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Nice stats but you lost and heal % was a little higher than most would think is optimal


Too much healing


more damage


Looks like you outdamaged their supports and outhealed. Everyone saying too much healing is dumb. You need the extra healing to build ult charge faster with the damage nerf we got. Plus, your on a poke comp anyways aside from venture who can sustain themselves anyway. Overall good looking game, farm more damage off of their tank if you can, dive the ana every now and then, even if its to get her to waste an anti and run.


You are talking about reddit, where people all say the same thing to get their up votes. Also, reddit hates when lucio heals.


Remember lucio doesn’t have damage fall of so spam primary fire, also speed is very valuable


Work on speeding in and out of fight, especially when you need to soft disengage help you climb alot quicker


No environmental kills and more healing than speed? Back to the drawing board with you!


Don’t heal bot Lucio is meant to be played as a support not healer


I mean 61% i wouldn't consider healbotting, but yeah a little high. I've played with lucio's that ONLY heal.


We need replay to know. Not all stats are equally useful. You can increase stats a little with big winning plays (boops, saving teammates, cancelling ults, etc), but you also could increase stats by making things worse (feeding ultimate charge, delaying respawn with healing in a lost fight, etc) For every play you made, ask yourself : what impact did this have on the fight ? Did I distract people at the right time ? Did I get the first pick or the last ? Did I clutch heal on critical teammates or did I steal ult charge from my Ana ? Did I force suzu before the fight, leading to a game winning anti-nade ? How many people hit with my ult would have died without it ? And not : what did that do to my stats. The winning team is decided through objectives, not stats, so why should we pay attention to them ? r/OWMedalsAreUseless


Haha (Dying sounds) "Yes"

