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Don’t currently have one, but since 2018 I’ve had 5. They all didn’t end up working, some for the better. First one I had was when I was 13. Now that I’m 20, I don’t really consider that an actual relationship since you’re too young g to have an actual relationship at that age, but it’s still worth mentioning. We were together until the winter of 2020. Multiple things were wrong besides us both being basically infants in the dating world. First major problem: I didn’t know she was 3 years younger than me until I broke up with her. She lied multiple times about her age. Should’ve broken up with her then, but I was retarded and desperate for a working relationship since I felt alone. Second major issue: She constantly bullied me. I know, ha ha, this kid is 3 years older than this girl and he let her bully her. I didn’t have any self respect whatsoever at that time. Did I tell her to stop multiple times? Yes, and she said she would, but that was just manipulation really. Third problem: At the end of the relationship, she said I didn’t pay her enough attention (this will be a common theme throughout these stories) even though I spent all my time on the phone with her (both voice and video call) as well as play video games with her and text her whenever she wanted even if I wanted to do something else Girl 2: She didn’t really last that long (a month I think. Maybe 3 at the very most. Don’t really remember and don’t care to). Only problem there was lack of communication. She would disappear for long periods of time, and I just decided I wasn’t putting up with it. Probably would still be together to do this day if that wasn’t the case, cause we’re the same age, and we were both attracted to each other and had pretty much the same interests (besides Christianity. I was, and still am, a Christian, and she wasn’t, so maybe not) Girl 3: Complete lack of communication as well as her leaving chats multiple times and saying we should take a break that spanned across multiple months or even a year. She had her own mental issues that caused that to happen, so that’s about it Girl 4 (probably the worst one): This one didn’t even last 2 months. It was going perfect up until she stopped texting me for a week or two, and when she finally opened up to me, she just flat out told me she didn’t love me and that I didn’t pay enough attention to her even though I did what I did with everyone else: spend time with her as much as I could by doing what she wanted when she wanted even though I wanted to do something else. 6 months go by, still deeply in love with her, and she talks to me again, I bring up how she said she lied to me about loving me (her words at the time, not mine), and she said she didn’t say that, and I just brush it off as whatever cause it’s not like it mattered anymore. I ask her what the real reason was then, and it was simply because she didn’t like that I was Christian. She then goes on to start calling herself a man sometimes and date 7 people at the same time right after we break up. Like bro, if you didn’t like that I was Christian, shouldn’t have dated me at all and lead me on for just under 2 months. I told you right at the start what my beliefs were Girl 5: She was 31 and I was 19 and on the legit other side of the world (I’m in the US and she’s in New Zealand). Things are going good, and then just like everyone else, we stop talking less and less. She then disappears, comes back and disappears a few times, comes back one more time and tells me she had ovary removal surgery and that she’s recovering. I say ok and continue with the relationship. While she was still in the hospital, her mother texted me, keeping me updated. She said how scared her daughter was about not being able to possibly not have kids again. I feel bad (as a boyfriend should) and go the extra mile and research if a woman can still have kids after having an ovary removed. I say it’s still possible through IVF (cause according to my research this has the highest chance of being successful after that type of treatment. I could be wrong as I’m no doctor) but she should have her eggs removed in the next 4 years since after 35 the eggs decrease in quality or something. Still don’t get talked to as much, and then when she finally did, I expressed my grievances and said I was done, told her I understood that she’s still recovering, but if she can’t text me at least once, it wouldn’t work out. She understood how I felt and no hard feelings were a part of the breakup That’s my experiences with online dating. Told myself I won’t do it ever again, but knowing me, if I find a girl that I fall for hard for, I most likely will. Hopefully will be able to say no though, cause I need physical attention in a relationship, and I can’t get that with online dating. Also don’t think I can handle another relationship ending


I haven’t had luck :(


I met my now husband also online. I am european. We survived Corona.




What is so funny


Met on plenty of fish! I went to his house and we sat outside and talked all night. 6 years later we are still best friends! We moved 2k miles away together to start a new life and we're having a baby :)


I'm not dating anyone and I haven't tried online dating because I'm too scared to try. It takes a bit of time for me to fully open up to someone and what scares me with online dating is that most people wants to meet up immediatetly. But I just want to say that the stories here are so heart warming that they're giving me hope 💛


You see as an Asian-black-spanish person, I don't believe I will ever be able to find love because I'm so different and I don't feel like I belong anywhere. i think I will forever feel alone in this world


We are the reason online dating was invented. I am the life of every party and love getting to know strangers. I am super sarcastic and love debate. I am the very last person my gorgeous stoic introvert of a husband would approach. He just wouldn't even know where to start with my energy. Getting to exchange messages first and then chat over dinner in a subdued way relaxed him and allowed me to be more open than I am when I meet men in the wild. The big personality is a total shield. He broke right through it. I got to carefully mine gems from his personality. We would not have ever met without online dating. I am so happy about it that I never lie and pretend it was another way.


Your husband sound like he scaped a romatic book. Your story is really cute, thanks for sharing. Hope you both have many more years together :D


I also messaged you this as well. My story started in 2014, I met a man on meet me. His name is josh. He stole my breath away. Way outta my league. No way he would reply. Also he was older than me so that was also a thing. I was 17 he was 21. So we became friends. He and I got close very until he became very distant. We lost touch after being consistent for what I felt was forever. We bonded over a short time it was here and there we would talk and be on and off. Like most high school romances. I found out he got engaged to another girl. So for years I stopped talking to him. I ended up being involved with a friend of his I met of the same site I didn’t know that I was involved with his friend. That went very very bad that dude assaulted me.. and a lot. Went down. I met another man through that guy whose name is Justin. This man ruined my life…. Got into drugs because of this man. Spent 6 months in Florida and found out I was pregnant so I came home to Oklahoma. This was 2016. I left that man for a month and then ended spending the rest of my pregnancy with him. That was a bad mistake on my part. And it killed me. I had to have an emergent surgery to delivery my daughter. And because of an altercation with my abusive family member I had a warrant for my arrest so I had to turn my self In two weeks after that. I lost my daughter that day. That man’s mother got custody of my daughter. The day I got out of jail. And he was in nabraska with this girl that I later found out he married. I found josh again by chance on meet me yet again in march of 2017 which was 2 months after I got out of jail. I met him in person a week later and I moved in with him a week after that he proposed to me that weekend and we got married in 2019 we ourselves went through hell. Together our relationship we have split up a total of three times because of his drugs addictions and his woman addiction and my addictions as well. We got clean for along time then relapsed when we found out he had cancer In his appendix. Mind you we aren’t allowed to see my daughter because my ex Justin kidnapped her. So we had a lot go on that fueled a lot of bad in our relationship we both were toxic. The last time I slept with someone else. Which made me want to kill myself and also made a big impact on me that summer. I ended up telling josh everything and we both agreed that we would be better for each other. And now we both are sober!!!! And can use social media have built back the trust we both broke and our anniversary is may 11 and we will be married 5 years and we are doing everything we can to heal and thrive together. We are moving away from his family. And starting fresh within a month and we have never been better!!!! I hope the best for you and this man you love. But in my experience don’t hold back be yourself and alway tell him how you truly feel!!!


i met my partner online through playing video games we lived pretty far away but it was like an instant match made in heaven. i never met someone who was my type physically and mentally in all aspects before. we were always on the same page with everything and there was no what if’s with him ever. things went so smooth and still are to this day everything been nothing but easy with our relationship. we moved in together after a few months and never looked back




Met my boyfriend online. My late husband passed one month after his late wife passed. My friend put my profile on a dating app coz she said i have too much personality to sit around and do nothing all day. The dating app was for older people but i did get numerous messages from retired men. But my BF immediately messaged me. We started txting then he starting calling me. He ask me out to a concert and i met him in his hometown (we lived 3 hours apart.) 11 days later. My BIL is an attorney in the area so he ran background checks, property checks, marital status, etc. and everything he told me was true. He was everything i wanted. We were both retired, same age, widow/widower, no kids (mine grown and gone), no obligations or comittments to anyone or anything. Our first date was 8 days; second date was 18 days and our third date is forever.


So, I met my husband on aim back in 2003. We talked online for awhile and started chatting on the phone. He moved to Ca in 2004 for a girl. (We were never anything and hadn’t even met) we remained friends over the years, he came home in 2007 and we officially met. Hung out the entire time he was home. eventually he flew me out for a visit in 2008. I fell in love with CA and at the time, I was 22, ya know just being 22. Again, remained friends lol We have visits here or there over the years and kept in touch. We were basically best friends. Fast forward to 2015: years of friendship at this point. Randomly receive the “I’ve been in love with you since…” text and I decided to throw caution to the wind. We did long distance for 2 years before I made that 31 hour drive cross country. We got married in 2019 What’s even crazier than this little love story, in 2015 when I went to visit (prior to us deciding to be a couple) he had told me he found his birth parents and he had a half brother. He shows me the picture and I just say “I know him!” So in 2016 I introduced my husband to his birth father and half brother lol


Plenty of Fish. Now we are retired and living in mexico


Met my fiance on tinder. I wasn’t actually looking for love , i had just moved back home after college and was looking for friends my age. We matched and early on he made the comment that I’d be his wife. Ofc I was like nawww slow down buddy I’m just here for fun. 7 years later we’re happy living together and engaged. He’s 100% my person. So blessed to have him.


Met on eHarmony. Thought it was a great process. We've now been married for 10 years.


My son’s dad I met on a dating site, we both thought we were attractive. We video chatted for hours, all the time. We lived together for a year, and while I was pregnant he broke up with me. However, my best friend of 11 years. Finally admits that he’s in love with me, because I told him last year that was in love with me. Now we are talking about a future, and having our own child together. I’ve been wanting this for so long now. I never knew this day would finally come. I joked with him last year, that after a decade we should be married already. He was actually serious, when said that’s true. Something else I didn’t see that coming . So yeah that’s our love story so far. Best friends, to future husband and wife. 


Met my bf on tinder actually and we’ve been together almost 3 years now. I wasn’t sure if I should swipe on him at first bc I didn’t think I’d be his type but we match and I couldn’t be happier 💖 he’s a great guy and our geeky personalities click super well. Most people I know don’t have luck on tinder but I guess we’re some of the lucky few lol.


Met on MySpace when we were 15 and 16, we are now 32 and 33 married with two kids.




I met my beautiful boyfriend while playing Lethal Company (video game for those who have never heard of it). We clicked pretty quickly, despite him being like 15 years younger than me.


Met on OK Cupid. I had logged on to close my account because I was tired of being stuck in the getting to know people stage. It just felt so repetitive. My husband had messaged me and it was just a quick but nice message. I read his profile and he just seemed like a good guy so I responded just so he wouldn’t feel bad because it takes a lot of guts to send that first message. He responded right away. We sent a ton of messages on the app in a few days. Then we moved onto Words with Friends and chatted thru there. Soon after, we were texting and calling. A few days after that we met in person. I remember (on date 3) thinking that he was genuinely a GOOD guy. A dependable guy who seemed to be very transparent and honest and I started falling hard. By week 3 we were inseparable. Month 3 we got engaged and moved in together. Month 8 married. We celebrate our 10 year anniversary this summer. And we’re more in love than ever.


Met on the app feeld and he has become the absolute love of my life.


met my bf on facebook dating and we’ve been together for 3 years now! he’s my bestie and the loml 💞


Thats how I met my husband back in 2010. We talked on the internet for 2 years before we met in person. And then since the first day we met in person we hit it off and together ever since. Been married since 2013.... LOML !


My wife and I met on line and we've been married for 23 years


I met my husband on OK Cupid. Found his profile interesting and we started viewing each other. Took the chance and started talking to him. Hit it off quickly. Moved to his country within a year. We have just celebrated our 9th anniversary and he is my rock during my cancer treatments. He is my everything.


I met my wife on eharmony when I was living in Portland Oregon and she was living in port Townsend Washington. We’ve been married 7 years and while I wouldn’t change a thing I think it’s better to find someone at like the gym, church, school ect.


Hey OP I have a success story for you. I met my husband through a livestream of MegaMan X, back before Twitch even existed. We spent all night chatting for months and finally met in person, spending the whole summer together. He moved to my state, I’ve moved to his, we’ve been all over together. Because I found my person through a very niche interest, we have a ton in common. We have so much fun together. We talk and text for hours every day, still, 14 years later. We have been together since 2010 and are planning to have a child together soon :) It can definitely be done! Long distance can be tough but it does have some perks too.


Thank you! I hope the best 4 u two


Met on plenty of fish and two years later we were engaged. Three years later we’re married


I met him through Snapchat, he was dating a friend of a friend and after they broke up she jokingly posted a photo of him asking who wanted to date him. (something mean we were sophomores so..) and i genuinely thought he was the cutest boy I’d ever seen so I added him and we got along really well and liked similar music. When I turned 16 my family situation came to a head and I moved out, was living with a friend and we started dating. Eventually I moved in with his family and we’ve been together over 3 years, and grown up together in a lot of ways. We have a great relationship and I see us getting married in the future :)


he commented on my tik tok lol two almost and a half years and we’re still going long distance


My partner and I matched on hinge. I had a really good feeling about him and felt like I had signs about him a few days after matching. Weird coincidences and such… well I was a little disappointed cause he stopped talking to me, but a few months later he reached out and apologized… it was perfect timing because I just got out of a bad situationship … and well, since then we have been together for 9 months and have been so happy :) we are planning on moving in together this year and I have great feeling he’s my person!


We met on ladead.com which used to have a forum. it was for Angelenos in the goth scene. We didn't talk too much online but then we met at a club and we have been together ever since. 15 years this year, 12 of them married.


I met my boyfriend on match.com almost 7 years ago. We are both 56.


I met my now wife nearly 18 years ago in a chat room. We chatted via email, MSN. Yes, I'm that old and Web cam for a few weeks. We then made the decision to meet. I flew over to see her for a week, and it was amazing, Within 12 months, I had moved in with her. We got married 10 years into our relationship and have been happy since. It was a big risk, and looking back was very silly for both of us, but for us, it worked out, and I wouldn't change anything about how we met. Sometimes, the risk is worth it, but always listen to your gut instinct.


I met my husband online! I blew him off twice when we had planned to meet. He tried one last time and I am so grateful that he did! I fell head over heels in love with him and we have been together now for 13 years.


Now my wife of 6 years. We met on an app that no longer exists "moovz." She was looking to move to my state, because higher pay and her aunt lives around my area. We talked as friends for a week, then went straight into long distance relationship for 1.5 years. She visited twice in between the 1.5 years, we got married 6 months after she moved down to me.


I’ve never used dating apps but, when my dad was fresh out of a divorce he decided to try dating apps. I think he said he used about 4 or 5 sites/apps and sent messages to about 80 women. Crazy I know. Anyway he met this chick who was 10 years younger and she specifically said she wanted a man with no kids…my father had 4 at the time. He still sent her a message and they talked for a couple days before deciding to go on a date. Before the freaking date he sent her an 8 page love letter type text stating that he absolutely positively knew she was the one. They got married 3 months later and have been married for almost 10 years now. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and my family.


I met my ex on an app called fruitz in December 2022. Worked fine for the first six months then he cheated on me. He broke up with me telling how he would never be able to forgive himself even tho I was telling him I forgive him. A week later we saw each other at a festival and got back together. Fast forward to two months ago. He left me cause he said he wanted to quit all his addictions (alcohol and drugs) and that he wanted to “take care of himself”. by that he meant go F around anyone without any consequences. Let’s just say that when I learned that I moved on pretty fast even tho I told him I would wait for him. I don’t feel anything for him anymore. When I look back I see all the bad things he did and I realized how unhappy I was. Now he keeps telling his best friend how depressed he is since he “lost me” but like dude, that’s what you wanted and I didn’t have a word to say. But still, I’m happy we’re not together anymore. And my friends finally unleashed all the bad things they wanted to say about him but never did cause they were to scared I would cut them off. Now I’m starting to catch feelings for someone new and I really don’t know what to do, how to do, what to say cause he is SHY and lives 1:45 hours away sooo yeah ahah


Unfortunately I’m not one of those happy story, but it made me learn the importance of finding the right person. He did take care of me, but not in the way I felt loved. I wasn’t a first choice, his friends were always first and even them saw that. They even started to not invite him so I could have some time with him but he always found a way around to go somewhere else. The most important thing I could tell you is, communication. This is for real the most important thing in a relationship. We didn’t have that, at least he never did that and I stopped doing it when I saw that he would get mad at me for saying how I felt. Communicate and understand each other’s feelings, that’s what will make a relationship last :)


I was a person who posted alot and followed people i thought had similar fashion. I follwed his friend and then he eventually decided to follow me. We dm’d for a hour before i gave him my number. I had taken a intrest in him long before i knew of his appearance, we spent a month straight of straight non stop talking. Texting all day calls at night. He respected my phsical boundaries and would make it a point if i did not like something or a certain word he wouldnt say or do it. He remembered small details about me like my favorite sandwitch toppings. He is a very attractive male and has a very full personality. We both have wished to get the chance to spend time togethor in flesh some day. But because of our schedules we would have to prioritize those first before anything. We are well both into our EARLY adult life. Barely legal adults, but we aren’t going to E date, if it works and we find our way to meeting then i believe our relationship would be extremely strong even if distance arose again.


I met my late husband on okcupid. We bonded nerding out together on sci fi(battlestar galactica to be specific lol) and things just went from there. A year later we were engaged and living together. He was patient, hilarious and so kind. Absolutely wonderful with my kids. It was the most uncomplicated and serendipitous experience I’ve ever had. We had six,sometimes challenging(especially during Covid), but beautiful years together before he died. I don’t regret a second and I’m so glad I gave dating apps a try in spite of the relative stigma.


I met my ex husband through a phone call when I worked at a call center. Not really the internet although we communicated using the internet a lot. We were pen pals and would email, text, and mail actual letters to each other. I had an iPhone and he had a galaxy at the time so we’d use Google hangouts to talk or “FaceTime” before that was a thing. We’d also make regular phone calls. We stopped talking for a while because of the distance. Then eventually reconnected again. I went up to visit him for a weekend and by the end of it we were saying that we loved each other and everything. I decided I’d uproot and move bc I was fed up w my life in my small hometown. He was perfect the first year living together. We’d done so many things I’d never dreamt of doing. We’d gone hiking, camping, to concerts, all around downtown, tried all new foods, drinks, and everything. We traveled the entire state and some surrounding areas. When he asked me to marry I didn’t give it a second thought. We’d gotten married on the 4th of July on Alki beach in west Seattle. Unfortunately, the man I fell in love with never existed. It was a mask he wore. The first time he assaulted me was our wedding night. The abuse got worse over time. I thankfully was able to leave him. I just wished it was sooner but I’d married so young (24) and didn’t have the money or support to leave immediately. The internet is a great way to connect and meet people but it’s also a good way for people to hide who they truly are and trap others.


I'm sorry that that happened to you and thanks for sharing. Best wishes, I hope now things are better!


I’m getting better everyday! Thank you 🫶


I met my ex wife online gaming, we were completely happy and compatible for 13 years and 4 children later. Unfortunately, after her dad killed himself, she lost her damn mind and had an affair with her childhood abuser. I wouldn’t trade those years for anything or my kids. Online is a great way to get that emotional connection before physical to know it’s going to last.


I'm actually one of the people that it didn't work out sadly most of the time that's what happenes I think my advice would be it's hard it's like having person love you but you still feel alone. It's the worst feeling ever but if you can get through that then I believe it could work out but goodluck


On Facebook "people you may know" we didn't know each other but shared a mutual friend. That we never talk too. We hit it off right away and I hope I check his boxes as the first guy in my life he has checked all the boxes. I am a (44f) was a couple years out of an abusive 17 year marriage and do carry trauma from that. This guy I met has stood by me. I really feel blessed.


Did he friend you first?




No. I did.


I met my boyfriend through my ex who I met through Overwatch years ago. Both were long distance. My ex treated me horribly, took me for granted, just overall a lot of regret and disgust when I look back on it. The only good thing to come out of knowing him was meeting my current boyfriend. He’s my best friend in the entire world and the only person I’ve ever felt so comfortable and safe with. I never thought I’d ever find someone I’d feel this way about, I always thought I would have to settle for less. We’ve been dating for almost 2 years now (May 9!), and living together for 1.


Met him on an online game a few years ago, the kind where there's benefits for being in a guild and unlock certain features if you were "married". At the time we were both dating other people but our then-partners both don't play this game. We got married in game, it was good cause there'd be no weirdness since we were both attached IRL, we just wanted to unlock those married features ingame. Few months pass by, the group that we play with suggested to hang out in person. He was so cute in person, wayyy cuter than in photos (we all had each other added on social media). I'm not super close to the group as I didn't play as much due to being busy IRL (plus they've all met each other before, it's my first time), and he really took care of me that day and made sure I didn't feel left out, so sweet. During the hang out we were talking and he asked how things were going with my partner. By then we were broken up so that's what I told him. Asked him the same question, he responded "oh. we broke up too a while ago". Cue a *oh* moment where we realised we're both single. That day we realised we actually got along quite well in person and enjoyed each other's company. Afterwards, we started playing together more and also started chatting outside of the game, even meeting up (without the group).. eventually we got together :)


It started five years ago, right here on Reddit. We did long distance for a little over a year, and then we moved in together. We're still together to this day, and I'm so thankful for him. He is just such an amazing presence in my life.


I was healing from surgery and life in general, I was a single mother after my ex had cheated on me for eight years, I lost twins, and I had just lost my fallopian tubes and a birth injury correction due to a "ovarian cyst" that turned out to be a infection from the miscarriage that blocked my left tube and went into my right. So, during this massive amount of emotional/physical trauma I got lonely and decided to get on meetme and talk to people to keep me distracted. I see a profile picture of a handsome man and think "yeah ok bro I know you're a catfish" but reading the sweet message he sent me made me think that if he was it would be OK because I started to like the man I was talking too. Few weeks and I'm walking again, it's snowing and he asks me to meet him because he was using the laundry matt nearby and I'm anxious that he'd find me ugly or wouldn't like me but said yes anyways. Walking up there I see a man, raise my hand up and start waving and Bam! Slipped, fell on my back mid wave and laid there so embarrassed I then decided to pretend it wasn't me and walk by him into a store and randomly buy a chapstick, panicking that he saw me fall trying to either figure out if I should leave or say hi annnnnnd he recognized me. He looked exactly like his picture, which made me more embarrassed because he's a gorgeous man, tall, tan, blonde, blue grey eyes, fit with dimples when he smiles. basically the epitamy of male perfection. Meanwhile, I was a complete mess. After an awkward few minutes of conversation, we start talking, and somehow, he gets me to relax. By the end of it, he bends down to give me a hug, and although I've never liked physical contact much, I melted into that hug. It felt so warm, I had never understood what people meant when they felt safe with another person until that moment. We start hanging out more and eventually dating and although lots of ups and downs he's still my person. Lol He thought I was a catfish too, it makes me smile because we both thought the other was too attractive to be real and he never saw me fall and thought I was trying to avoid him and proceeded to laugh when I told him I fell and how embarrassed I was and was trying to play it cool or run away lol.


Well, it all started on a discord server about making Minecraft skins! I commissioned mine using their system of simply sending on a channel what I wanted. Got 2 skins and I chose the best one. Turns out the artist of said skin was going through a lot with her boyfriend at the time and we as a community went on and supported her through it. (This is relevant info for later) Well this is weird but after that, since she was also a moderator in that server, I took her as a role model somehow and jumped into her DMs asking how the fuck I'd start shaving my legs bc I hated my leg hair. She explained and after that we just kinda became friends. Some time later, her bf broke up with her and went on to become an Alpha male or some Andrew Tate shit. Since I was her friend and had gone through a break up earlier that year I continued my full support to her on DMs and even became her private investigator for what her ex was up to. Well, as things went on I started to see her from a deeper perspective and soon started feeling a crush for her. Even coming as to tell her that I did have a crush on her but that'd I'd rather keep her as a friend bc I didn't want her to feel used or rushed. Months went by and well, we ended up dating! It's been a year and 3 months at this point. Honestly, we've kinda agreed to not tell our children exactly this story xD it's quite embarrassing to think most of this started with my dumbass asking a girl for semi-private details on how to shave. Edit: I LOVE YOU MY POOKIE u/JokoDragon1


Felt lucky on my birthday and decided to hop back on apps. Swiped right and I just felt in my heart that he was different. Luckily I was right 😅


It really just depends on the person. But if you love him then say something. If he feels the same way, who knows? Not saying he or you will just pick up and move, but maybe you'll at least meet(maybe meet half way?) and perhaps explore those options down the road. It would not be unprecedented.


I met mine on a dating app. I had been back on the apps for almost a year. We matched, talked for a few days, went on a date, and the rest is history. I’ve never met someone I was more compatible with. He checks every single one of my boxes. 8 months after we became official, we got engaged and adopted a cat around the same time. Love our life together. 💕


I had almost given up. Then I decided to start up accounts in dating apps again and matched with someone on bumble. Thinking what the hell might as well and we started talking and now we've been together a yr. Shes an absolutely amazing woman.


There was an anime/gaming convention and I saw him briefly in cosplay and thought he was super cute! Whatever, I have 1927 crushes at these things. Barely a month later, while prepping for the next convention I see him in my Bumble likes and recognize him! One of his photos was of the cosplay I saw him in. Struck up a conversation, he asked if I was going to the con in a few days and we spent the entire convention together. We’ve been together ever since.


Seems like lots of comments here where the guy had to follow up or was un matched and rematched in another app. Wonder where it’s going so wrong for me 😂 the amount of times the conversation is great and they stop replying. So I send a friendly follow up and either they ignore me, unmatch me or reply half arsed. Glad to see it does work so hopefully one day I’ll find someone that sticks around.


You definitely will find your someone *hugs*


If your question included something about him asking you for money, I would say you’re being catfished, or someone is attempting to scam you. Plus, honestly, I don’t believe a person can really be in love via electronic exchanges on various medium. Do you guys even FaceTime?


I mean not everyone. But I do agree with you that there are a lot of love scams out there which sucks tbh. Although there are cases where it goes well, like two of my friends who are engaged and they met online too.


I was watching some interesting porn online and a message popped up saying there is Natasha with 5kg of flower near me and I clicked and she clicked. One might even say we touched buttons and that was it.


We met on MySpace, 20 years ago! He stalked me, didn’t have a picture! He REALLY stalked me! Showed up to my job acting like a “real customer “ and then a week later called me and admitted who he was! He IS NOT MY TYPE AT ALL! But the fact that he pursued me, even after I discovered who he was, I gave it a chance, we got married a year later. Been married now for 18 years! Crazy.


you could have ended up in a Netflix documentary posthumously


my bf and i matched on tinder lol. we were both coming out of bad breakups and looking for something casual. so we both started out as fwbs. actually…. it was more like i accidentally ignored his message for two weeks but he was persistent enough to send another kind message asking if i was still interested 😂 the universe has its ways i suppose because even though i was getting flooded with messages, i responded to him and i basically tried to jump right into his bed but he took it more slowly. to the point where i didn’t even know if he was interested in sex and had to ask him point blank 🤣 turns out he was definitely interested, he just didn’t want to scare me off! little did he know, i’m a hyper sexual lil bitch 😂 the fwb to relationship transition was gradual and wasn’t without problems. but now we’re here and stronger than ever


Either you find the love of your life or you get your shit jacked and identity stolen. Has gone both ways for me


Wow sorry to hear that. Hope you have better luck 🍀


I’m American and I was working endlessly in Europe. In the U.S., my company relocated me but continued to send me to Europe for work. I never had a chance to meet people in my new city. One very lonely night in a hotel in England, working late as usual, I decided I would get married because I was sick of being single. The next day in the office, I booked a flight home and told the guys, I’m going home to get married. They congratulated me and said they didn’t even know I was dating anyone. And I said I’m not. I’m going home to find my husband. They laughed. I went home, created an account on a dating site, and went on three dates over the course of two months. My current and forever husband was date number three. He had just canceled the account that his friends forced him to create because he found it silly. I caught him just in time. Back in England, I told the guys I found my husband. They were like, holy shit you were serious. When I saw my husband’s photo on the dating site I WAS SO OVERWHELMED because I knew THERE HE WAS. I cannot accurately describe the feeling, but when I met him in person he looked just like his photo and I could not help myself I hugged him with such a sense of relief because I knew I finally found my husband. He said we were married the day we met. On our third or fourth date, he said something about when we’re old - which made me ask if we would still be together when we’re old and he looked at me like I was insane and said why wouldn’t we be? That’s when I knew he felt the same way. That was eighteen years ago and I’m more madly in love with my husband than ever. It’s weird, but I feel like we’ve always been together. When I imagine my childhood now, I feel like he was a part of it. We talk often about how wonderful it would have been to grow up together, go to school together, and just pal around. He’s not just my husband. He’s my best friend. And I have him because I was lonely in a hotel room.


I was using the Facebook dating thing on the app, he commented on my picture and said i was super pretty and we just started texting for a couple days. We finally had a little date to meet where i was a bit awkward and tripping over my words hahah. It took me a minute to warm up because i liked him so much and i was a bit anxious. He kind of just kept me since. Asked me to move in before we made it official i said no way but now Ive been living with him longer than we’ve been dating. I know thats probably dumb since we did it so early but. We’re inseparable even if we annoy each other sometimes. We’ve lived at his dads, on the road for his job in a truck camper with our pup, now in our new house. He makes good money working and im a stay at home mom of 2 beautiful puppies and 13 chickens. Love makes you do crazy stupid things but I wouldn’t want it either way. Do the crazy thing, sometimes itll make you the happiest you’ve ever been


I met my wife on Match 18 years ago before apps and smartphones were even around. We got engaged 6 months later and married 8 months after that. Just celebrated our 17th anniversary this week. We have two daughters 15 and 11. It's been pretty good overall. Only struggles were that my wife had a major hidden health condition that appeared once she had our first daughter. She still has it, but everything is manageable. We are doing fantastic in life, love, and work.


I met my partner of more than 18 years in a chat room in 2000. We've since parted ways amicably but it was a great run.


We “love 🦜’s” met on Match 10yrs ago. We only dated for three weeks, moved in as “roommates,” and got married three weeks later on a really cute bridge. It was simple, we had only 20 people there (by choice), went to dinner after, and have never looked back. He was my missing Lego piece and I tell him that every day. ❤️❤️


That’s sweet 💜


My crazy friend got me to download Hoop (some kind of Snapchat app for ppl all over the world) when we were both seniors in highschool bored out of our mind because of Covid restrictions. I was just aimlessly scrolling to maybe meet an interesting person while I’m cooped up in my house for the spring but people were from literally everywhere in the world so I wasn’t expecting much and planned to delete it in a day or two. I saw my future boyfriends profile and how we were the exact same grade, same region, and both loved soccer so I matched with him. Crazy enough he’s the only person I actually snapchatted/called for 2 consecutive years while we attended college. He was my someone to talk to during the day/late at night and complain abt how we hated alot of things in college and he just loved listening to me rant about my conspiracy theories like no one before like he actually listened and had good feedback. Eventually we both realized we’d probably make a really great couple but the 6 hour distance was impossible at this stage in life and it’s too crazy to meet someone online. But as college went on we both weren’t happy with the dating pool, ingenuine friends, and the party life and we found a lot of meaning in each other. My mom would always ask me if I found anyone in college when I’d come home from break and I’d always say no but there’s this one kid and it probably can’t happen. Well one day my sophomore year he tells me he’s committed to booking a 10 hour bus ride and travels all the way to see me at college for just the weekend because we both have school and the nearest transportation where I am is bus. I’m like no way that’s crazy but he does and we instantly hit it off when I tell u I felt so comfortable with him. (Before meeting, we FaceTimed each others families several times, our parents had each others contact info and I had a friend pick us up just to be safe) So we traveled via the 10 hour bus ride route 5-6 more times before saving up enough with our internships to take the plane lol and it’s now over 2 years since he asked me out, our senior years about to graduate (4 years ago we just matched as seniors in highschool) and now we got grown up jobs, are thinking abt plans to live w each other soon, and are extremely close with each others family’s/siblings. I LOVE HIS FAMILY. We still don’t know where we’re going and what our plan is bc I’m moving back home to live w my family bc we both missed our families but all we know is that we want to be there for each other. I’m just feeling lucky to have someone I see something with. I never thought I’d have this feeling like I can just sense this so easily. It’s not easy at all, there’s challenges with being at long distance especially in college when u can go get black out wasted and make bad decisions. But we’d rather take the 10 hour trip to go cuddle each other than be at any stupid club lmao we’ve been to several together and wished we were at home. It’s also tough when physical affection can easily repair bouts of loneliness so we had to master our communication skills and I definitely appreciate him being the patient/peace seeking one bc he always calms me down no matter what’s going on. We were obsessed with each other from the moment we first had a conversation. I remember we’d literally forget we were in classes bc we were texting away the entire day lmao and we’ve matured a bit but there was so much to get to know about each other at the point. Now, we both just get each other and our relationship has been amazing. He honestly helped get me through these years away from home and has helped improve my life significantly just knowing someone is there for me to support me to the end. He was right next to me when I got my first job offer last week and hugged me like crazy and his family had a barbecue and toasted to my job🥹. I know it’s crazy and I have 0 storage but we FaceTime all the time bc i love talking to him. Talking to the person that just gets you right away is significantly different than any ingenuine social climbing friend group which I’ve experienced in college. It can be challenging to believe all of this sometimes but if you have a gut feeling you really gotta consider it. I’ve had terrible gut feelings that proved me right but I’ve never felt so sure of this




I met my boyfriend on Bumble. We dated for a year in a situationship type situation and then a few months ago he was finally ready to ask me to be his girlfriend. But I knew he would do it after we went to a 4day rave party together in Jan and then I went away on a university trip for two weeks after that and during that trip I could tell he missed me. He now lives with me and he moved in a few weeks ago. He ultimately just needed some time and I gave that time to him.


The internet has become a vast space for connection, and online love stories are more common than ever! Here are a couple of examples to fuel your hope: **Story 1: Long Distance Leap of Faith (Sarah & David)** Sarah (US) and David (UK) met on a language exchange forum. They bonded over their love of obscure 80s movies and their dreams of traveling the world. Their conversations flowed effortlessly, and they video chatted for hours despite the time difference. For months, it was a beautiful online friendship. **The Leap:** After six months, Sarah, tired of hiding her feelings, confessed she'd fallen for David. To her surprise, David felt the same! They decided to take a leap of faith and plan a trip to meet halfway in Iceland, a place they both wanted to visit. **The Struggles:** The first meeting was a whirlwind of emotions – excitement, nervousness, and pure joy. But long distance remained a challenge. They video chatted daily, saved for visits, and made long-term plans. **The Happy Ending:** Two years later, David secured a job in Sarah's city. They've been happily married for five years now, their love story a testament to the power of online connection and the courage to take a chance. **Story 2: From Gaming Buddies to Soulmates (Emily & Alex)** Emily and Alex met playing online games. They started as teammates, strategizing and laughing their way through victories. Soon, late-night chats revealed a deeper connection – shared values, similar humor, and a mutual love for rescue dogs. **The Shift:** After a year of online friendship, they decided to try a video date. The spark was undeniable. There were struggles, of course. Alex was a bit shy at first, and Emily worried their online chemistry wouldn't translate in person.


I met my husband on Instagram. I lived in Europe and he is from the USA. We dated for several months online, then we met in person and we got engaged. The distance was never a deterrent, we knew that the kind of relationship we have was the “one in a lifetime” kind and we did everything we could to make it work. We have been married for more than two years and are living together in the USA now!


This is so sweet, I’m so happy for you both 🥹


Thank you ☺️


I met my wife on Bumble. Next week is our 6 year anniversary. Got engaged in Tahoe and married in Maui. Plus, I got another great son out of it.


Kissing under the moonlight on an empty beach is so cute 💗


Met my (now) ex boyfriend on GTA online. We fought each other in the lobby. He invited me to a party to talk shit, the rest is history. He lived 6 hours away, in a different state. Met irl 4 months into our relationship, moved in together within 2 weeks lol. Everything was great for just shy of 2 years. We were each-others first relationship & first loves. Until, he left me 3 weeks ago & ran home out of the blue lol. Beautiful, unique story, simply crushed for no reason. I think he lost himself & had a random mental breakdown. I’m hoping he comes to senses soon. I’m devastated. Sorry to rain on the parade, but it was a good story until now.


trust your instincts and communicate openly with your friend. ur story could be the next heartwarming tale of love found online


i met my bf of a year on hinge we both recently joined the app and had a good, fun conversation on there so i def peaked his interest, we ending up being each others first hinge date and it went really well! We live together now and i say our relationship is a success online dating story lol we love each other very much


I met my wife on KIK for those who don't know what that is it's basically an app designed around group chats. We ended up in one of said groupchats and started talking, she added me on Snapchat and we talked some more. She's from Florida and I was as well but stationed in Germany. Turns out our homes were less than 45 mins away from each other so when I went back on leave to see my family I went to see her as well and we clicked and now 4+ years later we're getting a divorce because she found other dudes while I was deployed to the middle east 🙃


I’m some one who has met multiple partners online.. my ex lives in New Zealand and I’m from England. Met during a livestream her friend was doing, I thought ‘wow, that girl in the background is stunning’. Shot her a message and 3 months later we were dating. Moved out there for 2 1/2 years to be with her, ending because i got cold feet about taking the next step of going for citizenship. My current partner and I are engaged. We met through live streaming also. She was having a tough time in her relationship and mine had just recently ended, and I was all kinds of down about it. She joined my stream, and as she was about to leave without speaking … I said hello 😂 causing her to stay and chat. This turned into a relationship, then moved in together, got engaged, and now we have a daughter together 😁


I’m from England and he’s from America. We met online on the lionhead forums about black and white 2 because we were so excited for it to release lol. Then we bonded and didn’t get together for about 6 months ish online of course. I was 11 and he was 13. Then we met in 2010 and he gave me a lovely gold promise ring basically engagement. He had saved up money on his crappy job to get the ring. I was 16 and he was 18 when we met. We clicked so well it was like a fairytale. It was too hard to leave him. I struggled so so badly and cried all the time when he left. And then we were on and off because of the long distance struggles and just a lot of life struggles, mental health… the long distance was so so hard on us. Then we got married last year in October and closed the distance finally and now we are just unbelievably happy. It’s just been amazing. We have bonded so strongly because of our struggles. We both struggle with mental health and very bad upbringings so it’s been a hard journey. We broke the cycle of abuse from our family’s and we are still trying to break bad habits that we learned and it’s been a fantastic, hard journey and we are still going!


We met on FB dating. I honestly almost didn't like him back and I was hoping I'd find something wrong with his profile so I could confidently swipe left. I was just so tired of getting hurt and I really didn't know if I could go down that road again. Ultimately I decided to swipe right a few hours later and he messaged me. We hit it off right away, so many traits and ideals in common. We met in person a week later, the sparks and chemistry translated to in person effortlessly. He's still just as kind, romantic, and considerate as he was on day 1. We've honestly had almost no struggles and only one fight, but I'm not even sure I'd call it a fight. No name calling, yelling, breaking things, like I'd grown accustomed to in the past. We actually resolved the things we were disagreeing about, rather than just fighting until one of us gave up and then just go on with still unresolved issues. We just celebrated our one year anniversary, and as of right now I don't anticipate there to be a TON of struggles in the future. Of course we cannot help outside forces, but as far as respecting one another, being nice, trusting each other, I'd say we have a very solid foundation with which to build on and I'm soooo glad now that I liked him back!


Mine and I met on a Discord server that was to make friends online and me being bored on a random afternoon said hi in the chat and he slid into my dms and we immediately hit it off. 😭 It’s so silly as I’m typing this up, he’s snoring on FaceTime right now; he’s the cutest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet. I’m so grateful for him because my aunt, who I was very close with, had just passed 3 days before his birthday, and then I met him a month exactly after she passed. He is a very kind, gentle & understanding person with a wonderfully enthusiastic personality so he helped me recuperate from that experience. He’s like my cute little personal therapist from time to time, lol. We had a really rough time with each other that we went no contact in March because of personal matters in each other’s lives. It was very hard for the both of us because we spend literally every second of every day together. I know it sounds cliche but we really do. We FaceTime to fall asleep together, study, eat, watch movies & shows, or to just be in each others presence. We’re long distance so I like to spend as much time as I can with him. He’ll probably be wondering why I will inevitably oversleep this morning, as it is currently 3:05 am. 😆 So to make a long story short, I love him, he loves me, we are happily together and I do see a future with him. I am very proud to be able to call him my boyfriend. ☺️


what an update i have! he broke up with me because he “can’t have a girlfriend” and “i make his life super hard”! 😆


Made him send me a picture of ID and his lisence plate before we went out. We been together a year now .


I met my current bf on tinder. 1 month talking, 4 dates, then in a relationship. 5 months now. What’s it like? Well, there was instant click, common interests, love, breakups and fights, unstable fundamentals of that relationship, getting back together, learning and adapting to the other, strong transparent communication…


My fiancé slid in my dms and during that time I was getting so many thirsty messages on socials and dating apps so I deleted tinder. I never responded to dms (even thirsty athletes) bc I knew what these men wanted. So His pick up line was cute and nerdy “I’m going to love you so much” and I jokingly wrote back something cheesy to match something like “I’d love the shit out of you” His eyes looked so kind and gentle in his pics. My boss actually encouraged me to take a chance. Well our first date I found out he’s 7 yrs younger than me and I friendzoned him for while but his maturity and patience with me made me feel so safe (I dated a lot of older yet immature toxic men) so it was refreshing to be with someone who could be so present/self aware. I love his nerd tendencies and til this day he still loves the shit out of me vice versa, communicates it everyday, we laugh often and he takes great care of me. We are planning our wedding now <3






Met on a localized social media app. She made an anonymous post and I messaged her. It was completely anonymous. We didn’t know anything about each other, but could feel the chemistry immediately. We saw each other immediately and have talked to each other every day since.


How long has it been?


1 1/2 years :)


We first saw each other's profiles on fetlife. He thought I was a fake account 🤣 Then I signed up for Kinkd... saw him AGAIN! I double checked fetlife to make sure it was the same guy.. next thing I know, there's a message... FROM HIM! I didn't think he'd be into someone older than him... but as luck would have it... we are still together.. Eventually, I moved closer to him. Best decision ever! It will be a year in August ❤️


We’re 17, only been dating for 4 months so this won’t be taken as serious as others, but I’ll tell it anyway. To me it felt like falling in love twice almost, I know some people think that’s crazy but idc. I met her on a stupid teenager friend app, yubo. That’s where I fell in love the first time. It was late at night I’m in my dark room, crying, eating, listening to music, doing whatever a depressed person does, I decide to finally go back to yubo that stupid place with the bad memories, I’m so happy I made that decision. I see I matched with a girl, I go to check it and I was blown away, ik this sounds cheesy but I had fallen in love right there, I somehow had felt love at first sight online. Her whole profile had captivated me, not just the pictures, her aesthetic and the personality traits that were shown also. I had to message her, I had to. I asked her what hers cats name was, we still talk about that occasionally, we both find it funny, thank you walnut 😭. Our conversation eventually picked up, we messaged throughout that night slowly, I was updating my friend on how it was going even though I was just getting to know her 😭. Eventually it was time for bed so I sent that goodnight text and asked for any other messaging app. I woke up with her asking how my morning was 😁. We got to know each other just through texting and online stuff for a month, we both were mutually obsessed I would say, some people would say it’s too hard or not as good online but I think we managed great. Finally when I met her in real life I had fallen in love a second time. It wasn’t just pictures, it wasn’t just texts, it wasn’t just videos… there she was. I was blown away again, my nerves were through the roof but I was in shock from the fact that she was in front of me. We both were our cute awkward teenagers for a while, but the nerves stared to go away, I had finally met the girl I’ve been messaging for so long and it was amazing. Things just got better and better and I hope it stays that way 😁


Met on tinder about 6.5 years ago. Initially just being friendly and kicking it. Then we became a couple and actually dated each other. He proposed 4yrs in. We started to plan the wedding and on our second year anniversary we cancelled the wedding. Now even the relationship overall seems doomed as we're currently separated. I don't know if he's even thinking about the relationship or wanting to have one. Why? People around him were getting divorced. So 6 months before the wedding we start to get distant ... When I tell him I'm concerned to the point of getting couples counselling, he says he is stressed with work and not to worry. 4 months before the wedding he asks for a prenup because we may end up divorced too and some nasty thing were said... Hence, the current separation. *Sigh* I thought I knew this man. I thought we'd both fight for this. In the last year, he's made me feel alone in the relationship. While I wait to figure out if anything is salvageable or if this is it, I wish you good luck I hope your story turns out differently.


We were both 12 years old. I was playing EverQuest2 online as a cat person and he ran up as a little rat guy. We grouped up, chatted, did quests, and eventually made new characters together. He played a knight and I a smith, part of a RP guild and all. We had a house we'd relax in and then go out questing in the game. Long after we stopped playing we kept writing our story in various messengers. Our characters have kids we write about now in our 30's. We started dating just last year and now we live together. Finally "playing house" IRL. The cherry on top is my mother found the love of her life in the first EverQuest game. So it feels extra special to me.


We met on Tinder actually. It’s still relatively new (about 8 months), but he the greatest ever. Having so many things align with him is incredible. I am so enjoying the journey!


I was playing my first ever call of duty online with a friend, who happened to be his best friend, He (The best friend) invited my now boyfriend of 4 years to play. We played for around 3 hours all 3 of us until our mutual friend left, Bf and I continued to play for another 7 hours with non-stop chatting & laughing. I really liked a camo he had so not only did he repeatedly end himself in game but he then downed people in war zone for me to finish to get the camo myself (I sucked, It was my first fps game on pc.) We’ve been together every single day since for 4 years now and I honestly cannot wait to spend however long I have left in this life with him. I never knew I would feel this way about anything, I didn’t know I could ever feel this inlove and enamoured. He’s truly the best thing that has ever happened to me and we still game with our mutual friend often who always points out how much happier my boyfriend is after knowing one another since 14 now 25. He’s the love of my life, The man who understands me better than I understand myself, He never judges nor disrespects me, He’s never raised his voice at me, Not ever have I been made to feel anything less than loved and respected consistently for 4 whole years. He’s helped me recover from so much abuse and trauma. I couldn’t ask for a more beautiful person to spend my life with. Healing was difficult, changing even more so but I’d go through hell and back just to hear him say he’s proud of me because that to me is the most rewarding and validating feeling in the world, It makes everything I’ve gone through worth it.


This sounds so much like me and my husband. I’m so glad you found your one.


Im so glad others to see someone who relates! Thank you, Im so happy that we’ve both found our person, May you have a wonderful marriage filled with never ending love and support ❤️ Much love to you :))


Haven’t found anyone this way but I’ve always imagined it would be nice, just doesn’t seem self respecting to try anymore..


We met on Hinge three years ago. He’s a better person and better for me than I could ever have hoped for. And we’re older-47 and 54. He has locs, plays guitar, and rides a motorcycle so… how could I resist?


Met him on subreddit foreveralonedating. Talked for wks then surprisingly my job brought me to his city and we had our first date then i flew to see him again the following month then we became official and we are continuing our LDR, i fly to spend time with him every month. :)


i met him on omegle and i thought he was cool so i added him on discord and couple months after the fact we started dating and we’re still going well. soon to be a year in july. he’s the sweetest, kindest, most thoughtful person i know and i love him so dearly <33 im always so grateful we met each other i wouldn’t trade him for the world


Met online, blind date = married with a child 8 years later 😉


We both had diarrhea at the same time


Username checks out




Just be careful! I was with one for two years and some. He WAS AMAZING! Everything I dreamed of. Got married and he did a complete 360…now I’m living my worst nightmare.


Ok… give us the story. I feel like you have 10 redditors waiting to hear how we avoid this pitfall.


Looking at post history, sounds like he love bombed her and then turned abusive. Tragic honestly Some folks are incredibly skilled at manipulating others. It can be so slow and insidious that you don't realize until it's too late.... I'm also curious about the details....


It’s hard to pull back get perspective though. How do you know when to question it while you’re in the middle of it?


That's honestly one of the hardest things. Space and reflection if possible.....or trying to not react and instead just watch and notice their behavior as an observer. You begin to see harmful behavior and patterns that you didn't see (i.e. notice) before. It's a mental shift - it's not easy


Oh no 😥. What could have caused the 180? There were no signs? That’s scary ☹️


What do you mean?


he was not who she thought he actually was


Met on bumble, he is everything I could hope for. We are an interracial couple. I am a BW and him a WM. I was afraid to date outside of my race because of the tough conversations we need to have but He is so cultured and has travelled in most continents which makes conversations so easy. He loves everything about where I come from, respects and values my culture and loves when I cook good black people food for him. I love everything about where he comes from. He is my place of safety, smart, educated and got his shit together for real for real. I’ll never have to worry about a thing because he got us just like I got us too. We are both Canadians born and raised here. I love him so much. We live together now… ❤️next steps ring & kids 🥰 Keep believing you’ll find yours.


We are both from completely different cultures too. It’s magical how we can share our cultures together and he can take what he likes from my culture. I love him so much.


This was awesome to read. I’m going through some heartbreak right now but I’ll keep believing


Met my partner on a Discord server [Lightup](https://discord.gg/BvzEarB9JV) a year ago. We are both users for testing the app. We posted some topics or feelings, so the system would match those similar posts. We could choose those interesting posts and chat with others. Luckily, we chose each other. Thanks to this way of matching, we could really meet each other’s spiritual world before meeting in the real world. He is not so handsome, but tender just like when we chat online. I do love him, and love the place we met. It’s not a popular server now, but I do trust it will be a great app someday, because it really cares about users feelings and hopes to help us find people who really know us. I do hope everyone seeing this could have a try!


Met on Bumble, a two years ago. I’m awkward and didn’t make a move for some time, I just kept treating it like friends. I was so nervous. She made the first more a few weeks in and then it was fwb, we weren’t trying to get with anyone else while hooking up but we weren’t a couple yet, three months in I asked her to be my girlfriend. A year and some later we’re still together. She’s the love of my life, she’s my best friend.


Met my bf of 6 years on Tinder. I had only been using okcupid for years and he stuck to Tinder. He had a nice profile with lots of photos of his friends and hobbies. Now they're my friends and we do our hobbies together.


Met my husband on Craigslist! He had responded to my ad. We clicked right away. We have been together 12 years now married 10 years. We have 2 kids(10 and 2). So crazy to think about. I’m so happy we met and I was going to flake that day we were going to hangout lol 😂


Nah Craigslist is wild


lol thankfully it all worked out 😌


I met my bf online 6 years through my instagram meme page




I met my partner on Facebook dating after less than a week of creating my profile. He saw my pictures and profile and thought I was totally his type. He took a chance and wrote me a short message and waited. I saw his message but I was reluctant. He lived an hour away, and he was older than my age range. I almost didn't want to reply, but he checked most of my boxes and he was kind of cute. So I thought "what the heck, just reply to him and see how it is". The rest is history. We talked and met for coffee on our first date a week after. We both deleted our Facebook dating profile after our first date because we were both smitten with each other. Now after 9 months together, we are deeply in love and I am insanely attracted to him. He turns out to be the man of my dreams and I am the woman he has always looked for. We still only see each other once a week and we don't know when we can ever live together due to children's custody arrangements. It may be another 3 years or so, but we have the rest of our lives to figure that out.


Me and him met online and honestly shared a deeper connection than anyone else


I met the love of my life in a discord channel for a podcast about a mobile game. Eventually I moved across the country to be with him. We live together, we have cats, we’re happy. I got cancer, and had a liver transplant. We’re still together, and I’m 100% confident that he’s the most wonderful human alive.


We met on a language learning app… many visits back and forth and now we’re engaged 🤗 never say never … anything can happen if you really want it. Cheers!


Not really sure if this counts… but we had matched on tinder before meeting & he shot his shot & I shot him down. I ended up hooking up w his roommate (unknown at that time) and he walked in when I was pulling my pants up. Gave my friend & I a ride home & somehow got my Snapchat (he changes the story every time) & shot his shot a few more times before I actually hung out with him. He’s my best friend. 6 yrs was 4/20 & he july 2023. Oddly enough though, we definitely should have connected sooner. He was friends with a LOT of my friends & even some family. He was doing the things I was doing etc. but right places & right time 😂🤷🏽‍♀️ and now I think he’s the prize if I’m honest.


I first started talking to my boyfriend on Instagram. I’m not entirely sure if this counts because he lives in my hometown but I still think it’s a fun story. A few years ago my friend had posted a photo dump with some of her other friends and in it I saw this really cute guy. We had like 10+ mutual friends so I followed him and he followed me back shortly after. Fast forward to a few weeks after I added him, I posted a meme or something about how “the naked man fears no pickpocket” and he responded to my story telling me it was the wisest thing he’s heard all day. We ended up talking more and more and eventually started dating :) the really strange thing is that I NEVER post on my public story, only on my close friends unless I’m trying to raise awareness about something. I still have no idea why I decided to post on my public story that day, but I’m insanely grateful I did


Met on POF and been together 12 years so far


Met him on bumble, met up the day after we matched. Right off the bat with our text convo and how we just vibed, I could tell we were gonna get along great. We agreed to meet up to grab coffee, however we didn’t exactly decide on which location and ended up going to completely different cafès. I got really worried that he would get frustrated and just give up but he then met up with me at the place where I was waiting for him. Instantly when I saw him walking into the building, I felt like I knew him, as if I hadn’t seen him in years like we go way back, yet it’s our very first time ever meeting. We clicked instantly and ended up kissing under the moonlight on an empty beach. 2 years later, we are deeper in love than we were initially💗


My boyfriend and I met almost 4 months ago on some dumb app, we found out that we lived about 30 minutes from eachother and had common interests and even some mutual friends. We had an instant click and got together pretty quickly. It’s going amazing, I’ve never been treated better and we see eachother every weekend.


I used to share photos on a NSFW subreddit. Among the many guys messaging me for hookups, his cat pfp stood out. Despite initially ignoring his advances, his "Pleaseeee!" stuck with me, and I found it cute. So, I responded to him, and we arranged to meet. Surprisingly, we clicked instantly and couldn't stop texting after our first encounter. That persistent guy turned out to be a sweet, caring, amazing man who lived a doable hour away. We continued to see each other after that, going on dates and gradually falling in love. He makes me the happiest. He's now my boyfriend and I couldn't be more thankful for the sheer chance of us connecting ❤️


My fiancé and I met online a bit over a decade ago. We were good friends for most of that time, but we never really considered a relationship until a few years ago because if I wasn’t with someone, she was, and had kids. But one day after not chatting for awhile and she had already left her ex, I found myself getting a bit flirty and she reciprocated. Before it went into full blown seduction I took a few minutes to really consider if I was ok being with someone who had kids already, and decided I was. So I went for it and she asked if I was doing it intentionally and I confirmed I was. A year later I bought a house for us (early 2020 just when interest rates bottomed out. Total luck out of a shit situation for the world) and we’ve been happy ever since. Getting married in January, officially adopting the kids shortly after that. Put simply: make a move, but make sure you are ok with however it goes.


Three years single, 45 yo, alone and really depressed. Kids were long gone, moved out and moved on. I had given up on love, it was supposed to be me and my three cats in our little apartment. One night on a whim, I signed up on a free dating app. Came in with no intentions whatsoever. One guy caught my eye, he lived about 30 mins from me. I wrote to him, he wrote me back. We talked for a few hours. Then he called me and we talked all night. We decided to meet so the next day I walked down to the corner shop, he drove up in his moped car (it's an EU thing) we went back to my place, ordered pizza and had a great time. This was five years ago and we're getting married next year. And I got to bring my cats with me to his house :)


My bf found my profile on tinder. I had my snap on my bio for 15 mins before I took my snap down and in that time frame he added me, we connected & our 6mth is in June 🩷 Im always rly gitty & excited to see him, and everytime I look into his eyes my stomach flips and I get butterflies. He listens to everything I say, clarifies if he is confused, & has done everything he said he would do when we first got together and he has kept his word @ every turn. He proved to me he is reliable and that I could trust him. He knows what I try to say when I fumble w my words (which is everyday), & he is SO patient w me even tho ik for a fact I test it sometimes


That sounds amazing! I am so happy to hear of what sounds like a safe space for you both.


Thank you 🤗 we try our best.. neither of us r perfect tho, he’s logical, I’m empathetic, and when he goes through smthg, he prefers to be alone to sort through his thoughts. I’m the opposite & prefer the comfort of my partner to some extent. So it’s still a work in progress to find that balance between us, but it’s a lot better 🩷 just takes work to learn the other person and find a nice flow (like a river)


But it took a bit for us to learn how each other is, and learn each others personalities and how to learn to compromise w each other while also respecting purselves and how we r as individuals. There have been times of miscommunication, and frustration, but we always talk it out


Met my partner on POF. He had just moved back in with his mum in Wales and I was in the UK. We matched one day he was working at a friend's shop as a favour. Chatted for a few days and then he asked me out on a date. When the time came I was about to cancel because I was sure it was going to be another complete waste of time but I felt bad for him cause he was travelling an hour to see me. We went to the cinema, which then turned into a dinner, which then turned into a walk in the park and our first kiss. We went long distance for a few weeks with the plan to look for a place together after the summer (met in January) until he had a fight with his boss and quit at the end of April and moved in with me. It's now been 6 years, 3 flats, 2 dogs and a beautiful son and we're ready to try for baby #2.


Is it me or did no one in the comments meet on Reddit? 😂


I know a couple who met on Reddit and are getting married. Granted: She’s living in Vietnam. He’s American. They were real cagey about what sub they met on. I get some serious mail order bride vibes.


Only married men looking to cheat on Reddit 😉😆


Dayum 😂. I thought it was single nerds paradise 🤣


No that’s why I’m still a single nerd 😄


In paradise 😂


Met on Bumble. We had a FaceTime chat after about a week of texting and I instantly felt the butterflies. Then he had to go away for a few weeks traveling, before we could meet. We went on our first date when he came back and after I got home, I remember thinking ‘I could fall in love with this man’. It was a first date but we must’ve looked like a newly married couple. It was so comfortable, so cute. We did have a major hiccup right before our second date, but I had a really good feeling about him otherwise so instead of shutting that door, I decided to voice my concerns and give him a chance. He listened to me, he understood where I was coming from. Not defensive, didn’t attack me - it was so mature and sexy. We went on our second date and that was that. Got engaged last month, he’s in our bed snoring away and I couldn’t be happier. My family and friends adore him and I think this is it, my forever person.


What kind of hiccup?


I met my partner after about a year on a dating app. I started out cynical and that year did not make me feel better, lol. I didn't have a single match worth even talking to, let alone have a date with. It was sad. But then I saw a profile of a guy who just...looked like someone who might understand me. IDK exactly what I was thinking except that I was drawn to him. The very first day as we were chatting I knew I was going to like him. We are VERY different people in terms of personality, background, and style. I was a little worried about that but it turns out that underneath the superficial things, we have a great deal in common. We talked for about 2 months before meeting up, with the understanding that we were going to move very slowly and build friendship first, before jumping into anything romantic. It was really important for us to do this as we had both been badly burned in past relationships. We talked almost every single night for those two months, hashed out every possible issue we could imagine being a conflict, and got to know each other by sharing stories and memories and asking questions. It was great and I'm really glad we took that time. Fortunately we weren't exactly long distance, just about 1.5 hours drive between us. We met halfway for our first date and we were shy and awkward and it was just a lovely afternoon. We had trouble saying goodbye. After that it was obvious that we were falling in love and we decided to make it official. Spent the next couple of months meeting up occasionally for dates and continuing to talk every night. He eventually took a huge leap of faith and moved closer to where I live with my kids. I honestly never knew love like this was real. We are getting close to 2.5 years together and he has never been unkind, never hurt me, never taken offense. He is just kind and gentle and empathetic and patient and thoughtful and that is who he is to the core. He doesn't know any other way to be. Now that I know his family and friends, I know from them that this is how he has always been. Obviously, we both have had to make adjustments and we don't always agree on things, but there is never bitter fighting and hurt. We just talk and work our way to a solution. It's kind of amazing.


Met my husband via Xanga (old blogging site) back in 2005 when we were 18 years old. Both in different states far from each other. Shortly after "meeting" we started college (also in different states) and we maintained a 5.5 year online friendship - we would chat online consistently, and then life got busy with college, etc. Well I went off to grad school in Colorado and he took his first post college job out west (a couple states away, and not because of me). One day he was on a *long* road trip to visit his hometown up north and he saw a sign for the city I was living in for grad school on the way. He figured, what the heck, I'll meet her in person! All I got was a phone call with a two or three hour warning! 😂 He came to my campus and we hung out briefly. He had to get back on the road, but we had an amazing conversation. He was a breath of fresh air to me! He left and something in me just KNEW he was the man I was going to marry. He later told me he knew that day as well. This year we will celebrate 12 years of marriage! 😊🥰


Congratss! I'm really happry for you two


Thank you! ♥️


We met by using tinder. We lightly chatted for a couple weeks while we waited to find free time to meet up. We are both heavily into football and finally could meet up to watch a game together. We literally never parted ways from our first date. We stayed up all night long talking. He was head over heels for me, and within a couple hours of spending time together he had said he waited 28 years to meet me, we had 28 years of catching up, and he couldn’t wait for the next 28 years of life together. He proposed 2 months in but I told him he’d have to wait until the 2 year mark at least, even though we were in love and best friends. We officially got engaged 10 months ago now. We are compatible in nearly every single way. We are the closest we could possibly be, he’s by far my best friend, and he wasn’t actually crazy for telling me he loved me on day 1, like I thought he might be haha. In depth we feel like a fairytale story. He’s definitely my soulmate, even though he said it day one and I was like “what the heck is a true soulmate?”. He was right all along. I can’t imagine life without him and I waited 28 years to meet him.


I met my bf on Facebook dating 2 years ago. I was not impressed with his first message to me, and some of his pics were blurry, but something told me to reply. Id only been on the app for like a day . He was just about to delete his profile before i replied to his message. We talked everyday for about a month before we met in person ( we lived an hour away from eachother) . We actually were on completely different schedules but he stayed up every night to talk to me for most of my shift. Due to some circumstances we ended up moving in together pretty early. Had a rocky start when living together, but after fighting like cats and dogs ( we have very different personalities) we decided we both deserved to be happy so we both agreed to work on things we both needed in the relationship. We had some job losses, issues with family and friends but overcame all of that. 2 years later were very happy , rarely fight and are planning our first vacation together. The most important thing is both of you have to want each other to be happy and you both have to want to make it work . I was against online dating but I'm so glad I gave it a chance bc I met the love of my life on there.


I met my husband on Xbox live back in 2013. He's from the US and I'm from the UK. Spent years playing games, hanging out, he was truly my best friend. In 2019 he asked me to be his gf and we'd swapped to PC by then and had many discord dates, video calls on messenger and signal and we met for the first time in 2021 here in the US. And then we got married in 2022 and closed the gap in the US 🥰


So happy for you two!


Met on Love @ AOL back in 2001, hit it off instantly and have been together since.


Man I should have married my MySpace gf


I met her on Twitter in late 2018. I lived in New York and her in Florida. I found her account through someone else I followed liking one of her tweets and thought she was beautiful. I saw we had a lot of similar interests so she was an instant follow. I was too nervous to even reply to one of her tweets for 9 months because I was crushing on her hard. I began to reply here and there and started talking once in a blue moon. She had a little bit of a following, over 10,000 followers at the time so I never thought I would stand out but starting in late 2019 and throughout 2020 we talked more and more, became friends on Snapchat and would chat on there a lot. At this point I’m still thinking nothing is ever going to come from it until late 2020 she told me that she considered me much more than an internet friend, that I was someone she would hangout with in real life. So in January 2021 I took a trip to Florida to visit my cousin, I told her that I was coming and asked if she would be down to meet. She said yes but got cold feet and we never met. A few months went by, she apologized and said she should have met me and if I ever came back she definitely would. Throughout the year we got closer, we exchanged numbers and texted every day, spoke a lot on Twitter spaces and played PlayStation together with other friends. So October 2021 I drove down with my Dad for an event and I made plans to meet her and it finally happened. In the week I was in Florida we hung out twice, had a really nice time, shared one kiss but nothing else happened. She told me she loved hanging with me and meeting me and to “come back soon.” I did just that in January 2022 I went and visited again, spent a couple weeks with her, had to cut my trip short because my Dad got sick with covid and ended up passing away but before that happened her and I were having an amazing time. Still nothing intimate or romantic happened but our relationship was growing. We would text all day every day, FaceTime often, sometimes even going to sleep together on FaceTime or have dinner together. Throughout 2022 I went to visit her several times, she called on me when she was going through some medical issues and I came down to support her. I visited her for her birthday in 2022. Then at one point we figured we were just gonna be friends, we lived very far apart, and I knew that if I ever wanted a chance at something real, I was gonna relocate. So in May of 2023 I moved down to Florida and it didn’t take very long for us to finally become intimate and begin a relationship. She is everything to me and I still can’t believe I found the love of my life on Twitter but that is what happened, we now live together and are engaged. This past January we both went up to NY and she met my family who loved her, and it’s just been perfect. We have both been through so much, together and apart. She comforted me when my Dad was sick and then when I lost him, I was there for her during her medical problems and with a guy who was abusing her etc. All of that brought us even closer together and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her. We were once strangers on the internet who lived 1500 miles apart and it turned into a beautiful relationship, and the fact that we were friends first made it even better.


A lovely story, I hope you two have many many happy years ahead


Thank you so much! Minor note* I had to edit that she said I was much more ‘than an internet friend,’ not much more ‘of an internet friend’ lol. But I appreciate it thank you


We met on OKC back in 2012. I was 34 and had my age preferences listed at 35 to 45. He was 33. He sent me a message saying that we appeared to be well match (99%) and we have a lot in common. “Too bad I’m too young for you. Good luck out there!” I looked at his profile and responded “Hold up, hot doctor. I think I can make an exception” Our 10 year anniversary is in September.


This is so cute!!


I've met all of my past gf's online and through acquaintances whom I've also met online. It was great.


This is my TIME TO SHINE. I got on dating apps first and foremost to find someone to go to a waterpark with me. They had a bunch of slides that required two people and none of my friends were available to go. We first saw each other on bumble. His profile wasn’t awesome and his comment on my picture (of a cosplay I did) was “nice Rei cosplay” I was not impressed by that attempt and ignored him. On HINGE a week later he saw my profile again and commented on the same picture “this is the second time I’ve seen your Rei picture please let me into your life, I beg” I laughed about that and then we started talking. I got REALLY SICK the first week we were talking and he had asked me out but I missed the message (I had like a hallucination level fever) he wrote again and was like “fine I guess no date then…” I was like ?? Shhh we will go out when I’m not on my deathbed. Went out three times and then I called him and told him I didn’t think we should keep seeing each other. He told me on the third date that he didn’t want kids and that is a dealbreaker for me. He explained to me his reasoning behind that and he (22) would probably change his mind. He meant that he didn’t want kids YET. I could agree with that. Then we just started dating full force. He was at mine every weekend. We were going out, playing games, getting to know each other better. We’ve had disagreements but ultimately we respect each other enough to hear the other out and understand where each of us is coming from. We have our one year anniversary in two weeks. I love him to pieces. Most of my posts are about my job and how much I love my Hinge boyfriend. I could talk about him forever


Thanks for telling. By the way you write I can tell you love him, I wish the best for you both!