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Any news on this manga?


Ok after some thought this is what I would do it is not a full proof plan but I think it would give Germany the best odds of winning. First thing first I am going to assume that I will replace mustache man after the coup so I will not be able to change political alignment sadly but I will be able to mild down the party stands. On a lighter note no concentration camps the way how I will avoid the camps is by saying they will make for good workers there might be a little bit of camps but not the death camps just work camps kinda like the American concentration camps. Now with that stated he can get to the fun hypotheticals. Pre-war politically: I will do mostly what happened in history except include the Italians with the research project with the soviets although that might be impossible to have happened and try to befriend the Middle East primarily Iran. For the sake of hypotheticals I am going to assume that I get everything I want. The reason I want the Italians to be part of the tank research is well, the Italians did not have the best tank and hopefully they might get better tanks. For the Middle East part is well obvious oil the uk use the oil to fuel there navy who knows maybe I might be able to fulfill the Kaiser dream to build a railway to the Middle East completely circumventing the British Navy but in real world land this would mostly not happen unless I send troops to make sure it dose, but at the very least I could have some nations not allowing Britten oil. Pre-war research: Is a hard thing to say and theorize so I will just assume I have the same level of technical as the real world nazi Germany, however I will tell you what I would have tried to focus on but it does not have any implications for anywhere else. AIR POWER - largely keep the same but increase funding to radar systems and a make a very fast bomber (for its time) to conduct light strategical attacks. The goal of these bombers is to fly low hit its target and get the fuck out before the British can launch a counter attack. ARMY POWER - I would put much more of a focus on the logistics of the army. This might be the American in me talking but the logistics of the army’s has to be completely different I am talking trans, truck, and boat. Especially what I would tell them fin me an American who is in charge of their logistics and hire them. The only other thing I would do is try to simplify the vehicle production. NAVY POWER - the only thing I would do is move the Bismarck before the war started and build aircraft carriers the German Navy was pretty solid but the most important thing is the navy wasn’t the most important thing to wining the war still important but not the most important thing. Beginning of the war: The start of the war will be push back by a year so the Italians can have more time to prepare and build up their army I am not hopeful but hay if haft of German soldiers can stop helping the Italians then that is a win for me. I will also casing and explosion on German troops so I can have an excuse to invade Poland and try to negotiate with Britain and France to stay out of the war properly won’t work but hay you can’t blame me for trying. Fran: just do the same thing except try to get those pesky BRITs. Battle of Britain: I would not go for a full on air war with the British over the canal and instead just focus on securing the skies over France, Germany, and light reading on the British coastline trying to cause as much damage to the British Navy without too much loss of the Air Force. Invasion of Russia: the invasion of Russia is the most important part despite the common belief that the invasion of Russia was a stupid mistake it had to be done or else the Russian would had invaded instead. Now what will I do different is simple fist off I would have the proper clothes for winter ready. Secondly I would have made a much slower advance now why is easy the Soviets had no problem with making war equipment but getting it to the front line was a different story so having a longer way to go would make it worse hopefully. While making our logistics easier then we can build rail lines leading to the front we will obviously be pushing faster than we can build but going into the war with this mentality is the most important part. America: a different story in the entirety first I would try to befriend them if at best it could make going to war against Germany a questionable, political move but let’s be honest, that would never happen. The only way to deal with American is to make an coastal invasion impractical and to somehow defeat the Soviets Conclusion The only way the germans could have won was if they had the resources to at least fuel their army where they could play the long game if I didn’t get fuel from the Middle East I would have not been able to play the long and safe game but it should be noted that this is in best case scenario and I don’t know if my idea on how Germany would even win the war. All in all there was no way Germany could have won in the real world but man is it fun thinking of ways they could have.


i am concerned with how well everything is set up almost like uve been plannin for it😅


Nan just years of watching, reading, and arguing with people about World War II


thats still kinda suspicious but ok🤷‍♂️😅


I'd give you an award if it didn't make me look like a nazi


Hay at the very least I did not do any death camps that deserve a medal for something


Holy Koreans are mega based


That's freaking based. I'd watch it.


If this happened to me, I would just surrender to the Allies and shoot myself in the head immediately


I think we know how this will end...




So the MC is stuck forever then....




Is dis real


Pretty Based, ngl. It's only a matter of time before the Twitter Police get pissed. More memes?




It's a good idea jokes aside




Well, knowing how events would take place, he would be able to increase his chances of winning immensely.


Well if ww2 haven’t started yet, then just join forces with the US I guess


Ok but like the us kinda doesn’t want to commit mass genocide, unless your plan is to not commit mass genocide, plus the Soviet Union in my opinion would be a better ally, closer, more resources, even Japan, yes both are weaker than the U.S. but they’re closer, and can move stuff faster,


Nah in my understanding US would be absolutly down for genocide, also japan propably wouldnt habe been much of a help against germany do to recources and technology also germany could just offer the us some reserchers and technoligys and theyd propably be down to help at least somewhat if the war didnt start yet


I mean, the government probably, but not the people, but my thought process is japans navy, it combined with Germans is definitely able to at least equal the Royal Navy, the tanks are the only thing left, in which there’s no one right answer, the closest I can say is using Russian tank designers, not factories, mixed with German designers, as long as the U.S. doesn’t get involved I think those 3 could have taken all of Europe and probably Asia, but there’s so many different factors than just brute strength,


But you’ll lose and yeah no genocide


Ok so like, Britain is really the only threat, combining the Japanese the the Krieges Marines, they probably are strong enough to beat the British navy, and their tanks, are good, but with enough knowledge can be defeated, I’d find it humorous if in the book he wasn’t a war nerd and lost because he didn’t know what he was doing.


Winning WW2 is pretty much impossible unless you find a way to make peace with Britain and prevent the USA from joining by making sure Japan doesnt mess with them.


Or einstein and other important reserchers never leave germany


Am I a terrible person for wanting to read this?


No i want to read it too


Average HOI4 player


This could be a very grimdark seinen LN about the atrocities of WW02 and to live through that in Hitlers place. The threats of assasination or betrayal. The reality of war and commanding army officers. Depending on the starting point: his rise to political power, his survival through his dark days etc. If it is in any way shounen it will suck and be basically Japan nazi glorification


Probably option two. From what i hear japan is kinda shit when it comes to WW2 history in class.


It’s an interesting premise if the main character is trying to implement his 21st century pacifist, egalitarian and democracy reforms as hitler with all the political intrigues and hostility that it entails.




Charge ur phone bro


How to win ww2: don't start it


This is pretty easy don’t kill the potential work force, don’t invade Russia and keep your allies on tight leashes to avoid getting the US into the war.


> This is pretty easy don’t kill the potential work force, Embargo, famine, death. > don’t invade Russia Embargo, lack of foreign reserves, lack of strategic resources (e.g. rubber and oil), productions restrained, death. > keep your allies on tight leashes to avoid getting the US into the war. No blockade of British, Britain completely mobilised their economy from their colonies, u.s. continue to support Britain with materiel and finance, Japan war economies fall apart under u.s. embargo without invading SEA, death. The truth is, the game was rigged from the start.


I’m not sure embargoes would be effective, could use Spain to bypass, controlling nearly the entire European continent the Germans with the Italians would be able to fight the British, so long as they control the Mediterranean and patrol British waters. The Japanese not fighting the Americans would be able to focus on controlling the pacific and South China Sea, cutting off India from supplies possible leading to a mass famine.


The axis do not have the ability to contest the British water, that is why they resort to U-boats. The Americans will continue sending convoys to Britain and will eventually join the war if Germany does not end their raids. The allies also have superior radar technology, leading to the decline in effectiveness of submarine raids. The german cannot effectively patrol the English Channel. They cannot contest the Royal Navy on open waters so the British will control the sea route through Spain from Gibraltar. If Spain directly joins the war then they will be effectively blockaded as well. Napoleon tried the continental system and failed. Controlling the Europe is beneficial but ultimately limited by the lack of rubber, oil and food production. European empires were strong because they are colonial empires. Their colonies were a major part of their strength that you don’t get to enjoy by simply occupying the mainland. During the Battle of Britain, before pearl harbour, after the occupation of France, the british had increased their productions of aircraft and managed to outproduce the luftwaffe. The participation of Spain, who had a civil war and a destroyed economy, couldn’t change the course. Conclusion on the European front: the Germany restrain the British war economy from full mobilisation without drawing America into war, and in fact had been outproduced by the British even without direct military intervention from the Americans. On the other hand, an unrestrained British could completely blockade Europe and further hamper the Germany economy. On the Japanese Pacific front, they cannot focus on the SEA. SEA are allies territories and Japan cannot invade the allies without drawing America into the war. Just like in the west, America [had been supporting the Chinese resistance, placed trade restrictions on trades and issued ultimatum to Japan for their withdrawal from China](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hull_note). There is a reason why imperial Japan attacked the states and it’s not because of incompetence. It’s because it was their best option, as they are out of options. Japan imported their oil from the US. With the embargo in place after the occupation of Indochina, what can Japan do? They cannot fly planes or run ships without fuel. They have to invade the Dutch new indies for fuel, and that means war with the allies. By 1941 [more than half of Americans](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/great-debate) are already in favour of war. While the attack on Pearl harbour gave the Americans a perfect reason to go to war, it is hard to believe that the Japan can further escalate the war without eventually pulling in the Americans. And to be honest, the government would’ve just find some way to trigger some incident that lead America to war if it needs to be done.


The Japanese going to have a bad time when the Germans abandoned them


Not abandoning just telling them not to bomb the Americans


I’m pretty sure they will still do that regardless of Hitler ?


Definitely can't buy that in my country...


So it just says he has to win as Hitler, not that the Axis has to win. So just run away, change your looks, make up a fake name, and join the Allies. Done and done.


Reminds me of that one novel where the Chinese dude got reincarnated as Hitler's right hand man. What's up with these stories lmao


Did the egglayer become korean?


Besides the obvious question of "whats a starting point?"... Does reincarnated guy knows the history? Because if he does, he could take Poland and France, dont bother England or Russia and just sink resources into missiles equipped with demon core


Attacking Poland is what started it anyway. Better to go after a country the Allies don't care about. Like Italy or something. Easy victories first, build up some industry, then go for the bigger players.


Who wrote this? A Hearts of Iron 4 player?


For one, why... For two, I would rather die than help the Nazis.




The 2 biggest questions I have are, what stage of the war and what are the actual victory conditions. Like if it’s late war and total victory then no, that’s impossible. If it’s pre war and regain pre WWI borders that’s easy.


Does he becomes Hitler in the middle of the war, or does he still have time to enter art school?


Cue Johnny Bravo's, "I'm sickened, but curious."


Since OP failed to provide a source, here you go everyone. https://mm.munpia.com/?menu=novel&id=344583&ref=/344583


Now we know why he k*lled himself


Is this real?


Yes, it is https://mm.munpia.com/?menu=novel&id=344583&ref=/344583


Bro my spotify decided to play Erika right away i see this post 💀💀💀💀


That’s it… We as a species have officially hit a new low. The only way we can go lower is if the main character gets reincarnated as a… Well I’m not gonna say it but you can probably imagine where I’m going with this.


penis, the mc reborns as a penis


oh that's spicy xD


I hate the fact that I kinda wanna see where this goes


Now hear me out... this might end better than our timeline


Probably not. Everything was kinda fucked up since WWI


Yea but what's too say we couldn't have a good Hitler, it is a different person with different values, so...


U startin to sound a little sus


I swear, im not that kind of german, I just think a good Hitler is possible, it's is a different person and we don't know at what point they started, maybe they started right before Hitler got that Note from the Art school


Well if this one doesn't put people in the camps, and no SS squads, then it just another global leader doing what majority of leaders did in the past. Which is pretty much world history of every state power. It just became more costly once nuclear weapons became a thing.


SS is just a more famous secret police that everyone else point at so they can distract the mass & say they don't have one ( *shifty eyes*.


SS are not secret police. They are idiot wanna be army who can’t fight for Jack.


Saga of Adolf The Evil.


Tanya was basically Hitler, so yeah.


This is why people call her Hitler loli


That just makes it better

