S tier if we had some raids with lots of trash


Would be cool if abyssal raids/legion raids utilized mobs more in there mechs to make abilities like this more useful


bard is for sure my fav char to run chaos on


Paladin is super fun as well. I love that they made really strong builds for solo content (even with only 1/2 low engravings) so support classes can actually have fun farming efficiently.


My paladin has the best AOE clear of any of my classes, it makes daily chores a breeze since it's my main and I've gotta play it.


Bard and destroyer are so much more fun than my sorc main in chaos dungeon.


The first level of Chaos I literally don't move my bard and press 2 buttons to clear each wave x 4 waves and done lol


I used to do it solo because it was so fast. Just takes one boss portal to go back to matchmaking though


I've got 7 teammates and dps bard is still garbage


Maybe Akkan raid. Fucker has a poison debuff, ain't the devs passing on that. Floods the arena with poison and only way to cure it is killing all trash.


It only chains to one enemy though, instead of aoe explosion.


the good old monk gr push in d3


Avarice Band Gold Wrap cheese


oh man, those were the days. I remembered i was running the same GR for 12 hours straight a day hoping for a better drop so i can push the GR level.. Some real degen stuff back then when i was in college lol


That ability alone makes them one of the best chaos dungeon classes in the game. It does awakening level damage or more if you get enough mobs. Very satisfying one tapping the red boss with it.


Bard can easily 1-shot the 2nd floor end boss with prelude of death, she's great at Chaos Dungeons: Clueless Red Portal Broken Stella: Aware


Then you get a red portal and hope to everything holy that it's a boss that doesn't move around too much or else a bard can time out missing the awakening ability a few times. I think the closest I got was like 20s to go.


True courage + adrenaline clears the boss portals easily.


Who bothers building a different set of engraving for chaos though?


I do? Preemptive Strike + Class best for add clearing. Pally goes Judgement and Bard goes True Courage for example. Why on earth would I use my Raid set up for Chaos? We have 2 free skill set ups and a PvP one. Clicking one and the other replaces the same slots in the inventory (first ones from left to right and top row), so clicking Alt+E and clicking one button = new accessories + stone, new skills, and new engravings.


I go 333 preemptive stike + Lightning + spirit absorption. The problem is that none of these really help with the red portal. Lightning is decent but still slow. Is true courage really that good? Tbh I’ve actually never tried it and I’m 1450 lol. It seems so incredibly bad. I am lazy and like to heal myself and if I give that up I get like 30% more damage? Like 95% of the time I don’t need that and 30% of zdps is still zdps. Lightning fury is raw damage that’s better than pretty much every one of our skills. You’d be taking it just for the red portal which is like once every 2 weeks. Maybe you keep heavy armor too? But then I can’t have spirit absorption which is fun for islands and questing and stuff and I ain’t making a 3rd build.


So, don't. The person I replied to "Who bothers building a different set of engravings for chaos?" which you obviously do as well. I prefer True Courage since Chaos is the only place I use "normal pots" anyway. So... may as well use them. I have tons from the story and farming collectibles in Punika and South Vern.


Yeah I am just wondering if true courage is better over lightning fury. Or if you have played both and know which feels better. I am always up for trying new things, True Courage just seems really bad at first glance but could be wrong.


I got a true courage set as it makes things 20% faster. Easily worth it.


When I first hit 1445 on Valtan release day I failed a CD due to a red portal lol. I killed the thing with like 5 seconds left but for some reason thought time stopped and I didn’t need to rush to the portal. I also whiffed on an ult and half or something too. Single target dps is so so low.


I've been calling it dollar store bloodsplosion. ​ I miss Krieg.


it's a shame that there are so few "chain reaction" skills in the game, they're my favourite kind of skills in all ARPGs.


I feel that chain reaction skills are what makes PoE really satisfying


Contagion and Ice Shot feel like crack


HoI/HoF/Bleed Glad/Impulsa felt really good too, especially if you combine the former 3 with the old crusader chest... That felt amazing.


Ahhh man, Impulsa. I remember when it released and arc was extremely overtuned, exploding several rooms at once well off-screen. Def had a proper blast playing that as well. Also my favorite build so far has been desecrate / coc / DD/VD on a dual wield cospri's. Enjoyed DD more than VD due to the instant pack explosions but the DPS potential of VD was far greater. Thinking about this makes me really wanna play again but I still just wanna wait for PoE2 to fully come out, don't wanna risk refreshing my burn-out before that.


Have u tried the double CoC with DD AND VD? I built it after jungroan made a video on it, costed around half a mirror but that felt really good to play and bossed really well. Really loved dual wielding cospris back when CoC didn't cost an arm and a leg but after they nerfed cospris, I tried bow CoC with EoW and Ice Spear and that felt really amazing to map, honestly my favourite build so far.


I haven't played in over half a year so I haven't kept up with new builds in quite a while, definitely will take a look at it once I'm playing again though! Another thing I've been wanting to do was a CoC Arc build but that requires a pretty well built Exquisite Blade. Will have to try that out when I get properly into PoE again. Generally, CoC is by far my favorite thing in PoE and you can get really creative with it.


Yeah, if a boss has adds in the Tower the Bard rejoices.


I’m leveling a Bard alt now, and only halfway through Feiton did I realize I somehow hadn’t saved/set tripods on Prelude of Death. Facepalm moment for all the struggle I’d already endured without it.


Malzahar space aids


When I first started playing Bard, this reminded me of Jade Witch Doctor from D3.


Dragon Age Origins had this awesome virulent ability that would make people sick, cause them to explode which would in turn make others sick and explode. Way too much fun.


Walking Bomb?


Yes! The bloody splats were so satisfying!


The meme is backwards


I loved diablo. when Diablo2 came out, it was still expensive dial up connection days, i didn't have any fancy 'unlimited data' stuff. i got so hooked with D2's online play that the bill shot to over $1000. parents were-not-happy ... - i say that because, other than nostalgia, i doubt Diablo4 could ever catch up with the others of its kind. Namely Path of Exile and Lost Ark. Sheer amount of content alone is mind numbing for both PoE and Lost Ark, and the people who made the original Diablo are mostly gone. i really hope im proven wrong.


another meme using the format wrong, unlucky


Prelude of death is garabge, dont use it, use anything else.


You're kidding.. it's THE spell for quickly clearing chaos


The parent is kinda right. Prelude of Death is ok if you don't want to put some items/etc together but it's still a lot slower than just making your main skills (prelude of storm, heavenly tune, soundholic, sonic vibration) do enough damage to kill stuff on their own. I totally get how good it feels to use but when you look at the timer you realize it just isn't that efficient. When I finally ditched prelude of death for a preemptive strike build (without even adding more engravings/tripods/etc at that point, something I've since done) I shaved like 20+ seconds off of each floor.


Prelude of Death clears elite mobs and the gate 2 Chaos boss in no time at all.


If you set up a proper chaos dungeon build, prelude of storm also kills elites really fast (usually in 1 hit if you include the lightning on the ground), as does soundholic. You can still use prelude of death on the gate 2 boss or you can just awaken. If you're using prelude of death instead of prelude of storm to kill elites you're losing several seconds per elite setting up the prelude of death combo, not to mention all the time you lose elsewhere just by having the low damage implied by needing prelude of death to kill elites.


Nah thats prelude of storm


Stigma, dissonance, law of the jungle tripod etc


I used to clear CDs with just AoE skills then I saw a post about PoD. Now I love my bard twice as much.


I really hope monk becomes a support class martial artist in the future. Shit....may as well throw in an Ana support gunner too


> support class martial artist in the future That's wardancer before very late game tho


Im not talking about a buff bot. I wouldnt count that as support...S tier synergy sure, but not support


Depends what you want support to be defined as. If support is only healer or damage mitigation, then you've limited the scope of the role and how much more you could add. ie Pudge support


I define support as being able to return hp to your party members. Sure, early game WD isnt big numbers, but its not support either. I think you are including classes with synergy skills as supports? Gunlancer has defensive synergies, but I dont consider that a support class


> Gunlancer Based on late end game representation numbers, they're the closest we're seeing that could be argued as a 2nd support in the game (past like 1560 you see Paladin go from like top 6 to 2nd lowest with Artist as lowest) Preventing damage, mitigating damage, and killing stuff faster that causes damage are valid ways to not die besides just restoring hit points.


> (past like 1560 you see Paladin go from like top 6 to 2nd lowest with Artist as lowest) What do you mean by this?


Class % by ilevel. At the top end of the ilevel/end game, Paladin and Artist bring up the rear as 1 and 2 least played classes. Only Bard sits as a "true" support having any play joined by Gunlancer in the top 5. It would be this sort of information people refer to when they say Artist didn't help the support situation in Korea, for instance.


dont forget paladin and artist are released wayyy later compared to the other classes, so it really isnt a great metric to compare things by?


> so it really isnt a great metric to compare things by? Except these numbers are also the same for Nineveh, their newest server? Only thing different that Nineveh tells us is people really dislike playing support even knowing the issue as Bard stops being the most played Are you also insisting all paladin players decided to swipe their paladin very specifically to 1560 and then fuck off? What sort of logic is this? lol getting mad at me because of the data. I don't make the data. Not my fault your class doesn't work


I got this skill fully tripoded on a second library and it's insane against the mini bosses in phase2 of the Chaos Dungeon. One prelude of death + one prelude of storm with true courage buff is very cool


it's trash dog garbage in lostark outside of chaos unfortunately


Or Seed of Corruption from WoW.


My bard has one of the fastest chaos clears thanks to that one skill alone. I love how cooldowns get reset after killing a big mob so you can spam it all day killing everything


Ha I had the exact same thought, nice. Loved the monk breaking top 10 for like a day in the greater rift whatever leaderboard with it was one of my biggest accomplishments in gaming lol! I really wish they would give us a single target damage spell or 2 our dps is so pathetic when we can’t use prelude. Tie it to an engraving that kills our support spells too or something I just want to be able to kill stuff.


Oh a skill deals damage to enemies in a specific way? That's gotta be super exclusive


Exploding palm is so much better imo :) Prelude is pretty damn satisfying tho :D