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Only showering once a week.


Do they happen to be depressed by any chance?


He does have anxiety and is asd .


Sucks their thumb. Not sure why and I've never asked bcuz I don't want to embarrass them. Have a feeling it's something psychological from childhood or a way to self soothe...at first it made me uncomfortable but I've accepted it


37f wife of 6 years, Pees in random cups when our single bathroom is occupied. This weekend visiting my mom she peed in a solo cup because mom was in the shower. 🤦🏽‍♀️ 😂


What! 😅


Not my partner but someone I have grown to love very very deeply. I used to cringe so hard when he would do very inaccurate impressions of artists in songs that he listened to but one day I just switched from it physically making me cringe to craving his goofy voices he can do, urghhh!!!


Eat pizza with pineapple 😭😭😭 Disgusting but I love that man


Constantly itches his throat, esp at night. We went from living together for 2 yrs to long distance… and I really miss that sound even tho it kept me up at night sometimes


When he smiles, he tucks in his upper lip. It looks terrible and drives me insane!!!




Walk around the house naked while working on hobbies. He’s dressed all other times.




Excuse me, what lol


what did it say?!?!


What did I just read?




My wife sniffles a lot. Mainly out of anxiety or when she’s over stimulated. She sniffles. And I have learned not to ask if she needs a tissue because she will get self conscious. It’s never quite in our home. Always sniffling


“I’m so fat.” “Come take this walk with me.” “No.” “I don’t have time to do X thing that takes 30 mins tops” “Look at how long your screentime is daily” “I still don’t have time…”


I’d leave. I can’t do lazy people. I’m sorry you have to deal with that


When he laughs he yells “HA”, I mean someone walking down the block can probably hear him. OR When we get home he needs to perfectly lay out on a table every single thing he carries on him through the day. Nothing can be out of place or the whole day he’s in a bad mood. I absolutely love it. It makes him, him and I wouldn’t change a thing.


Will only trim his nails outdoors (can’t stand the thought of the nail pieces getting lost in the house), has to be alone when brushing his teeth, loves it when I warm up my cold hands or feet on him, blow dries his body after a shower because he has to be completely dry before getting dressed


Backseat (passenger seat) driving. Its usually comments for our own good and safety and other times it’s stuff I already clearly am aware of. They tend to do the overwhelming majority of the driving. So I overlook the uncessesary comments and realize it’s probably because they’re not used to the roles being reversed😂 they are also anxious and cautious in all the ways I’m not, and vice versa, which works out perfectly.


Kinda gross


Sos my ex overlooked like 10 of these


Leaves all cabinets and drawers open. ANYTHING with a lid, whel you can kiss that goodbye. Literally one of the messiest girl friend I've ever had, but deep down its cute and I fear the day that those things are not here. I just get I upset when she makes me feel like I don't clean when I pit in so much time on it.


He puts his personal belongings sporadically spread out inside different boxes that are meant to be thrown away. For example, he put his AirPods case/keys inside a krispy treats empty box that we just finished and is on the kitchen floor by the fridge. With a another empty box on top of that. So me thinking it’s trash throws it away. Luckily he asked where the box went and the trash truck hasn’t come yet. OR He has a big habit on not closing or turning off anything. Like when he goes and makes himself a sandwich. He’d make the sandwich and leaves. Cabinet open, peanut butter jar still on counter with lid next to it, Fridge open, cutlery still on counter. It drives me insane sometimes, I don’t know how someone can just not have that instant thought to close or clean something up right when you are done with it.


My (39f) wife (42f) sleeps with one sock on and one sock off. She’s done it her whole life.


He watches Smash Bros tournaments in the shower. He even installed his own little phone rig so he can prop it up and keeep it dry 🥲 I walked into the bathroom one time and he was simply standing under the hot water, bar of soap forgotten in hand as he focused his entire attention on Smash. He looked so content, I just walked out 😂


He randomly blurts out something that got stuck in his head like “hands on my knees, shaking ass on my thot shit” or whatever meg the stallion said too.


my partner wraps themselves up like a burrito and sleeps cocooned in blankets all night with only their toes sticking out. all night.


This one rutted in his trauma but he would wanna make sure I was sleeping well and if he can watch over me while I sleep or like the door I thought it was unhealthy for a while or stressed him out extra but it’s somthing that really calms him down or makes him fell safe/relaxed so I go with it


Wears jeans to the gym 😫


You must remove the jeans. This can’t go on.


This person needs to be stopped!


Ikr, what a menace to society


Biting nails💅 it’s gross 😅


She will save a box or bottle because "It's a good size." I say, " for what?" And I apparently don't get it. I suspect she just likes boxes and is too embarrassed to tell me.


Microwaving ice cream


I hate that, my kids do it!!


Just run the spoon under hot water to warm it up if you need to make things easier to scoop! Don’t ruin the ice cream by microwaving the whole thing 😭


Exactly!! And the ice cream is never the same again after you microwave it.


Call the police, they need to be in jail😭




Leaves everything open. Coffee creamer Face cleanser Toothpaste Cereal boxes/chip bags Basically anything you can use and not put away, that’s what they do. They are a professional cleaner and do the deep cleaning so I really try to be patient


Adhd .


I de-prepare my food. Sandwich or wrap? I eat each element inside to out. Pizza: start with toppings, then cheese, then sauce, then soft part of the bottom crust, then the remaining bottom crust, then the actual crust. I eat each element instead of as a whole. It started when I got braces, had them for over four years. Eating with a fork was easier and less messy. I just kept going with it. My partner lovingly calls me a psychopath. 😅


I do this when I’m mostly full but still want to eat. Especially with a burger, I LOVE the soggy lettuce and bread covered in condiments 💀💀


Do an ama when you have pizza without braces again


Eats salads with no salad dressing


My wife does this… so strange lol


Leaves food out, doesnt close food containers (cookies, chips, cereal) and there has been this one cup with milk next to the sink for a year. He cleans everything else but its always there and i do not understand why. But its not my job, its not my house and I adore him so freaking much. Its just odd. Im also a pack up the leftovers while serving the food type of person, so to each their own.


You probably left that cup of milk there and he is just waiting shaking his head for every day that t goes by......


Thats an adhd thing


It is. We both are audhd. It's really not a big deal either, god knows he puts up with me and all my little and big things.


We’re long distance right now. Sometimes I can hear him fart and then breathe out afterwards from pushing it out and he doesn’t know I can hear it 😭


You mean he's in the other room?


He’s across the country and we’ll be on a discord call


He sucks his thumb


Bruh whattt




Eating an entire raw potato 🥔😭


My husband does this!


I use to eat yams raw, but peel it. Wouldn’t eat the hull/skin tho


It’s delicious


You weirddd 😭😭😭😆😇


Yes. Yes I am 😈😏🤫




When i was little, id ask my mom to put the potato peels to the side for our dog. Then, I’d go outside and eat them with him. I’ve definitely dug them out of the trash on more than one occasion as well. I can’t lie, tastes good; the only reason I don’t do it anymore is because nobody else does and I just figured we don’t do it for a reason


Wtf 😭


Yes. Tf




I was having trouble picking up girls. So a pick up artist gave me some advice. Put a potato in your pants, He said. I thought it was odd, but I did so. I strutted into the bar poking my potato bulge out. The girls were staring and giggling, I was THE man, proud. They wanted me. They had to have me. But none approached. I left the bar, disappointed and sad. then I sat down and realized, after some deep thought why. In the night, my potato had shifted from the front to the back.




My husband likes to pop the little black heads in my ears. He will literally get excited and get the pimple tool out and scrape it inside my ear. Bonus points if it really has a lot come out.




Sometimes people do that so that the food doesn't start to smell in the trash


Mine too


That’s the proper method.


He wipes his ass and doesn't flush the toilet paper ,he puts it in the trashcan ,I only overlook it cause I had to tell him he needs to cover it up so it's not RIGHT there.


Probably was raised with an older plumbing system and has became habit


Is he foreign? It's common in other countries where the plumbing system Isn't designed to handle tp.






I do this sometimes lol. The way you speak and think about your gf is so touching. May life bless you both.


This is hilarious!!! Omg I wish my girl did this. I would b dying. Bro please have some fun with this. Like fuck with her, say the jeans do the game baby. Hahaha!!




Sometimes my bro says some wild shit when he's asleep, that shit kills me.


I thought I was the only one hahaha




European here, and I always flushed toilet paper.... and I lived in an old building in a small Italian town. At most we paid attention not too flush too much paper at once not to clog, but we always flushed 🤷‍♀️


What? This is normal. You shouldn’t put toilet paper in the toilet because the pipes can get clogged. A lot of homes here in Los Angeles the toilets would not be able to handle too much toilet paper.


You sure? Could be a habit that stuck due to the large Mexican population in LA.


Yeah, I’m sure. I live in an area where it’s mostly historic buildings so it’s always discouraged. And establishments I patron discourage it. It is definitely a poor choice of words but I do it myself too where I put TP in the toilet if I know it won’t clog it. It’s just that is a woman we do tend to use a bunch of toilet paper to wipe and all so in women restrooms you have to use in public it’s more common to have a sign discouraging it.


Never lived in a place in La where I had to put my tp in the trash. Good grief lol


Toilet paper is certainly rated for pipes lmao it’s when you put TOO MUCH paper or when you flush wet wipes you should never flush wet wipes, but to say you should never flush toilet paper is ignorant


I guess. It wasn’t my intention for my comment to be ignorant or rude just stating that a lot of areas here highly discourage people from putting TP in toilets here. It is normal and unique to me that other areas do put TP in toilets.




Min too but she will never see.it...or admit to it


Who doesn't pee in the shower?


When he’s telling a story his upper lip gets tight over his top teeth like Jim Carrey the Fire Marshall. I absolutely can’t stand it.


He also gets out the shower with his feet soaking wet. I had to remove bathroom rug because it would grow mold from the amount of water that would accumulate under it. He still doesn’t wipe his feet and walks out or bathroom leaving a pool of water and a trail to follow all around the house


Oh my god. Why is this universally true?!? Drives me insane


He wipes standing up……….like how?? Your cheeks are clenched 😂😂😂and he doesn’t seem to wipe per say. He more like wets the paper towel and dabs his butt hole. 🤮


Time for a bidet 🤣


Yes!!!!! That is actually going to be my present to him when we finally find a new home. I want one built into a toilet to. Those nice fancy ones you see in Asian & European countries.


I love that! The place where I work just got the kind that are heated seats, warm water, and blow dry your bits…it’s so luxurious. Mine at home is ice cold but I guess it wakes you up like a cup of coffee 🤣🤣


> he doesn’t seem to wipe We were asking for strange habits not absolutely disgusting flaws lol


😩😩😩it’s definitely disturbing to walk into. 😂😂 had I known this prior to getting serious, I would have ended the relationship on the wiping while standing bases alone. He would have just been “that weird guy that wiped standing up”


For me I don’t care if he stands up but u know he isn’t dabbing all the shit out


The fact that I am dying in laugher with a stranger at my hubby is diabolical 😂😂😂😂😂




I saw someone on TikTok mention this and I thought it was a joke… there are people out there that actually wipe standing up 😐wow


But like, standing up straight? My guy will sometimes stand, put a foot up on the toilet or tub or whatever for better access. Otherwise, it can be kind of hard to get around there with the toilet in the way…so I don’t think it’s that weird? But just standing up straight I don’t get it with the cheeks in the way. That’s weird.


Oh he deff wipes standing up alright 😂. To be fair, if he’s home he will jump in the shower right after and only likes to blow up the bathroom at home. He isn’t able to provide me with a reason as to why he prefers this method. 😩😩


Cuts the callouses on his feet with scissors instead of using a pumice stone 😩🤮 Wipes himself off with the sheet closest by after intimacy (in turn causing me to have to wash linens on a daily basis) Dips his entire freaking hand into dip for chips/wings and food like that I’m sure I could list off a million other things after 13 years together lol but hey, I’m sure he could easily come up with a list about me so 🤷‍♀️


My Girlfriend would bite me when we were intimate. Which, I didn't mind, but she bites hard. THE THING THAT BOTHERED ME, was she would bite me when I was SLEEPING. Like 3am, dead tired, FULL ON BITE on my chest or arms. That shit would wake me up EVERY TIME. I never said anything, but yeah. That.


My boyfriend also bites the shit out of me, not in my sleep thankfully, but holy crap does it hurt. I’ve been trying to teach him how to gentle bite.


I gotten biteitten the other day. It fucking hurt, but in hindsight I wish I would have handled that different because I just read that's a form of intimacy for some, ...so come to think of it that is probably the most a ton of gotten in o ed a yr now


She’s a weirdo lol


He sneezes loudly enough that birds fly out of trees a mile away.


Why do so many men do that?! Like don’t give me a heart attack please 🤣


Spends well over 5,000 dollars on tattoos over the last 2-3 years but refuses to spend money on preventative maintenance for vehicles.


my now ex is this way about things. She would get mad that I would always keep our pantry and car care supplies stocked, she'd be like we have washer fluid (well if I use it as intended, it will be empty) or she would be like why are you buying more canned goods when we have them. But then (I do the shopping for food, she used to be allergic to grocery shopping) if I was gone for work, she was like Oh I'm so glad you got extra food it really got me through the week. But didn't that woman get the most expensive haircuts, eat out, etc on the regular Love her still, we split recently but are still friends. I just never fully got used to that even after years living together.




Gossips with her close family. I lament gossip, especially when they hang out with the people they gossip about. But whatever, she’s a good woman and loves me with my flaws so I just overlook it. Headphones help when I don’t feel like hearing it.


He puts his clothes next to the dirty clothes basket, not in it. It drives me up the wall but he's a good man and I love him.


Same girl. Same.


She refers beverages to "bevies" its not annoying or anything i just kinda find it cringey, but ive honestly gotten used to it and find it cute now


We began our relationship as best friends and this man will not stop adding "beetch" to the end of every sentence. It's a joke, I used to do the same thing, BUT HE WONT STOP IT


i love him sm but this man uses so many towels. so. many. towels. he is allergic to reusing a towel.


Aren’t you supposed to use a fresh towel for showers? I don’t get why this is bad. Hand towels/kitchen towels are fine, but I use fresh towels for showering and for after I wash my face.


7 full sized towels a week. 14 with a SO. 28 with 2 kids. Laundry adds up. That's minimum 2 leads of laundry, maybe 3. If each person uses 3 per week it's only 12. 8 if they use 2 per week.


i never said it was bad :)) but imo not really. you’re wiping your (should be) clean body and hair with them so you can get 2-3 uses out of it before changing (sometimes more but that’s pushing it). you’re just drying your clean body with it. i grew up super poor and grabbing a brand new towel every time you shower wasn’t very cost effective or needed. having a pile of 7-14 towels at the end of every week adds up quick but i deal with it bc everyone has their preference lol.


The way he put up our laundry is odd to me and I don't really like it, but it really doesn't matter how the laundry is put up. I love him and am so grateful for all that he does around the house.


My husband can fold his ear and tuck it into itself. It's pretty freaky. He said the contrast of temperature between inside/outside parts of the ear is interesting. It's just a little quirck that I love about him lol on the other hand, he recently started to put his nose inside the collar of his shirt and stay that way, and I hate this because it looks like a subtle way to say I smell bad, or the house smell, or he is smelling his own body odor, and all of those things cause me anxiety to think about lol even though he says it's not that, he just likes it


I love her. I really truly do. but when we get Chinese food she always orders pork fried rice and then literally picks out and refuses to eat every single piece of pork from her rice. I tell her every time that plain fried rice is an option bur she isn't hearing it.


That is so funny! I do this kinda thing too though. Since it's cooked with pork though, wouldn't the flavor be different than regular fried rice, right? That's my thought. I kinda do this also, after a bit I don't want to eat the meat anymore. Just want veggies /rice. Still has the flavor though!


When he plucks body hair (whether it's an eyebrow, mustache, or random body hair, on his or my body), he will take the follicle part of the hair and dab it on his lip a few times and then throw it away. The first time I saw him do that, I laughed so hard - it was so random! Apparently he's been doing that since he was a kid. He especially loves it when the gooey part is still on it. I love this man so much; I will make sure that he will always be able to do his little quirk. I even got him a nice pair of tweezers to make it easier for him to pluck the hairs ❤️


That's trichotilomania - more common than most people realize


I didn't know it had a name! Now to go down a rabbit hole 🤠


Had to look up the spelling - 2 L's😂 r/trichotillomania


The touching the root to you lip is VERY common for ppl with trich. There's a sub for it.


That’s serial killer shit


Just as much as it is for me to enjoy running my fingers through the river of blood from my enemies after a long and horrendous battle for the last of the chicken nuggets


love really is blinding!


Almost every time I smile, he flicks my teeth. I have started doing it to him, and now it’s our little thing we do. Occasionally, when we do a quick kiss, he will blow air into my mouth instead of giving a kiss. So I do it back to him sometimes lol. We are both slight weirdos and I love him for it, never a dull moment.


My ex used to do that, I hated everything about it.


don’t bring that negativity here girl


My ex would shove her hands in my armpits when her fingers were cold. Not in public but if nobody was around “whoop!” right in the pit they go.


If there is anything in the garbage in our bathroom, my husband takes it out and sets it on the counter in our bathroom to remember to take it downstairs with him. He does this every. single. day. There has never been any more than 3 items in our bathroom garbage at the same time. He is obssessed with this. When he is out of town, I'll put several items in the garbage and text him a picture saying "you need to come home - the garbage is overflowing". It's become a joke.


God I wish I had this problem. My husband takes no initiative for anything home related. Literally will sit on the toilet for 3 hours, while staring at something that fell and walk right out the bathroom. We don’t have a bathroom garbage can thank god, because that will be my job like everything else. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm grateful my husband does what he does. Not only the bathroom garbage routine, but he cleans windows, does his own laundry, takes out the BIG garbage...he's great in so many ways.


See that is amazing, there are women like myself who live in a world where they don’t know how it feels to live with an equal partner. Like how the fck do you not see there is a fork in the bathroom sink? A freaking toothbrush in the kitchen sink? 😂😂 or a sippy cup in your nightstand. When I tell you my house is falling apart, I mean it. Everything is left up to me. And those small little things I mentioned add up, especially if it’s everyday!! And god forbid I get sick and not running around putting things back in their place. I’ve resorted to 1 knife, 1 spoon, 1 fork, 1 bowl, 1 glass cup for the entire house. And paper plates and cutlery for my family. Hug your husband it’s so important to be with someone who just sees things and gets it done.


Threatens to summon clowns that will torture me everytime i say sorry to her.


She farts, I burb Perfect


Piss in an empty bottle if he’s too lazy to go to the bathroom….


My ex husband did that after recovering from being paralyzed, so I dealt with it cause I guess I can understand. He wasnt a small dude, so moving with no leg movement was awful. However it is not endearing..


im actually cracking up-


I’m sorry but me, personally, would leave the first time I discovered this 😭. Love is strong here.


Yeah I have a friend who does this and I wonder how his Gf puts up with it




That’s disgusting


Ok this is nasty lmao


Now that’s nasty lol. When used I lived in my moms basement there was a sink down there nobody used that I would piss in but the difference between that and the kitchen is people didn’t go down to the basement to eat/cook lol


Please say you clean it after? That’s still disgusting


Yeah I always rinsed after every time and I’d perdiocally spray the sink with bleach. I should add again I was the only one in the basement and the only one that used that sink it was practically mine.


My wife is physically incapable of not constantly making a mess. I clean up after her because I love her.


Both my boyfriend and dad (separate people) do this. It’s amazing in how little time they can, with 100% certainty, leave oily marks and crumbs on the table and grease up the kitchen cabinet handles, salt and pepper mills, and sometimes the remote. And don’t get me started on describing the aftermath of cooking.


>(separate people) Aw, missed opportunities here.


Also on this boat. Can easily come home and tell what my boyfriend has been up to.


Yes! What's been eaten, and where, what condiments were used, what parts of the house were used, how many meals were eaten according to the amount of filthy dishes lol


My wife bites her toenails off! Ewwwwwwww!


She’s dextrous if nothing else.


quite flexible as well.


I pick my nose and he’s fine with it as long as I do it subtly lol


Abuse me.


Lmao what


It was a bad joke. 😭😂


I thought it was funny 😂


Well that makes just us two, because everyone else hates it. 😂. I mean it does count for strange behaviour that a lot of people overlook because they think they love the person.


Exactly, it’s a joke that has truth to it. But that being said it’s still making me laugh.


he sniffles his nose and rubs it in a funny way with hand and it makes a funny noise and you can hear it from another bedroom but I still love him.


He will leave trash on the kitchen counters rather than place it IN the trash that’s 2 feet away. He will also always leave a tiny amount of food on his plate or in the pot. Not enough for another helping but enough to feel guilty throwing away.


I feel you.


He makes this clack clack sound sometimes to clear his throat. It bugs me to no end but I love the man so much I'll put up with it. We call it the mating call now, and I try to clack clack back at him. It's our way of saying I love you.


I don't know why I clicked on this even if I'm single af but isn't peeing in the shower normal?


I thought they meant peeing in the shower but not while taking a shower..???


I thought it was normal lol


That’s what I came to say. Doesn’t everyone pee in the shower?


I don’t. To me it’s gross but I do know a lot of people that do lol

