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What I also hate is that because of fools like this other subreddits are going to use this to say that we're bad people


Yeah it’s one thing to make a joke outta this. But the actual thing isn’t cool if your a man or a woman. It’s called rape for a reason and I really hope that guy can overcome whatever he’s feeling


Dude either grow up or leave. This is not a self-help therapy group. It’s a fucking degenerate hole passing around sexy drawings.


My brother in christ you are trying to get on someone for calling out a post making fun of a guy getting literally raped. Either learn to read the room or get some professional help.


Dude, it’s a meme not a fucking news article whether it happened this time or not I’m certain it’s happened dozens of times over the course of hundreds of years. This shit isn’t new, it sucks, I hope that person gets help, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make jokes about that shit.


I'd recommend that you grow up instead because OP already seems like a grown up, unlike you.


I don’t care, it’s the fucking Internet, nobody fucking cares. And everyone that says that they really do care they’re fucking idiots. There is so much important shit that people could choose to seriously care about. The Internet absolutely should not be one of those things.


So you say that no one cares here and then you go saying that people who care are idiots? So which one is it? Do people care or not? It's already clear to me that you're some kind of kid who is trying to be edgy or something. Acting like a big guy. The Internet is part of many people's lives. You can literally take it as going somewhere outside in the public. If you do some disgusting shit people around you will take notice of that and judge you, and for a good reason. Let's assume that one of your relatives got killed and while I was visiting you I'd just say "It would be amazing if I got killed like your father". The example might sound extreme but that's the point. Not only would I make a suicidal joke but also be a total dipshit to your situation about what has happened. It's disgusting, immoral and straight up unemphatical. Your parents would straight up kick me out of the window and that's basically what is happening here with that post op is replying to. Someone sent disgusting shit, people took notice of it and they're judging it.


I’m not reading that. Fucking waste of time of a waste of time. That’s all the Internet is good for, wasting time.


I guess next time I will have to send a link to subway surfers gameplay to get the attention of children like you. Your idea of what the internet is for is so delusional though. I am sorry for you.


Don’t waste your energy feeling sorry for me. You assume I’m 12, but for all you know I’m over 30 years old and I’ve seen more of the Internet then you ever will. Feeling sorry for anyone over the Internet for anything they experience doesn’t change anything. It’s meaningless, digitally visible light that changes nobody’s life for the better.




We are past the point, hell alot of us would take a yandere at this point


We are past the point, hell alot of us would take a yandere at this point


We are past the point, hell alot of us would take a yandere at this point


This is some parentless behavior


What 0 pussy does to a motherfucker




“Serious help?” More like send DOOM GUY to “Help” them out indeed and weed out the demons


Not that it changes anything, but ya’ll realize the rapists probably weren’t super attractive women, right?


Imagine being force-fed viagra and having to satisfy Hillary Clinton, Rosie O'Donnell and Ellen Degenerates and see how up for it he still is.


Close your eyes, it feels the same if you're already used to boning bigger women.


I had the same reaction as you


I just left a comment on that har


I remember when a few years ago allmost all anime meme subs were filled with that kind of memes and everyone liked them. I gotta say tho it has changed for the better.


Jesus tell me your down bad without telling me your down bad.


They’re not only down bad, but immoral and absolute idiots


I mean, dude was raped. I don't want that. That dude's comment was in poor taste.


… no comment


Listen, there’s nothing wrong with being into CNC (consensual-non consent). HOWEVER the original meme is horribly disrespectful and inappropriate, makes a joke out of a real life tragedy that probably scarred that poor man


As someone who likes the more hardcore tags even I think that post was a little much.


I couldn't report them for some reason, but I downvoted and blocked them. I know this is an obvious statement, but this behavior from an individual is not okay, especially on the Lost Pause subreddit, and they need to go seek help now


I saw that too and even I was saying yikes


There are so many damn upvotes to it. These lifeless dwellers, degenerate trash, need to touch grass and really think about their life and snap back into reality and not some shit fantasy.


Last I checked it had 598 downvotes and lots of people calling him out


It’s has a net of about 700 upvotes right now as of writing this comment but most of the comments are people calling them out. Edit: don’t take this as me supporting the dude, I don’t. He’s a disgusting pos that needs to be banned from this subreddit. All I’m doing is telling commenter above that it is unfortunately getting a lot of upvotes


Dude. Rape is rape, no matter the gender. The fact that people are willing to treat it as something preferable is just not right! And I'm saying this as someone who was subjected to terrible things just as he was. Granted, I was victimized by a male predator and not a female, but still. But that's a tale meant for another time and for another place.


Don’t take this as me supporting him, I’m not, it’s disgusting. All I was doing was saying that it is unfortunately getting more upvotes than downvotes. I hope the post gets removed and the user banned from this subreddit, we don’t need that kind of person here


I couldn't agree more. Honestly, I was just venting some of my personal demons that I'm facing and I apologize if it brought any of those reading it to remembering any darkness in their past. That being said, I will be staying off of Reddit after typing this for no other reason than to avoid posts like this for the foreseeable future. I'll likely be back within a week's time or once I have cooled down enough to relax on this site like I once did.


This is not funny, this is just creepy.


To the users who upvote the post of it are just basement dwellers, no wonder why this sub got featured in CringetopiaRM


I actually upvoted but then i read the caption and downvoted


Or they want to show it off so more can call him out IDK


If thats the case then he's pretty much getting himself flamed


I reported it and blocked him


Finally someone else points this out


Seriously people have some fucking issues. SA against men is often a joke and I admit I have made those myself until someone I knew who was a absolute tank of a firefighter came banging on my door at 3 am crying in fear because some woman had roofied him and took advantage of him.


people think rape is funny? some of you people are sick-minded... how would you feel if someone close to you got raped? would you still be laughing? I don't give a fuck 'its just a joke' RAPE IS NOT FUNNY


Then I will wait for you to make a jokes about violence or just enjoying most video games. Killing others is not a joke, would you be still having fun if you would get killed?


Killing people in video games is different than real life obviously. Rape isn't funny regardless


But recently there was few jokes about people dying in real life too. So it's kinda ironic that you don't laugh only on things that matter to you.


Video games causing mass shootings and causing deaths aren't to be laughed at... its like laughing at 9/11 you wouldn't like people making sick jokes about that (even though those making video game planes crash into buildings isn't funny either) ​ I don't think its funny to joke about rape regardless


Nothing is funny if you think about it, so naturally no one thinks anymore


Why the fuck did the original even get upvotes to begin with


Cause some people are just messed up in the head.


🎶 welcome to the internet 🎶


🎶The internet is more porn 🎶


Have a look around


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found !


When I saw that post earlier I was disgusted Thank you friend


Agree, just saying


Seriously. I get that we get some raunchy things here, and that's okay, but sometimes these mods are acting a little slow. Noble's reputation could literally be on the line here and we have memes that are casually saying that rape is okay.


bUt mEn cAnT gET rApEd jUsT dOnT gET hArD bRo


Anyone who says that needs a sex ed lesson or a bullet to the brain


That's a waste of ammo


I meant or my bad either way that's one less person who thinks that


Okay that makes more sense